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The world just lost two amazing people, and this week I wanted to honor their memory by sharing what they taught me. This one is for Jim and Audri.

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58 Replies to “For Jim and Audri…”

  1. Sally Bowes


    So sorry for your loss. They sound like amazing people. Great advice as always.

  2. It all can change in a second. Thanks, Jeff for the non-negotiable reminder. I live in Asheville, NC (close to Boone) – so I certainly get that one. Very sorry about your friends.

  3. Jeff, I’m so sorry. Your continual paying it forward of your knowledge, experience, expertise and heart elevates not just our businesses, but who we are. Thank you so much.

  4. Thank you, Jeff. I believe you honored your friends’ lives well. Today is the only now we have- we must learn to treat it with reverence.

  5. Jeff, so sorry for your loss of dear friends. I didn’t know them but I know of Jay’s early work. Life sure brings it’s unplanned events.. . At least they had each other and a home area they enjoyed.

    Thank you for sharing their stand for non -negotiables and anchoring the importance of market testing. Market testing word vibrations crosses from business, politics, market promotions and to even spiritual fundraising endeavors for what words get people to open their wallets more often. ( animals and children ).

    Maybe another lesson they leave behind it seems: “don’t get too comfortable in your “home.” You may need to leave or become trapped. Instead find your “home center” within your core self so that no matter what life throws your way that you are unsinkable. If you know your stand well, you can be freed up to move faster if need be.

    Sending a hug your way .

  6. Allen D’Angelo


    Sad to hear they’re gone. I met Audri and Jim through Jay. I used their Napkin Plan Internet Marketing Program for my business in 2001. Spoke to Audri a few months ago and they were going strong launching a new product. I enjoyed watching closely what they did with Scambusters and their nutitional line. Connecting with her again briefly lifted my spirit. They will be missed.

  7. Frances Foster


    Thanks Jeff, it’s so easy to get so caught up in the business and speed of life, we just need to stop and smell the roses – and yes – hug others – some need a hug more than we do.
    The interesting point about making your business fit your life – we set out with an Eco business and we still follow that ethic and feel really comfortable that we are doing some good in the world whilst earning a living.



    We do not know anything happen to you or your family ,but we knew how to prevent and make a difference
    when we suddenly have accidental dead like Jim and Audri
    Life s too short for Jim and Audri Thank you to sharing your thought

  9. Well said Jeff. Such sweet people. “Test, test, test” made me smile. I could hear her voice saying it. So surreal. It is a reminder to stop and appreciate the people in your lives that have made a difference. For me Jeff, that includes you and your brother Jon. I hope we cross paths again sooner than later.

    • Thanks for your kind words Tim : ) And yes, I hope our paths do cross again.

    • @Tim: the same words keep coming up from the people who knew Jim and Audri… sweet, kind, giving, caring…

      That they were all those things in addition to being fantastic entrepreneurs is all the more amazing.

  10. Jeff, I am sorry to hear of your loss. Thank you for sharing your thoughts as you process your experience. Your message is one that is so important as we go about our days. Now is all we have.

  11. Jeff, Sorry for your loss…they sound like they lived their lives true to themselves and gave great inspiration to you and others. That will live on….and you helped by sharing.

  12. Anna Ferrero


    Thank you, Jeff, for sharing this and honoring your friends! You touched my heart!
    A warm Hug to you from South of Germany!

  13. Jeff, Thanks for sharing your heart with us. I work as a firefighter and I see frequently how precious and unpredictable me life can be, and it is part of the message I want to share with others through my onlines business. Plan for the future but live and love now. Sorry for this loss. Davis Landis

  14. My heartfelt sympathy for you and all those who knew your dear friends. I will embrace today and make it the best it can be. Living in the now is a skill we can acquire when we lead with our hearts. Thank you for this inspiring reminder to take each day as it comes.

  15. Wow! I saw “Jim and Audri” in your headline, and the word “for” . . . and thought, “Did they die?!?”


    THANKS for this thoughtful, gracious, USEFUL memorial.

    I, too, heard of them at that same Jay Abraham event. But the web, for me, remained a mere “tool” for my business rather than my focus.

    Thank YOU for making it your focus! And thanks for the reminder of maintaining non-negotiables. That WASN’T something I learned from Jim and Audri, but I appreciate hearing your reminder.

  16. Jeff, I learn from you everyday and today I have learned a great deal more from you for myself and business. Bless you and the family for this loss of two wonderful people in your life.
    Your heart and compassion are parts of what makes you a great leader and teacher.
    “Test, test, test.” opens our minds to more than just words on a page.
    Thank you for all you do!

  17. Hey Jeff, hard news for you to process especially the way it happened and to both of them at the same time. However your own tribute to them shows that not only you but many other people have had their hearts and minds touched forever by Jim and Audri. Following on from that theme, they will live in your heart and mind forever onwards.

  18. Jeff thank you for your heart felt spirit. I am taking a moment to breath, pray and be grateful. Rest in peace for Jim and Audri together. Prayful thoughts for family and friends. Keep looking up! Grateful we are…, Ox!

  19. Jeff, May the sweet memories of your friends give you the strength to endure this season of sorrow. Thanks for taking the time to share with your tribe.

  20. Joella Castillo


    Thank you, Jeff, for sharing the love you have for your friends with us. We honor them too! I hope you can feel all the love and support through this time. My deepest condolences to you and to their families.

