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You probably know I’m not a fan of big, bold claims, but…

It turns out there IS a #1 marketing secret to success after all. 

I know your “hype detector” is probably sounding the alarm right now, but it’s true.

With ad costs rising and increasing competition, I think there’s one thing every business owner needs to do if they want to grow a successful business in 2023 and beyond. And this is it…

P.S. The video is almost as short as this blog post, but don’t confuse “quick” with “low impact”.

If you do, you’ll be missing out on your ticket to making more sales, standing out from the competition, and having customers raving about you to all of their friends…

Here's the secret to succeeding in your online business, the number one marketing secret you need to nail down: fall in love with your customer and their future results. Become passionately involved in every step of their journey, from who they are at present to who they're going to become after they engage with your coaching, teaching, or training.

When you immerse yourself in their journey, it motivates you to create the program, training, or coaching that will bring them results. And when you do deliver these results, they'll come back to you time and time again.

In the current climate, the cost of acquisition continually rises. By that, I mean the expense involved in securing a new customer, attracting someone to your website or your audience, and then converting them into buyers of your product. With increased competition and rising ad costs, the cost of acquisition keeps going up.

This means that the only businesses that will win in the long term, that will stay afloat, are those that make more than one sale to their clients. The way to continuously make more sales and higher-priced sales is by delivering results for your clients.

It sounds simple, but most people miss this crucial point, getting caught up with the latest tips, tricks, and tactics instead. But if you truly invest emotionally in your clients and their future results, maintain an open dialogue and a sense of community with them so that you can constantly understand their needs and concerns, you'll deliver better results.

They'll come back to make a second purchase, buy from you at a higher price, and explore your upsells if they see the value in your products. Moreover, they'll spread the word about you, becoming affiliates and evangelists.

This approach has been my secret to staying in business since 2005, teaching people how to launch their online courses, membership sites, books, products, you name it. By achieving results for my clients and having them invest at a higher level and become affiliates and evangelists, my business has been able to thrive and grow year after year.

By all means, study all the tech, tricks, tactics, and tips. But remember, the most important thing you can do is deliver results for your people. Fall in love with their entire journey, from the moment they enter your world until they become accomplished professionals, changing the world in their own right.

I'm Jeff Walker. Wherever you're reading this, drop a comment for me. Let's go get 'em this week.

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14 Replies to “The #1 Secret to Succeeding in Online Business”

  1. Oh wow! This is in my book! I love that you say this. It’s so true. You MUST FALL IN LOVE with your clients! <3

  2. This is my strongest point and I find it most encouraging to know it’s the key! Thank you.

  3. Jeff, you are so right. And I do love the work I do with my clients. I challenge anyone not to fall for my beautiful clients, bursting with unmet potential and ready to seize every opportunity life has to offer them. I just can’t wait to offer them and others I have yet to meet, what I have learned so that they are able to better their odds at living life well! Thank you Jeff.

  4. Another way of saying this: You have to fall in love with yourself.
    Thank you, Jeff, for reminding me.

  5. Yes! That’s it. This is why I love you. Service and community and allowing for the natural law of resonance to do its part (with some strategy as well of course). You’re the best , Jeff and one of my favorite teachers!

  6. Louis Di Bianco


    Jeff, thanks for another grounding experience. Your video coaxes us out of the clouds and down to earth with a lesson about what makes people tick.

    By the way, I love the library you shot the video in. The warm browns really do it for me.

  7. Klaus Gehlhaar


    The simplest things are often overlooked n favour of the latest gadget or gimmick, the new crypto or so ial media zing. I would add that on top of loving the journey/transformatlons you propose you need to believe 100% in your product and not offer it just for the financial benefit you extract from it.

  8. Hello Jeff,

    Thirty years ago, I was telling clients the cost of acquiring a new client was anywhere between 500% and 700% more expensive (depending on the industry) than keeping a current client.

    I imagine that number has gone up significantly in the last few years.

    Under promise and over-deliver. Stay abreast of the latest developments in your client’s world that can improve their lives; yes, fall in love with making their lives better.

    Who knows, you may end up never wanting to fully retire!

  9. Brian Spielmann


    Hi Jeff, you are absolutely right. Thanks for the reminder. Brian S

  10. Lorrie Hargis


    Jeff, you are totally right as everyone as stated in their comments. Just met with one of students for dinner in Calgary Canada and I live in France. The transformation she has made is phenomenal from one of my workshops which has now lead her into my new program. I am so proud of her and can’t wait to see how she évolves going forward. Thank you 🙏 Happy Monday

  11. So right for the reminder because when I thought of them when you were talking, I almost get emotional I want to help them soo much feel peace and confidence in their process. Thanks Jeff

  12. Hi Jeff
    I’m interested in your PLF
    I have a story I’d like to finally reveal and I know you’re the person to help with that.
    What do I need to do?
    Thank you for this incredible platform as I can see it’s transforming lives.
    Kind regards
    Hellaina Watkinson.

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