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OK, this is without a doubt the craziest post I've made on this blog… because I've never seen anyone put a THREE HOUR all-content recording on their blog!

This is the deal – a few days ago my good friend Brendon Burchard (that photo below shows Brendon and I at this year's Super Bowl) interviewed Andy Jenkins and myself on a teleseminar.

The call was all about information marketing – how to create and market your own information products… and it's from three people who have “been there, done that” … and have sold millions of dollars of their information products. Enjoy!

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18 Replies to “Information Marketing Marathon”

  1. I hear that alot of Gurus are seeing lower revenue lately. It kind of seems obvious too – alot of the guys have left the marketing game – don’t promote as much before – don’t you think that alot of what is being talked about here isn’t quite as effective as it once was?

    • @Jeff: The economy over the last couple of years has impacted all kinds of businesses… like it does every time the economy slows down. It definitely shakes out weaker and marginal businesses. And that means that when things turn around, the businesses that have maintained and invested during the slow down will reap the benefits.

      That’s true of nearly all types of business… and my guess is that it will be true of the information marketing business this time around.

      I’m not sure which “gurus” you’re talking about – it’s such a weird word, and everyone has a different definition. However, almost all of my friends and mastermind partners are doing great, many of them are having record years. A few have been hurt by the recent Google Panda update… but I’m sure they’re going to bounce back.

      As far as the stuff being talked about not being effective, I don’t think that could be further than the truth. The Information Marketing business has completely exploded over the last decade, and I think we’re in the infancy of the business. We’re going to look back at this current time as one of the best times ever to get into the business.

  2. Love listening to Andy, Jeff too! Great to hear Brendon for the first time. Great info guys!
    Passionate renditions on product creation and life experiences. How you have become what you are from humble beginnings and whats going on in your llives. Take notes people, these guys have gems for you here. 40 Million Andy? Thanks Brendon for “the framework is everything” info. A system to follow so someone could pick it up and teach it was a light bulb moment for me. Great to see what kind of help you have as well. Thanks so much!

  3. Dear Mr. Walker – you sir are amazing 😀

    Not only was the content worth its weight in gold, You, Andy and Brendon really work together like magic. Loved the “haters” rant, Andy quoting from “Meditations” …

    Just wanted to thank you, I’m a 21yr old starting a business and have been working on the free “launch” content for a few long weeks not, really pouring the best of what i have into it. This audio really helped me reaffirm that giving a f**k about your free content and really giving out the best possible material is really the way to go for building something that matters & that all the work i’ve been putting into this content will be worth it 🙂


  4. Jeff … just wanted to thank you for posting this.

    I am so glad I made the time to listen to all 3 hours! So much gold in them there hills! All three of you gentlemen are an inspiration.

    Thanks … your leadership is always so inspirational because you teach us the value of being ourselves and feeling damn good about it!

  5. @JeffWalker,

    Thanks for taking the time to respond. I appreciate you doing that.

    I definitely see where you are coming from as far as the economy goes – but aren’t there other factors that come to play like the increase in Free information given away nowadays? I’ve noticed that some of the big players over the past years have changed their strategy to focus more on software than on infoproducts (the one that has a site that ends in

    You make a valid point about the economy– but isn’t most of online commerce growing at this time – while infomarketing has been seeing a dropoff in comparison?

    • @Jeff: Not in my experience… not at all. Due to my position in the market, I know literally hundreds of online entreprenuers… and from what I’m seeing, it’s quite the opposite. In fact, I know several highly successful people with great software products who are doing the exact opposite – they’re moving more towards information products. I don’t know where you’re seeing this, but it doesn’t fit with what I’m seeing at all.

  6. @JeffWalker

    Firstly, I would like to thank you for responding and engaging me in this conversation vs. just ignoring it and not letting it show up in your comment thread. The fact that you are engaging me in conversation tells me a lot about your character. I really appreciate it.

    Maybe I am observing the wrong people and listening to the wrong marketers.

    One indicator that I have been observing is

    For the most part the blogs of internet marketers are being less read — and I am talking about staggering drops in traffic — 50% and more in the past year.

    I realize that these numbers are not exact indicators of the revenue being pulled by these people – but I am not privy to that information — so I can only judge using “context clues”.

    The clues I have been using — the drop in traffic for almost every major im blog, the slow down in the launches, the exit from the im market by some of the bigger players — things like that.

