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I recently met a man who was a Commander in the Navy SEALs for 20 years. This SEAL had just published a book, and he asked me this question: “Jeff, is it possible to sell online with integrity?” In other words, he wanted to know if he could sell online without selling his soul. Here's what I told him…

So do you think it's possible to sell with integrity? How are you doing it? How are you increasing your impact and sharing your enthusiasm for your product with more people? I'd love to hear what you think, so let me know in the comments below…

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64 Replies to “How To Sell Without Selling Your Soul”

  1. Thank you Jeff for this amazing new video.Here in france where i am from, people really look bad too at sales people.It was enlightened to see that you can sell without using sleazy tactics and be genuine and still get away with that.I am going to try this.Natural selling with transfer of enthusiasm from now on.Thank you 😀

  2. I love it, Jeff!

    I´m a huge fan and about to write my first sales letter (in german, though 😉 ).

    Keep up the good work!


  3. Bea Schild, Psychotherapist and Counsellor, Berne Switzerland


    Hi Jeff
    That was the best video I saw so far! That really came at the right time, when I was just about to discover that …. it’s not what I sell and about the technique, it’s how I stand behind myself and my product. The enthusiasm makes us learn and obviously also sell and buy! So don^’t be shy, be enthusiastic, show how much you love the product (just talking to myself though :-)!)
    Thank you

  4. Hello:
    I was a former Marine and now I am a retired American and I live in Ecuador. I am a published author and an Internet Marketer and I have found your article about integrity very interesting.
    I believe that I have a lot of integrity and I am incorporating that into my writing. However, the US Government considers me as a “Whistle Blower” for writing about what I know. I find this odd because I still think that I have “Freedom of Speech”. I have stolen no secret government papers or anything like that. But, I believe that what I know is the truth can be written on by me.
    Every time I try to post what I have written on into a website the government shuts my site down in one way or another. For instance, I was a pipefitter and have worked on many pipelines and I have written a lengthy article on the Keystone Pipeline. I am dead set against it because it is not being engineered right. Do you think that I can get a website up about that??? No!!
    I want to applaud you on your integrity piece and I think that this word should be the backbone of our industry.

  5. Related to using your integrity, is the desire so many people express not to “manipulate” people. I thought a long time about what “manipulation” really means though, and decided it was acting according to an agenda that you would be embarrassed to have discovered.

    So if your agenda is to get people to click and spend money in a way that you *know* isn’t the best for them … (and if you would be embarrasses to have that discovered) … Then that’s manipulation.

    But if your agenda is to share your genuine enthusiasm so that people can have the opportunity to click and spend money in a way that you genuinely believe is going to be one of the best things they ever do, then by that definition there is no manipulation involved. Just, well, selling with integrity.

  6. Jeff, this is great, thanks for sharing. It’s all too easy for us to get caught up in the idea of a “secret formula” that can manipulate someone into buying our product. You said it perfectly, the best sale is a transfer of enthusiasm. I desire to be the kind of person whose integrity is not for sale, but, at the same time, have learned some things along the way that can help people live more fulfilling and victorious lives. Thanks again.


  7. Loved this post. My product– I did a seed launch training people on how to pray. I gave them practical tools on how to overcome the most common problems, i.e. inability to focus, not feeling connected to God, finding time, etc. I had a small group with only a handful on my webinar calls, but all who attended tremendously valued the experience and information.
    Now I need to translate the recorded product into something evergreen.

    I find my biggest integrity struggle being pricing. I am very prone to undervalue what I do. The result is that I struggle with asking people to give me what my product is worth. There are few people in my market offering the kind of training I am offering online, so there aren’t many norms to look to that give me a sense of what’s acceptable to the market. So, I am a bit on my own in figuring that out. I am trying to anchor pricing with the nearest training equivalents like retreats and video studies. That’s helpful. At the end of the day, I have to feel comfortable and confident in what I am asking people to invest in what they will receive.

    Having a money back guarantee helps me have integrity around that. It gives me the freedom to say, “This is what I think this is worth. But if you get in here and take everything and at the end of the day you disagree. That’s okay, I’ll give you your money back.”

