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How long should your videos be? What's too long or too short? That's what this video is all about – and to answer this question I went back to some old school copywriting wisdom…

Let me know what you think – are my videos too long or too short? What do you want me to cover in my next video?

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100 Replies to “How Long Should Your Videos Be?”

  1. Terrific video Jeff, and you know I think you made it exactly the right length 🙂 This really helped me because I am going to commence publishing more video content on my blog, which is aimed at the more more mature online person seeking to re-invent themselves, and not everyone in the over 40’s section respond to video – but I just know my rather long text posts may have many folks bouncing away too soon to gain value. Great stuff and I love your work!

    • Felicia Mareels


      This is a very necessary topic and I appreciate every aspect you covered .
      I like that you said your ideal client will feel good about the time and content . Nice to know this is one way to validate what’s working for an audience how to see how they benefit from your service.
      When you are speaking Jeff do you have these people(your audience in mind) as though they were right in front of you during your recording?

  2. Thanks Jeff, really helpful and timely content for me as i’m just stepping into video…

    What do you think of the strategy where you break down longer videos into multiple shorter ones?

      • Thanks again Jeff and for all you do

        I always love that your emails are in video format, sadly don’t get chance to view many from the lists I’m on but the video format means I always look forward to yours

  3. Right on to this, Jeff! Thanks for this excellent reminder. And I absolutely agree that this is a concept that you can apply to just about all your art – really anything you create. Growing up I always thought that adding more “fluff” to my writing would make it more interesting, more compelling. And sadly, in school that was praised. It was a major eye-opener when I experienced how much more powerful & compelling my words were when I saw the beauty in seeking to take away anything that wasn’t significantly adding value. A quote I love by Sally Hogshead is, “Every time you communicate, you’re either adding value, or taking up space.” Thanks for continually adding value to my life & biz, Jeff!

  4. Hey Jeff, I just finished reading Made to Stick by Chip and Dan Heath. They talk about simplicity in the message. If you can boil down content without dumbing it down, to a very succinct and relevant core message, it’s more likely to resonate with your target audience. The key is to start with the most important information first. I think that’s where many video marketers get lost. They will spend 10 of a 15 minutes video on their story when the audience just wants to know the juicy tips. This is especially irritating when it’s a speaker I follow and I have heard the same story 1000k times.

    • @Keli: I read “Made to Stick” several years ago… I thought it was a great book. The use of story in your content is a huge topic… I’ve long been a fan and advocate of using story in your business/marketing. You have to be judicious and do it well, but in my opinion if you’re only dispensing juicy tips then you’re going to commoditize yourself. Hmmmm… I should probably shoot a video about that.

      • That would be a great video.

        How to provide value and not commoditize yourself?


        How to provide value succinctly while maintaining your relationship with the viewer?

        Similar to my question below.

  5. Janice Vedrode



    I started taking the 30 day challlenge more than once. I Notice “real life” stated taking over after about 12 Days.

    I hope this helps.
    Januce Vedrode

  6. With most people I see teaching YouTube strategies, saying 60-90 seconds is optimum, I have been thinking for so long that as long as you are educating, entertaining and giving HUGE value, it’s irrelevant how long our videos should be. Love the phase “…it can only be too boring” – do you still think we need to get the “hook” into the first few seconds to get people interested?

  7. Hey Jeff,

    I have found a direct correlation between length of content and engagement…or even value…in the client.

    Ie, owners who buy after a 35 minute video are more invested, more engaged than, those owners who buy from a 5 minute video.

    Have you experienced this? Do you see it?

    Do you have a name for it?

    PS. Thanks for touching on a semi-negative review….always appreciate you keeping it real.

  8. Absolutely agree, Jeff. There’s videos that I’ve watched for an hour that have me totally hooked and others that have me reaching for the stop button after 30 seconds!

  9. just loved the content of this video. so true about the content. most of my marketing video are about 2+ mins, however my best video yet with over 300 views (just starting out) is about 5 mins

  10. “Your copy can never be too long, but it can be too boring”
    I wrote it to remember this in the comment, cuz I think this is the main idea in this video,
    Thanks for this video, its amazing you are wearing a coat, not a shirt… can’t beleive it 😉

  11. When I watch your vídeos, the strongest thing that comes across is always the smile — in terms of the message that I perceive. Thank you for making business with a heart, but also with a smile… The biggest lessons come from being and not just doing. Love that!

