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I’m reading a personal finance book right now that’s filled with counterintuitive advice. 

There are some parts I agree with – like the list of five ways anyone can increase their income. 

It’s pretty incredible to see mainstream finance books telling readers to start online businesses. Needless to say, this was NOT the case when I first started out 25 years ago. 

And while it’s rock-solid advice, I think the author missed an opportunity here.

Because he didn’t reveal how combining some of these methods can lead to something much more valuable than just another income stream… they can help you create leverage.

Individually, these ideas can boost your bottom line. Combined, they’ll help you make more money AND serve more people in less time.

Here’s a proven path to leveraging up your income.

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6 Replies to “3 Steps to Leveraging Your Income”

  1. Elaine Danforth


    Thank you for laying this out, Jeff. After attending your Launch Masterclass a few times, somehow the idea of launching PLF style seemed too big for me, so I appreciate your discussing the points in the book you are reading, which include a path starting with serving people one on one. I suppose that’s not incompatible with the PLF method, but still, it struck me to hear you in this video, talking about one on one service, which I think is the most likely way I would start, both sort of to ease into it, and to learn what works for individuals, before trying to serve groups.

    Thanks again.

  2. Thank you for this offer. I read and see you often and am very interested

  3. Christine Gold


    Thanks for the tips, I have niched down and focused on 3 tiers – low-end (online courses) to Medium (Group Mentorships) to High end (4, 1 on-1 mentorship) within a community through Kajabi. I have a podcast, a book, Amazon KDP low-content journals, and finishing an oracle deck. Things have shifted immensely for me!

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