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I hope I didn’t do you a disservice with my last video.

You see, in my experience (and I’ve got a lot of it), it’s not enough just to ask, “How can I help the largest amount of people in the shortest amount of time?”

You also need a system to make it happen.

In other words… if you want to create real change, you need great marketing.

And that’s what this week’s video is all about – showing you how your marketing can help change even more lives… so you can have an even bigger impact on the world.

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9 Replies to “Want More Impact? It Starts with Great Marketing”

  1. Great info Jeff as always. I have been teaching people how to play the guitar for over 40 years. Now at my present age of 73, I want to help older adults learn how to play. I have an idea, but need a plan to market this plan. Any ideas?

  2. Chrystal de Freitas


    Thank you for sharing not just your knowledge but your heart!

  3. I really enjoyed your masterclass presentation. Purchased your book and excited to read. Excellent points.

  4. I agree and believe that in order to contribute to the saving of the world idea; or, to helping so many people, it would require a great amount of energy that remarkably can be supplied with your form of marketing Jeff. Appreciate the Sunday share.

  5. Nirr Michael Hochadel


    Thanks Jeff – for sharing your knowledge and experience and for your support

  6. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us, for showing us the right part in Marketing



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