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They say you should ask your doctor lots of questions – but last time I saw mine, she was the one asking me for advice. She has amazing real-world, actionable knowledge that could help so many people… far more than she can see in her practice. But like lots of people who work with their clients one-to-one, she had no idea how to get started. Here’s the simple plan that I shared with her…

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32 Replies to “Advice for My Doctor”

    • Duchess – here are a couple ways you can ‘enter the conversation’:
      – Join Groups on Facebook: search for groups in FB (or LinkedIn – wherever you’re target audience is hanging out) and start reading what people are talking about. ***Don’t try to sell or get clients – you’ll get booted quick (respect the ecosystem).
      On FB, there’s a search bar in the group – search for keywords around your topic, and definitely search for ‘help’ as a keyword. This will pull up all the posts and topics people are looking for help with. Ask questions to clarify.
      Again, don’t offer your services, but seek to gain clarity and add value to that community.
      Things will start to rise to the surface.

      Similarly, find Forums on your topic – just go to Google and type in ‘[your topic] forums’ and start digging. Again, use keywords to find threads around your topic and see what people are talking about.

      All of this ‘fuel’ will help inform the foundation for different ‘lead magnets’, which you can test to attract your ideal client.

      Remember: in Marketing, there’s no such thing as failure – only testing.

      Hope this helps,


      • Silvia Weber


        Scott – well with this procedure I get more information about my field of expertise and can optimize my product. But that is why I do not get any customers.

        It’s the same as always: it’s easy to expand your customer base if you are already an offline entrepreneur or have been in online marketing for 10 years plus.

        But as a newcomer WITHOUT a single offline customer, but with a mature product – you won’t get a comment from any online marketer on how to really generate customers. You are right, testing is part of it – but where, what and how? 🙂


        • So true. Not one single ‘train the trainer’ has been able to sing a different song than this one.

          My best results are still the old fashioned way: cold emails where you refer to your profile and social media.

    • Wow, Jeff, that was amazing – incredibly helpful.

      PLEASE make lots more videos like this!

      Many thanks and all the best from the UK,


  1. You are a smart man WOW I get it. Been trying figure out what I can offer the world. But now I’ll look more of what ppl. Want. God Bless You

  2. Thank you very much, Jeff, I love everything you talk and write about.

    Best wishes from Germany

  3. I love this weekly does of knowledge. Thank you.
    This is great advice. Ask real world customers what they want. But I have found it’s no use asking their opinion. Questions like “Do you think this is a good idea?”. They’ll always be polite and so you’ll get a politely biased result. Instead I have found it better to ask factual questions like: “When was the last time you….?”, “How much do you spend on….?”. That way you’re dealing in facts and people don’t feel the need to be polite. They just answer the question.

  4. Great advice, I feel like I paid a couple of thousand dollars for what you just gave me for free and an email address. Thanks this was great.

  5. hi Jeff,
    I watched the video of the super event from Tony Robins et al yesterday, the replay, as live was a proposition I could refuse….(I am in Europe)
    Honestly Jeff, I am more relaxed and much more motivated to make my next step listening to you than to them.
    I know they are pitching or in our jargon launching, and you are just authentic and delivering value to your Plf Owners.
    In your next launch, please don’t try to top this show, please keep it simple as your videos are powerful and your product speaks for itself.

  6. On it!
    I’m so excited to share how I’ve been able to help women transform health from chronic illness into feeling like their true selves again. I’ve been frustrated for years knowing what I have to offer and the one-on-one model isn’t allowing me to make the greatest impact on the most lives.

    I’m in, just bought the PLF Jeff, I know who I help, and my method behind it, I just need PLF to show me the way toward making the greatest contribution possible.

  7. Thank you once again for sharing information, as I enjoy learning from every video and the few live training’s. Opening your email was the answer I needed to get back on focus. However, I still am confident enough to launch as of yet. I realize that I am doing some of the right things but I am also doing some of the wrong things and or fall short that’s where I feel stuck and sort of spin my wheels.
    I hope to attend one of your programs in the near future.

  8. Hi Jeff, thanks for sharing your wisdom. Over the last 10 years, I have tried, rather unsuccessfully, to build a Coaching and Training Business. I have invested a lot of money over that time with “NO ROI”
    I have been a financially successful entrepreneur, as a result, I naturally picked entrepreneurs and the owners of small businesses as my niche, trying to teach how to use their business to build wealth. still not having any success. I am a senior and am about to give up. Perhaps it’s my pride and ego that’s won’t let me go sit down!
    Your thoughts?

    • Ron i read your post and my heart went out to you….if it is in your heart to continue, do so. I am sure the world would be greatly helped by your product/offer…. Sometimes it takes many iterations to figure out what will work. Look at the Beatles. They were told they would never be successful. If it is not in your heart, find something else you love and put your energy there. 🙂 Here’s wishing you all the best.

  9. Nathan R Jackson


    Jeff, Great Video! I am transitioning out of the US Navy in the next year. I want to use my 10 years of experience to get in the knowledge business. Do you think something in military leadership and business would be successful?

  10. Great video! The trick as a practitioners that we have state licenses and when teaching courses to the public worldwide we need to be very careful that we don’t cause side-effects if we teach them about supplements or certain techniques in a course. A medical disclaimer is key but many folks are on polyharmacy and that issue can be tricky. I would love a solid solution for this problem.

    • Hello, Dagmar
      I am a practitioner as well, and I am struggling to find clear guidelines around legalities in teaching certain techniques online. Do you have experience with this? Could you point me in a good direction to find out? Are there attorneys who specialize in online healthcare advice out there yet?
      Thank you!

  11. Jeff, fabulous video! By spending a few hours/days researching the “playing field”, you could jump light years ahead of people already in your space. Your topic could thrive by knowing what is being searched for, the best channel for it, and what the competition is doing..

    Love the video. Would love to see step 2 in this process.

    Thanks, Jeff…

  12. Carlos I Molina


    Great insight, Jeff. Appreciate your sharing of knowledge. Will look into doing something to get this rolling. Everyone has knowledge which they can sell and many people can use.


  13. Seed Launch is interesting… like how much (# of people) is a small group for a seed Launch? what is the size of the sample?

  14. Nice video Jeff. I have one question: is it advisable to use slide videos (picture slides with voiceover) to create an online course?

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