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Last week at my “PLF Live” event we had an AMAZING time… and we raised more than $123,000 for World Teacher Aid… that's enough to build an entire eight-classroom school in Kenya. I can't wait to go to the ribbon-cutting and see the school that PLF Live built…

If you were at “PLF Live” last week (or one of our past events), please leave a comment below and tell me what your big takeaway was…

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40 Replies to “How We Raised $123,000 for charity!”

  1. gary ingram


    Jeff my big takeaway was being in a group of highly charged entrepreneurs, it felt normal to be who I was and go out and do what I wanted. I noticed the successful people were “doers” and I realized that I have had lots of success in my life offline and “just do it” online– be a beginner and don’t get in my own way by trying to be perfect. Jeff I had an amazing time and ready for bigger things!! Thank you!

  2. Hi, Jeff

    You truly are such a big inspiration for me.
    I went to PLF live with this concern about how to reconcile the ‘helping our tribe” part of PLF with the need to make the sale.
    I love the formula and it has worked for me the 2 times I have been able to implement it, but for some reason I was having difficulties with this tension.
    And now, after those amazing 3 days, I have to tell you that just by watching you on stage, learning from your teachings and sharing with the rest of our tribe, I KNOW that is absolutely possible to make a contribution, help our tribe and have financial success at the same time.
    I learned that when we are truly authentic, and speak from the heart, there’s no need for tension or conflict between the spiritual and financial aspects of our businesses.
    Also I wanted to say THANKS for helping me out with my Hero’s Journey!

    All the best to you and your family

  3. PLF Live was AMAZING! I think my big take-a-way, (coming from the introverts united club), was that you don’t have to meet everyone, lots of people, or even the “big guns”, to glean an incredible amount of value from the limited folks you have personal contact with.
    I learned so much from those I did meet, and received so much heart felt value from the group as a whole, that I will never be the same girl that arrived on Thursday night with softball sized knots in her stomach! The energy level in the group, and the authenticity of the hopes and dreams of everyone there, allow no room for doubt. This was a life changing event on so many levels for most of us…even the repeaters!
    Thank you for everything you share with us Jeff Walker. YOU are amazing!

  4. Beatrix Willius


    PLF has a lot of stuff inside. PLF live makes all the learnings of PLF come together. My biggest takeaway was that I need to make a regular space for marketing in my day.

    The training with Sebastian was hilarious. It was so cool to see your brother and son together with you on the stage. So many differences and so many similarities.

    • @Bea

      Are you talking about Sebastian the French Marketeur ?

      What did this crazy fantastic guy do, this time 😀

  5. Diamond Cutter


    Jeff.. don’t get mad at me but I have been using PLF alongside a friend who actually bought it. I have always been such an internet cynic, but now that I am going through the program, I can see the PLF being implemented everywhere! What REALLY convinced me was seeing major elements of the PLF being used in Ryan Leslie’s album launch (MZRT).

    He is using a very cool way to drive traffic to his list too.. a TEXT service. I haven’t figured out how he does it, but it makes a lot of sense and is something you should either look into or talk about in a video! It is such a genius idea, especially for young, cool markets where prospects are constantly texting!

    I dunno check it out. I am going to work on some prepre content for my yoga video launch! Thank you so much brother keep killing it!

  6. Just watched your video and I love that you are not only advancing people’s skills with PLF but also making a contribution to society as a whole and with your whole group there. This is the quantum model for the 21st century and so inspiring amid the craziness we hear everyday. Continued success. I will get there one of these years!

  7. Nice project Jeff,

    Can’t wait to see your next video when you will be in Kenya sharing another good tips with all of your tribe!

  8. Jeff !!!
    PLF Live is far and away the best business training, inspiration, networking conference I’ve been a part of – two years in a row. That description isn’t even adequate. Last year I made connections that grew into friendships that have grown into co-conspirator collaborations.
    Being with a group of powerful entrepreneurs and marketers with that level of energy, excitement, enthusiasm and commitment to make a difference in the world is extraordinary.
    This year my take away is simple: Me.
    I learned and realized the difference between cerebral marketing training – something I have done for years and digging deep to share my passion and fire from the heart. I had a goal last year to hit a million dollars in revenues for my company (we did) and now : I AM ON A MISSION – I will reach and inspire a million small business owners to tell their stories, as marketing, online so that their customers become energized and prospects flock to them. My goals were about me, my Mission is about changing the world – one inspired entrepreneur at a time. You and Brendon on stage and Bill O’Hanlon and Kurt Koenig next to me in the seats (when I wasn’t bouncing in the front row) have propelled me into my life, fully.
    My takeaway? Me … and my contribution to the world. Thanks Jeff, for being you!

