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This surprising productivity “tip” is not about “to do” lists or setting priorities, but it will make a huge difference for you – and you'll like your life a lot more…

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98 Replies to “The Surprising Link Between Rejuvenation and Productivity”

  1. Agreed. I crashed out of rejuvenation daily dose for 2 weeks during Eben’s Wake up productive programme and found work and life seriously horrible! Once you’ve got into the habit, not practising the habit brings the strain of running on stoicism and empty glaringly into view. Glad more people may get to hear about this via your YouTube posting. Enjoy your epic day.

    • can I say how much I love your phrase ‘Running on Stoicism’ – I can’t tell you how many preofessionals I work with who do exactly that, like it’s some kind of life purpose to catch all the rocks thrown at us until we’re too exhausted to do it anymore, and then the next one will knock us down, possibly for good. Stoicism has its place, but not when there’s no end in sight. Let’s get off that path!

  2. You dont take your phone to your bedroom? What a beautifully simply rule. Trying it out from TODAY! (Although I do feel a bit awkward even thinking about that!!) 🙂

    I mean, I take pride that the lines between work and play are blurred, that I love my work… but we still need boundaries, is that what you’re saying?

    Also, Jeff, over a week,, how many days do you WANT to be work days? And how many Rejuve days?

    So I’ve asked two questions here 🙂

    Great video as usual. Rock on and God bless m’man.

  3. Perhaps the best video I’ve seen on holistic productivity, thanks Jeff. Watching this from my parents holiday home in France as I’m starting to feel guilty that I’m not locked down in the office. Great timing and thanks for allowing me to enjoy the nice weather we’re having here! 🙂

  4. Such good advice, Jeff. And always presented in your friendly, engaging way.

    And sometimes the unexpected, spontaneous escape is an awesome stress reliever, too.

    Here’s a simple poem that speaks to your video:

    Perhaps under a shady tree
    Or walking along the shore
    I take this time for me
    Then I can give you more

  5. Thanks for the tip, Jeff.

    Another strategy I use to get rejuvenation is to do one “unusual” thing per week. By “unusual”, I mean something that is fun and new to me. This can be anything from going to a new restaurant that I never visited to cycling 20 kilometers dressed as a gorilla.

    I’ve had amazing experiences doing that !

    Take care,

  6. good stuff Jeff. Thanks man. delivering an 8 week online spiritual awakening course right now and much of it is create/make as I go and is pretty intense. Taking a day off seems near impossible. (I’m relishing even a few hours) But once its created I’ll have a course I can use, offer, market and benefit from for years. I have marked off a week after the course for a vacation. thanks as always for your ongoing support and enthusiasm,… peace j stewart

  7. Thanks Jeff!
    A great post on how to be more productive and work efficiently, and have time for each area of your life 🙂

    I love these short, to the point videos! 🙂

    Many thanks!

  8. Pieter Sadie


    Thank you very much for the video Jeff! The comparison with a top athlete really made sense.

  9. Corey Lewis


    Not working every day is huge Jeff. When I had my offline biz, I worked every single day Big mistake. Great stuff here!

  10. ,Carol Marsocci


    Were you talking to me personally today? Sure sounded like it! Rejuvenation-, who would have thought! I’m going to embark on new territory, the phone is staying downstairs tonight! Thank you, Carol

  11. Thanks for the great video Jeff, burnout does affect productivity, I think when you’re starting to build your business you forget to take breaks and those free and epic days (mainly because you want to get to your first goal, and especially in information buisnesses where people might be trying to transform from a 9-5 into self employment you’re hungry for progress). However balance is 100% important for you to be able to serve your customers well. I found Brian Tracy’s “Eat That Frog” book a great resource for learning time management. Love these inspirational videos, thanks for the words of wisdom Jeff and keep up the great work!

    • ken ca|houn


      +1 re Brian Tracy’s “Eat that Frog”, really helped me as well, great tips on getting main project done early

  12. Perfect timing, Jeff (and Happy Easter). I just completed a re-motivation program and have been setting up a (loose) schedule for myself, as tight, specific schedules send me right into a frozen, comatose state. I did set aside a day for Fun–but I scheduled what Fun I’ll be having. You reminded me that “free” means just that—not filled in with “DO FUN”.

