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When the pandemic hit and things started getting crazy, I asked myself one question… 

And this question has driven practically everything I’ve done in my business since March 2020.

“How can I create the most value, for the most amount of people, in the shortest amount of time?”

If you’re worried about “giving too much away” in your marketing, you’ll really want to watch this.

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19 Replies to “One Question That Changed How I Run My Business”

  1. Joseph Peck


    Thank you Jeff for your wonderful message that applies not only to business, but to our personal relationships as well. Many blessings to you and your family for a very special Thanksgiving!

    • Thanks, Jeff,
      Today’s message was timely for me, as I am looking into how I can provide more value for my followers and that will grow my following and enable the Law of Reciprocity.

  2. Robert Schwarz


    Well this is synchronistic moment. It’s Sunday. I wake up a 6:00 in the morning with all these ideas in my head for my next big launch. I make my coffee and I start writing them down and what pours out is a pretty audacious plan about having this massive impact. I finish writing things down. And then the Email with this video comes in and for some reason I decide to open it and watch (It’s not that I don’t watch your videos Jeff – I just don’t usually do it at 7:40 in the morning – immediately when they come in.). Anyway, you raise this question and it perfectly fits what i was doing for the hour or so before. WOW. I love it. It’s Thanksgiving week in the US and I am very grateful for many things, including you Jeff and PLF

  3. Rita A Jablonski


    Thank you, Jeff! I needed to hear this message. I show family caregivers how to confidently manage dementia behaviors to make both their lives and that of their loved ones calmer and easier. This is a much-needed service and I struggle with how much to share through my blogs, podcasts, and facebook live. I learned from your recent masterclass (which felt like sipping from a fire hose, lol) that the more you “gave away” for free, the more I knew you had a valuable program. I signed up without reservation. I’ve just started module 2 and posted my market lead/squeeze page Friday. I’m making progress and I’m grateful to you and the PLF team. Have a warm and wonderful Thanksgiving!

  4. Liane McKinley


    Thank you 🙏 for your wonderful insight Jeff!
    I’m going to implement every single thing you suggest in your course. While, I d like to think that I always come from contribution, I can see that perhaps I need to give more!! Thank you 🙏 for this gold nugget of wisdom; so easily forgotten in the midst of today’s world 🌎 !
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family from Canada 🇨🇦!

  5. Mary L Barbera


    Great message Jeff! Without your free Sunday videos, I may have never found you. This Thanksgiving week, I’m thankful for your information (free and paid) over the years.

  6. Solveig Warren


    When you give knowledge or ideas away unconditionally you get back more than ten-fold. Not expecting a reward but to share your knowledge and ideas for the benefit of mankind isn’t a noble thing to do but a just thing to do. Keeping knowledge and ideas to yourself doesn’t benefit your community or the world. It takes a couregious person to do this unconditionally and I am grateful for engaging with a community like PLF, Jeff Walker with his dedicated coaches, who share his tested and proven formula. My Avatar taught me the values of unconditional giving as a four year old! Needless to say I am excited to enter this journey and what will materialise I don’t know but I have great hopes!

  7. I sell real estate notes to investors looking for alternative investments. My last promotion is waiving $500 closing costs for life on each note purchase if they join my program. People are asking if I’m for real because they are so used to paying tens of thousands for real estate investing courses…most of which don’t work. It feels so good to be able to provide this value and still profit.

  8. Fatima Rabiu Gwadabe


    Your plf masterclass is the best course I came across this year and it was freeeee! Unbleavable!

  9. Kerry Joseph Wayow


    Your videos are always insightful! I fell off looking at them, but going to try and be more consistent, they are awesome!

  10. Ruth Verbree


    What a wonderful message – impact as many people as I can in the shortest amount of time 🙂 Give a lot of value, give a lot away!

  11. Tony Kendzior


    Good short video – I agree with you completely. I’m still working at 80 because I want to. It’s more about adding value to whomever finds me despite I have no problem making a little money if I can. I’ve published two ebooks about getting ready for retirement. And my associate and I reference them on our website as “rewards” where I present them for free.


  12. Certainly will keep this joyful truth: “More blessed are those that give than those who receive” at the forefront and throughout my launch! Happy holidays Jeff!!

  13. Thank you Jeff. I am so grateful to have finally come around to finding you.
    Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday too.

  14. Kishore Mirpuri


    I have been following you for over 5 years now.! You have been generous in your FREE masterclasses every year as this year too. It is only now that I am going to implement the Product Launch Formula on my own from what I learnt on the FREE masterclass without committing to the paid course. Not because I think you have given away enough for FREE that I do not have to pay to know a little more but because I am committed to another course for a year. I don’t know if I will be successful implementing the formula successfully from the FREE masterclass now but I do know that I will invest in your masterclass next year irrespectively because you have given away so much FREE and I love the Formula and believe in it. PLF is the best marketing strategy ever I have come across!

  15. Bonnie Brindle


    What a great reminder to open up just before Thanksgiving – my favorite holiday, too. In my world, it’s Friendsgiving, and there’s nothing I appreciate more than time with some special peeps! It’s been my philosophy in general, that the more I give, the more I get. Within PLF, I see the value of giving away Value to get what I want in return. An offer will include:
    Sign up for 3; the 3rd is on Me! Thx, Jeff! Happy Thanksgiving to You and Yours…

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