    Lastly, there are two pieces of marketing that I can’t stomach — 1) false scarcity, publishing something like “only 50 copies left” of an ebook special report. 2) false or half-truth urgency. “I might double the price on this in the near future.” While this technically may be true, if the marketer actually has no plan or intent in raising the price they are just being manipulative.

    No one appreciates manipulation. Again, Jeff thank you for you marketing wisdom and your example of marketing with integrity.

    John Arnold
    The Practical Disciple

  8. Nice video indeed.
    I often feel like I’m in the no-win marketing situation. I grant that I chose an extremely hard market, but it seems like every time I get started building the relationship with customers, something blows up in my face.
    I’m in an area with 0 decent job possibilities and really high unemployment, so what I do is really my only source of income, what little of that there is. This leaves me unable to pay some marketing expert for help getting started and convincing one to volunteer even temporarily… Obviously, that hasn’t worked.
    I know people love my products, love what I do and I know there’s a waiting market. I’ve been trying for a year and a half to tap into that market unsuccessfully. Even as an ultimate challenge, most marketing experts still want to be paid. I can’t blame them, either, but they always want far more than someone small like me could ever hope to pay.
    What I do is I make computer rendered comic books and soft action figures. Because the comic books are made using 3D graphics and animation programs, the “standard” market is pretty much out of the question. On top of it, I don’t follow main-stream practices and make the books for teens and adults, they’re a lot more family-oriented, the way Golden Age comics used to be. They’re not excessively dark, sexy or gory the way a lot of modern comics are. The characters don’t swear – though there’s situations where they could. Maybe I’m an idealist, but I’ve found many others who agree my comics have potential.
    Yes, I do often get excited about my products, I love sharing them with people and they usually get excited with me, but it’s short-lived.
    Clearly, I need the help to get started but I need to get started to get the help.

  9. Hey Jeff! I have been an admirer of your work for some time. I recently wrote a book with my business partner on how to achieve health excellence; it’s called HIGH PERFORMANCE HEALTH; TEN STEPS TO MASTERY WITH PHYSIOLOGY. My co-author and partner cured herself of stage 3 cervical cancer at age 27, and was also diagnosed with a degenerative spinal disease which doctors told her would leave her confined to a wheelchair by 40. She’s 54, and has 30 years clinical experience with natural healing arts.
    Listening to your video affirmed my core belief that marketing has to represent the passion and enthusiasm of the person/s providing their product or services. I’d like to ask your help though. We would like to launch our book with affiliate marketers. Any suggestions or advice would be most welcome! Thanks for your help!

  10. Great message, Jeff.
    “Enthusiasm Transfered”

    Makes me think what else could fit this way of thinking to engage a potential customer.
    – value transfered
    – beauty transfered
    – inspiration transfered

  11. paula graham


    I totally agree. I absolutely hate finding something I am interested in and then the seller treats the item as a mystery (usually a vitamin etc) or mystery ingredient. So then you click on the item and there is a horribly long blog by a confirmed scientist retelling this products story. Really!.. scroll scroll scroll… it’s XX dollars.
    I would have possibly bought the item right off of the first page because of the exuberance of the seller but now I ask questions and am turned off. lol..
    I enjoy your knowledge thanks so much.

  12. Great video, Jeff. “Transferring enthusiasm.” What an inspiring way to think about marketing. I’ve now got all kinds of new ideas. Thank you.

  13. Hey Jeff,

    I totally agree – it is so rewarding to study people who have achieved extraordinary results. There is so much to learn! And we can especially learn which walls we can avoid run into. 😉

    Excitement is one of the key ingredients to sell your product. I mean look at what Brendon (Burchard) does. 😉 – and what I think is essential too is to get excited about the results your product gives. So many people get ramped up on features. 😉

    At the end of the day we all want results.

    Take care and rock on! 🙂


  14. Great video Jeff. I agree completely — it’s easy to sell with integrity if you have a product that genuinely makes people’s lives better. I love the idea of asking yourself “How would I describe what we do to a friend or acquaintance over a coffee?” That’s exactly what we did when writing the copy for our home page, and we get plenty of clicks on the free chapter of our book (the aim of the home page).

