How do you have longevity in this business? How do you build a brand in a market where thousands of new products come out every year? How do you create loyalty when attention spans are shorter than a nine-second cat video on YouTube? This is how I’ve turned my online program into a 14-year powerhouse brand.
So I just finished my launch — once a year I do this big launch for Product Launch Formula.
So I just came out of this and it's a time… well, frankly there's a lot of emotions going on. This is a big project and I worked together with my team and we did some epic stuff and we pulled it off and the launch went great. I always end up in an emotional state right now and the word for me today, at this moment is, is servant or serving.
That might sound like an old fashioned word but when I look at this… my first version of Product Launch Formula came out in 2005 and back then it was a business transition for me. It was great, it was fantastic, it made a lot of money, created a lot of freedom in my life. It felt like my life was about creating this incredible control and this incredible freedom and being this king of my little domain here and being able to do what I want, when I wanted.
And over the years, as I've gotten to work with more Product Launch Formula Owners and just see the amazing goodness that they're creating in the world, it has become about showing up and serving them. Certainly on my terms and still having plenty of freedom and plenty of space to do what I want when I want, but it's become about serving them.
Then, I think about it… so it's been from 2005 until now, so it's been 14 years — 14 years. There is no other product in the world in existence — in the online business world there's no other training product — that's been around for 14 years. So, what's the difference?
I think it's a great methodology, a great formula — it works. I got lucky to be where I'm at to get the support from partners I've got. There's so many lucky things that have gone into it… but I think it's just that I'm more focused on showing up and serving and just being there with my PLF Owners and getting them success and that level of service has turned around and they have ended up serving me in so many ways in helping me build it out.
And if you look at the world these days, in almost any market, especially if you have a knowledge product like this — a wisdom product like this — people have got a lot of different choices and we live in a world of almost infinite choices. And if people have infinite choices and there's almost no barriers to entry — in other words, other competitors come in at any time — then what sets you apart?
I think what really sets you apart — it's a given that you’ve got to have the methodology, you've got to have something that works — but I think the thing that really sets you apart is when people really connect with you, it's connection.
And I think that service —when you show up and you serve and you're worried as much about them as about you and your pocketbook — then I think that, well, that naturally builds connection and that builds relationship. And I think that's what sets you apart in the long run.
So if you want to be building your business, you might want to try out that old fashioned word of service and servant. And I know I'm speaking to so many people that already do this, so I don't want to be preachy here… but yeah, I'm just… it's just an emotional state. We just had a great launch. We're going to change people's lives going forward. We got a lot of new PLF Owners. We're going to rock their world going forward. They're going to be my amazing case studies, my amazing success stories in next year's launch.
And yeah, that's what I got for you. Show up and serve and let's go get ‘em this week.
Thank you Jeff. I learned much from you. Now I follow one of your former students in launching who’s more aligned with my spiritual path and launch and help spiritual teachers and healers.
Barbara Monett
I’m a psychotherapist who works by myself with individuals and I’d love to be able to serve more people but it’s the thought of becoming overwhelmed with activities and people and the need to be so organized that scars me. I’m successful, 67, curious and spiritual. I am not sure if participating in a program like this will create too much chaos in my life – that’s my fear. ( I have ADD and need to “keep things Simple”). Can it be tailored for someone like me?
Right on Jeff. This is exactly why we joined PLF, we connected with you. We share the same philosophy in believing as a business we are better with the attitude of a servant. At the end of the day, business is about serving our customers and as my wife says, “Making a heart to heart connection.”
Thanks for the post! We are looking forward to being one of your amazing success stories!
—Doug and Des
I agree
Te Umuariki Mei
Show up & Serve & that you did Sir.
Thank you so much for all you have shown us. Congratulations to you, your family & the Jeff Walker Team. Congratulations on a wonderful launch.
