If you ever wanted to leverage your following to raise money for a cause… here’s a few tips on how I was able to increase my fundraising by 10x…
- December 8, 2017
If you ever wanted to leverage your following to raise money for a cause… here’s a few tips on how I was able to increase my fundraising by 10x…
Matt Urmenyhazi
What a legacy you’re leaving to sooo many people. Truly inspirational! Thanks Jeff!
Judi Lansky
Your message can inspire others to give personally or to motivate their tribe to give. Glad you shared. No reason to feel squeamish about it.
Good, straight-head, very helpful. Thank you.
LaRue Eppler
Jeff, this is a great lesson and message. Scott Harrison’s talk at your event in Dallas recently touched me in unspeakable ways. Thank you for having him speak and thank you for your kind, giving nature. The world needs more Jeff Walkers!
J Stewart
Kudos to you Jeff for combining heart and smart. No need to be squeamish or reluctant. I don’t see a braggart. I see a big heart. I can’t wait for the day when launching produces the kind of results you have (or even 10% of it! ) that enables such big hearted giving. Tis the season … Great video.
Heléna Kurçab
Hi Jeff,
I love your videos and the genuineness of your wish to contribute. I can see how your method to generate more contributions, would definitely end up raising more money for a charity. However, The only thing that feels out of alignment for me personally, in regard to my own personal values, is the fact that it feels that this encourages people to ‘give so as to get’, rather than for the joy of heartfelt giving.
Jeff, thanks for sharing these strategies to increase the impact of your charitable giving.
Helena, I see your point but also understand that most people aren’t solely motivated by “heartfelt giving.” I’ll use a personal example to illustrate. When attending Jeff Goins Tribe conference a few months ago, Goins employed some similar strategies to raise money for Help One Now. He asked attendees to spread the word about this organization and used incentives for the top fundraisers. I am a CPA financial planner and always have a predetermined budget for annual charitable giving with specific charities but leave some wiggle room in the overall number for new charities. When Jeff Goins challenged us to fundraise for Help One Now, I stepped up – largely because of the strategies Jeff Walker shared in this video. I had no prior knowledge of that charity. I give for the “joy of heartfelt giving” but the compelling offers helped me decide to support that specific charity.
Shelley Brander
So glad you went ahead and just did it 🙂 One of your most powerful videos to date. It’s packed with concrete, actionable ideas that can make a huge difference in the world 🙌 In fact, it would make a great PLF bonus module.
Ted Demopoulos
Years ago I took an older yet still valuable product, a very few hundred dollars, that I was about to stop offering until/unless I did a big update, and said “donate something, anything to this kids charity” and I’ll give it to you. It worked! I didn’t have a big following but it worked and made a significant difference!
And of course I’ve seen you effectively promote charity effectively several times!
I loved this video. I loved where you shot it, the lighting and the topic. Your excitement about being able to raise money for charities came across loud and clear. Thank you for sharing how you have been doing it more successfully!
Michelle Martinez
What a great topic for this time of year. I think it was perfectly timed and nothing to feel “squeamish” about. I don’t think you are bragging at all–just sharing your wisdom as you do each week in these videos. Thanks for all you do!
Dennis Plum
Thanks Jeff for getting “uncomfortable” and sharing this message.
Scott Neal
Great ideas. Thanks for being brave.
Danelle Denney
Jeff! It was great talking to you this week. Thank you for this video! As I have followed you I have become more and more able to see myself doing higher and higher levels of accomplishments. Now I can see myself raising lots of money for awesome charities. Ine if my bucket list things is now to donate enough money that I can go to the schools with Amy and Stu. Thank you for how you make me see myself!
Tina Greenlee
Thanks for posting this video! I personally find the volunteers for non-profits have a hard time asking for donations (from my own personal experiences). This is a great way to give back and help them, making a positive difference in the world. :_) Love it!!
Keep being amazing and helping as you are!
Warm Regards, Tina Greenlee
Doug Thorpe
Great word Jeff thanks for leading this powerful message.
Hi Jeff,
I was honored to hear Scott Harrison’s presentation in person in Dallas with you. He is doing amazing work and you and your mastermind working with him to multiply his message was an extraordinary gift to him and his organization.
