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We’re officially stepping into the 20th year of Product Launch Formula®, and it’s shaping up to be the biggest one ever.
We’ve spent the past six months completely reinventing PLF from the ground up – with new training videos, a streamlined curriculum, and the latest launch strategies. It’s the best PLF yet.
That means faster, easier launching for YOU.
Here’s what’s new in PLF – and how you can join the party…

I am so pumped up right now. We just had our 19th anniversary of the first
release of Product Launch Formula® which means we are now officially in our 20th year.
We're going to be counting down to October of 2025. Amazing surprises all year long. We have this huge year planned and I am so pumped. It all starts about a week from now. As you're watching this we're going to be releasing a brand new version of Product Launch Formula that we've been working on for six months. So last May, we completely reshot the course – all brand new video for the entire course – so many changes I can't even begin to document it. Then my team has been taking that video and doing magic with it – all new formats.
We have literally spent hundreds of thousands of dollars re-shooting, remaking Product Launch Formula. This is the first – complete from the ground up – remake and I don't know how many years, it's been a while. And it's all the latest. The course is going to be so much more consumable, so much more condensed, yet still cover more ground. I've gotten better at teaching, the market's changed, the strategies have remained the same but some of the tactics have changed. And we've gone deep, deep on that and this course is going to be so awesome. And in a week we're going to just do a very limited release, very, a little small intimate group. We're not having any of our partners mail or anything. Only the people in my audience that are actively engaged.
You're the only ones that are even going to hear about it. If you want to be sure to hear about it go to that's and just put your email address in and you will hear about it. In about four or five days we're going to be releasing lots more details on what's to come and then on November 11th… 11-11-2024, this is a brand new version, so if you can't tell I'm like really excited.
But I'm excited about this 20th year of Product Launch Formula. And like I said, we've got surprises all year long counting down to next October when we've got what could be the biggest surprise.
So we're going to start off with this brand new PLF then a couple weeks later we're doing our Advanced Campaign Design Workshop, that's a very, very small workshop, in-person workshop with me and my team, uh not my team but because I got a great big team, but just my campaign design team. We're going to be working with just a few people that we're in the final stages of making our selections for who can attend. It’s application only by this, by the time you see this video, I'm sure it's going to be completely filled.
Anyways this wasn't meant to be a commercial. This was meant to be a stoke video because I am stoked. There's no other product on the market that's been around for 20 years. Period. Full stop. There are none.
This Product Launch Formula is the first and the only. I recently had an industry insider say, “Jeff you are the most ripped off man in the industry because there's been – every launch course you've seen, or every course about that, that includes a significant launch component. They all came from me and from Product Launch Formula. Or from some people, some of them they came from people that came from me. And you know I think about competition… I just got this question from my Mastermind. It's like, “How do you deal with competition?” And I'm like, we just keep moving forward. You just keep on getting better. That's what it is. There's always going to be people trying to knock you off, trying to rip you off, and that's fine. But there's always going to be people that want to come to the original and if you're facing headwinds right now and you have all kinds of competitors, you just have to continue to get better and innovate.
And I just, I have this question come in. This is actually on Threads because I actually like hanging out on Threads. I'm not a social media person but Threads is sort of about copy and I love copy. And I love writing. And I love the connections I've made. But this came in from Mr Paul Scrivens. And he said, “After 19 years, do you ever get the urge to try something different? How have you been able to stay focused on a singular thing for this long?”
And the reality is, I get so excited about my students and about the success that they've had and how their lives have changed. And then how they've been able to get their work out into the world and help people with their work, you know. I have people that – there are people in the world with dogs that are so much better trained because of me. Even though I'm not an expert on dog training. There are people that are much better at reading Echocardiograms even though I don't even really know what an echocardiogram is. There are people that have such amazing mindfulness practices even though I'm not a meditation teacher, all because of my students. So that ripple effect, I never get over that.