    I grew up with the Sabbath as a set-apart day and although I’m not religious anymore I do recognize it as a day to break from the work of the week and breathe, appreciate the world around me, give thanks, and not kill bugs. I’m going to re-institute the Sabbath in my week as my free day–again, not a religious one but the day when I step back from creating this-and-that and Just Be. Thanks again, Jeff.

  13. hey Jeff great stuff as usual, I’m always telling my list to not be ruled by their tech. I’m going to send them this link!

  14. Jeff,

    That is great advice to start the day and how to control your day. Not be controlled by outside factors that easily get in the way most times.


  15. I like this video – applying rejuvenation succeed sometimes. Like these days.
    Have a nice Easter.

  16. Thank your this info.
    It was very interesting and refreshing idea.
    I will start doing it¡

  17. Hi Jeff,

    Thanks for all these tips I will implement: Focus, Buffer, Free, Rejuvenating. And very important, leave the smartphone outside the bedroom.


  18. Hi Jeff, thank you for the video and reminding me to have focus days.
    How I start my day is important as I have the chance to setup myself for a successful day. To make it easy for me I use a ritual. I nearly always start with reading bible, thinking of who I am, being grateful for what I have and writing that down in my journal. My mobil is far away from my bedroom where the charger is.
    I have focus days and buffer days but I have to be careful to have enough free days. It is easy for me to forget that because my job makes so much fun for me.
    Happy Easter

  19. nice piece, added value to my life. I ordered Kennedy’s book on time mgt for entrepreneurs,

    I find if I start my day with a gratitude / reframing diary, it is a great benefit for productivity. I list three things I appreciated and valued from the day before. I write how they happened and why, and whether I could make them happen again.

    Then I write about one annoying thing. I brainstorm: Where is the silver lining, where is the blessing in disguise in this annoying event.

    When I go to work, the work flows better.

  20. Yes, Jeff. Too easy for us to work seven days a week, all day every day, when we work for ourselves.

    Love the comment about the phone in the bedroom. True too, of tablets and TVs. Not good for restful sleep or for your dream life which is so important for rejuvenation and inspiration.

  21. Blessings there Jeff …

    Thank you. I have learned [sometimes relearned] so much through watching your free programs and videos. You are one of the rare ones worth my time to watch and digest.

    Our business progress is still back where you had a scant email list numbering in the teens, but you have helped me to focus on a long term goal with direction like a map. Thus we are building quality content like crazy, setting up to explode it all over the place, and stitching bigger pockets into our britches for fatter wallets. Thank you …

    [And yes, revamping the website is a nightmare all its own, let alone getting a following, but it’s all happening.]

    We trust in what we have to offer, and it is good.

    Guru Aum Jah here …

  22. Great reminder! I take a lot of half days off but rarely a full day away from the computer/work. Still learning to set boundaries there. But one thing I’m great at is not being ruled by my phone. It’s always silent, I only get emails if I push them to come through and I use the Airplane Mode a lot. It allows you to have access to the camera, notes and a few other apps, but nothing can come through pulling you away from what you’re doing.

  23. Thank you so much for this video, Jeff.
    I’ve done that. Trying to work every single day to make progress in my business.
    And you’re so right! That non stop effort doesn’t work. It only brings burn-out and exhaustion, loss of creativity and less productivity.
    So today I’m taking the day off in order to rejuvenate 🙂
    Thanks again!

  24. Hi Jeff great vid, i have an illness that puts me in pain 24/7 i am just starting out in this industry, building my platform and so on. Recently i had myself in a real frazzle, keep learning, whatching video’s subcribing to blogs etc, so i did exactly what you say, i had a rejuvenation day or two day’s and come back buzzing to learn and work, it worked so well Thanks Jeff.