    Although we have a sales page with plenty of testimonials, results, benefts and so-on, we feel that giving away the first chapter of the book is the most helpful thing we can possibly do for the visitor. That way, there are no surprises — they know exactly what they’re getting before they buy. It also sorts the casual visitor from the serious prospect. If they’re don’t finish the free chapter, they’re probably not going to finish reading the book, let alone put the advice into practice.

    Been with you since PLF1 Jeff, keep up the great work 🙂

    • @James: I love it when I hear from long-time PLF Owners. That original PLF (we didn’t call PLF1 back then because we didn’t know there would be more versions) was on the market from 2005-2007, so it’s been at least seven years! Where has the time gone? 🙂

  15. My favorite copywriter is my spouse, Karen, but when u know your market better than anyone else, then u can come up with amazing copy all on your own. And the best way I’ve seen to be integral about marketing is to simply follow through with your promises. Do what you say you are going to do, and be the standup guy that stands behind ur product 110%. Deliver results!

    Thanks Jeff!

    Matthew King

  16. Enthusiasm is a Key Enabler if you want to sell without selling yes but the root lies in your Ability to build great relationships with your Clients. Enthusiasm is the bonding Element that creates trust and confidence though. You sell without selling when the conversation you have with your client does not revolve around the product or service you offer rather about everything else. During a 10 minute conversation you talk 9:30 min. about the world and the last 30 seconds go like this: ah yeah put me an order together for xxx thousand dollars i trust you because you always gave me what i needed. You understand me. You sell without selling when your focus lies on building a great relationship rather than pushing a product. That has been my experience. Thank you for your great video and thoughts Jeff All the best to you.

  17. Your message really resonated with me. Don’t lose sight of the virtues that you want to be known for. If you want to be known for integrity make integrity part of everything you do. I love watching your posts!

  18. Marketing=enthusiasm transferred. I like it. I’m working with the preeminent trainer in Generative Leadership, yet the challenge is about getting the message out. In that framework, marketing is about care. When what you care about (leadership, marketing, health, widgets) overlaps with something a prospective customer cares about, a space opens up to make an offer. The offer is to help the customer take care of what they care about, because doing so is also a way of expressing your own care. There is integrity in that. But integrity and care that too few people know about to act is not enough. So the challenge now is integrity and volume enough to be seen and heard.

  19. Jeff,
    What’s my product and how will I sell it with integrity? That’s a great question for me right now while I’m building my product. My product will help entrepreneurs name their company, products and services so that they call into being a greater future for their customers and ultimately for us all. Your name is a constant messenger for you and the right name will work for you and not against you. How will I sell with integrity? I will sell from my heart. It’s a simple answer but it’s true. I love helping entrepreneurs name into their greatness and avoid all the mistakes so many people make when naming for their business. I help them with the how-to, the why, the brand story and the confidence to step into their new name. It’s so much fun so my enthusiasm is just me coming from my heart. I think when you truly feel joy doing what you do and care about the success and happiness of the people you serve it’s apparent to everyone. Integrity is built right into everything you say including the sales copy when it comes from the heart. You are a perfect example of how being yourself is the true strategy of success.

  20. Jeff, I agree whole heartedly with you, about being passionate enough to sell your own product, enthusiastically and with integrity. If you don’t believe in your product, no one else will. People buy from someone they trust, not from gimmicks and sleazy marketing tactics. If you don’t believe in your product or what you have to offer, no one else will either.

  21. Hi Jeff and everyone,
    The Fresh Breath Lady here 🙂
    I appreciated your video, Jeff. I enjoyed all the comments even more! I do believe it’s quite possible to sell with integrity. I plan on creating a blog post in addition to a sales video with some of the content I have below. I plan to launch my two projects in June