  12. Jeff,
    Good stuff. Having spend my career in video production, television news and programming you are right on when it comes to timing and as we as media consumers become more exposed to all that is out there, our attention spans are shorter and shorter. Enjoy your work and always find great content. Continued success to you.

  13. Jeff Your videos are about right in length.

    I find them pretty engaging. Its like food you really enjoy… too much will make you not enjoy it. Too little will leave you wanting more.
    Your videos are just enough!

  14. Hi Jeff,
    Personally I enjoy the length of your blog videos. I usually don’t hesitate to invest 5 min. of my time to watch most videos in target area of interest.
    I am putting together a book trailer video and was wondering if you have any perspective to share on the messaging to go into a video like that which needs to be reasonably short… It has to tell about the book and get people excited to buy! Its a tough job to trim the messaging as compared to something else larger where there are multiple steps utilizing full-blown PLF.
    Thanks, G

  15. Hey Jeff, Great to see you, and I always get just a little more “tweak-ability” each time I get something from you (JV’s aside). I think my market may be too busy to consume everything on video, and I have found chopping my PLCs into “trailers”, esp my pre-pre vid on my main squeeze page from 7 min to like 1.5 min. I did an A/B test (With New Rainmaker which you can tell Sonia as she probably already knows, is such an amazing tool with really great support) and the shorter trailer video on the squeeze page increased my conversion so much after only like an hour, I had to abort the test. (I had a really great opt-in promo going at that time where I could measure traffic in increments as small as an hour.) I’m in full launch mode now and things have shown down a bit but you need to know I am having so much fun, and I really want to make this work. I’m working really hard not to freak out about what the score board looks like after the final 15 minutes of play time in the 4th quarter. You should do a video on “dread management”. Maybe I should do one, I’m getting good at it. Thank you so much for helping me get to a point of independence with a skill set and a direction I have wanted before I ever even heard of you, now I am doing it.

  16. Hey Jeff
    Looks like you took a perfect 5 minute ski break! This video comes at a great time. Video length has been bothering me for a little while. I teach nondual meditation / spiritual awakening and it can be a challenge to convey the heart of these ideas, meditations, guided exercises, etc, in the appropriate video length. Not 10 minutes before watching your video blog I was discussing this very topic with my wife! I think you answered it clearly: engagement, interest, and content value should determine video length. So this takes a little pressure off wondering if I will lose people because videos are too short or long. I need to concentrate on depth of value, student results and heartfelt engagement. Thanks as always for your ongoing encouragement and I am really loving your PLF course- and your video lengths! 😉 Peace- J Stewart Dixon / Blue Collar Enlightenment

  17. Jeff, I just love your stuff. Your videos are never too long and it’s funny because usually I skip through some people’s videos but I always watch yours till the end! Not to mention your backdrops are phenomenal! 😉


  18. Hey Jeff.
    I have seen a lot of your videos and I haven’t been bored. I think it is your conversational style that makes them so watchable.

    I don’t write copy, I just design websites around the copy sent to me. About half my business is book promotions, old school JV partner cross promotions. We will have 75 – 100 partners mailing on launch day, hoping to get a decent rank on Amazon. Many of the incentives have value, i.e. a video or free eBook, some have little perceived value (like a free sample chapter of a book). I want to make a fresh approach with this old method, but seem to keep coming up blank. Have you tackled cross promotions in you videos before? I may have missed it.

  19. I thought this video was great…perfect length. People (not me) just don’t have the attention span anymore to watch 30+ min videos it seems.

  20. Nice topic Jeff and your perspective is right on the mark. And right along your product launch formula, it’s also wise to give the right information at the RIGHT TIME. You are the master of timing choreography when it comes to working the sales funnel and we know it’s imperative to use the same paradigm when producing video content (an area whee we all need reflection and critique).

