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Lots of online entrepreneurs want to have an online course or training program, but these things don’t just magically come to life. I didn’t just sit down one day and write out my flagship program… and even if I could have done it that way, I would’ve missed out on a huge advantage. Here’s what I did first – and how it can benefit any business…

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37 Replies to “Knowing What They Really Want”

  1. Lynda Cathyleen Stead


    Thank you Jeff. As always words of profound wisdom in a humble presentation that hits home.
    L C Stead

  2. Coaching can also be enlightening. As a diabetic, I became a diabetes educator and holistic nutritionist. My background as a psychiatric social worker has also helped me coach successfully. What I never expected was the rewards I’d reap personally. I am constantly impressed and a bit amazed at the power that coaching has.

    Folks learn that they’re not alone, they feel so empowered by their coaches and that’s a real formula for success and satisfaction. I created my first course three years after coaching and running a free diabetes support group. Amazing experience. Now, I’m just waiting for you to open up PLF online so I can launch. Thanks, Jeff, you clearly speak from the heart, great coaching!

  3. Aneell Nagdev


    🙏 Hi Jeff!
    My name is Aneell Nagdev from India and I love you as I am your hard core fan following your learnings rigorously and now I am on Implementation stage for taking action for a Launch.
    I really appreciate your commitment and value you share to take us to the right path of success.
    I have also bought your book from Amazon but I have not finished it yet but I am sure I will finish reading your book.
    Your sharing for knowledge is Evergreen and will be Evergreen forever.
    I wish you all the best for your future endeavours and I did your Product Launch Formula Live Webinar but I missed the 3rd Part due to some personal reasons then I saw that it was gone forever, but I am still waiting for you to launch again so I can complete the 3rd day of learnings.
    And I would like to say how are the Squirrels out there in your huge office bungalow where you were taking your live webinar.

    I once again would like to say YOU ARE AWESOME!

    With Best Regards,
    Aneell Nagdev.

  4. Coaching is exactly that. Someone has a hurdle and is at a certain place and as a coach I’ll help them to clarify their destination and their purpose driver why they want or need it. Form a plan and then take massive steps. Most of the time coaching gives the best results and it generates a lot of joy on both sides. I use training then to explore their talents and learn them certain things they need to know. Great example comparing guitar or skiing with coaching on other areas. Thanx Jeff. Have a great skiing week.

  5. Great advice Jeff … it’s funny. I’ve been a full time Keynote speaker and team building author for 24 years … and your wisdom is exactly right – in the coaching is the avenue or process by which you teach the course (my first one in the pipeline – for my new book )

  6. i just love your classes they opened my eyes,im launching soon ive been studying the notes you showed us,im beginning with pre launch to build my email list_SEED LAUNCH,THAKS AGAIN JEFF,MAY GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR FAMILY-SPRANZA

  7. Great advice. I just starting a course using Uplevel process after DFY with clients for years.

    We have productized our process but I will heed your advice as I begin to reach out.

  8. Hi Jeff,
    Totally agree. Towards the end of 2018, I’ve made the first steps to creating my method.
    Stated with 3 sessions, then I felt that I need to add the fourth session…
    towards April 2019 I’ve added the fifth session, I gave it a name.
    Since April until the end of December, I have made 129 sessions in more than 300 hours of one on one sessions.
    I’ve worked with different Avatars, I solved different problems in their life.
    And I’m ready to add different digital products based on the method which I’ve tasted.

    My method ‘Transformational Restart’ is helping business people (entrepreneurs and Corporate) to overcome stress, anxiety, and depression which deteriorate their health.
    The method is based on hypnosis combined with a variety of tools.
    I help them to clear the inner hurt emotions from their subconscious and to rebuild their confidence and self-esteem.

  9. Wow, this really resonated with me! I’m part way through my health coaching course, I have a website design ready to fill with blog content. I have the equipment to film my YouTube videos and tonnes of enthusiasm! I want to offer one to one coaching when I graduate but also courses that people can access online. This is my biggest hurdle yet. It’s not that I haven’t got loads of knowledge & ideas, but I’m not sure what tech or plug ins to use, which will be both easily accessible for clients but also not cost an arm and a leg in annual fees. The tech bit is definitely the hardest to get my head around!

