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I’ve got to tell you about a big, multinational company that’s launching as I write this…

In fact, I just talked about it in my Countdown to Launch training. But in case you missed that, I shot you a quick video so you can see the strategies they’re using to build anticipation and excitement for their latest offer.

Once you start using these kinds of ideas in your launches, your customers stop asking “How much does it cost?” and instead want to know “How soon can I get it?”.

P.S. As I mentioned in the video, you’ve still got time to join us at PLF Live. Register now and you’ll also get access to all the Countdown to Launch trainings – including the LIVE session – for FREE.

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4 Replies to “My New FREE Launch Training (And a Story About Toyota’s New Launch)”

  1. Saci Kumara Nimai Das


    Thanks Jeff,
    As a member of The Hare Krsna community we say: A Guru is one who teaches by example. Thanks for being a great example of someone who makes a difference and is committed to generating value.

    Saci Kumara Nimai Das

  2. Happy Easter, Jeff. Thank you for everything you teach me. You are making a difference in my business and life.

  3. Ali Kherdouci


    i Like hearing to jeff but,what schould i Lauch.i have no little education level doesn,t permet me to achieve anything online.i am always confused with all the technical stuff. i am following everyone without oriantation.meaning without Finding my way.the money to invest in myself is also an issue.
    should i stop dreaming From money that can be earned online?

    • Roland Varduhn


      Hi Ali, yes stop dreaming!
      And start to take action now. The techie-stuff isn’t important.
      Instead, get clear about:
      1. For what problem do you wanna create a solution?
      2. For whom – be very specific!
      3. And WHY do you wanna do it?

      All the best!

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