    But again, I realize that these numbers don’t tell me the exact income of anyone or the exact revenue being pulled – but these facts do lead me to question things.

    I know I am leaving this post with an open end — but I am just giving you an idea of where I have been getting these ideas.

    I hope to hear your comments on what I have said.

    Thanks Jeff.

    P.S. I really have to say that I really respect the fact that you are engaging in this dialogue vs. just denying this comment on showing up on your site. Very classy.

    • OK, now I’m starting to understand why we’re seeing different things.

      You’re focusing on the IM “make money online” niche. Our focus on that call (and a big focus of my work) is “information marketing”… of which the “make money online” niche is only a small slice.

      So in regards to the “make money online” niche and your data points… well, I can’t think of any top tier marketers who use a blog as anything but a tangental part of their business – so the traffic estimate to those blogs on isn’t a metric that I would put much stock in. Slow down in launches? I’m not seeing it. We’ve had some SERIOUSLY rocking launches already this year. And exits by major players? Well, everyone always has different definitions of “major players”, so I’m not sure who you’re referring to… but there has ALWAYS been a churn in this market.

      So leaving the “make money online” niche… I’m seeing my PLF Owners and my Platinum members having greater success than ever in dozens (probably hundreds) of markets. And that’s exactly what we were talking about on that call… information marketing is growing by leaps and bounds for all the big picture underlying reasons we talked about on the call.

  7. My mom sent this to me last week. Took me a week to listen to at 5-20 minute intervals!! Loved it. Worth every minute. Just think what my kids would learn if I took the headphones off and let them hear what I hear! Thanks.

  8. Thanks Jeff for posting this call. It’s simply God sent. Just to add a little to the above conversation, i really don’t think there is a melt down in information or information products and quite on the contrary, there has been a huge demand for information. The major difference is the way we consume information may have changed. We want information like yesterday, today and in simplified “a 2 year old can digest” form. So besides information being the important resource to market, i also believe the connections(people who know you) and the positioning(the brand you are) used in the right combinations are powerful ingredients to utilize. Most important, emphasis should not be placed on who or what you know as much as who knows you and the solutions you deliver.
    Thank You Jeff.

  9. Wow! What a marathon marvel! Many thanks to all three of you…I’m so green….I’d never heard of you guys before! Maybe that’s because I’m from Australia! (joke Joyce).
    I’ve spent hours over the weekend and today enthralled and listening and taking notes.
    I have so much more clarity about the process of product launch, content, just get out there and do it and don’t try to get to Version 3.0 now. This video had the impact of a seminar, I’m so grateful I stumbled across your conversation. I have the heart in my work, just not the know how of how to get it out there globally. One thing though, I’m assuming that you all are fairly IT savvy? Cause, that’s where I believe most people get stumped from the very beginning…I’m not even sure how to make social media work to my advantage…..more learning….Once again…thank you much love to you all and your families.

  10. Hi Jeff,
    Thanks for posting this Brendon’s interview with Andy and yourself. Andy is hilarious yet so intelligent and wonderful to listen to, and You are the king of the IM world. I found the whole recording worth while and have become an instant fan. Well done and thanks for keeping it real. I feel like I owe you for my future success!

    Kind regards


  11. Hello Jeff,

    It is wonderful what you are doing with online marketing and launching products.

    I look forward to connecting with you.

    I wish you a beautiful day,

    Ligia M. Houben

  12. Jeff,

    Thank you for this. I am such a fan of your work and I am fascinated by the great exchange in your comment section here. We launched an ebook that did okay, but we didn’t discover you until after we launched so we are revamping our model after discovering your brilliant work. You are right about perspectives from experts. It makes me crazy when people ignore those perspectives or think somehow they are different.

    Heather M

  13. Thanks Jeff (cool name) 50 years young , love Tony R thats how I found you, I am stompping around Australia, andthe South and North Pacific in Renewables , In the FSM, Palau,Saipan,Oz,PNG ,NZ Fiji, Bali Indonesia , you name it I am in there , going now to use your launch methods to try some cool things (I hope )anyway thanks .We are both trailblazers,stay well my friend.

  14. AWWWWWWWWSOME listening in on you, Brendan and Andy!
    I’m taking the baby steps to becoming a fully fledged info marketer, and already beginning to get negative flack, even from people who are close to me. So, to feel the encouragement from your chat is fantastic.
    Keep on keepin on!

    Cheers Jeff.

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