    Going deeper into the video – IT’S ALL ABOUT THE STORY! (checkout Don Hewitt, Producer of “60 Minutes”) Sure, some folks are left brained and eager to swallow up tons of details. Yet when we carefully consider the purpose of most videos, we are trying to induce an EMOTIONAL RESPONSE so the story, our presentation techniques and even production value can be key to make a compelling story that engages the right brain of our target audience and the Call To Action (both in the sales process as well as encouraging the customer to proceed, i.e., a supportive environment). For instance, your brand is to exude a cheerful manner, often in a relaxed environment (outdoors, etc.) And decomposing your videos, they follow a theme, identify the antagonist/protagonist, turning point and resolution. Or said another way, like a Call To Action, you:
    1. Identify yourself and frame the topic
    2. Describe the problem/pain of the Present Method of Operation
    3. Provide or tease your solution/resolution
    4. Offer the CTA/next step

    So in this video, you have artfully engage the audience into a conversation and an opportunity to demonstrate your support (the give, give, give, ask model). WELL DONE!

  21. Kathryn Meyer


    WOW! You have really touched me on a sore spot! This video is too long, and all of the those sent to me by others are way, way too long. Though most are sales pitches for something I may want to know about but may not purchase — the biggest problem is that whoever is paid to write the most offensive videos is that they use ‘come-ons’ that get your attention but the content has absolutely nothing to do with what they promise (such as one that is out now about Hillary Clinton). The worst are from 45 min to 1 hour long repeating over and over the same points stated in different language without telling just what they are talking about. I receive just such videos from a doctor who may have some health information I want to hear, but exhausts me before he ever gets to it — so I just delete him now without listening and mark it SPAM even though I am interested in what he has to say about certain health topics. He totally disgusts me after the first five minutes!
    I’m glad to know that you care about our interests, attention span and time — my advice to you is keep it within 5 minutes quickly displaying the item you want me to download or buy. That way, as you continue to ‘sell’ while your item is on display, I can judge for myself if it is something I want. And don’t repeat the same thoughts over and over again using different language — we are not idiots — we can put two and two together without you pounding it to death. Thanks for your question and the opportunity to answer you. PS: I forward most e-mail information on to friends and relatives who have like interests, and I have begun to get ‘slammed’ for forwarding the ones that are so long and boring. To get followers, keep your information short and don’t always be selling something.

  22. Loved the video Jeff. Sound advice, I’ve been thinking a lot about engagement over the last few weeks and that seems to be the crux of video and especially social media like Facebook. Thumbs up! 🙂

  23. Jeff,
    I love your videos, including the one above.
    Thanks for letting us know that the length of any communication through any medium including video should fulfill a criterion : That it should be engaging & never boring.
    Your videos are perfect.
    Regarding your question as to what I want you to cover in your next video, here is my request. Please cover the topic on “How can an individual make videos in the least expensive way?” Have you tried to video shoot using iPhone? If yes, please share your experience.
    Thanks Jeff & have a nice weekend.
    PS: An email follows on your book. Sorry for the unavoidable delay.

  24. As always, great content, Jeff. April is going to be my self-imposed (or maybe self-opportunity-given?) “Product Creation Boot Camp,” and I’m going to be taking this advice to heart!

  25. Great advice, Jeff! I agree that “too boring” is much worse than “too long”… and I’ve noticed that the BEST videos, webinars, posts, etc. are the ones that jump into some amazing content right away. For example, on webinars, I am so used to the boring “Hello, welcome, here is what we are going to do today, and here is my rags-to-riches story”…. introductions, that I’ve learned the hard way to just wait until I get the recording later so I can jump ahead and not have to listen to all of that. Unless the success story and speaker delivery is AWESOME, and then sometimes I am hooked! 🙂 So it really is all about keeping people engaged.

  26. Betsy Woodford


    your videos are way too long! I don’t watch all of them, and was very tempted to not click through on this email.

  27. Phyllis Rowan


    True. We can’t please all of the people all of the time. Stands to reason. Pearls of wisdom are for the wise to treasure. Not the wise-guy.