  21. Elaine Gray


    Jeff, thanks for sharing your sincere thoughts and memories of your friends. I am SO sorry for your loss.

  22. Thembi Bheka


    So sorry for your loss Jeff. This is such a good reminder to value each day. Great lessons as always.

  23. Loss and mortality has a way of putting life into clear perspective. Thank you for sharing Jim and Audri’s seasoned by business lessons and reminding us the love and life are at the core of anyone’s why… Sending love with them into the great beyond! And Warm hugs to you Jeff ! <3

  24. I’m so sorry for your loss. I appreciate you taking the time to shoot this video and providing such clear, loving advice. You are a generous soul. Saying a little prayer for your friends. Together, may they rest in peace.

  25. Thank you for sharing this with us. I will research Jim and Audri and help their expertise live on…so sorry for your lost, you are all in my prayers.

  26. Thank you for sharing your loss, Jeff! They sounded like very special people. As I’m sure you know, when any of us ends their brief physical life in this world, their spirit lives on in the memory of the people that cared for them. Your message expanded that memory for Jim and Audri.

  27. Thank you, Jeff for sharing this very heartfelt message and tribute to your friends. Sorry for your loss and I will take your advice and express my love and appreciation for those that are dear to me…and that includes you…Thanks for all you do and I’m glad I joined PLF.

  28. Thank you, Jeff, for this very real, very human message. I am very sorry for your loss.

  29. I’m so sorry for your loss Jeff. Thank you for offering us the opportunity to celebrate their lives through your honoring of them. We are blessed. Thank you. Keep up the good work!

  30. Thanks so much for this Jeff. So sorry for your loss. Thank you for the great reminder to be present and express our love to others.

  31. Deepest condolences Jeff for loss of your dear friends. Appreciate you honouring them by sharing their wisdom. Thanks and virtual hugs x

  32. They must have been needed elsewhere in the universe…it’s always hard to watch them go though. It makes me think about what I will leave behind here for others. The legacy they left is obviously an amazing one, thank you for sharing the good that you find in this hard time

  33. Thank you so much Jeff for sharing with us about your dear friends and how they have touched your life and your business so beautifully. I am sure that Jim and Audri are appreciating your video to us. Much Love to you. xXx

  34. Gloria Hamilten


    Very sad, Jeff – tragic. Thank you for this touching email. Condolences for your loss of great friends.

  35. A kind salute to Jim and Audrey. You said “sweet” several times and that was the word that first flashed into my mind when I heard the news. The “test, test, test” reminded me of the several times they sat behind me at conferences and we all knew that would be Audri’s answer to almost any question as to the outcome of anything having to do with marketing online. Thanks so much, Jeff. It has been a sad week.

  36. Mona Saunderson


    Jeff, so sorry for the loss of your dear friends and colleagues. It is never easy to loose someone close especially so unexpectly. These lovely people obviously made a huge impace in your life and in the lives of many. May they rest in peace. Much love to you and yours.

  37. Beautiful tribute Jeff… they have left their indelible mark on the world with and through you and others so it is hard to look at this as a loss but appreciate your personal feelings. You are surrounded by so much love… thank you for sharing with us xo

  38. A reminder that life is so precious. We are here for a only a short moment in time so we must live it on our terms. Jeff, your tribute reminds me of the Palliative Care Nurse here in Australia, Bronnie Ware who has been recognised for sharing the ‘Top regrets of the dying’ on her blog. Looking back, one the top five things her patients realised were – “I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends”. Sending hugs to you and all their friends touched by this unexpected tragedy. – Deb

  39. Mandy Barnett


    Thank you for posting this video Jeff. We haven’t met, but I have followed your posts through my link with Ann Wilson. Losing people you love unexpectedly or otherwise really brings up what is important. Our 13 year old daughter has been critically ill for the last year, although she is making good progress following a bone marrow transplant. Since her diagnosis, our lives have been totally focused on the present, simplifying our business to require as little work as possible and appreciating the joy of every sunny day. As you say, life can change in a heartbeat, plan for the future but always live in the present. Heartfelt condolences.

  40. Carol Joyous


    Jeff, thank you for sharing your memories about your friends, Jim and Audri. My heart and prayers go out to you and to them and their loved ones in this difficult time. I am so grateful for you, Jeff, for PLF, and for your sharing of the “non-negotiables” because I have non-negotiables for my business and my life. So often others try to talk us out of these non-negotiables, saying it can’t be done that way. Yet you, Jim and Audri have proven that when we make our goals clear and are working at something we love, everything is possible. Thank you for sharing this during this difficult time. Now truly is the only moment we have, so let’s cherish every now moment.

  41. Jeff, great video and heartfelt, I know what you mean. Audri and Jim helped me for so many years, gracious and giving. They invited me to speak at Jay’s conference, an honor and also being part of that amazing group that were all 6 degrees of Audri and Jim.

    Sweet, kind, generous, and smart marketers, and loved learning about their non negotiables. Clear boundaries are so key, yet they did it in a way that was kind, not in your face….loving.

    Thanks for the heart and soul you share here, I’m still processing too….

    • @Declan: I still remember your talk at that event. 🙂 One of the things you said was “assume the mantle of leadership”… and that’s stuck with me all these years. 🙂

  42. Jeff,

    Such an amazing tribute, thank you so much for posting. The amazing people that you can meet by getting out is so wonderful. They had a lasting impression of kindness and positive energy. They both where such beautiful souls.

    Tomorrow is not promised……

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