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Something awesome (and maybe a little silly) happened today when I turned the camera loose on this group at my Secret Headquarters…

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67 Replies to “Look Who’s Here…”

  1. Phyllis McCrory Rowan


    Thank-you, Jeff. You show the way and cheer everyone towards success. I loved meeting your group. Best of Irish luck to all!

  2. Love it. Masterminds are the best. They can be hard to curate but are so worth it when you get the right people together. And your group looks like fun!

  3. nice to see your good looking masterminding people Jeff! No. 12 you’re a great awesome person who is very humble and down to earth guy. May GOD bless you and your family!

  4. Michael Morales


    Jeff, it was good to see and hear from one of your mastermind groups. Nothing they said surprised me. Just confirmed what fun and creativity members experienced in you group. Thanks!

  5. Mentor of Justine L too…i love his fatherly brotherly friendly attitude . All my good wishes to the Mastermind Group…hope to meet you all some day. Thanks Jeff.

  6. So proud to be a Launch Club member ~ Loved seeing fellow Launch Club members on the video this week and learning a little more about you Jeff!

  7. I was so amused to hear that your local community has no idea what you do. I’ve wondered about this before, if your neighbours realise they have an internet marketing superstar in their midst. Nice one Jeff, it’s probably best to keep these things on the down low anyway!

  8. Tasheis M Turner


    Thanks for sharing a great video with a great group of people. God Bless!

  9. It’s a good to hang out with others who inspire you; not to mention you were having FUN while working! Thank you all for sharing your 10 things about Jeff. It’s interesting to know these things because it helps me to get to know him better.

  10. Cays Pilar Guillen


    This is awesomesauce!!! Jeff always brings together the best and bring out the best in you when you’re around him. Happy to see you all.

  11. You hooked me at PowerStroke Diesel.
    Great to see masterminds can have fun. Truth be known…we have much more of that commodity than anyone working in “Corporate America”.

  12. Love that you’re figuring it out as you go. It gives me hope as so often I feel I’m doing the same.

    • Ha! Love it, Jan. Sounds like the secret is seeping out, Jeff…soon you’ll have to learn to say “no autographs please”!

  13. Smiled all the way through. Always leading by example, you are, and now modelling joy in the process. So well done and thank you. 🙂

  14. So much fun being part of this Jeff. You’re such an amazing, amazing, amazing and truly heart centred entrepreneur. This mastermind was life and business changing, thank you. P.S I’m going to copy this idea for my Tribe!! I love the 10 things you didn’t know about Jeff!!! So much fun!!

  15. What an awesome video by Daniel Walker (thanks for always making us look good!), and what an amazing experience to be with Jeff, Paul, Donna and this fabulous mastermind group. Thank you to Jeff and TeamWalker for this positively life-changing and life-enhancing experience.

    Grateful for this gift!

  16. So much fun! This totally made me smile. I DON’T know any of the people involved, as I’m not connected enough to this world. Any chance for some names/bios? I think every one of that group would be a blast to hang out with, and I bet it was an amazing time for all!

  17. Olivia O'Connor


    Who are the Irish guys Jeff? Nice to see such a diverse group of people getting things done. Keep trucking.

  18. Fantastic video! I’m honored of being part of it. Thank you Jeff, Mary, Daniel, Paul, and Donna for this fantastic, life changing, Mastermind!

  19. This was the first time I’ve seen inside your secret headquarters. I’ve seen the driveway with your cars, and I’ve seen the patio. It seemed serene. Thank you, Jeff!

  20. Love it! Hi Luis! Hi Tanya! These are the winners from last year’s Launch Club competition at LaunchCon, right? Very cool!

  21. Love. It. What a wonderful new perspective and surprise for your weekly vid. Thanks for sharing 🙂

  22. Richard Sullivan


    With such lavish praise, for a minute there, I thought I had tapped into a Presidential cabinet meeting.

    • @Steve: well… it’s complicated. 🙂

      The people at the table are part of my Launch Club, which is a bigger group – it’s my highest level coaching group. These ten were the finalists in a year long competition to do the best launch in the group.

      In other words, these ten successfully competed to get a spot at the table.

  23. I am still reeling from such an amazing, inspiring experience…what an honor to have been part of it. My head feels tired from all I have learned…Wow! Thank you Jeff, Mary, Daniel, Paul, and Donna and the whole Ferrari Crew from Launch Club!

  24. Impressive So MaNy, Creative and Innovative Minds ToGether. Also To See An Aussie Represented.
    Who Is That Great Aussie Female Entrepreneur ? Someone Who Is A Leading Light Back Here In Aust ?

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