  10. Great stuff Jeff. I have been playing guitar and teaching beginners how to play the guitar for over 40 years. I currently have a online course I sell on teaching beginners how to play guitar, but your idea on Coaching is a good one. Any ideas on how I can make my guitar lesson business even better. By the way, who is your new guitar coach? Look forward to hearing from you on your thoughts.

  11. Exactly how I’ve created mine! And now I’m launching it and having $25-50K launches. Thank you for all your amazing advice, Jeff!

  12. You nailed it Jeff. I actually started my Board Training Program for Women because I had interviews with over 200 women in 18 months back in 2016-17. Those conversations were two-sided and often the women would want information about what it’s like being on boards because I have been on public mining boards since 2005. Those women taught me a lot about what they had accomplished and what they didn’t know about how to get on boards.
    So, I created a course called ACE Board Certification Program for Women and have been training and certifying women for the past two years in the US and Canada.
    And it’s working! Of the 62 graduates, 22 are on 24 boards! That is amazing and they are amazing board candidates.
    Thanks for your message. I have been working on my Launch thanks to you and PLF. whew! Fingers crossed. Launch date is January 28th.
    Thanks again,
    Michele Ashby

  13. I’ve been coaching for over 30 years. Listening to you, I realized I don’t like being coached! Maybe that;s not a good thing. Well it’s worked for 30 years! I have a number of degrees, but as you say, no one asks about them.!

  14. These series of posts hit the bullseye! I’ve been teaching for nearly 30 years and doing what I teach for over 50 years and, along the way, also coaching all the time, mostly for free. I am an artist, and I have seen that most teachers are not artists, and most artists don’t know how to teach, but they know how to coach.
    In the online world, I’m seeing many, many people becoming experts on marketing, without being experts in what they are marketing, just, basically, plagerising real experts, who share their knowledge online. Also, I’m seeing a whole bunch of people trying to teach something that they know about, but that they don’t actually do themselves. So how can you teach something that you don’t have the experience of putting into practice?
    And I fully agree that to teach an online course, you must first teach one-on-one.

  15. Lorna Bratt


    Thank you! Very good advice – for learning how to launch and also the value of coaching for yourself and your clients.

  16. Hi Jeff,

    My first teaching experience was as a flight instructor, and I became a much better pilot. I later became an elementary schoolteacher and got better at reading, writing and arithmetic.

    If you want to get good at something, teach it.

  17. Jeff, I have been watching you and following you since the days of tube mogul. 😬 very insightful and to the point. You have always been the consummate professional and I couldn’t agree with you more.

  18. I love being coached and coaching. I recently coached a client through creating and launching a podcast. It wasn’t even a service I offered but because I had a podcast this person hired me to help. It was so much fun! I absolutely loved it and I now offer it as a coaching service. I’m currently creating a 101 workshop and eventually plan to launch a course but for now I’m loving coaching.

  19. Bruno Caballero


    Thanks Jeff for sharing all your wisdom with all of us, I´m a life coach and I cannot wait to PLF 2020 (hope youre already have it in spanish by then)
    I have been coaching people from a long time now and I know that the best way to learn something is to teach it, by doing this you become better I think is because having to explain things to someone else, you figure out in different ways and your mind understand it better.

    I love your kind and casual and natural “guy next door” way
    This gets us closer to you and forget about all your impressive numbers.

    Im saving right now because I want most of all to be a PLF Owner and help people all over the world with my ideas and make this world a better place to live.

    Thanks Jeff, your the man! =D


  20. Arlene Lyne


    Just what I needed to be reminded of right now. Thanks as ever for sharing your experience and wisdom so generously. Arlene, UK

  21. Great video, Jeff. Your wisdom and unique angles each time continue to provide value. 🙂 Coaching for me has been a great journey of learning! I’ve discovered so many of my own blindspots.

  22. Hey Jeff, I have been coached and have coached clients in my office. I have created a stretching technique that has helped hundreds of people stop their chronic joint pain. My goal is to reach more people through online coaching. Thanks for the info.

  23. I have been a guitar player since 1971, and I have played in bands, duos, written songs and pieces of music-acoustic and electric, folk/blues/rock/jazz-fusion/pop and I have also taught many people along the way; it is tricky packaging up guitar tuition so that individuals can benefit in a collective sense, this is why individual coaching works best.

  24. great recap of why coaching works and how to build a course from your coaching techniques.

    Brilliant – Thanks

  25. Nice article Jeff. I must confess, you’re one of my business mentors. I watch almost all your Sunday videos.

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