  25. What a timely warning, Jeff, here I am in Easter Sunday noon, writing my blog, and fighting with social media 🙂

  26. Good info Jeff. I often find myself performing at all star level everyday and quite frankly that’s the only way I have been able to perform. I took half the day off on Friday and it felt great and provided more creativity for me and my business in the process. So I definitely agree with unplugging from time to time.

  27. Hi Jeff ~

    Thank you for that wonderful reminder of the role of playing and relaxing as part of the creative cycle. This has given me some good ideas around mastering creative cycles.

  28. Thanks Jeff, great advises – I actually took notes! I will try to implement the free/focus /buffer and morning ritual in the coming weeks…

  29. Love this video Jeff. When you are fired up to do your work it can be really difficult to take time off – what happens to me is my body just shuts down for a day, and I sleep for about 18 hours. But it’s way preferable to choose when to take that time off, and prevent myself just shutting down on the wrong days!

    In fact, i think it’s one of the most valuable things that having a loving partner can offer – they know you best and will normally be the one to say; “time to step off the gas for a bit”.

  30. Good points. I’m also going through Eben’s wake up productive. In the past I have been burning myself out with long hours followed by long vacations. Applying Eben’s tips has made a drastic difference for me so far. Sullivan’s focus, free, and b.s. task day sounds like a good thing to try out.

    I need to get back in shape so I can add some epic days like skiing with friends from 8am to 4pm on perfect snow!

  31. Thank you for reminding me once again how important it is to take breaks. I totally agree with the concept of a morning rejuvenation ritual. I do yoga and meditation/connection to my soul so that I am present that day and not completely scattered all over the place. This gives me focus, structure and energy.

  32. Hey Jeff,
    Yep, phone never goes near the bedroom and funny enough, I was on a recharging weekend, last weekend, and went to the NASCAR race in Martinsville, VA. Love that place; anyhow, I took my phone with me inside the racetrack and I was storing it inside the top part of my little cooler that is supposed to remain dry. Well it got a little moist and it’s no longer among the living, in terms of phones.
    So I’ve been without my phone for 7 days now and I’m not sure I miss it all that much. It may be a little inconvenient but it has not hindered my ability to get my daily podcast done, answer email, book guests and work on a course I’m currently developing.
    So yep, anyone reading this, if you heed any advice today, make it Jeff’s phone advice; you will be glad you did.
    Cheers and Happy Easter to All.

  33. Pauline McNamee


    As always Jeff Walker, your right smack bang on the button.
    After rest, I am better able to show up and meet the day, whatever way it goes.
    I heard someplace that creativity is 90% showing up………..
    Enjoy your Ski day………..
    Great video

  34. Thanks, I need this to hear. I feel I have to work work work…. No time. But I will now. It makes sense…. Thank you…

  35. Jeff,

    Thanks for this great video and reminder that rejuvenation is really a big part of productivity.

  36. Yes Please! Let’s put the phones away! We don’t have phones around meals, evening time, first thing in the morning or when people are visiting. It is so refreshing to have conversations with people that don’t go to their phone in the middle of the conversations. Thank you

  37. Totally true, puting my phone on the off mode was one of my best choice.

    Btw, your sunday video are some of my rejuvination, thanks for this 😉

  38. The phone ringing (let’s add email too) is someone else prioritizing your day… So true, Jeff!

  39. Les Wiggill


    Hi Jeff, loved your message on starting your day with rejuvenation exercises, thanks.

    I was blown away by your book when I read it a few months ago, but I didn’t get all the concepts! I’m busy reading through ‘Launch’ for the second time now, and filling in the gaps that I missed when I read it first time round … and I’m totally excited by starting my own ‘online’ business!

    I have an appointment scheduled for the 15th of April with an ‘expert’ who can help me to set up the mechanics of the business (because I’m clueless on that side, in terms of setting up a website with PayPal etc, as well as how to reach people to ‘build my list’)! After that, I can launch my own PLF business … and will start working on my products and the PLC. Thank you once again for your positive inputs into my life – I really appreciate you!

