I'm always getting questions about our videos – what camera we use, what's our setup, what software, etc., etc. – so here's the answer to one of the more important questions… which is about how to deliver great content in your videos (and how to look good while you're doing it).
And yes, I get the irony that I don't look very relaxed in that awkward youtube screen grab :-).
Please leave a comment below (and like my Facebook page here.)
Steve Little
Nice job Jeff. I had to laugh. I had all those experiences too. I actually saved off a collection of “bloopers” that are hilarious to watch now.
Keep up the good work.
See ya soon.
Simon Dunant
Great advice Jeff! Definitely agree with the analogy between delivering live events and video, both are talking directly to your audience and as as you probably already know that public speaking is the #1 fear of most people (above dying – I always find that a fascinating fact!). The fear can be overcome with practice, it’s just a new good habit you need to form with practice as you mention. As someone so rightly said “Every Master Was Once A Disaster” so you’re in great company!
Thanks Jeff for sharing your weekly wisdom and keep up the great work!!
Mary Hladio
Great tips Jeff for on-camera presence and really any public interaction. In addition to what you stated, I think the more times you shoot video the more comfortable and natural you will be. I also found shooting in different settings helps. Move the video shoot you can sometimes get a different feel than others. And as always great blog thanks for all you do.
Andre Lima
Hi Jeff,
Thanks for the video. I already have experience on presenting live events, but I’m just starting shooting videos now. You are such an inspiration. Your style is very natural and never sounds like a professional actor in front of the camera. As you said, that’s what people like! That’s what I like!
PS: Just to give you some feedback on other subject. I’m from Brazil and now i’m learning the Launch Formula with Erico Rocha. It’s amazing! And he is really a great teacher. I’m having great results. Thank you both!
Hi Jeff,
thanks for this great video perfect timing. Just been through one of Frank’s video trainings (the full course in a night!) and about to shoot a video for the experts in Brendon’s facebook group showing how they can integrate giving automatically into their business (not to get leads but to help people really in need).
Just wanted to write to say thanks for all the great value, guess this is a mini testimonial: saw you on stage in May at Experts Academy, your authenticity blew me away and I got your course which I highly recommend to people who want to change their life and want the best training there is on product launches. Still going through it there is so much amazing content and creating my seed launch now I’m done with my company’s product creation.
Wish I could make it out to the live event in October. Thank you for every thing.
Joel Sweeney
I am becoming a real fan of your blog posts. This one is definitely a favorite. We are all life long learners. I am pleased to have the opportunity to learn from you. Great advice!
orvel sternberg
Practice, practice, practice. The more you do the better you get. Great video on making a “natural appearing” video. It is difficult, at first, to be relaxed and just deliver the goods.
Thanks Jeff.
J.T. Rigsby
Hey Jeff,
Thanks for the post and the transparency! Its funny, I’ve been speaking in front of people, teaching classes or what-not, for twenty years… and I STILL hate to see / hear myself on video! But because I know that’s where I need to be, I work at it and its getting better. Still not perfect, but better.
Thanks for the insight, keep ’em comin!
Bruno Ladeia Marinho
Great content Jeff!
Thanks for the post..
Diego Mangabeira
Thanks for sharing your experiences with us, Jeff! Really motivating to improve our video techniques and our persuasion through our content. AWESOME!
Jeff! Thanks so much, that short video helped me more than stuff i paid a lot a money for. I always struggle and dread recording because … well because of the things you just mentioned. Not forgiving, afraid i am not going to get it right, i am going to look awkward, etc. etc. Thanks man!
p.s. don’t be afraid to mention my website to anybody you know that has family suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. Its designed for the family and caregivers.
Jessica Ojeda
Howdy Jeff, You’ve always been one of my favorite guys to watch (as far as my mentors go) because you are so calm! Your calmness and ability to just be your natural self has always drawn me to your videos. I especially like that you don’t shout, but you still use emphasis perfectly!
I’ve been teaching English online sincd 2009 now and have built quite a following. I just recently had a BAD reaction to some medicine and it made my fears of being on camera vanish… Well, I was never scared but just overly cautious of looking silly or making mistakes.
Since I’ve started publishing videos of the REAL me, my students are just loving the heck out of my content! I know I am going somewhere now and I’m so happy you are sharing this valuable information with others. I’m now building my own team for my business and I’ll be monetizing in no time. It has taken me four years, but I won’t give up. My mission is bigger than myself and I’m out to change the way English as a second language is taught.
Thank you so much for ALL of your wonderful and inspiring advice! I wish I could give you a big hug!! MUAH!
Hey Jeff,
This video couldn’t have come at a better time for me. I’m just beginning to do videos in my weekly newsletters and I’m definitely going through the multiple take syndrome.
My videos are involving exercise demonstrations, so it was double-ey challenging focusing on not tripping on my tounge or how I was demonstrating the exercises I was taking them through.
Thanks for covering this.