  28. Hey Jeff,

    Great lesson once again! I really liked the distinction between too long and too long for whom? Personally, I get irritated when online content producers set a time length as part of their formula.

    I’m a firm believer that the depth of the content being covered can determine the length but I also believe videos can get their quality across in fewer minutes almost every time.

    That’s why I love the length of these videos.


  29. “You can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can’t please all of the people all of the time” – Abraham Lincoln 🙂

  30. Hi Jeff,
    Once again, great content, sage advice and I believe what you’re saying. Keeping up with your videos is like going to college. Loved your book as well.

  31. orvel sternberg


    Get in.
    Get out.
    Give good content.
    Don’t waste target’s time.
    As long as it needs to be.

    Great re-education video.
    Thanks for the timely reminder.

  32. Great video Jeff. Just curious – what do you use (if anything) for notes or an outline when you’re doing a video like this. Is there a big whiteboard we can’t see that has your notes on it, or are you just freestyling? It seems pretty clear you aren’t going from a strict script, but you always seem to hit your key points and close it up within a reasonable time. I’d be interested to see/hear how you plan or structure these off-the-cuff-ish videos. (Maybe your next vid could be about that? Or maybe you’ve covered it before?)


    • Hey Lance, I’ll second this. It would be nice to get a behind-the-scenes type of video on these short videos Jeff does. (Things I’d like to see covered are creative process, camera, notes, lights, etc.)

  33. I don’t think there is a more charming, articulate and watchable IM’er online than Jeff Walker.

    Compared to, for example, another ubiquitous (all over the place like goose sh** on a golf course) individual whom I cannot click off fast enough — that’s how annoying he is. (Hint: works for a TV station).

    Someday I’m gonna buy something from you and when I do it will be because of your pleasing personality
    and easy-to-take way you present your content.

  34. Hey Jeff thanks so much for this video- this exact question has been on my mind a lot lately, as I recently did a launch where my sales video was about an hour. I felt like I was on fire during that video and that it went super well, but it didn’t convert so well and I think it was too long for my audience. So thanks for that bit of wisdom there about engaging the audience and remembering to remember who your talking too!

    I really like how you post these short 5 minute or so videos. I feel like I can watch them and not get in too much of a time commitment. I’ve started to emulate this on my YouTube channel too, trying to make the information I share more consumable. Thanks for setting a great example!! Really love and appreciate your work, it’s really changed my life in a big way.

  35. I love that I know that your videos are concise and that I’m able to view/listen to them in a short single setting. Thanks for your energy and enthusiasm.

  36. Hi Jeff,
    it is important not to bore my audience, so to think of the right length. Thank you for telling your experience about that subject.

  37. Dear Jeff,

    I am a chinese, i would like to konw , it is possible to have chinese version for all your training materials?
    Do you think that we can co operate to develop full set chinese training material for china , hong kong and tai wan market?


  38. I like what you said about time management of the video length to match the validation of the content. Your advice is the best practice. But i am more in tune with people who write to criticize whatever we do on line. My latest experience where I live is that people will see me locally and congratulate me on the work am putting out there either on facebook or my newsletter. Or they will e-mail me to congratulate me for doing a good piece. These are family and friends. But what they do not do is acknowledge this by clicking like or leaving a mark publicly that they like it. It goes to prove the idea that very small places have people with very small minds.

  39. Dear Jeff Walker, I hope you are well. 🙂

    If you allow me, in my humble opinion I would say that the only thing you should do is talk a little slower. Your voice is so nice and I could listen to you for a long time.

    I’m quite sure that many people who are learning the ‘English Language’, would like to hear you, but you talk too fast, so I think they feel a certain difficulty, which sometimes happens to me.

    Kind regards.

    P.S – I am a student of ‘Erico Rocha’ and I live in England. I will soon launch my product and as soon as possible I start making money, I will participate in all your events personally in USA and I hope to thank you for having created the “LF” 🙂

  40. Hi Jeff,

    I enjoy receiving your weekly videos. There are long enough for you to communicate the topic and provide me with additional insights on how I can improve what I’m doing to build a successful online platform. I love your phrase, “Let’s Go Get’m This Week”! Thank you for showing me and others what’s possible when we equip ourselves with the knowledge, tools and strategies relevant to our desired success.

