Can you really teach something like horse training online? Business has skyrocketed for Callie since she started launching her horse training and riding courses with Product Launch Formula… to the point that she just opened a new, state-of-the-art stable! Check out the tips that have made her successful in this super-competitive (and traditionally offline) field.
- September 15, 2018
Rita Hilton
An amazing journey, congratulations
She’s so inspiring ! Thank you !!!
Sam Samuelson
Great story Callie and congratulations on your success. Jeff, thank you for bringing such good content for us to learn.
Chris Swan
Man this was a really inspiring video. I really needed to hear this today. Thanks so much to you both!
Wonderful story Callie all the best, thank you Jeff
Hi Callie,
I am extremely impressed with your progress. Your story makes me want to learn to ride just to help you!
I am wondering from about the time you bought PLF in 2013:
What was the time period you took to go from 100 email names to 150 names?
And then what was the time frame to go from 150 names to 23,000 names?
I am watching this video in September, 2018, about 5 years after your PLF purchase.
Kipling solid
I am pumped! Been doin all of this for past several months
I’m so glad for the encouragement and to know I’m on track ! I just said last week I have 10 hats 2 arms and one voice. Plan is to launch by October 1st.
Dan Rioux
Hi Callie, Loved your story. I’m just getting ready to put my stretching website out in the world and begin building a community. I’m wondering how you went about building a team. Finding the right people has to be challenging. And how do you pick up the pieces when someone you’ve added to the team leaves?
peter mutaftschiev
Impressive story! Callie looks and sounds so focused and calm. Thanks Jeff!