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Here's one simple thing you can do to completely stand out from your competitors…

(I learned this when I had one of those “light bulb” moments in the back row at a seminar – the woman who taught me never knew who I was, or the impact she had on me!)

Everything changed for me during a pivotal moment in my marketing journey.

So, I was at the back of a big marketing conference, a place where I was actually one of the speakers.

When I wasn’t speaking, I slipped into the back of the room, incognito, hat on, and sat in the very back row.

A Moment of Realization

While listening to a speaker who wasn’t particularly engaging, I got a little distracted. Next to me, a woman pulled out her BlackBerry. 

Now, I wasn’t snooping, but I noticed she opened her email. It was a big launch day, and I saw her scrolling through her inbox. 

Email after email from my competitors – and most of them were my friends – showed up in her inbox. 

What did she do? Delete. Delete. Delete.

And then she got to my email. Delete.

We All Look the Same

I noticed something crucial. All the subject lines felt the same, sounded the same, looked the same. They weren’t identical, but they were not setting themselves apart. 

It hit me – this is my prospect, my avatar. 

This is what their inbox looks like: 30 emails in an hour, all looking eerily similar.

The Decision to Stand Out

I resolved to work harder to set myself apart. One simple trick I started doing was subscribing to all my competitors using a secondary Gmail address. 

This way, I could see exactly what my prospects were experiencing. Their inbox, much like my own secondary email, was a battlefield of similarity. If I wanted to succeed, I had to be different.

In our market, it’s so easy to become a publisher and push out information. But with so many competitors vying for your prospect’s attention, you need to set yourself apart. 

This is where your marketing funnel strategy comes in.

The Zig-Zag Strategy

There's a famous quote: If you want to have real success, look at what everyone else is doing and do the opposite. 

Most people aren’t having success, so you need to zig when they zag.

  • Observe and Adapt: Subscribe to your competitors and see what they’re doing. Then, do something different.
  • Personal Touch: Make your emails feel like a conversation with a friend. Your email needs to be the one that your target market doesn't delete.
  • Engaging Subject Lines: Use subject lines that stand out. Make them intriguing, unexpected, and personal.
  • Clear call to actions: Ensure your calls to action are direct and unambiguous. Clearly state the next step for your readers, removing any guesswork. A straightforward directive makes it easy for them to follow through.

The First Impression Matters

The marketing top of funnel is where first impressions are made. How do you ensure yours is unforgettable?

The key to capturing curiosity lies in how you present yourself right from the start.

Grab Attention Immediately: Your subject line is your first shot at making an impression. Make it count. Ask yourself, “Does this subject line make someone stop and think, or is it just another one to scroll past?” Make it punchy, intriguing, and a bit mysterious.

Be Unpredictable: People expect the same old marketing spiel. Try using a bold claim, an unusual question, or a surprising fact. Something that makes them pause & go, “Wait, what?”

Tell a Story: Stories are powerful. Start with a personal anecdote or an unexpected twist. Share a moment that led to a significant insight or change in your approach. 

Visualize: Even if you can’t include images or videos, paint a vivid picture with your words. Describe scenarios & use sensory details to bring your message to life. 

Be Authentic: Authenticity cuts through the noise. Speak from the heart and be genuine in your communication. People can tell when you’re being real versus when you’re just selling. They want to connect with you, not just your product.

Psychological Triggers to Captivate Your Audience

Using psychological triggers can give you an edge in making your marketing stand out. 

Here are a few to consider:

Pique curiosity by leaving out just enough information that they want to know more.

Example: “This trick that doubled my open rates overnight. Want to know how?”

Create a sense of urgency with deadlines.

Example: “Get 50% off if you sign up in the next 24 hours. Don’t miss out!”

Highlight scarcity to make your offer more desirable.

Example: “Only 10 spots left for this exclusive masterclass. Will you be one of the lucky few?”

Dare to Be Different

Standing out isn’t just a nice-to-have, it’s a necessity. By observing your competitors and doing the opposite, you can craft a marketing funnel that truly stands out.

Using this approach will not only set you apart but also create a lasting impression on your prospects. 

Keep experimenting, keep observing, and most importantly, keep standing out.

If you want to make your content marketing funnel truly unforgettable, you need to start with the right strategy. 

Ready to make your marketing stand out? Get instant access to the proven formula responsible for over $1 BILLION in sales – in every kind of market imaginable. Enter your email address here to get Launch Quickstart now.

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