And here I am sitting in my hometown in Durango Colorado way out in the mountains 300 miles from the nearest big city and I get to have this impact out into the world. And I get to work with students and get to know those students and get to see their lives transformed, you know. I was a stay at home dad, I hadn't made any money, zero dollar, in six years. I think it was six years, five or six years. Since when I escaped from the corporate world and I became a stay-at-home dad. So I had nothing going on and I was able to not instantly, but over a period of time, completely transform my life so that I don't have to worry about what things. Because when I walk into a restaurant, I don't, I never even notice prices on the menu. It's just not part of my reality. And when I think about, when I started, when like we'd buy like once a week, we'd get a pizza special where we could feed our family for $7 on a pizza deal. And that was our big night out for the week. And when I think that's where I started and just through learning and just doing and putting one foot in front of the other, I've been able to build this income, this lifestyle, this business, and then I've been able to pass that gift on to others. How can I not be incredibly thrilled? I have this vehicle that allows me to just change lives throughout the world and that is just, it just boggles my mind, you know, when I started out the idea that I would ever be doing video. Well the ability to do video. Video was, back in the 90s was, you know, a camcorder, maybe and then the ability to broadcast that video around the world and make it an impact and help people around the world.
It's just breathtaking, it's just amazing and how could I not keep doing this, how could I not, that's what I don't get, is how, why do people bounce from idea to idea, of course you know it might take a few ideas until you find your thing, but I found my thing. This is my first business, my first business was teaching people about the stock market. And then one of the greatest I had. That business for eight years and that changed my life. That business changed my life but it never generated more than, I don't know maybe my income probably topped out at about $200,000 a year back in that business which was amazing, which is mindboggling to me. But that's where it topped out.
But then as this business, one of the greatest gifts, here's the punchline, one of the greatest gifts I ever had was one day I had a partner in that business. So, you know the business overall was probably doing $400,000 and we were splitting that money. And one of the greatest gifts I ever had was also one of the greatest gut punches I ever had and that's when my partner called me up on a Friday afternoon in March, lovely afternoon, it said he didn't use these words but he basically told me he was stealing the business from me. He was taking all of our paying clients and creating a competing business and it was a huge gut punch. It was like my business, overnight, was gone. And I knew in that moment though that I was going to be able to rebuild better. And I was going to rebuild the business I wanted and here we are. You know, I don't know my business is probably 50 times the size of that or original business and take that with a grain of salt.
I'm trying to do Math here but it's a lot bigger than that business. The greatest gift I ever had was when my partner stole that business and that forced me into action, you know, at that point in my life I knew there was something calling me. I knew there was something further. I was really loving this entrepreneurship world. The idea of teaching within this world was amazing but it was still an incredible, painful experience to go through. It was like a divorce. And I'd never talked to a lawyer in my life and all of a sudden he's suing me which is just ridiculous since he stole the business and I'm talking to three lawyers at a time. So each of them is charging me $300 an hour. But that, my partner, my ex-partner stealing the business, that was the greatest gift because that sent me down this PLF path. And I am absolutely addicted to – I'm absolutely Intoxicated by the ability to make a huge positive impact on my clients and I'm addicted to and I'm intoxicated by reading their success stories when they tell me about their success stories and getting on a Zoom and interviewing them. That is, it is just, it's amazing. And the idea that they're not just having success but they're creating success out in the world through the people they're teaching and training and consulting with, how could I leave this business? And 19 years have flown by. We're in our 20th year so it's, and we're just getting ready to celebrate in a big way, in a big way, so like I said in another week, depending on when you watch this maybe it'll be less than a week.
We're going to be releasing that new version. All new, bright, shiny Product Launch Formula. By far the best ever. We've put more into this than I could ever, ever imagined back when I started. You know, to even have this team I have and to have these instructional design experts that I've got and the editors that I've got and the video folks I've got. It's just absolutely ridiculous and I'm so stoked but that's just the start of it.
Then we have that Advanced Campaign Design coming up in mid-November down in Arizona. That's going to be amazing and then we've got more surprises planned and just wait for October 25 , it's going to be ridiculous.
So I'm Jeff Walker. I am completely stoked and let's go get him this week.
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