    Kind regards
    Les Wiggill
    Pretoria, South Africa

  40. Great stuff Jeff. Archived for repeated viewing too. Happy Easter to you and yours.

  41. Thanks, Jeff – good advice as always.
    Quick bio: I’m hooked up with Ed Dale’s magcasting ; I think it was via one of your videos that created a link over to Ed’s sites! Hit me just at the right time – I’ve been looking for somewhere to upload my tutorials for three years and wham! pulled me in straight away: and with a magcast, The Economics Circle to boot. Now, returning to the source: Ed mentions you in his videos (many of which I’ve still to digest) so I’m looking forward to catching up.
    The other side of my online life is just getting going – I’m publishing a UK digital magazine (Prosper UK) which will draw on great insights and writers for the UK self-development market. However, I just had a laugh with my Italian coach (who lives in CA), that perhaps the UK market is a little too stuck in its ways, like much of the EU. I said I’d give it a year and then shift Stateside if necessary!! (I used to live in Canada – great energy there).
    So thank you – and I’m looking forward to building up the relationship as you say –
    Best wishes, Alex
    Dr Alexander Moseley
    Classical Foundations Ltd (director – private tuition company)
    The Economics Circle
    Prosper UK

  42. Now you’ve done it Jeff! You said what I needed to hear about the cell phone relationship part! My phone doesn’t follow me upstairs and I’ve been working on NOT looking at my phone after my morning ritual (meditation, prayer, visualization, read and exercise). I’ll hear your voice talking about cell phone in the morning. Hold me accountable community. No cell phone until I’ve take care of my mind in the AM!!!

  43. Thank you so much for this message Jeff. Something I really needed to hear today! Excellent reminder and tips;0)

    With Gratitude!

  44. Ha yes, I love it! A great way to articulate the different kinds of days we can benefit from.
    I tend to group days together, so I like to have more than one free day and intense work days at a time.
    Epic day(s) here I come!

  45. Ricardo Oliveira


    Hi, Jeff!

    It’s always a pleasure to watch everything you show. I’m from Brasilia- BRAZIL. I’m just finishing reading your e-book (LAUCH) that I bought from Amazon. I´s been amazing each word I take. It’s really a great gift. Thanks!!!!

    A little bit of me: I’m a Police Officer in process of retirement. I’m 46 years old with a 20 spirit age and body 😉 ,

    I’m intending to restart my hole professional life and found in a Digital Marketing an interesting and lovely way to do it.

    But, I confess: I still feel lost.

    It’s about a half year that I’m reading, watching and taking some courses, but I still didn’t put my hands on the game.

    I just studied about your SEED LAUCH and I got excited….but also afraid.

    Anyway, your words and exemples really makes me better.

    Many thanks.

    Ricardo Oliveira

  46. So true, that work thing does tend to get a bit obsessive at times. Time management skills should include elimination of compulsive behavior like email slavishness and Pavlovian phone conditioning that preempt any chance of getting into the creativity zone. Henceforth I’m gonna follow your lead Jeff and leave the phone far from the bedroom.

  47. Thank you for the video Jeff,
    I do an hour of power every day before any one see’s me. My own Yaga version with strength exersises,
    I call Yogarsizing.
    No matter how I feel when I get out of bed, I always feel better when I’ve done it.
    Love and Blessings Annamarie

  48. Pretty exciting to hear you are a fellow Wake Up Productive ‘student’. It is a great program, and it is nice to hear your take on things.

    Breaks, rejuvenation and “changing channels” are such important and undervalued things in modern society, so it is great to hear you sharing this, where I know it will reach a large and attentive audience.

    Thanks for sharing this message and so many other great ones on here.

  49. Jeff, Nice post. The cycle you talk about reminds me of the program developed for elite athletes in the late 90’s. It was called the LEAP program and balanced activity with rest and recovery. Also the Mental Toughness work follows similar methods and was developed with professional tennis players in mind. Again nice post.


  50. Hi Jeff
    I will add 4 others for you as well.

    My business grew 6 fold in 7 months to be the fastest growing dental practice in Australia in 2013 if not the world and here are a couple of things that l did with my time.