    However I, too, have had trouble pricing my products, an information and instructional video-book. People believe they can get this info for “free” at their dentist. But people don’t realize that they actually DO pay for what little information and instruction they get at the dentist. What they don’t realize is that because insurance doesn’t cover instruction and education, they get barely 10 minutes worth– which is grossly insufficient. It is not cost-effective for dental personnel to spend time in education. The dentist cannot pay his overhead (75% of grow revenue) because insurance doesn’t cover Oral Hygiene Instruction, and the reason is – it would be grossly abused as a billing item. Most hygienists are not allowed time for instructional training of patients nor are they talented at it. I know, because I see their patients when I come in as a temp… And I go through my five or 10 minute spiel. The patient invariably turns to me and says, “I have been coming to the dentist my whole life, and no one has ever told me this before!” If I had a dollar for every time I heard that, I would have quite the savings account! So, again, my conundrum is pricing. Nearly every expert I talk to under values my product. They think I should sell it for a pittance. What dentist did you know that would work for $17 an hour? I have created an hour-long instructional and educational video on the details of health and flossing and another on brushing, and people honestly think they can get all this at their dentists’ office! I know for a hard fact – they cannot! This is doubly so with brushing. These two products will be the signature pieces of my business. Professionals and friends in the Internet marketing field think I should price them each at $17. An hour of professional info for $17? Hmm

    I, like the Navy seal, recoil at the thought of selling without integrity. There is no lack of enthusiasm or passion in me, however. 😀 How do I get prospective buyers to value and pay for information they believe they 1). can get for free at the dental office, and 2). Think they have no need for because they mistakenly believe they already know how to do it… Since the age of three? When I’m in the dental office and they are in my chair, this is an easy sell because I have put a purple die on their teeth which stains the plaque pink, blue and violet. They rinse out, look in the mirror, let out a gasp or groan–and I begin. I have their full attention because they are looking in the mirror with my powerful full-spectrum light, at visual “proof” that they need to hear what I have to say. It’s a “Oh-oh, I have a problem.” Easy sell. I’m done tweaking my website, getting the proper logos made, and almost done going through training for corporate health and wellness (which is where I will be marketing myself primarily), and I want to have a strong online presence for the general public as well. There is one other hygienist doing online training/coaching one on one. I don’t know what kind of response she has, nor is that something I’m interested in doing because it’s so close to getting yourself in trouble with the Board of Dental Examiners. I don’t want to compromise my license. So her pricing is for coaching and doesn’t apply to me.

    Looking forward to selling with integrity and not sleeze or manipulation,

  22. Integrity- the quality of being honest and fair.

    i.e. you have integrity if you describe your product or service correctly in the process of marketing it, and you stand behind your product or service in such a way as to protect your customer when he or she has a problem with it. If in your heart you know your potential customer will benefit from buying your product or service, then IMHO you do them a disservice if you DON’T use every ethical means in the book in the process of offering it to them.

  23. Tim Genster.


    Jeff, among those in IM who I hold hold in high esteem, you are at the top. So a message from you about integrity has… well, integrity! Combined with pure enthusiasm, it is a combination that has always worked for anyone who believes in their product, and has a burning desire to tell the world about it. Thanks!

  24. Lots of great comments here…much to be learned!
    When mulling over this whole marketing with integrity issue I keep getting back
    to the notion of sincerity. If we truly believe in our product or service, and are
    sincere about the benefits we can provide, our enthusiasm will be evident in our
    marketing efforts.
    People will reap the benefits, and we’ll probably pay some bills! 🙂
    Be well,

  25. Beatrix Willius


    Selling with integrity = being able to look into the mirror without cringing.

    But teaching and selling is especially hard in internet marketing. I’ve bought training courses where I had no clue what the author was supposed to teach me. Bad product or moldy brain?

    Enthusiasm is so super hard. Everyone uses email. But you only get passionate about it when it’s broke. And when you’ve got too much email you need my application for email archiving. But passion – nah…

  26. As a Leadership Development Coach who helps women find clarity, I find that just being authentic and telling my story of change and transition is the most powerful. Having true character, humility and integrity wins every time.

  27. thanks a lot, Jeff, for your message, I love what you are writing. it took a lot of time, for me, to consider saling….specially being a french MD….Now my product is built, i do agree with it and i am proud to offer it to other women it can help. i had a step by step long process before to be ready to sale it. Now i am a few days before a webinar and after, saling it. I have built a Facebook page to contact women who are the focus, the ideal client of my product. and i have seen women coming to read, to give notifications, to give likes….I am happy because i know now my product will help. My Facebook page’s title is “longeviteheureuse”, in French. I feel i am right, i feel i will be able to help,i feel i am doing something with other women to build a better world….This is thanks to you, because you never doubt about me, about us, and your faith in your job, students, people like me, gave me the strength to go on, Your deep integrity gave me the certitude i was right .
    it took time, you know this,but to day, at last, i can allow me to sale my product, i am impatient to do so. And even if the result is mini at the beginning, i have the certitude to go on because, within, i feel right. You and Brendon are the one who took me at this momentum.
    I have such a gratitude for both of you.