My partner and I both contributed at the event and then when I saw that Ruth Buczynski was offering to donate the proceeds of all sales made on a specific day to Charity:Water, I purchased the program she was selling, which I was thinking about purchasing anyway, but the donation aspect pushed me into purchasing .
I also put your link to donate in one of our newsletters.
You introduced me to Kiva a number of years ago and I continue to support them.
Thank you for all that you do. Seen and unseen. The world does, indeed, need more Jeff Walkers
Bill Baren
Thank you, Jeff. We have been raising money at our events for the last 8 years. With what you are sharing, I think we can increase what we do from $40,000 per event to over $100,000. Super grateful. BTW, http://www.soulshoppe.com/ is the charity we support.
Lee McIntyre
I love your creativity and your generosity, Jeff. You’ve given me an idea I hadn’t had before. As a fundraiser for a charitable organization, I spent 35+ years raising millions of dollars for our organization before I left them in 2001. Most of those years were pre-Internet. How I wish we had had the benefit of visionaries like you back then!
Perfectly thank med for me as I’m starting my fundraising today for a February cause.
Deirdre Fay
Grateful to your message of the tribal echo, how giving continues giving. I gave at LaunchCon and was grateful for the opportunity to give.
Hi Jeff – hope your first Ski Friday was fun!
I want to share with you how I so appreciate your authenticity and vulnerability. It is so refreshing. I have been watching your videos every Sunday morning (a nice ritual) for years now and I stay with you BECAUSE you are so honest and true to being human; showing the world that it’s ok to BE yourself and that your world won’t stop if some stranger thinks you’re not perfect or doesn’t agree with you. Thank you for modelling this life-changing quality for the greater collective!
Blessings to you and your family for a safe and wonderful holiday season. Namaste.
When I give a donation, am interested in the percentage that finally goes to whatever program we are giving to. You would be surprised to know many programs only get 10% to 20% of what we donate. So when someone asks for money, ask what percentage actually goes to whatever you are donating to. I have only a few programs just for this reason. If they cannot tell me what percent actually goes to whatever they are asking for, I do not donate. Being retired I need to watch where are money is going to.
Jeff Walker
@Rita: Good point. The organization that we raised money for – charity:water – has 100% of all donations go directly to water projects.
Wendy Raebeck
Way to go. The crystal ball shows a lot more philanthropy in your future, Jeff. For a results guy like you, with kids grown now, giving could be the gift to yourself that keeps on giving. Thank you for including in your videos the importance of this in all our lives. Giving is gratitude.
Walt Hampton
Great lesson. A huge impact that you’re making. LOVE Charity Water,
Jacqueline Ebanks
THANKS Jeff thanks for INSPIRING me to launch my own Charity FEC ( Family Empowerment Cayman) A organisation that aims to empower Families Spiritually, Financially and Morally. Sorry you took so long to shoot that video. Cause the world is so full of the Negativiity . So why not produce more that inspire us Entrepreuners to produce good business while giving back to chartiy
Jennifer Thomas
This was my favorite video of yours -ever.
Thank you for sharing.
Mark Smith
Did Charity:Water issue donation receipts? Or, were people paying for the bonus, and you donated the money to Charity:Water (no donation receipt from Charity:Water to the donors, but it would go to your company.)
Jeff Walker
@Mark: the money goes directly to Charity:Water. When we do fundraisers, we never take funds… the money goes directly to the non-profit.
Perfect message, Jeff. Thank you for your presence and heart.
Aaron K
Jeff: You do not need to feel “squeamish” about this video. Brilliant ideas about combining product marketing with social good (donation to charity) to drive sales. Thanks Jeff for sharing your marketing prowess with aspiring entrepreneurs like me. Happy holidays – you’re the best!
Thanks for the video and for introducing Scott Harrison and charity: water to us in Dallas.
I wanted to underscore your points about “network of networks” and matching funds.
The first I heard of charity: water was at LaunchCon. I was moved and inspired.