    4 things on top of what you have mentioned are
    1 Delegation of things that you don’t need to do and others do better and
    2 Don’t go anywhere near your own FB etc
    3 Use Parado principles –80 % of income comes from 20% of activity. Please focus on that 20%
    4 Use “cocooning” to value add the value of your members — absolute essential

    Have a good one
    Jamie from OZ
    Ps your membership area is of great interest to me. Love it . its where l would and am moving towards .

  51. Hi Jeff
    My business grew 6 fold in 7 months to be the fastest growing dental practice in Australia in 2013 if not the world and here are a couple of things that l did with my time.

    4 things on top of what you have mentioned are
    1 Delegation of things that you don’t need to do and others do better and
    2 Don’t go anywhere near your own FB etc
    3 Use Parado principles –80 % of income comes from 20% of activity. Please focus on that 20%
    4 Use “cocooning” to value add the value of your members — absolute essential

    Have a good one
    Jamie from OZ
    Ps your membership area is of great interest to me. Love it . its where l would and am moving towards .

  52. Beatrix Willius


    I’m trying to pace myself. So I start working early, but do some gardening, house work, reading etc in between. Also I stop working not too late and there are no late-night programming sessions for me.

  53. Hi Jeff,

    love the insights and a constant reminder that we need to get off the grid and just rejuvenate. I find it very useful also for creative processes or when we can upscale or come up with an idea. Getting out of our comfort zones also completely feels us up with adrenaline to help us turbo-charge our brain too 🙂

    Love the content and and can’t to hear more!

  54. Hi Jeff!

    Your info is spot on!

    When you’re super busy and have a thousand things to accomplish, it’s hard to unfocus from what needs to be done but ultimately, you have to take time to recharge your batteries and rejuvenate.

    I think the hardest challenge for many entrepreneurs is to strike a balance between work, family and personal life but it’s definitely something that needs to be worked into the entire equation so you’re getting the most from each aspect of your life.

    Thanks for sharing!

  55. Nice — and good timing! I took a nap today and had to tell myself over and over that it was a GOOD thing, that I wasn’t being a slacker, and that when I woke up, I would be able to ENJOY the work I would be doing, instead of trying to JUST SLOG THROUGH IT.

    I’m a newly-forged music producer, and a song had presented itself to me the other night — a theme song for another motivational speaker whom I admire (I’m enjoying your videos a lot, too). Should I write and record it? Should I not? Can I afford the time? But the song was just THERE, so I went for it. This is the second song i’m working on where I’ve given the song boundaries: it’s NOT allowed to take over my life, and keep me up and working until the sun comes up.

    A lot of my songs have been wrought through dogged persistence, and I’m guessing I was afraid that if I stopped pushing, the magic would go away. Tonight, I called it quits after the basic tracks for the first chorus were done. I was tempted to go longer — I still had ideas! — but I told myself that I was going to be compassionate and respectful to myself. I’m teaching myself that I don’t have to sell my soul — and my BALANCE — to the devil in exchange for the gift of producing good music.

    Besides that, you’ve just explained to me why the work flowed so easily tonight after my NAP. Yay. 🙂

  56. Hey this is great! You cannot underestimate the power of a good (and consistent) morning routine. My newest routine is to not listen to the radio on my (30-minute plus) commute to work. Too many spastic things clamor for your attention on the radio for thing in the morning. I use that time to pray and focus instead. I also think about the ONE thing that I most need to do to move toward my dreams that day.

  57. Well said Jeff! All work and no play not only make Jack a dull boy but also leads to burnout, high levels of stress, and general unhappiness! All spoken from personal experience! Thank you!

  58. ken ca|houn


    +1 re phone boundary tip and rejuvenation; I really like your idea re ‘epic’ day.

    + starbucks w/wife/daughter for coffee break, or lunch somewhere nice
    + going to relaxing big local hotel like Broadmoor for a day-trip, spend time out

    + going to stay at Bellagio, my favorite hotel, for poker + “O” show
    + trip to hawai’i for time in Oahu/Kauai
    + Aspen for getting on the gondola ski lift, sightseeing in the back country

    totally agree re some down time/away time is crucial.