Manaaki Tangata… he huarahi – Nurture Mankind… a way of life
Many thanks from us all here & those we serve…
#tee 🙂 4rm Aotearoa, NZ
Michael Kaloudis
Jeff you are a beacon of light and inspiration in a world that flips and twirls so frequently. I’ve been listening to your messaging for 2-3 years now and completely agree with your summation. Some people are takers and while they may see monetary success in the short-term. it’s really the people who serve that develop a solid base and the longevity to make a positive impact on the World.
Thank you Jeff for being the latter!
Frances Day
Thank you Jeff. I’m one of those that gave signed up this year.
I’m absolutely all over my service.
I know that people buy with their hearts, not their heads.
Today I’m putting on my vision board that for next years launch I’m one of your case studies. Eeek that’s scary, but very exciting.
I’m looking forward to getting started with you 🙏🏻
Luis Carlos Flores
I love you Jeff. Your spirit of service shines right through. Thinking back almost five years ago, when I met you online, I can tell this is what drew me to you and the PLF world. I had seen other online marketers, but I simply didn’t connect like I did with you.
And I am so grateful for having trusted my inner voice back then… It has been an amazing ride ever since, and I know the best is yet to come.
Congratulations to you and your team on this amazing launch!!
You’re an inspiration, Jeff. I love your spirit of service, your generosity, your authenticity, your sincerity. And the production you put together with your team for the free masterclass – just WOAH! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I can’t wait to be part of the family next year!
Phyllis A. Perry
Thank You!
Gary Johnston
Patricia Boehler
Jeff, I really loved doing the launch with you, it was so informative. I will be practising what I learnt and look forward to joining the launch again next year as I take my business to the next level and fine-tune. Until then have a great year.
Adrienne Babbitt
Feel so grateful to be apart of your PLF class this Fall. You do have something that other online marketers don’t. Can’t wait to get in your space at PLF love! Can’t wait to work the steps this fall. Financial freedom and finally the roadmap to help me execute my own vision of service
I’m a startup. Posted a job opening. Received resume. This resume was for one of 4 investors who sits on a panel on a tv show (similar to dragons den). I called,( not to hire for sure). He recommended Jeff Walker as a first step to find my way… He was so damn right.
Sharon Mitchell
Thanks for your love of service and willingness to share . You are what my alma mater calls a “servant leader”. I look forward to getting to know you and your organization better over the coming year.
Seeing only the best of everything for you and yours!
Jeanne Paglio
I am so looking forward to this program, I’m really jazzed about it. My friend and I are both registered to take your course and plan to hold each other’s feet to the fire to make sure we don’t give up. This will be a wild ride!!
It was an amazing ride Jeff. I learnt so much from you during this launch and taking it for my own launch as well.
You continue to inspire me every single day. Am so honored to be a part of your community and grateful to have met you 4 years ago.
Your biggest achivement ?
Love your heart, love your work, love your tribe’s results.
Hi Jeff (& Team) – I feel Such Gratitude OFTEN for what you are doing, continue to do and ow you are doing it – that you do keep SHOWING UP (for us). I know it is your Service – and with all my heart I thank you!!!!!!!!! I have been your ‘student’ for many years. And it’s amazing how long these seeds have continued to grow.
The world needs self-empowered people who are putting their passion & heart out, breaking free from old belief systems and these very real PLF tools give us such a great clear path.
I have so much to teach and share it is sometimes overwhelming – I’ve been doing much over the years already – often for little money – on the barely getting by side of the line for far too long. I have many years teaching workshops, writing books, running businesses and serving. 21st Century Superhuman is my main focus these days – not quite as simple to share as more narrow topics – yet rich with possibility to support human change and awakening – and I have many resources to ‘get out there’ in a greater way.
The Master Launch Class has been a huge gift / last year & this year – (though I’ve followed you since before Frank K did the $23m dryer Launch in 1 hr in a trailer – and many of you ‘front runners’ made alliances that proved these ideas and affirmed them in action.
