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There’s countless information out there about how to attract and retain clients. And there are a lot of other entrepreneurs vying for your prospect’s attention.

But there’s also a time-tested approach that cuts through all the clutter.

Take it from one of our Product Launch Formula owners, who has been with me for over 16 years and has made $170M in revenue.

This video just might change the way you think about “the competition”.

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11 Replies to “Every Shortcut Failed…”

  1. Jannie Walker Larsson


    Great and timely inspirational reminder! It is so easy to forget what it is really all about – results! Thanks Jeff!

  2. “Your life gets a lot easier when you attract the right clients.”
    Just the sentence I needed today, thank you.
    So simple yet so powerful.
    “You don’t have to appeal to everyone.”
    I have to remind myself every day of this.

  3. Thank you.

    Good to be reminded over and over.

    I totally believe you.

    I’ve been listening and continue to.

  4. Steve Bright


    “Every shortcut failed” is a very powerful message and really resonated with me. To me, it doesn’t mean that you can’t compress time (with better self-management, better focus, better planning, etc.), but you can’t skip steps. You have to do the work. Thank you for this inspirational message.

  5. I love to watch your videos. There is far more in than your/our content.
    You show YOU, your passion for your business & the results for your clients – and your personality.
    That is why people pay you for.
    Yes, the content must be good and the best work done, but that is second to me.
    Very best wishes
    Grit from Germany

  6. Kerry George


    I have read your books and taken your courses, and I love what you put out there. I have had some launches that didn’t suck in the past but I seem to be getting worse instead of better. My email list is 12,000 strong. But I am not bringing in memberships quickly when I open the door. I am trying to do 100 at a time. I am lucky to get 10. It is slow and brutal. I have not done ad buying. Is this something I should look at?

  7. Linda Illsley


    Hi Jeff,

    Happy Sunday to you. Listening to you is always a good reminder for me of what truly matters. Thank you for the inspiration and the community, always. Creating results is still daunting to me, as I do not have much experience…and I know the solution is for me to launch again and again….so that is my focus for this year. thank you for adding a Spanish speaking coach! I am looking forward to asking for her support, it possible.

    My best to Mary and Joan (sp for your daughter’s name, apologies if I am incorrect, English is sometimes still a challenge)

  8. T.Diane Nguyen


    Hi Jeff. Thank you for your video about launches, getting our mentorees results, understand their wishes, struggles, serving them…

  9. Awesome moment here .The trainings are wonderful I’m learning and noting things down .
    I’ve been playing low,need to change things arround my business.I think I need Mentorship on how best to deliver what I have

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