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“What’s new in the launch world?”

It’s a question I get asked all the time… and after 25+ years of teaching people how to launch and grow online businesses, my answer may surprise you.

Whether you want to sell courses, products, memberships, or services, how you uplevel your launches has everything to do with your branding.

Which is how a small, dark, and camera-friendly rescue kitten named Nugget ended up stealing the show during my Launch Masterclass…

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17 Replies to “Should Your Launch Include a Kitten?”

  1. She’s adorable, I got excited every time she was on screen during the launch. Please forward updates of her growth. I’m already following her on instagram, hehe.

  2. Denise Jordan


    I was there for the “Nugget launch.” It was fun. I like the idea of a live launch. Thank you.m

  3. He/she has grown so much since the launch masterclass 🤗 My kittens are 6 and 7 now, but they still have their crazy moments. Hopefully they will be around at my first launch.

  4. Thi Thuy Diane Nguyen


    Thank you Jeff, we appreciate it much. And thank you for rescuing the kitten.

  5. Lynn Coleman


    Loved this! Cats are great for my business too. I have a rescue cat Leo, who’s really affectionate and likes nothing better than chilling on my shoulder. It lightens up sessions when he jumps on there. It fits my brand of being yourself and being warm and caring to others. #yaytocats

  6. Cats will play with anything–including a small piece of blue paper! Loved meeting Nugget during the recent class. She was adorable then; and she’s even cuter now!

    • Hi,

      Love the Califer kitten in the video. How do you pay her? It definitely puts a humane side to you but i love your humility.
      Thank you.


  7. You never know what is going to catch someone’s attention and endear them to your product, your message, or you. Some of the most memorable are those unscripted events. So kitten, squirrel, anything unexpected can work – so long as its genuine.

  8. Madelyn Blair


    I so appreciate how you remind us to be consistent with who we are in our launches.

  9. The only successfful launch, is one with a (vegan cat). if you do not have a cat, do not start a business.

  10. You had me at the subject line– “Should your launch include a kitten?” Remembering Nugget from this year’s Launch Masterclass, I just HAD to see your video. Loved it for the fun, and for the insight on how it might go with a person’s brand, or not. BTW, your Launch Masterclasses (and regular videos) are generally so much fun in so many ways. I really appreciate them. Loved the footage at the end, too, of Nugget playing on the rug! Amazing the way she moved. there. :~)

  11. Love the kitten! So playful. I’ve got a golden retriever who likes to show up from time to time! I may have to consider making her a part of the launch!

  12. Nugget created fun, lighthearted moments amid an intense and serious (for me) class. She allowed for mini “brain breaks” throughout the Masterclass, which was refreshing and helpful to me.

  13. tom markham


    I suppose a garden slug would have less of an effect. But they’re even less expensive than kittens.

  14. Ali Kherdouci


    All the Videos deliver value in a simple anderstandable language.

  15. Andrea Susan Glass


    My black cat Suzy often appears behind me when I’m on Zoom. She definitely humanizes me when I tend to be on a serious meeting. Black cats are the best!

  16. Lorna Macintosh


    if it’s called Nugget yes, ’cause it was there when all this was happening.

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