I went to Underground and a few other conferences probably 10 years ago – learned a lot – thought ‘how to’ was still over my head. I see your connection with Tony Robbins & saw his big launch recently – I was putting him onstage in the ’80s – so there was much breaking free from old patterns for me back then. It is amazing and wonderful to see all these teachings ‘going ’round the circle.’
I snowboarded, mountain biked and ran rivers in PS for 17 years. I followed you then – the guy I was with at the time could not believe I could be successful online, though I trudged along with weak starts – in fact the other day I ran across videos I was making them for member courses – very similar to what I’m launching now – with some refinements. I’ve been in PLF 2x at least and gotten refunds because I couldn’t see how I’d pay for it. I just have to honor the stumbling, the years of trying and the growth that has gone on.
It feels like I’m finally ‘growing the brain cells’ and understanding the tech, that I can actually start doing launches. So thank you for persevering with us!!! This last Launch Master Class has been amazing – I’m already started and on a roll. I would not be at this place without your last couple of Launch Master Classes. I am excited to join PLF next year & be in your learning and action community (wish I could have this year). I’m certain I’ll have successes to share.
I love the story about your brother-in-law taking pictures & sending back to family – made me smile as I know the story of not being a ‘prophet in your own land,’ que funny!
Honestly – I cannot tell you enough how grateful I am that you are sharing your work in this way – that I’ve been able to keep learning from you – that I’ve been able to grow into the possibility of this working for me. That technology is coming together in a way to make it easier. That there has been consistency – that I can see the growth of you and your team, of this getting better & better with the Live Launch Master Classes – the success stories are amazing and so helpful – and still at the center are the core basics of PLF.
Thanks again and your team for your willingness to serve, your presence, your real-ness. I listen to many of your vlog posts – and they are great encouragement on the way. Thank you for your sincerity & authenticity / for not using funk and flash / for being REAL. Many yet unborn thank you for what you are now doing – as “we” become empowered with skills to move into better actualization of our gifts and abilities – and because of this – empowering humanity – our world changes for the better.
It’s so fun to see Daniel working in a great flow with you – how cool – and I know the others behind the scenes are dedicated also – thanks for the Awesome Launch!!! For showing us how it’s done – may what you receive be multiplied a thousandfold.
Namasté – may ALL of you walk in beauty – in wellness – in grace…. see you in the great realms of creativity, viability, possibility and betterment for all Life on Earth….
Hello, Jocelyn here. I would love to know the location, dates and cost for PLF Live! I missed the sign up so would really like to join in!
Hi Jeff,
I’ve been thinking about ordering PLF for several years now. This year I felt it was the right time. Looking forward to doing my first launch. You’re genuineness shines through. Thank You for offering this to others.
Hi Team PLF,
Wanted to say Awesome Job!
It’s Veronica, reaching out from the Bahamas. Looking forward to seeing you at PLF Live.
Thanks Jeff this is teaching a lot to newbies like me
Sara Whittall
Hi Jeff- thank you so much for your generous content these last 2 weeks. I’ve watched it all and really connected with what you do and you, yourself. Not being in a financial position this year to buy PLF, I intend to put into practice your generous teachings and see what happens, so I can get stuck in next year for sure.
Good luck with this year’s training,
Thank you for the great training. I got ideas and learned things to apply to my business. I have a coach I like– we’re making great progress– but will definitely keep PLF in mind for the future.
Jeff what a lovely blog .. and so very very true , you have great humility
I don’t think you can say it enough ,
I look forward to learning from you and your team
Hi Jeff,
Thank you so much for all your love, in service to all of us during your launch and more to come. Thank you for Daniel (super awesome to see him working with you in sync), as well as your fantastic team. And yes, you and your heart are the one that sets you apart from other marketers or online courses out there and thank goodness for you and to show up – again and again. I especially love when you share the story of someone making rude comments about you not being in suit. I love that you uses your polo shirt and showing up as you and telling the world that it’s okay to be different and comfortable & proud to be who you are and that you’re making a profound example and be a great model for all of us to take a stand and do the same in the world. So thank you for being a great ‘father’ figure for all of us.