Cecilia Hilkey
I’ve also found it very useful to imagine my typical customer (parents of young children) before I get on the video. Getting into the mind of the people that I am serving helps me create relatedness, remember how hard it was when my kids were young and to think of the things that would have really shortened my learning curve back then. Thanks, Jeff.
Stephen Walker
Hi Jeff,
I once had a professional producer help me make a documentary and what I learned from him was to smile when I speak. It’s something I still often forget to do and then have to do another take.
One thing I learned from watching your videos was how to edit out ums and ers wihtout the talking head jumping, either by overlaying another appropriate video clip or photo or simply by using the software to change the focal length. I can cut minutes off a video doing this!
Thanks for your contributions.
Bob Bright
Thanks Jeff, I still feel like Al Gore on my videos, outstanding share!
Mario de Paula
Hi, Jeff. I’m beggining on the LF, with Erico Rocha and I’m completly excited with the perspectives I have for now and for the future! For me, talking in public is not so hard, but I’m really concerning about the way I got to do to really say what my audience wants to know! You tips were great and made me fell more confident too. Thanks.
Ron Edlind
Hi Jeff, great job and how true! Another aspect to consider when in front of the camera is just relax and be yourself. As you pointed out as far as perfection goes, it depends on what the video is for. For one like you did here to communicate on a blog, any stumbles come out as a real person talking to another real person, one on one.
When you type on a keyboard we have spell check. But if the words being typed are spoken in a relaxed manner in a communication style, it’s the same thing, right?
So relax and be Jeff, I mean yourself! 🙂
Jim Miotke
In one of the early episodes of “30 Rock”, Alex Baldwin’s character perfectly demonstrates this “Master-once-a-disaster” thing. His video is edited from a series of terrible segments. So funny.
As Keith Cunningham says, “If something is worth doing, it’s worth doing sloppily… at first”.
I just recorded a 1-minute video – thanks (once again) for the inspiration, Jeff.
Rob Anderson
Hi Jeff,
It would’ve been SUPER COOL if you would’ve put up that first video on here as a contrast to the “new Jeff”! Your videos are really smooth and professional but real and intimate at the same time. I think that Brendan’s advice of being ready to do it right the first time is really great! I also like to think of talking to a good friend that can benefit from my information when making videos. It seems to take “me” out of the equation and allows the message to be priority #1. I really enjoy your weekly videos!
Take Care,
Rob Anderson
Barbra Schulte
Jeff, Really great advice. Just want you to know how much I appreciate your tidbits of info in these weekly videos. Your topics are always right on the mark. Thanks again, Barbra
Cody Wheeler
Thanks Jeff. I’m going through this now with a course I’m building (to eventually launch with PLF). It definitely started off rough, but is now becoming a little bit more natural with experience. Daniel’s course helped immensely. I like your mindset point about not expecting perfection. Makes a lot of sense.
Jay Jennings
Several years ago I *knew* I needed to get comfortable on video so I started a “90 Days of Video” program where I recorded a short 1-2 minute video on whatever. No specific topic, just get my face in there and talk. I figured that after 90 of those I should be comfortable.
It lasted less than two weeks. Along about day 8 or 10 I stopped caring so much about things and was about a billion times more comfortable.
A video a day keeps the awkwardness away? Maybe. 🙂
Janet Thompson
Thanks for this information, Jeff. I had the same questions about this aspect of shooting videos, so I’m happy that you addressed it.
Kus Bintoro
My English is so limited Jeff, but I understand that what you tell in the video is so right on target. You can make viewers feel comfortable and smiling at the appearance and content of your words. Even you said it was going to continue to learn …, this is indeed a noble gesture that promises a lot of benefits.
Good vid Jeff, there isnt many people out there that are able to be as calm as you but still be captivating in their video presence.
***Tech question warning***
Im baffled – I dont see a clip on mic in your outdoor vids but you’re audio sounds close miced, there is zero ambient noise. Are you hiding the mic under clothing or are you using some sort of directional boom mic?
Hey Jeff,
Any advice on how to deal with watching and hearing yourself back when editing the video? I find that part quite confronting and in some ways harder than talking in front of the camera.
Joao Diogo
Great one Jeff.
I got the email yesterday and it just kept coming back to my mind… “I have to see it, I have to see it”
Thank you for making it look so simple. I love the way you sound on video and that cool voice. I rush it so much. I think of you and your cool pace a lot, and now you’ve unveiled a little bit more.
Keep up.
All good information. You may it look easy Jeff. But I understand… practice makes near perfect. thanks for setting an example.
ken ca|houn
Nice video, Jeff — you always come across as personable and you share genuinely useful tips all the time, plus being a good role model for how to do things… thanks! I liked your points about less scripted, and also watching the video I see how you jump-cut from close to wider shots periodically for visual variety, which is a good technique. -k
Tina Scheiner
Great insights, Jeff. I’m shooting video now and this really helps me understand that I’m not going to be perfect … I just want act naturally and be myself. It can be daunting to do videos when you’re not a professional actor and want people to get your message & make a good impression. So I’m taking your “que” and just relax.
