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Do you need a list to do a launch? It’s a great question, and the reality is that you CAN launch without a list… and here’s how:

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15 Replies to “How to Launch Without a List”

  1. Thank you Jeff for your Sunday videos. I always look forward to a little “Jeff Walker” on Sunday Morning – and LOVE it! I learn something from you, or get something important reinforced, every week! Really looking forward to the workshop. I got my siblings to sign up so they can learn too. We are all entrepreneurs and all desire freedom from the brick and mortar business!

  2. Hey Jeff, would love to know what camera you have used for this video, can you kindly share? Sharnee, Adelaide Australia.

  3. Jeff,

    I’m an architect, remodeling expert, author, and educator. I’m just starting to transition toward a digital business as I “retire” from face-to-face work after 30+ years. In residential design and construction/remodeling the audience is CONSTANTLY changing. Families do a remodeling project and then they are out of the market. But each year hundreds of thousands of families come into the market and spend nearly $300 billion. My question is how to keep the List current with new, relevant followers? I don’t want to be aiming at a group of people who no longer need my book, class, workshops. So how would I pursue a list with these complexities? Or is there a different approach for marketing to an ever rotating pool of clients?

    • Hi Jim,

      Just my 2 cents. Why not shift your focus from the families to the service providers – architects, contractors, craftsmen, etc.? The clients may change but the service providers don’t.

  4. Thank you Jeff,

    I am still confused about creating a list without using social media. I am not on Facebook, strange but true. So are you saying to create a website as your launch and that will give you email addresses when people go to the site? I have 2 people in my list that is it, getting 100 seems like it will take years! I don’t have a website but I have a product that I sell on ebay. I just don’t understand how people will find me on the internet without a list of email addresses to target?

    I have watched your free PLF videos 2 times now, thank you so much for doing this.

    • One way is through “word of mouse.” Are you sure you only have 2 people in your list? You don’t have email addresses of your friends? We’ll let’s just say you only have 2. Ask those two to send your best content to their 5 best friends who can benefit from it. That makes your list 12 already. Then ask those 10 new guys to send it to their 5 best friends also. Keep repeating until you’re satisfied.

      Then make friends in the real world and tell them what you’re doing and send your best content to them. Then ask them to send to their 5 best friends. I hope you get the picture now.

      Then join Facebook and do the same thing online.

  5. Hi Jeff

    Awesome this is a PLF in 5 minutes,
    This video is an amazing sum up of your Launch books

    Greetings from the Alps,


  6. Read your book twice. Still stuck. Is this normal to feel so overwhelmed?

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