  9. Jeff I’m in great agreement with Elsie about what you are doing to help raise entrepreneurial consciousness. Appreciate your tremendous results. Looking forward to your next video. 🙂

  10. I enjoyed the event, it was inspiring, educational and a fantastic networking opportunity.

    My biggest takeaway: I can do this.

    I’m in the process of planning a seed launch to begin my online information product business. The PLF Live event enabled me to identify the key elements of the seed launch and the foundation to do so, it also provided me more focus and new ideas on the niche to target for the information product that I want to create. Through my seed launch, I will discover what my target niche is, refine my avatars) and create information products/services to serve them, enabling a positive transformation and massive impact to the world.

    The event also helped me to identify two limiting beliefs so I now have an awareness of these and am taking action to overcome them, these being: perfectionism, self-forgiveness. I am confident now that I have what it takes and that I too can do this.

    I send my gratitude to everything that created the event and also everyone that attended and participated.

    Thank you Jeff for being you, your generosity in sharing with us your expertise and coaching us to launch our information products is appreciated.

  11. Jeff you are my hero and i like what you are doing in Africa. keep doing great work, you have already changed my life personally through your PLF and some of the products i have bought from you. You are really the voice of the genuine.


    Brian Chivumo, cmc

  12. Hey Jeff,

    I was not at PLF live, however I was extremely excited to see Stu and Amy McLaren’s Facebook updates about the awesome job that was done at the event for World Teacher Aid. I had the pleasure of going as a guest of Russell Brunson in the summer of 2012 when we went to help build that school and if you have a chance to not only go for the dedication, though also for helping to lend a hand, it is a life changing event.

    Great job and I can not wait to see/hear updates from WTA about the progress.

    Dave Gardner

  13. Hi Jeff!
    This was my second year at PLF, and it was even better than last year! I have to say that as a clinical psychologist I’m a bit of a cynical soul. But last year I learned that your tribe is exceptional and my soul is a happy camper amongst them. Last year, with the inspiration of Annie, I simply had my idea. I hired Bill O’Hanlon as my publishing coach and with his expert help my website and blog was up by January. I have my 6-Week GKIS Online Parent Course written and ready to shoot. My goal at PLF was to tighten my messaging, learn launch technique, join a mastermind, and prep to promote. I was 100% successful. But what surprised me most was the buzz I would get from meeting all those amazing people, and that the buzz would last all week! We shut the bar down every night, you’d think I’d be still catching up on sleep. But a week later I reflect with gratitude that I left PLF having adopted more expert, generous, warm support than I could even imagine. I will be shooting my sales videos Friday and have a press release going out tonight! My point is, I’m a PLF junkie and fully intent to join the plats next year. And the most profound inspiration of all is that I can reach more people than ever to make a critical, positive difference. Thanks for being an inspiration (and for being a nice guy instead of too slick).

  14. That’s AWESOME that a school is being built out of that event! I CELEBRATE that!

    My big takeaway from PLF Live was the inspiration to up my game. I walked away with greater confidence, and greater clarity on what I want to do and create over the next 12-24 months. And, I got some key distinctions that will help me be successful with my plan.

  15. I like your comment about video vs text. It is so true that most of us are not as good about expressing our personality through text. Some people seem to be able to transcend the lack of voice inflections, facial expression and more. Kudos for the those fortunate ones. Do you have any thoughts on what kind of ratio you would suggest of text to video? Not a hard ratio but a more organic guide to the balance.

  16. Jeff — It was really a weekend of “AWESOME”, “AWESOMENESS”, and more “AWESOMENESS”… just as you promised. My business partner and I explored paths and made commitments in our business that I thought we might be YEARS away from being bold enough to do. The leverage we have together to make the impacts we all so desire to do was evident and that led me to yet another “MOMENT OF GRACE”. My heart was just grateful to be there with everyone at PLF LIVE. The biggest takeaway for me was: building a theme for your launch that enhances your brand because this is where I personally felt I had a breakthrough to connect to the small business owners and online entrepreneurs we want to impact through our accounting, bookkeeping, tax, and small business coaching services. The process of going through the Launch book helped me immensely to catch a vision on how to turn something so “unsexy” into something that could really have an extraordinary impact with the people we connect with. Thanks for your work, for your tribe and to each and every single one of you that made the journey over that three-day week so incredibly special. I can’t wait to see how the year unfolds for all of us! I know it will be “AWESOME”! 🙂

  17. Jeff,
    Thank you for making a difference in our world through the work you do and the nonprofits you support. This was my first PLF Live and we met briefly at the VIP Reception. The event was a game-changer for me and I learned so much from you and everyone I met over the weekend. I am looking forward to my first launch in the next 30 days and hopefully grow into Platinum member next year and see you in Durango. You taught me some key lessons: (1) I can do it (2) Forgiveness (3) Gratitude (4) Grace (5) Progress not perfection and (6) Be authentic.