The biggest breakthrough from your 2 weeks ‘Love’ Launch is to take action today and to do it NOW, no matter where you are, and having fear is part of it, but start taking action anyway. That’s been my huge / biggest obstacle for some reason that I couldn’t shake off for many years, so thank you profoundly for sharing this message. It reaches the right people at precisely the right time when they need to hear it most.
I look forward to joining the PLF Love (as someone commented above) team and community next Fall. Have an amazing year to the PLF love community and cheering the rest of 2019 for all PLF owners to shine their light to the world and be of service.
Light, action and love ❤️
colli christante
Hi Jeff and Walker Team – heartfelt gratitude to and for who you be and all you do for so many and that includes me. Yes, yes, yes .. showing up being present and integral is #1 serving #2 and then keep up and you will be kept up. My program is Performance Mastery (Inner Fitness) which is totally congruent with that of which you spoke about in todays video. Alignment = Focus and that means we can be present and serve. It is such too that when we include who else is involved here which is the final pice of being aligned that we become congruent and then we can be in that state of servitude. I am so excited to be there NOW and to bring my program to other to know they are my community. Thanks again. Looking forward to Monday to get this party started. Blessed be. Love only
Susan Olmstead
I always love what you do, Jeff! Thanks for all the teachings! Much appreciated!
Michael Gorman
We can, today discover just about anything we require, we can source the most obscure information and gain access to experience-based processes, and learn from people who have discovered the best approaches – quite often free of charge if we are diligent and discerning about the sources and research.
However, what isn’t freely available ‘out there’ among the interwebs, is genuine guidance and specific insights, this you need to pay for because it is incredibly valuable.
I think you have been successful in building your own enclave, your own particular specialty and people are grateful for this.
As a web specialist, and IT person I can see what you do, also in my capacity as an observer and analyst of the emerging independent culture which the WWW has enabled I acknowledge your contribution – I am unlikely to be a customer, because I have my own spin and my own take on what is valuable, but I tip my hat to you. Perhaps we can have a blues jam sometime, I am a guitar player, and guitar ‘nerd’ – you never know. All the best Jeff.
Julie Stelting
I now your PLF training has motivated me to try it again.
It had been a while since my last launch. So technically I am doing a seed launch first (hopefully to build my email list). Then before the end of the year I am doing a side-ways launch.
I’ll touch back with them (newsletter) before the end of the year.
Then I hope to have another launch after the first of the year.
I guess I am testing your theory, “launches build email lists”…
I am also doing so extra stuff online until the end of the year.
January 1st, I re-evaluate. I really believe in my product, but one can only hang on so long.
Thanks for all the really good information.
Rick Carter
Jeff, my wife who went home to the Lord 7/15/96 She always said to follow you … and then she said you were a giver — I tried to find her letter — where you are is where she said you’d be — Very Happy for you … Maybe – we’ll still get to meet … God Bless — I will still look for the letter — Hope I find it .. She sent it May or June of that year !!! You’ll meet her I am sure Rick
Zillah Mills
The inspirational kind hearted Gentleman Jeff so you are! that Master class launch was a masterpiece showing up and serving yes I do believe is what sets you aside from the rest, Thank you for letting me in on your launch so much compassion! Also the most kindly given knowledge I’ve ever heard and I love Betty too! Who is part of your team she commented back to me after the launch she was lovely! Thank you Jeff Walker for sharing your knowledge with me 🙏👏🏼✍🏻
Thank you for the inspiration!!! I believe there are no accidents so I bumped into your free PLF training because the stars ⭐️ 🌟 ✨ are aligning and I’m getting ready to take my life to another level and the universe agrees. As I single mom all of my two daughters lives I’ve dedicated my entire life to them now 19 & 27. Now and with your help I am going to have an amazing launch and catapult my life and theirs to another more rewarding hemisphere!!! Grateful! 😊