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Just when I told you last week how I rarely have bad days – I had one. Sorta-ish. So of course I had to take my own advice and figure out how to roll with it… and it turned out to be an amazing day. Here’s how I was able to turn it around. (Sorry about the background noise in this one, but I hope you like the view!)

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46 Replies to “Hitting the Reset Button”

  1. The snow will still be there when you get back. Enjoy the different side of nature. I live by the sea and appreciate the sights and sounds every day. Love your updates.

  2. Mercedes Pelaez


    What beauty Jeff…! Every one is moving according to their natural rhythm, and we begin to do the same. Thank you.

  3. I can relate totally. I live in a remarkably unique place on the east coast. The ocean surrounds and charges my “battery” continuously. Also helps me to realize how small I am in the whole scheme of things … an oddly comforting idea.
    Nature is totally where it’s at. It surprises me when I meet people who don’t see it that way.

  4. Jeff—this video taught me a few things.
    1. “The notion of a Bad” day is relative. Each person’s “bad” day has a different meaning.
    2. But what this video really taught me, was to realize that my “bad” day at work or on a personal level, really pales next to someone who lives in poverty, or who is fleeing from a dangerous situation or country or who is in a Holocaust. Noting this should help me take the sting and negative charge out of my “bad” day, and make me grateful for what I do have.

  5. Thx, just what I need to remove the guilt of having taken a long walk in nature, under the bright sun instead of heading straight to this landing page work nagging me.

    Your email was top of my inbox, I click intrigued.

    Reset is the word. Reconnect for a moment with our hunters-gatherers ancestors, tap in their energy and uncluttered mind and come back filled with creative energy.

    Hi from sunny central France!

  6. What I got from your ocean video was the reminder that people who are self-employed need to be creating. And to do that you need to come from a place that is full – intellectually and emotionally. To be full I need to take care of my needs – mental, physical, emotional, social. Thanks. No one will take care of my capacity for resilience but me.

  7. Hey Jeff!

    Great video (love La Jolla). I’m a “never a bad day” guy too. Perspective is my favorite word and it always serves me really well.

    With that being said, a coping mechanism I have in place is a happiness list for when a slide happens and a reset is needed. Having the list in advance of the slide is key. Because when you’re in the slide you need a path out – and you’re not at your best.

  8. Sharon N Munfus


    I love divine timing. I am up at 4 in the morning, irritated with 1000 things running through my mind and voila, I hap upon you video in my email. Get back to nature you say and you are exactly right. I have not tended my plants in a bit or taken a leisurely stroll amongst the trees and it is showing. Thank you for the reminder. Time to recharge my peace with some birds, foliage and wind.

  9. Right on Jeff! What’s funny about this video is that, while I like snow skiing, I’ll pick the beach over it every single time. AND, Southern California is my favorite place to visit the beach. So much so that my purpose for being in Launch Club is to ensure my #launchlife supports my move to the beach!

  10. Contact with nature and refilling the cup is sooooo important. Your post is catalytic for me… “step away from your desk Fred”.
    Thanks for posting the video!

  11. Sonja Lahn Sørensen


    Hi from sunny Denmark, part of the Scandinavian countries
    Thank you as always for inspiring in different ways and for being the way you are when launching new stuff. Your integrity and being straight forward🌈
    Best wishes
    Sonja Lahn

  12. Great reminder Jeff 🙂

    Gratitude is primal to success, participating in the moment.
    Thanks so much for taking the time, very appreciated.

  13. I’ll take the ocean over snow any day 🙂 great reminder about the reset and also to be grateful for where we are and what we gave right now. the grass can often seem greener everywhere else than where we are but that can be an missing out on the beauty and treasures right in front of us. lots of lessons from nature.

  14. Love the lessons we have to learn again. 😂 Thanks for your honesty, Jeff. Totally agree that nature is magical. I live in Evergreen, Colorado and try to get out into the hills and trees most days. Hiking the trails is a therapy and that walking, running, hiking is an easy way to get into a flow state.

  15. Nature is like a gift to the soul. It speaks life and peace and uplifts and rejuvenates. What a nice reminder for us creatives. Thank you. Seize the day.

  16. What is it about humans that has this “funk” attitude show up often in the midst of a wonderful situation? And how wonderful that you quickly recognized it, took action to change it, and shared that with all of us.

    Gratitude for one’s circumstances seems to be funk-buster for me. Also, focusing on someone else’s needs by volunteering or serving others in some way. Also, some change of state, i.e. high-energy music when faced with doing housework. Recognition that participation in a fun activity with friends will recharge your inner energy reserves, even though you don’t really want to go is so counter-intuitive and productive. Nature provides such a beautiful reminder that there’s a whole universe to be thankful for!

    Thank you for the gorgeous sounds and scenery of the La Jolla coast and the Colorado mountains, as well as the reminders that I get to choose my attitude for each and every day.

  17. Jeff, Thanks for your constant sharing from your core without pretense … just as you are in the moment!

  18. Great stuff, Jeff. I live in Denver near Red Rocks and get out every afternoon for trail hikes with my dog. I let go of business, pay attention to my dog, and breathe and enjoy the natural beauty. You’re right, it’s the perfect reset. So blessed to be able to do this every day. Casey

  19. Margriet Rensch


    Thank you for the great video that’s exactly what I needed this morning

  20. Debbie Boggs


    Good advice Jeff and I totally agree! Getting outside does help clear the mind…for me, it’s yard work or working in my garden :)…

  21. Great reminder for everyone Jeff! Being outside is one of the best parts of my job of a landscape & nature photographer/educator – and I get paid to be outside 🙂

    But the marketing is probably 75% of my business and done inside 🙁

    This is a good reminder for me to 1) figure out a way to get some of that marketing work done outside and 2) better set up my business so I can create more outside time.