  28. Hi Jeff,
    Great message. Funny I have been in sales for about 30 years now and always looking at ways to improve my “not in your face” approach. Recently I signed up to take a program from what I have come classify as a “glam coach” who is out there working with high profile people who speak and sell on the stage. After about 3 group calls I opted out of the program because it was so contrived and made me feel so unauthentic that I really wanted to take a shower. As Jon here in the blog remarks also mentioned it has to be about sincerity and enthusiasm.

    Scripts have never worked for me and never will because they are taking the words of someone else and trying (key word) to make them mine. Opting out of that program reminded me of that and your words here today confirmed it again! Thanks for your great weekly messages. I may not always comment but they inspire me on a regular basis!

    To Your Continued Successes and Victories!

  29. I am going to be moving to Mexico for a Training Director job. As you know, Mexico has been in the midst of a violent struggle between the Cartels, Soldiers, and innocent people for the last few years. It is starting to submerge a bit, but a capturing or killing of the top bosses, has left splinter groups fighting for territory. Towns have begun to stand up and oust some of the gangs, but their is still a long road ahead.
    Even before this, I was always excited about bringing success strategies, and new hope to the Latin American community and mainly Mexico. Having sold homes in Las Vegas to a predominately Hispanic market niche, and having been involved in Personal Development for most of my life, I am excited about partnering with Personal Development authors/podcasters who have their successful blogs, ebooks, and videos, bringing their message to a Spanish site. It is not just about translating materials and trying to sell products, it is more about creating a new movement, a new community forum, that can get learning materials, and share ideas, stories of struggle and triumph, etc. I would also like to create a podcast that does the same. Thank you for sharing great tools for marketing with us.

  30. Tom Von Deck


    I’m in a very sensitive field. Meditation and self improvement. There’s a huge debate in those circles about whether selling anything is OK. I live in a town with a major yoga teacher training organization, so I’ve seen lots of teachers in the “don’t sell anything” camp. What happens to them? They only teach temporarily, then they have to do what pays the bills. That’s usually something unrelated. If they found a way to monetize it so that at least SOME people are supporting them financially, most of them would still be teaching. Insisting that everything should be free ensures that only monks and retirees will be teaching this material. I, personally, don’t like learning from monks. There’s almost always some strange dogmas coming from various lineages that hinder learning. Freemium is the model I use. I put out lots of free content. Then, some people are willing to buy things and ensure that I can spend my time teaching instead of asking Walmart for a job. Nothing evil at all about that.

  31. Really well put Jeff! I’ve been in sales most of my professional life and authenticity and enthusiasm is always always the best approach. Starting my own business now, teaching people how to become super creative by intuitive painting, is my new and fun venture! Creativity and intuition empowers people, and I believe we should always try and give the best of what we have to others. This kind of sales is great sales. Thanks Jeff for your part in this!

  32. Thank you Jeff. It all makes sense. I have always found that in networking people respond to my enthusiasm but have not used the same in my on line communications (and other media). That’s all it needs. Simple!

  33. @ Tom Von Deck. Of course selling a self-improvement / meditation product is ok 🙂 We faced the same dilemma and in an ideal world we’d happily give our book away to everyone who needs it. In the current system though, we need to buy bananas too 🙂

    As you say, if you don’t charge for your time, or your product, you reduce the amount of time you can spend on it, while you work at something else to pay the bills.

  34. What a brilliant video blog! Absolutely enjoyed it! Just through watching your video blogs here and learning on PLF, I have learned a lot from you about how much trust we can build by simply being genuine, honest, authentic to ourselves. So I’m really thankful for the lesson, Jeff! Thank you!
    I’m REALLY interested in the book and the trainings from the Commander in the NAVY SEALs! I’ll definitely take a look!