  41. I feel people are more and more tired of long videos and so, the challange, is to keep providing great content but reducing the time because, otherwise, maybe only present fans will have the patient to watch all of it…

  42. Hi Jeff! Did you use chroma key for this video? If so, you did an awfully stunning job of it. If not, you’ve got a great lighting setup there. Great depth of field, and excellent foreground/background separation. Good job!

    • @Ben: Thanks! It’s definitely not chroma key (green screen) … that shot is an outdoor shot from the deck of my Secret Headquarters. In fact, if you listen closely around 3:10 or so you can hear some wind noise. My son Daniel is my videographer and producer, and he’s got some real talent.

  43. great video jeff – i’m one of those people that resonate with you and your message, thus i watched the entire video; in fact i watched it twice. your passion and excitement to share your message inspire me. you make me want to learn more. how many times do you typically film one of these videos? do you edit them back in the studio splicing in parts? i’d love to see a behind the scenes video of how it all comes together for you to create these videos. have a great week!

  44. I love your bite-sized nuggets, Jeff. Your 4-6 minute videos are always engaging. I actually make sure to keep yours in my inbox until I watch them.

    I would say (consider this my challenge to you 🙂 that I’d love to see some quick 2-3-minute “quick tips” every now and then. Not sure if this is in your realm of interest. But I thought I’d share my two cents.

  45. Great video Jeff! Just as long as it needed to be to tell the story. And engaging throughout. Thanks!

    I get this question a lot too and we’ve studied our own analytics of hundreds of thousands of videos delivered on our platform. (mostly for marketing and online courses) Thought you might be interested in the results as I think in many ways they line up well with what you say here.
    – as many as half your viewers are gone after the first minute (based on what you’re saying that might be the ones it doesn’t resonate with e.g. not your target market)
    – however, it gets interesting after that – you get about the same number of people engaging with a 4-5 minute video as you do with a 10 minute video.. so if the message resonates and you are engaging enough to keep them through the first 5 minutes they’ll stay

    One other interesting point is there’s usually a big drop off right near the end of the video. Lesson learned here.. don’t leave your call to action to the very last moment.

    Hope you find this almost as helpful as I’ve found your advice!

  46. Marilyn Moss


    Thank you so much for all your truly valuable content Jeff! Your book is my bible right now. It motivates
    and encourages on so many levels! Love your down to earth style of presentation in your videos, and your generous ways of giving practical, sound advice! Thank you! Thank you!

  47. Hi, Jeff! Thanks for the tips. I had already noticed that your videos get right to the point and give good content. I really appreciate that. Because of this, I watch your videos even if they are long. There are some other marketers that gab so much I can’t spare the time to watch their videos any more. That certainly verifies what you just said.

  48. hi Jeff,

    Just a question about your video content. Do you always script your video or do you just focus on a topic with bullet points and go with the flow?

    Thanks, David

  49. Patrick Maurice


    That’s a great answer to the enduring question of how long should a video be. It’s always in the back of my mind
    Thank you!

  50. Interesting observation…

    At the end of your video, your call to action, you started talking really fast. Until that break in rhythm I was engaged with the content, but that kind of plucked me out of the Jeff Walker reverie and I just automatically closed the window and moved on. Then I thought about what had just happened and wrote this note!

    Much love Jeff. Thank you for bringing us such great insight.

  51. Thanks Jeff … I always enjoy your “friend to friend” personal video talks. I’m working on videos now … especially appreciate the reminder to engage, engage, engage
    use the length that’s required to get the message across
    … and not one second more

  52. Thanks, Jeff. I just love your energy and get a big uplift from your videos. You’re especially timely, as usual, as I’m just about to make videos to promote my Lilith and the Faeries novel series. I know for myself, I’m more apt to give a video a try if it’s short. I’m just intending to whet the appetite of the readers and get them over to my website, where I promote healing and healers (what is called alternative medicine, but is my main type). And every time you say, “Let’s go out and get them,” I get a little chill up my spine. Thanks for making the world a better place and much aloha to you and your family!

