Here’s the link I mentioned… and how you can get my personal help on your next launch or campaign:
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This week marks 19 years since I first launched Product Launch Formula®. And after nearly two decades – and thousands of students – one factor still stands out as key to a successful launch:
The offer.
So in this week’s video, I dive into what an offer really is, why it matters, and how to make yours so compelling… it practically melts your customer’s objections – so that selling feels authentic and effortless for you.
Getting the offer right has been key to my students generating over a billion dollars in sales – and it just might be the most important part of your launch, too…

This week is the 19th anniversary of my product launch formula I first released it October 21st 2005 so 19 years consecutively of teaching training people how to launch their online courses their membership sites or even their artwork or their physical product or their books you name it
my students have done over a billion dollars in sales it is the longest running continuing updated product training there is period full stop there's nothing else that's been in terms of this online education helping people grow their businesses there's nothing that's been on the market for 19 years so I've a lot of water under the bridge I've learned a lot of lessons
the thing that I've seen you know a billion dollars in results that's what my students have gotten and as I reflect on this and and I'm getting actually ready to do a deep dive an advanced campaign design Workshop where I'm doing that with the the two people on my team that I've worked with each of them for over a decade now and helping people design their launches and we're about to do this little workshop I've been going through all the applications that are coming in that people that want to be able to sit around the table with Dan and Justin and myself and go deep on their launches so I'm deep in this right now I'm going through these applications and and the thing that people struggle with and this has been all along with product launch formula is really getting their offer and the offer is the sum total of the transformation you're going to make for your future clients in their lives so people are coming to you because they are they are in pain they want or they want more pleasure that's what we all do as entrepreneurs we we take away people's pain or we deliver more pleasure to them but they have to be able to see that their future selves in your offering before they're willing to step into it the reality they're they're walking around and they've got problems and you are the solution to their problems but you have to put together the offer that is going to take them to that solution and they're they need to see their future selves in your offer they have to be able to see that change you're going to help them with and oh by the way when you get really clear on what that change is going to be and you get really clear on how you're going to help people that will make selling so much easier for you I know a lot of people are are there uncomfortable with selling with making the offer they don't want to feel salesy well the reality is if you can really see the change you're going to make for your clients if you're really crystal clear on that then and you understand that the way that you can get them that help get them to their future selves the only way you can do that is if you make a great offer to them then all of a sudden that PE what I found is that most people's resistance to sales and selling melts away as long as you're crystal clear
on that value and that transformation you can make for your future clients so getting that offer right and that goes through what you're going to deliver how you're going to deliver and even like the names of every piece of your offer of every bonus in your offer if all of those are aligned in terms of the transformation you're going to deliver to your future clients then it makes
selling so much easier and then it comes down to the articulation of that offer the ability to tell people about that offer and get them to see their future selves in that offer and that's where the launch comes in it come you create a sequence that takes them from first seeing that opportunity for change and then shows them how that their life can transform and then gets them to step up and take ownership over their that future change where whether it's learning to speak another language or learning how to raise money for their startup or learning to have a better tennis uh serve it doesn't matter you're getting them to to enroll in their future selves then all of a sudden the marketing becomes so much easier the attracting an audience becomes so much easier but it's that sequence that takes them from just seeing that possibility of a change into wow this is how my life would be different to enrolling themselves in that future change it just makes everything so much easier getting that offer right but the reality is this this it's a moving Target it's something you will always work on I'm still working on my offer we're 19 years in now and I'm still always thinking about my offer always thinking about my avatar and now as I get we get ready for this Advanced campaign design Workshop I've been you know going through these applications and reading everyone in really digging into where they are in their lives in terms of building their launch and it's still no matter what level you're playing this game at it does come down to the offer and that articulation of the offer and this is where what's so cool about this Workshop is it's going to be myself and and Dan and Justin on my team and those I've been working with each of those guys for over a decade and so if you add up the sum total experience we've got something like I don't know it's probably 30 or 40 years between us of being able to look at launches and pick apart what are the needle movers and how to make that offer in a better way and what the sequence is to lead into the offer it's super exciting work that just never gets old and I guess that's why I've been able to do this for 19 years and stay engaged because it's it's just an incredible puzzle and there's a piece of art and there's a piece of Science in it it's not one or the other but digging deep and and helping people really nail down what that offer is at the deepest level and then really nail down what that sequence is well that's product launch formula that's been my life's work now and that's what we're going to be doing in the advanced campaign design Workshop it's going to be awesome the there I'm still taking applications we're still going through the applications I'll put a link down below to check that out it's not for newbies it's by application only it's a serious investment but it's going to be awesome so I'm Jeff Walker wherever you're watching this let's go get them this week
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