  35. A few years ago I gave up a budding career as a copywriter because I didn’t feel any passion for what I was selling. For now I’ve settled for a “job” that pays the bills while I keep searching for a product or business I can feel genuinely excited about. Thank you for reminding me that I did the right thing.

  36. Thanks for you videos. very informative. transferring enthusiasm is like conversion yet with passion on your end and acceptance on their end.

    I promote Energy discoveries and to move my audience from passive to engaged I use the facts and present them with highlighting what the value is in the technical information, if it becomes a discovery it can move value into the pockets of the reader. to be yourself in a world of snake oil sales strategies and marketing antics that sometimes lack integrity is tough, but I think people see when you are trying your best to present the value, highlight the honest facts and use passion to express the key concepts that sell your story without over zealous antics, you are adding value to the world.

  37. Bill Blasphemy


    I’ll be so thankful when this internet marketing guru, money-sucking model finally dies. Everyone’s an expert at telling you how to market crap, but no one wants to evaluate your concept to tell you that your idea might have promise or that it sucks. Do yourself a favor and spend some money refining your product rather than paying someone with “integrity” $2k for an autoresponder schedule. I invested $25k in a great idea and it turned into a $340k a year business based on a software package that solves a real problem. I don’t spend more than 10 minutes a week on marketing because it sells itself. If I put my foot on the marketing gas pedal for 5 minutes, perhaps it would help, but I’m sitting on a balcony in the Palermo district of Buenos Aires thinking, “Why bother?”. Or, just develop crap and pay gurus to help you sell it.

  38. Thanks Jeff – just brilliant!

    I know from what others say that it’s my energy and enthusiasm that ‘sells’ what I do (in person and live events). Now I’m going to set out to refine how I express that on-line (you’ve inspired me to create short videos as part of this strategy).

    Thanks so much!


  39. Thanks for this video. ”I have to take a shower if I write what they say I should write.” This is so true and probably the number one issue for me too. The people who feel this way are probably the ones who should be doing internet marketing in the first place. Lets face it, for many this is the number one barrier to success.

  40. Hey Jeff!
    As a former Spec. Ops guy turned marketing student and small team leading guru, I couldn’t have said it better. After all your clientele is your team. And they know instantly if you’re BS-ing them. Once you’ve lost credibility, you’re dead and your business is dead.


  41. Hi Jeff, that’s a good subject you covered in this video.

    For me the best way to sell with integrity is to make a product that will make better my prospects and clients life.
    After you have to tell what’s your product is about, without underestimate what you sell but also without overestimate it and make fake pro messes about the things you sell.

  42. Jeff, you make me so excited to do what I do. I’ve been experimenting with adding my own enthusiasm for our healthcare services to our ads, and it seems like it’s getting other people excited too. Maintaining integrity is a challenge, but I agree with you. If you want to have integrity, then have integrity. I just want to help people feel better and live longer and that’s what I’m trying to communicate. Thank you for affirming what I already wanted to hear 😉

  43. Hey Jeff,

    Enthusiasm is always an important part of marketing (selling). You have to convey it when writing a sales letter, creating a video, selling in group settings or one-on-one. However, there’s a LOT more to marketing than being enthusiastic.

    Professional sales people (not the sales person who is there to make a sale at any cost, regardless of whether or not it is right for his or her prospect) are there to solve people’s problems, period.

    If their product or service isn’t appropriate for the prospect, the pro will find out as quickly as possible and let the prospect know immediately (professionals don’t waste the prospect’s or their time). She or he will also go back to the drawing board and work on doing a better job of screening their prospects so that their next appointment is with someone they should really be talking to!

    If a marketer/salesperson comes from a mindset of integrity and trust, and focuses his or her efforts on being an objective, unbiased adviser, any marketer/sales person can hold their head high regarding their profession.

    The key is to being very up front with people, knowing your product or service inside/out, and who it is ideally suited for — as well as knowing alternatives for your prospect if YOU are not their best choice.

    Case in point:

    One of my mentors in the late 80’s turned down an opportunity to speak at a large association event (it was the last spot they had to fill that year) and suggested the event planner go after one of his colleagues because my mentor believed him to be the best in that area of expertise.