    I am glad to finally find my family/tribe/community where we can help each other make a positive impact on the world. Keep up the great work you do and also the commitment to your family and balance in your life.

    Take care, Greg

  18. My big takeaway Jeff is there are so many incredible people in the world and 700+ of them gathered in Scottsdale! We hear so much negative in the news and media it can be depressing. Then you go to this incredible event and meet high energy, positive, motivated entrepreneurs everywhere and it renews your faith in what we can do. I was helped by so many people with my new project. Their enthusiasm for what I am planning has really motivated me to make it happen. Even better for me, is I think I was able to help a lot of people too while starting new friendships. An awesome tribe led by Jeff, helping each other succeed and do great things. That’s what PLF Live was.

  19. Hi Jeff,

    Had an awesome time at PLF Live (my first time). I came hoping to hone my message and product to sell online. I walked away with my life’s mission instead. It was life changing for me. Can’t wait to get it started. I also walked away with some new friends. Funny how random connections turned into real connections from around the globe.

    I hope I can go again next year! “LAUNCH!” 🙂

  20. Aloha Jeff!
    I’m sorry I didn’t get to meet you at PLF live AND I’m so glad I went. I left another fabulous conference early to be there and it was a great choice. My biggest takeaway was that being authentic is your strength, your vulnerability, and your key to success. I have had tribes of physicians, physicians and other practitioners on the cutting edge of medicine, spiritual practitioners, and now i have jumped into the deep end of your internet marketing/entrepreneur tribe! To me, your tribe, of which I’m now proud to be a part , is spirituality and grace in action. I also got the idea at PLF live to take the gobs of money I’m going to earn (helping physicians to heal themselves and thus change the medical system) to do charitable work for kids here in Hawaii. Thanks for everything you made possible for so many at PLF live!!!

  21. Alan Sternik


    Wow…. What an amazing weekend we had! What I witnessed happening for the people who had the fortune (and courage) to stand up and open their vulnerable and authentic hearts to 700 people in that room I was extraordinary. I was too shy to raise my hand very vigorously to be called on but I think the true work you are inspiring, Jeff, is so much about so much more than people making money online. Helping all of us connect to our life’s work and outlining a clear path for that to actually be taken from the realm of possibility into the realm of inevitability (if we do the work) is sheer magic! I found that I am not at all alone in feeling the heartache and grief of not having found a way to actualize and monetize my most valuable gifts and talents. For a while on day two I was feeling a bit overwhelmed with that pain but because of the open heartedness and all that positive energy in the room I was able to make use of it to get into the “Hero’s Journey” work. I came out with much a more precise vision about my product, my prospective clients, and my mission and I am truly grateful. Thanks Jeff and thanks to all the outstanding people who were there.

  22. Congratulations, Jeff! You are such an inspiration! I look forward to coming to one of your live PLF Events soon. Thanks for always sharing such helpful info!

  23. Great event, Jeff! Thank you so much. Some of my big take aways were:
    1. Authenticity- we serve best when we are our authentic selves.
    2.Transformation- When we envision the results of our customer’s transformation and the impact it will make on those around them -“ripples”- then we feel obligated to tell the world about what we can do for them.
    3. Take action- You’ll never succeed if you don’t just get started and do it.
    4. Community- Amazing people. Great connections. Invaluable support. It was unbelievable.

    Thank you, Thank you!

  24. This may sound cliche, but my biggest take away was just to go do it and shut down all the voices in my head saying it won’t work.

    You are going to remember my name. That’s a promise.

  25. Love It Love It.. The Good Life Group New Zealand Bay Of Plenty.. The Passion That You Show Is Heart Felt This End.. Great Work Jeff Keep It Up.. Yours In Service Derek C Howie Take Care out.

  26. That’s awesome…Am very happy that you are supporting a project in my country Kenya especially in Education….I live and run business in Nairobi(the capital of Kenya). We can catch up for a cup of tea while you are in Kenya:-)

  27. What an amazing event – thanks for the Kool-Aid Jeff – it was delish! Coming back from the event I stepped off the plane and drove home to pick up my suddenly very ill daughter – 5 ER visits, 4 doctor’s appointments, 3 day hospital stay, 7 IV sites, MANY tests, more blood drawn that I thought she had in her, and one minor surgery (all in one week)! Great news – she is fine, and will be fine! The reason I tell you all that, is because I was a different person when I returned (eyes tearing up). Instead of doing what I would normally have done, which is trying to do it all, all by myself and ending up doing everything half way, I took a NEW approach. I gave myself grace and latitude. I called all my clients and rescheduled my entire week right away. I called friends (my friend tribe:)) to help me with my other two children. And most importantly, that left 100% of my energy available to take care of my daughter. Now, here we are Monday of the following week, my daughter is doing great, and I feel like I haven’t failed by not launching a product last week (as if.) Instead, I feel like I have the energy and brain power to dedicate to my business and keep the focus on it. That’s a huge mind shift for me. I look forward to what this year has to bring and I am so grateful for the experience.