  22. Christina Poodt


    Thank you Jeff!! Yes indeed – Nature saves the day many times for me too. I just have to keep reminding myself of that too. So, right now, instead iof completing a CE Class I have to complete this week, I shut my computer & I am heading over to my 4 young grandkids (2 to 9 yrs old) to go wonder in the woods with them behind their home. These 4 kids get it. They Love escaping the house and going into their “survival spot” out in those woods – & my 6 yr old grandson told me the other day that they get visits from a few deer that visit them, as they put out carrots etc for them and niow get vidits from the deer. & the deer actually allow them to climb on their backs to go for a ride!! I was amazed at this story!! Animal whisperers!! I feel privileged that I am the only one they shared that story with. So Go find NATURE Y’all🙏😊😍💗 I am going into the Woods!! 🥰🌳🌲Christina🌺🌷🌹🌸🌻🌞

  23. Christina Poodt


    Thank you Jeff for your honesty and self clarity!! Yes indeed – Nature saves the day many times for me too. I just have to keep reminding myself of that too. So, right now, instead iof completing a CE Class I have to complete this week, I shut my computer & I am heading over to my 4 young grandkids (2 to 9 yrs old) to go wonder in the woods with them behind their home. These 4 kids get it. They Love escaping the house and going into their “survival spot” out in those woods – & my 6 yr old grandson told me the other day that they get visits from a few deer that visit them, as they put out carrots etc for them and niow get vidits from the deer. & the deer actually allow them to climb on their backs to go for a ride!! I was amazed at this story!! Animal whisperers!! I feel privileged that I am the only one they shared that story with. So Go find NATURE Y’all🙏😊😍💗 I am going into the Woods!! 🥰🌳🌲Christina🌺🌷🌹🌸🌻🌞

  24. That was not a bad day Jeff; that was the lesser of two great days! You reframed from thinking of what you were missing out on, to the beauty that was right in front of you. You got good troubles Jeff. Keep enjoying them! :))

  25. Nature…. many times we say Mother Nature, because is helping cherish and develop our soul, stimulates our personal growth, brings inner peace.
    I like every corner of great outdoors… It is a big part of my life and it’s very special to me.

  26. This is always my message and I’ve shared similar videos. I can’t imagine not having that connection to nature. Even a walk on my country road in Ohio revitalizes and rebalances me. Being mindful and in the moment, observing all that’s around me is so balancing.

  27. Resetting really helps you let go of your expectations.

    All your suffering in La Jolla came from having expectations about Durango. By leaving those expectations behind, you could enjoy what was right in front of you!

    Nature is the best reset.

  28. Michelle Muff


    We are in a blizzard. The beach looks amazing. Hard to get into nature in Minnesota with the record snow fall!

  29. So true. Being in nature gives so many different perspectives and some of the things we are caught up with resolves by itself. I must reinvent the nature freak in me and start living! Thanks for reminding about how important it is to be with nature.

  30. Firstly, thank you for being so honest and authentic. Many gurus are afraid to admit that their lives aren’t always perfect and your authenticity makes you so human and easy to relate to 🙂

    As for nature, I couldn’t agree more about it being excellent as a ‘reset’. It is a daily must-do in my life. Nature is my meditation that restores peace of mind and tranquility better than anything else can.

  31. I TOTALLY get it Jeff. I just moved to Colorado to enjoy skiing. I’ve tried to avoid trips in winter and early spring for that same reason. It would totally upset me to be somewhere else during a big storm.

  32. Dear Jeff, Thank You for this video.

    Good to see that there is an advanced businessman in a contact with the nature, and recreates himself from this (too). 😉

    The nature is one of my resource too.

    Thank You the link opportunity to you by way of your PLF’s videos, and mediatory bridge Moni (Bikkfalvi (HU)).

    Best wishes!

  33. Great sharing, Jeff. Thanks for that. I’ve got a trip to Bermuda scheduled for Thursday. Very encouraged by your message. I need that reset!

  34. So true, an “empty and depleted” state can’t create. I know. I lost someone dear to me 7 months ago and I’ve had to find my creativity in a completely different field. Working on my business couldn’t fill that void; it meant and still means nothing to me now. Nature is indeed therapy. However, even nature was a constant reminder of things we did together, 24/7. The first time I stepped out for a walk in the park after she passed, I thought I would bring up and my legs crumbled; I had to force myself to keep going. It took my trained mental strength to keep going, day in and day out, even going out into nature took my mental strength, developed over decades. My creativity finally took another direction.

  35. Nicole Smith


    I completely agree and find the same truth applies to me. I find I am most creative early in the day and when out in this beautiful world created for us to enjoy. Thanks for sharing Jeff. 🙂

  36. Janet Neustedter


    I have always sought exercise, a hike, a walk, any outdoor activity as a reset. Jealous we do not have a beach nearby !! California girl moved to Arizona! Thanks for your positivity!

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