  59. RIGHT ON! I love your video presentations. They are so helpful. Praise God for your knowledge, experience, and more importantly that you share this with the world!

  60. Great video Jeff. I tend towards burnout sometimes and the biggest takeaway from this prioritising my morning ritual. I do have one but sometimes I sideline it because I’m excited about my work for the day. Nice that I love my work, not good that my ritual suffers. I have a routine of a subliminal audio, a mandala meditation and an attunement activation but it flows and changes. Thanks so much for this timely reminder! And Kipp (the comment above) I believe in the power of an awesome NAP too! 🙂

  61. thanks for pointing out about the phone. it’s amazing how attached we become to our phones. are we afraid of missing something? not being fast enough? i really like your idea not to take your phone upstairs. i’m going to do this today. maybe my wife will join me. thanks jeff!

  62. Gayle Larson


    Great stuff, Jeff! Thank you for the reminder that my phone ringing is somebody else’s priority. It is always the simple steps that make the difference. Look forward to the next wisdom nugget. Have to go get ’em now!

  63. I couldn’t agree more. I’m a workaholic because I love helping small businesses grow and prosper. I have to actually get out of cellphone range and where I have zero connectivity. When I come back, I’m so refreshed and ready to rule the world.

    When You unplug, you are able to be so much more creative.

    My daily routine includes meditation every morning for 20 minutes. There is nothing better than taking a walk when you get stuck on a design or writing copy.

  64. Jeff
    I love it !!!
    Thank you 😀

    Focus Days
    Buffer Days
    Rejuvenation Days
    Epic Days
    and FREE days 😀
    I like to take a digital day off at least once a week and get my loved one to do the same so we can actually focus on meaningful connections 😀
    I’m a Yoga/Meditation morning kind of gal 😀 It sets me up for the day 😀 No mobile/email or anything until I have done my process.
    What a wonderful way to lay it out your week – Thank you for your sharing 😀 I’m inspired and will now tweak my week 😀

  65. Right on time with this tip, Jeff! I just took a couple of days “off”, and it felt good.
    What do you think about nutrition as part of taking care of your rejuvenation?

  66. Focus, Buffer, Rejuvenate (free) Days all help you have those EPIC days now and then. And sometimes that can be a day of just relaxing.
    If you can’t do a full day of focus – set aside 3 or 4 hours to concentrate. Buffer time also includes e-mail or social media time. And yes, it is critical to take R &R (rest and relaxation) time away from any kind of job. Bravo to you for keeping the phone separated from you. It is NOT necessary to be available all the time. Gosh sakes – how many thousands of years did people live without mobile devices. And yet, look how far we’ve come in advancements. Nobody is that indispensible to have to be on-call all the time. You are in control of your time, peacefulness, and choices.

  67. Hey Jeff, so true and most of us know this but never allow ourselves the time. To use a music analogy “It’s the space between the notes”.

    Imagine what music would sound like without any space. Relentless and disturbing. But many of us seem compelled to live our lives like this. Why do you think that is? Have we inherited this mindset from somewhere?

    Just out of interest What time do you get up and how long does your morning ritual last?

  68. very helpful video for the week. Thanks for the drip, drip of encouragement, advice and wisdom!

    Dan Tripp

  69. Great advice Jeff,
    The best way to get ideas and tap your brilliance is to get away for a day or two. Freeing our mind to dance, dabble and dive in to experience pleasures and passions is the key to our success. Imagine if we all started to have more fun! WOW what a world it would be.
    Thanks so much, Jeff.

  70. Thanks Jeff. I took a couple days off in March to go mountain biking with our son while he was home from college on his spring break. I don’t think of myself as a workaholic but I found myself feeling guilty for leaving work behind. But after unplugging for a couple days I really felt rejuvenated and have seen the benefits in productivity since then.

  71. Love it Jeff. I have been working on my morning ritual and have been having a hard time connecting with it. You have inspired me today to work on my ritual again. Great stuff.

  72. Great tips Jeff, been doing these ideas a lot more recently and they certainly create energy to focus on what matters.