  53. It’s a very good question but it focus the attention on the wrong issues. How long should a woman be pregnant? How long should a person pet a dog. The real answer is what you did to modify the answer which is to direct attention to value of the content, the relevance, the key thoughts that need to be expressed and the sequence of ideas and the audience type. The wrong questions can stimulate the answers to the questions that should have been asked. So in the end no question is dumb as long as the answer is understood.
    Thanks for being patient and loving to all who ask questions

  54. Great video Jeff as usual. As someone who produces short video blogs via my website and YouTube, I found as little as 2 min seems to be too brief, while 4 – 5 min as several people have attested to, seems to be the optimum time-frame. I think we need to be mindful of the time it takes a person to read a 1,000 word article and attempt to provide the same time-frame, whilst engaging them at the same time. Thanks again.

  55. Hi Jeff: Great video content as always. You mentioned using the screen capture in between your direct camera intro and ending. What software do you use to produce a teaching video with slides in it and why? Look forward to your response. Thanks very much!

  56. I agree completely! You can not make everyone one happy all of the time. Even if they are suppose to be the people you are suppose to impress. Sometimes they turn out to be your sour milk that makes you work that much harder to get what you want.

  57. Hi Jeff,

    Love your videos. Always direct and right to the point. What about VSL where you are targeting prospects and they don’t know you? Should you still tell your story to make that emotional connection to them and then give them your best content? I have your PLF book and haven’t had a chance to get too far into it.

    Have a fabulous week.

  58. Love the way you speak so naturally and authentically from your heart, Jeff. grateful for the useful content presented succinctly!

  59. I had started using video with my business and was learning how to go about it, but moved to a location where it is hard to upload video. I have heard there are some satellite internet providers that can help with this. Since you live in the mountains you may have experienced this problem also. Do you have any advice for those of us who experience this. By the way, I love your presentations and videos. I have read your book and hope to get in one of your classes one of these days.

  60. Got up this am to do a marketing video and wondered…how long should it be??? Thanks for answering my question!!! I read product launch and loved it but still struggling to reach “my tribe.” I signed up with Rich and Milana last week for the JV Insider Circle and working to make everything I’ve learned from all of you JVers a profitable reality. I am thinking 15 minute training video’s are great because they can be “consumed” during breaks at work or whenver. They can also be put together on a CD and you can choose which “track” you want to play. Thanks for your stuff Jeff….your short sweet stuff always draws me in.

  61. Jeff,

    I really needed this video as I’m beginning to shoot my weekly videos to help my seed launch for my first online program Dream Work Academy. Great video.

    I think your video lengths are great. I’ve adjusted all my videos based on your short length in PLF. It’s the future. It’s great.

    Here’s a challenge that could make for an awesome weekly video from you:

    How do I maintain a differentiation/competitive advantage with all the new competitors entering online education with low barriers to entry including the ability to consume, modify and use my core transformation model?

    How do we maintain a higher price point (which I’m moving to) when there’s so many new competitors?

    Is the key sharing my beliefs and personality in addition to unrelenting focus on delivering value?

    Best to you and the team,


  62. Jeff, I love your videos you are very relate able. I would however like to know who your auto responder server is. I would also li k e to know the actual steps to take to get a sales site up and earning. Thank you for all you share. You are greatly appreciated.

    Cindy bush

  63. Jeff – as long as it the content continues to resonate and inform (or entertain) then you’ve hit the right amount. It takes testing. Different topics require shorter or longer. Personally, I prefer shorter because I don’t want to sit for so long with one topic. I’ll do it if I’m really interested but more often I click off when redundancy or extra information (that doesn’t seem relevant) starts crowding in.

  64. For me the problem is not only how long to make the videos but I’m terrified of getting in front of the camera. Introverted people seem to have more obstacles in the online world!

    • @Nicole: I’m an introvert… and I actually think that the online world is the perfect medium for introverts. Being on camera is simply a learned skill – the first couple of dozen times I did it were really uncomfortable, but it gradually becomes a lot easier. And you don’t NEED to do video. And if you do video, you don’t NEED to be on camera – you could do screencapture videos.

