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I have an amazing friend who’s been working hard to help dogs (and their people) since the pandemic broke out. But when I saw her email, I had a couple questions for her (and I think they could help you too)…

Here’s the link I mentioned in the video:

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33 Replies to “Do You Love Dogs? (Serious Question)”

  1. Love dogs. Love Jeff.
    I’m no influencer and have two and a half friends, but they love my dog and I will send this to them.
    Thank you Susan.

  2. Hi Jeff, another problem is getting rid of your Pet Poop. We at Biomaster have a Pet Waste BioBin and Pet Waste Wizard combo that disappears Pet Poop. Both are available on Amazon and are made in Australia. The BioBin is made of recycled plastic and the enzymes are safe and harmless to both you, your pets and are beneficial to your garden.

  3. Paul Schmidmayr


    Hi Jeff,
    thank you for sharing this.
    I like Susans approach and your twist!
    Looking forward to your detailed walk-through… would be awesome 🙂
    What about some joint venture with a dog food company?
    What about enhencing sharing? (3 people get a 30 minute phone consultation by chance)
    We planted a tree for each sign up for our online summit, and another one for someone they referred… together with donations we planted 240.000 trees.
    Posting to the largest fb groups for dog breeds/lovers…

    What was your suggestion for the subject line?

    Thank you,
    Paul from Austria

  4. Can do better than that. In 2012 I invented what I believe is the first dog flush loo in the world – flushes straight to the sewer. No shovelling, no smell, no cleaning of ‘bins’ ugh! ever. Wouldn’t be without it! 🙂 But nobody was interested :(.

    And guess what? A certain John Harrington, favourite of Elizabeth 1st of England, invented the first ever flush loo for humans in the sixteenth century! and had the second one installed in the Queen’s palace (the first was in his house). But would the queen use it? No way! She said the whole of London will say when I pull the chain, ‘There she goes again! What’s wrong with the woman?’ haha So the flush loo had to wait another 250 years! until Queen Victoria made it a must have 🙂

  5. Hi Jeff! Loved the VLOG. I recently connected on a Zoom call with a group of old friends and discovered one of them owns a pet store focused on dogs. Their focus during the pandemic is to serve people and build community. I emailed him the link. Thanks for sharing it.

  6. Autumn Joy Colton


    My grandkids’ dog was deemed a “dangerous” dog, so this could be a lifesaver for the dog and the family. THANKS VERY MUCH!! REALLY APPRECIATE your generosity!! Autumn Joy Colton

  7. I love what Susan is doing, extending to help the problem she perceives. Thanks Susan and thanks Jeff, great tip on how to hook your audience.

  8. Great stuff Jeff. I would like to see a follow up video on sharing more info on the email you wrote for Susan. Thanks for all you do.

  9. Very cool Jeff, thanks for sharing. Would really like to see the break down info how you reworked Susan’s email copy. Hope your launch was an overwhelming success! Michael…

  10. Hi, Thank you for sharing! I would love to see the detailed walk through!! Susan is offering an awesome gift! I’m a family pet portrait photographer and I’m emailing her offer
    to my clients!

  11. Dear Jeff, I love dogs since ever, but what I really want to express here is to say thank you and Susan for this incredible experience how we can all help each other. much love from Switzerland

  12. Anne DiDomenico


    Thank you Jeff! I’ve known you since 2011 and you remain authentic in every way! Thank you for that! And… thank you to Susan for so gracious an offer. I will share the link with my list. Jeff… Stay healthy and safe. So grateful for your presence in my life! 🙏🏼

  13. This is so generous! And I can’t wait to take the class and pass along the links to friends. I love the “be the hero to your tribe”. That is a great reminder! We’ve been trying to do this for our list too by offering some free content.

    Thanks Susan and to Jeff for bringing this to my attention since I’m not on Susan’s list 🙂

  14. Genius change
    Love your ideas and Susan’s offering
    Did she consider offering to pet rescues
    We have one in Dallas with a following of over 100000 on FB
    And their following is super loyal
    It’s called DFW Rescue Me
    Thanks again Jeff love it

  15. Thanks for sharing this marketing tweak. 🙂 I’ll look forward to Susans expertise and passing along her generosity.

  16. Thanks so very much to Susan for her generosity and also to Jeff for his sincerity and wisdom.

    I love dogs and have had several amazing and lovely dog pals. Now I have my 18 year old sweet cat Miss Brigitte.

    So looking forward to the course and learning more about dogs from an expert!

  17. Thank you for sharing that was a nice surprise! I make personalized ceramic pet bowls and I will share this information with my customers!

  18. Very interesting !! Thank you for sharing!! I love dogs, I have a cute maltese dog in her old ages now!
    I’m new in your community, I have just enrolled in the program and I’m looking forward to learning with you!

  19. Thank you Jeff for sharing this!!!🙏🐾❤️
    What a generous offer!
    We have a weekend long global event which benefits the entire word and is also free and is coming up on June 27/28.
    Streaming over 100 meditations in all languages and covering all timezones.
    We would be eternally grateful if you were to consider doing a short video about the benefits of meditation (we met at TRIBE last year and you told me that you are a long time meditator) for Entrepreneurs.🧘💕🧘🏽‍♂️💞🧘🏻‍♀️

  20. Thank you. Love dogs and my tribe…..
    would love to see the structure and way this email worked.


  21. How wonderful of you and Susan! Thank you for helping people and their dogs. I look forward to reviewing the lesson and sharing it with my rescue clubs.
    Blessings to you

  22. Thanks Jeff for the link to Susan’s very generous offer, much appreciated.

    I’m also signing up for your PDF, thanks for that as well.


  23. Jeff,

    I am a long time student. Thanks for sharing Susan’s story and course, as well as the marketing lesson.
    I am the publisher of Wagging Tails, a digital magazine for dog lovers with a focus on dog rescue and adoption.
    I would love to interview Susan and share her course with my readers, who will undoubtedly appreciate her information

    Stay safe

    Ron Tager

  24. Susan’s offer really is amazing and she is indefatigable!!! She changed the trajectory of my agility competition experience. My dog and I were just not making good headway in skills development and performing in competitions. I took a big leap of faith and signed up for her Handling 360 course.. My dog and I are both now VERY happy in practice and SUPER happy in competitions. We receive many compliments at our agility trials. Susan knows how to make EVERYTHING into a fun game and I hope 100,000 dog lovers out there take advantage of this spectacular offer!!! Susan is a fantastic dog trainer, yep, she is, but even more, for her agility followers, she is a lifestyle coach that inspires us to do better, achieve more and be happier in the process.
    A few years ago, it was a mystery to me how you could teach agility or dog training online successfully but I’m here to tell you not only is it possible, it’s better than an in-person class!

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