    The event planner was floored! She listened to Ron describe why Jerry would be the better choice. Ron then asked if he could tell her what he thought he was best at, and she listened spellbound. A few days later, the event planner called back to let Ron know Jerry had accepted the speaking engagement, and then told Ron they had a cancellation from one of the other speakers and would like to fill that spot with Ron’s topic of expertise.

    He netted over $100,000 in assignments from that speaking engagement!

    ALWAYS put your client/customer first. . .you will be glad you did.

  44. Jackie Holmgren


    Thanks Jeff, I needed this pick-me-up this morning…
    SEALs are extraordinary people in so many, many ways, a book and exercise regime detailing how they do it would self-help many people achieve more, possibly much, much, more in their lives.
    Good post.

  45. Hey Jeff…this is why everybody loves you!!! Because of who you all are and we know that you’re a man of integrity!! Thanks so much for this!!

  46. joan haynes



    I totally agree with you! Truth & excellence will always create the enthusiasm that will transfer into an even exchange.

    I love it!

  47. Michael osodo


    Thanks and comforting to know one can sell with integrity.
    I’m interested in learning how to sell,use internet as a marketing platform
    Hope to learn with you .

  48. Hi Jeff,

    Your enthusiasm for your message is so palpable that I can’t help but smile listening to you! You demonstrate exactly what you are teaching.

    In this moment I’m simmering my own blog post on valuing “self and other” and how that relates to exchange. Selling is about exchange. Money may be the medium when it comes to a service or product. But energetically it is about valuing yourself and what you have to offer and then receiving that value in the exchange.

    Thanks for all that you offer!

  49. Hey Jeff, great message here! Came perfect in time, is exactly what I needed now. So great, that learning that it’s my own enthusiasm that needs to be transferred. Thank you, Man. Awesome! Love Holger

  50. A Great Example of Enthusiasm coupled with Integrity oozing out of every pore and decades of Streetwise Salesmanship under his belt this Man truly is a Master in Selling without Selling.

    There is alot going on here on all Levels including Meta Meta.

    How can one not say at the end….Please…may i give you money.

  51. Mithu Rahman


    Thanks for another excellent video Jeff – I think marketing is a tool for getting the message out because, if you have a great message, why keep it to your self? Unfortunately marketing has, in many ways, been hijacked by the low-brow salesmen desperate for money and looking for short term gain, without the interest of building the relationship. My car is not an inherently dangerous object, but if a terrible driver got behind the wheel, he might wrap it around a tree or hit a pedestrian, so everyone thinks that my car is dangerous. I’m sure there are many terrific marketers out there who don’t go for the quick buck and who want success for many people not just themselves. They should be publicised better. I’m glad you’re out there making a difference Jeff. Keep it up!

  52. “sales is enthusiasm transferred” perfect! I recently asked my list if “great sales was great service”. Now with you contribution I think another blog is due. Thanks Jeff

  53. Hi Jeff, great video!
    I am Brazilian, as the Erico Rocha, who brought the PLF for Brazil brilliantly.
    We really admire your work immensely and would love to join you better here on Youtube.
    But not all of us understand spoken English fluently.
    So it would be very helpful if we had here, next to your speech, the transcript of the same, or at least the legend, even in English, so we could follow you better.
    Recalling that, as you said, the latest release of PLF: “over 40% of the attendees were from outside the U.S.”.
    I think your posts on authenticity and integrity, can change the world.
    Thank you, Jeff

  54. You just became my #1 guru, Jeff. I have struggled with the issue of integrity in marketing and needed this video to affirm what I have been thinking and to know that I can market with integrity. Many, many thanks.

  55. Thank you, Jeff, for the video on marketing with integrity. It has been a question in my mind since I began this fact finding journey. I have ready many marketing, I call them “come ons” and have been through the sellers emptying my pocket nibble by nibble. In the end I always quit because I felt like I was being fleeced.
    Thank you for your honesty and covering this subject. Looking forward to your book arriving.

  56. Sounds and looks real to me 🙂 I”m looking forward to receiving your book . . . and love that you’re giving it away for a wee bit. Thanks for your many gifts, Jeff!

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