  65. Hey Jeff – i tend to shy away from long videos because my ADD is so bad….haha….I prefer short and sweet. That’s why I LOVE your PLF course.

    It would be GREAt if we could have a private FB group for the course participants….much easier to keep track of your thread answers since Kajabi doen’s have this feature.

    What do ya think?

  66. Great info Jeff! Timely info as we are preparing to launch a tour. thanks for the great information! Keep it coming.

  67. Perhaps videos should get longer as the no. of interactions increases? So for the first video its nice and short, say 3mins but 2nd one is 7min and 3rd 15min.

    Just like you’d give more time to someone you’ve known a bit longer.

    I’m thinking about doing a bloopers reel of my PLC videos, does that make me more authentic or undermine the credibility I’m trying to create?

  68. Jeff,

    Thank you. I bought your book last summer.

    It’s the best! You’re the best!

    I am getting ready to do a big launch. I made an amazing free tools page and I am using videos. This post was very timely. Keep them coming.


  69. Hey Jeff, me as a viewer, I don’t mind long videos as long as the person I’m watching or listening to (in case they are doing a screencast) has my full attention and is easy to keep up with (entertaining, informal, not trying to sound more interesting than the actual content, etc)

    As a video creator, I tend to do my videos much shorter now, I know that attention spans are decreasing rapidly and to be honest, I’m not interested in running a puppet show to keep people engaged hence why I’d rather dive in directly to content and deliver fast.

    Sometimes, my videos can be a bit longer though because for some subjects, it’s just impossible to do a short video and get away with it, for those specific videos, I don’t care if the audience stays or not, the videos will be as long as they need to be to communicate something properly.

    For those more desperate audiences, they can always dabble with the speed play button.


  70. Very timely video fo me, Jeff. My avatar is the young, probably working, mom who wants to get more out of her motherhood experience. She’s pressed for time so I’m starting to put together short videos to better engage her. For my audience, not enough time is one of their principal struggles, so I have to be succinct in my list building efforts. I’m focusing on delivering lots of value in a brief amount of time, and as you say here, while being very engaging. Thank you for this! What a great ride this has been!

  71. Thanks Jeff, its just what we are working on at the moment. Loving your advice!

  72. Hi Jeff,
    Great advice.

    I’d love to have a video on how to provide excellent customer support, from a software perspective, but also how to make the experience for the customer another way to build a good relationship. I’m just starting and this is an important aspect for me.


  73. James Smart


    Thanks Jeff,

    You are one who truly gives back from your success. This video and this site is a must follow for those who want to be successful in marketing their ideas and programs.
    You are down to earth and believable.

    Thanks for caring,

  74. Hi there,

    I love this! I was wondering if you have any videos on the process of making your videos? What kind of techniques do you use in your filming of the actual video?

    I read your book as well and I would love to see you talk more about how to actually do the videos for the launch.


  75. Your video length is determined by how consumable and engaging it is based upon your market’s needs, makes common sense to me, thanks for telling it straight Jeff.

  76. You are always breathlessly engaging – with you I can’t stop listening because you’re contents are top knotch and you evoke knowledge and wisdom

  77. Great video Jeff! Very helpful! I’m just starting to experiment with videos so the title caught my attention and your answer surprised me but was not only understandable but had a lot of wisdom behind it…thanks again!

  78. 1. Yup, agree, the part about repelling some potential customers is as important as attracting the right ones, nice
    2. This video is the right length !
    Came here after a search when I saw you mentioned positively in a forum at the ‘7daystartup’ (Dan Norris)

  79. This video was brilliant – answered every question that’s been on my mind this week. I was worried about my 30 minute marketing video being too long, but I should have a careful look at it and see actually how engaging it would be. Great stuff Jeff!

  80. Thanks Jeff – very helpful 🙂
    I’ve just finished making four launch videos for my business The Chocolate Fish Co approx 2.5 mins long each. I was worried they were too long – but you are so right about engaging and relevant content keeping attention spans focused. Thx I’m just working out MailChimp now and will hopefully launch in one week 😄 🐟

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