  73. Clifford Edwards


    You’re preaching to the choir on this topic with me Jeff. I love the idea and practice of having a daily ritual and setting good boundaries around work and electronic devices in order to be more creative, productive and contributive. I start my day with meditation, gratitude and a walk, and make it a habit to leave my cell phone downstairs. And also thanks for the way you’re stepping into greater levels of visibility and contribution to the betterment of us all!

  74. Jeff as ever you are spot on! I’ve come to realize the importance of this kind of balance over the past 18 months, as I was spending 14-16 hours a day working, pretty much 7 days a week! Now I’m far less psychotic about work and I meditate, listen to / read a lot of motivational material and have finally gotten myself out of the work, work, work mode and the ridiculous ‘guilt’ I used to feel if I was not constantly working! I love this idea of Focus, buffer, rejuvenate… everyone should take the idea on board, no matter what job or business they are in. I start the day now with a short while reading on my Kindle before I get up, then I take my dog out for a good long walk and that gets our day off to a great start! I end my days with meditations, gratitude, brainwave entrainment and often listen to new MP3s I’ve downloaded. Thanks for sharing this great video.

  75. My morning ritual begins in the evening: I tidy up my workspace, program the coffee-maker, set out my clothes, and set my alarm manually every evening. I find that prepping the morning ritual the night before is crucial to longstanding success of that routine.

  76. Thanks for the video!
    Great advice on establishing a ritualistic start to the day.
    Good on leaving your phone in the business portion of your life.

  77. Thank you so much, Jeff. One thing I heard you say repeatedly was have a morning routine. That really struck a chord with me because I don’t have one. (Partly because I often suffer from sleep deprivation, only getting about 4-5 hours a night). Still, I need to not make excuses and develop a routine that works for me to get my mind ready to write and create. Looking forward to more tips from you. I did download the 16 Tips. Thanks again.

  78. Hi Jeff. I so agree. But I’ll take your rejuvenation, multiply it by x and square it with how I found my balance. In the midst of my already busy life I lost both parents and a stepmother in a short period of time, leaving me with two estates to manage, a lawsuit, and a conservatorship. Nightmare. And I sat down to deliberately strategize how I was going to get through it with the best parts of me and my life preserved. Now for the counterintuitive part squared. With Annie’s introduction, I launched my web business in the thick of it, knowing that a passionate pursuit would energize me and give me the respite from the chaos. it worked! Now I’m two years in and happy to be taking more of those much needed peaceful moments amidst the passionate chaos of being a mother, a psychologist, AND an entrepreneur. It’s as if 1/4 days these days is epic! Thanks for the valuable reminder. Beach day!

  79. Thanks for this post, Jeff. I was reading through the comments and thought: I wish there were a place to crowdsource ideas for the “morning success ritual” that Eben Pagan talks about. So I just wrote a post on my site for that express purpose!

    I got the discussion started with my own morning success ritual:
    My current morning ritual, with approximate durations (note that I begin my ritual the night before, see the full blog post on my site):
    -Wake up
    -Drink a full glass of water
    -pour a cup of coffee
    -Read the Bible (5-10 min.)
    -Stretches (5 min.)
    -Run (15 min.)
    -Prayer/Meditation (5 min)
    -Read for 30 min. (I’m currently reading Switch, by Chip and Dan Heath)
    -Finish the ritual by tidying up and putting everything in its place

    Would you share your own morning ritual there, if you knew others would as well?

  80. Hi Jeff

    The telephone thing in the morning… very familiar 🙂
    On the other side I don’t really mind checking my mails on my smartphone right in the morning after waking up (my iPhone serves as my alarm clock as well, but in flight mode during the night). So, I am not sure if this is then per se a bad habit that one should get rid of. Even more so if, like in my case, every morning you find an email in your inbox that’s an automated report about how your affiliate websites were doing, also while you were sleeping… 🙂

    Sunny greetings from Greece

  81. Great advice, Jeff. Thanks for sharing this. The concept of removing your phone from the bedroom is such a simple and smart thing to do. Count me in!

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