    • @Michele: wow… so glad to hear your daughter is doing well! And what a scary thing to come home to!! Congratulations and staying on top of your mental game and staying present for your daughter – that’s huge. And thanks for sharing this story with me – I really appreciate it.

  28. Jeff, I attended PLF-Live as a skeptic. I was not sure that the PLF would be the right tool that I needed to take my live courses that I teach to physicians, and be able to put them on line. As a physician, a concept that I teach physicians is: Identify your conditions of victory (COV) prior to attending any event. Know what it is that you are looking for, and more than likely (if it is a quality event) you will find the specific answer that you need! Therefore, my condition of victory in attending PLF-Live was to meet other physicians who were either using PLF or were in the process of implementing the PLF. My second condition of victory was to be open to learn something that I did not know, that would be an important question and/or concept that I currently did not know was even something that I would need to know – but to be open to hearing it and receiving both the question and the answer. BOTH conditions of victory were met!!! First COV: I met over 25 different people in the healthcare profession, those like me who are in the beginning phase, those who have already implemented aspects of the PLF, and those who had already launched with PLF. 2nd COV: The specific need for authenticity, transparency, transformation, and implementation without perfectionism! (Sometimes I am a little obsessed with trying to be perfect!) Another item was the willingness of all the other participants and the team concept of working through the notebook. It was great to work with so many different people in so many different businesses/passions and to watch the transformations that took place – mine being one of them. I met so many new friends that I feel will impact my life, and therefore, the lives of all the physicians that I will come into contact with in the future! I could go on with so many more accolades for you and your team, but I will simply refer to comments being posted as proof of how great it was. For me, I have already planned in my schedule to be there next year! May God continue to bless the launches, and the ripples that are going to touch and change the world!!! Thank You and the entire PF-Live team for putting on a great event! Looking forward to my launch, and seeing all my new friends next year!

  29. Jeff:
    Had to miss it (Medical Issue). Be there next year. Your videos and FB let me feel like I could connect with the Tribe – even if just a little.
    That really helped. Missed you and the Event. Great work on the Charity!!! See “ya next year.

  30. Jeff,

    PLF Live was incredible and words can’t describe how grateful Amy and I are for all the support and generosity you and your audience displayed for our charity. I personally can’t wait for you to see firsthand the impact that this will have on that community.

    My takeaway from this experience was that it’s ok to be vulnerable because as perfect as we like to try and be, it’s our hearts that people truly connect with.

    You’re awesome my friend and we can’t thank you and your team enough.

    • @Stu: it was an incredible moment for everyone in the room to see your vulnerability, and how much the work that Amy and you are doing with WTA means to you. Thanks for stepping up and sharing that with us. 🙂

  31. korgoren leonard


    Jeff I wasn’t present in the event but let me register my appreciation for the amazing work you and your team is doing. I am from the community where world teacher aid is currently building schools in Kenya. one school is already completed in Lemolo A and the second school in Lemolo B is on course. Special gratitude goes to you the donors, world teacher aid fraternity, VICDA team led by our able mother Irene which is implementing the project on behalf of WTA and the Members of the community who has stand in solidarity in ensuring that the children have a modern classic school and facilities to ensure that they not only get education but quality education . Thanks Amy and Stu for coming up with this noble idea, truly great mind can change the world surely Lemolo is not the same again. What you people has done for us has the greatest impact not only to this generation but also the generations to come. See you Jeff on the day of cutting the ribbon. God bless you all abundantly.

    • @Korgoren: thanks for your comment… it’s great to hear from someone in the community where the school is being built. I can’t wait to see it!

  32. Hey Jeff ! Congratulation! Amazing work! You my one of the favorite! I am a new in online business, but I hope that soon I reach your league 🙂 Keep it going!

  33. That’s awesome Jeff! I love watching your videos because I feel you show the world the real you. I know you used your iPhone for this one, but what camera do you usually use? The image and sound quality is always great and I’m looking for a reco. Thanks!

  34. Hi Jeff!

    It was a honour to participate on that amount. But the most important was the couple that was simply amazing, correction, is amazing.
    I finally met my tribe. And it is a true honour!
    Very cool to meet you all.
    Live strong, live with passion
    Samurai RT

  35. HI Jeff! Thanks for the great video. I am just getting started with PLF, so far just from your Launch book. I hope to have a lifestyle like yours where a chance to go to the river or the woods or the ocean is something I can DO rather than say “I have to work…”. I’ve been working since I was 15, and I’m now 60. I’d like to have some fun! Wish me luck!

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