Shortly thereafter, it was my 40th birthday. I decided to pledge my birthday for charity: water: http://www.brianmcadam.com/my-40th-birthday
Now, I have a *much* smaller following. But, together with some friends, I arranged $5,000 in matching funds. I then reached out to a much wider group to gather $5,000 in pledges against those funds.
In short order, we raised over $10,000 — enough to provide an entire village—over 300 people—with clean water.
Thank you for the example and inspiration and for helping my 40th birthday to be the best ever!
(Oh, and perhaps most importantly: now some of those who gave to my birthday campaign are considering pledging *their* birthdays for charity: water. 😊)
Laura Brandenburg
What an amazing ripple effect!
Jeff Walker
@Laura: exactly.
Amanda Cole
This is great. Having more money to donate to the things, people and causes I care about is one of my biggest motivations to increase my income.. Just wish it would happen a bit faster!
Amanda Cole
Jeff, I’m not sure where you would get the idea that this would sound like bragging. It’s just your great ideas that you are sharing! Thank you..
Kevin Lee
Really enjoyed the video. I love traditional philanthropy, and I even more excited by cause marketing. I too don’t want to come off as bragging, but, I launched a cause marketing company We-Care.com, in 2006 which has generated $8.3 Million for nonprofits. The second generation of the platform was the “inspiration” for Amazon SMILE. However, that’s a long story best over lunch or beverages. Have another two completely new platforms launching under We-Care.com in 2018 that could be even bigger than the “Smile” model I would value your thoughts.I’ll send you a LinkedIn InMail.
Dawn Engler
I jumped in on Charity:water when they started the Spring last year. Monthly giving is so easy and I don’t feel like I’m tapping the budget with a big donation at one time. Many of my teeny tiny tribe jumped in as well, so however we do it, we can all make a difference. “Not the raw dollars that matter…just the effect of change and impact.”
Elisabeth Williams
Jeff, since my business is philanthropy advising I couldn’t be more thrilled to hear you share your experience of giving! Believing that entrepreneurship has the power to change the world, my mission is to educate entrepreneurs on how to effectively give of their time, talent and treasure. Including their team members and clients in the effort amplifies the results. It’s not self-serving to empower others to give. It’s inspiring! And as anyone who makes philanthropy a way of life will tell you – this is where purpose and meaning are found. My latest blog post encourages entrepreneurs to become philanthropreneurs. You can read it here…http://awepartners.com/7-reasons-to-unleash-your-inner-philanthropreneur-and-create-a-bigger-impact/. Thanks for all you do!
Steve McNutt
Hi Jeff,
Don’t be so hard on yourself in regards to being Squeamish. I don’t think you need to be apologetic about the need to help others. You and the PLF community are doing great things. Onward, lets go. 🙂
Best regards,
Steve Mc/Whitby ON.
Excellent advice !
Rich Collins
I really value your efforts on behalf of non-profits. I am a member of the PLF family and work at a non-profit servicing kid and families with LD/ ADD/ASD issues in a boarding school setting. An issue is that we have the information and skills sets to help the families who can’t afford or are not informed of their rights to gain funding for the children who can’t benefit from the school resources where they live. Our goal is to use the PLF format to share our knowledge with families who can’t access it in a cost-effective manner. We are also looking to network with other programs to use there expertise in the same manner who are in the private sector. I welcome any suggestions to help in the process. I loved seeing the video from Louis and seeing him recognize his dream and the impact his family is having with families. Thanks for all you do and for sharing. Would love to follow up.
Thank you for sharing!
Kirk Slack
Jeff I have been watching your videos for the last year and I have never been short of impressed. You are an extraordinary man and an inspiration to the world! What you do to help with charity is something I am striving for. Just helping people in need and just in general gives me just this amazing feeling. Look forward to seeing more videos.
Thanks Jeff, great to contemplate your ultimate end goal! I pondered this end goal of expanding my reach and influence from the very beginning. It’s why I do what I do, not just for meeting my own personal needs. I’ve faced incredible obstacles that I’ve had to overcome. I’m finally connecting the dots about how my ‘seeming’ outer obstacles are actually reflections of things surfacing within myself that I need to transcend.
Erica Carrico
Amazing Jeff! Thanks for being such an inspiration for so many of us in the early days of our business.