Jo Ann Hammond-Meiers
Thanks Jeff,
Yes, liked the topic and agree with your tips and encouragement. -J
Anita G. Wheeler
I LOVE how authentic you come across, because it is exactly who you are. Doing video’s is a life lesson in how the biggest critic we have is ourselves and video really brings that out. The bottom line is it’s NOT about us, but about those that we want to reach and when we focus on giving quality content and just be ourselves through connecting visually the goal of changing people’s lives becomes more of a reality. Practice makes perfect (or at least much better!) You are THE BEST! agw
Great video Jeff! I have been struggling to get on video for a long time. Then when I would get behind the camera I would be just like you, taking 4 hours for a 5 minute video. I thought everything had to be perfect. That is not the case. Thanks a lot!
Cool Jeff!
You really do make it look easy. I haven’t started with my own videos yet, I know everyone else is doing it and I should too. Just so many things…I do not photograph
well..My voice isn’t all that great.. the list goes on. Ha! Will have to give it a try, as you
say, Practice makes Perect..
Thanks Jeff, you always get me motivated..
Federico Giller
This was a great video. Thanks for your tips.
One of the tips I tell my students before they get in front of the camera is to get in touch with their purpose. What are they here to contribute? What do people need that they have? I have them visualize their avatar and how they will contribute. This takes them away from the self conscious “ME” focus – the self conscious stuff. Too fat, too bald, is my makeup right, how about my hair…. I find that once we get present to the contribution we are about to make, the self conscious – ego stuff takes a back seat.
Almost as if give permission so our true essence can shine forth in the video. Thanks for your weekend messages. They are awesome
John Brown
Great video Jeff, My first video took me 30 to 40 takes before I liked it. Now I just point and shoot. Thank you
Paul Henderson
Hey Jeff,
thanks for sharing those valuable insights with us. It’s really refreshing to hear someone say it doesn’t have to be perfect. I think so many of us, especially when we’re new, regard this as a huge hurdle to get over, and some people get so freaked out that they never try. Which is a shame.
All the best buddy and keep these great insights coming 🙂
Henk van der Wijk
The main message you wanted to get across is: PRACTICE!
Got it Jeff, thank you.
Michael Rich
Good stuff. Always enjoy the calm nature of your videos.
I recommend those interested in video marketing practice 30 days in a row.
Results = new habits, increased confidence, and revised mindset.
David H. Lawrence XVII
Love the four points – and the line “they want you.” That’s a very compact variant of my advice from the Live event: bring you to the party. Your viewers want that spice – the natural, fuzzy, not-so-perfect but oh-so-authentic presentation that screams the core of who you are.
Great job.
Jeff Walker
@David: thank you. Coming from you, that’s incredibly high praise.
Lama Tantrapa
Thank you, Jeff, for sharing your four points for doing better in front of the camera. I like have to add a few points that would make your list even more complete:
1) Stand, rather than sit in front of the camera, so your voice sounds better, because you can breathe easier when standing (you don’t see many professional speakers or singers perform sitting)
2) Mark your spot on the ground, just in case you move away from it, with a cross made of duct tape or chalk
3) Make sure to shoot in a reasonably cool room or outdoors, so you don’t start sweating in the middle of the shoot
4) Although you need decent lighting, do not overdo it, as it will make you feel blind and hot (especially with halogen lights)
5) Remember to breathe deeply and smoothly before, during and after each take, because breathing affects your state of mind
6) Allocate twice as much time to most of your shoots, as you expect them to take, since there almost always some delays an extra steps that did not get factored into the schedule
Jeff Wessman
Nice video Jeff! You definitely come across as relaxed and very conversational. As a video producer myself, and former radio producer, I’m always listening for the audio quality. Yours is excellent. I don’t see any lavalier mic on you, so how did you get that great sound especially with the wind blowing? Are you using a shotgun mic? Are you in a partially enclosed space?
Jeff Walker
@Jeff: we used a lav mic under my shirt. 🙂 And it was also a somewhat enclosed space – it was actually on my front porch, and that gave us a bit of a wind break.
Gordon Smith
Hi Jeff
I can so relate to the awkwardness of making your first videos, in fact I’m still at that stage. I am a driving instructor and I know that there are levels that we go through in the process of learning any thing I see it all the time where a pupil will come out nervous and filled with trepidation, not all, and within a few lessons there confidence is running high.
I live in the UK and our driving tests are quite intense and require a high standard of competence. That is one of the joys of my job; taking a pupil who knows absolutely nothing about driving and transforming them into a confident, capable driver.
I am still at the learning stages with my own IM videos but I like to think I am improving, and I agree with your advice that competence comes with experience, perseverance and not taking yourself too seriously.
Candess M. Campbell
I really enjoy your relaxed way of teaching Jeff. I just re-shot my website video talking about my book and made an error in my grammar, but decided to leave it, rather than continually redoing it. I like listening to people who are real and hope others will enjoy that about me as well.