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I’m often asked how I grew my business to where I am now. But the truth is they don’t really care about me and my journey. What they really want to know is the answer to the question behind the question…

“Will this work for me, too?”

They want to know the same thing I did when I was starting out:

How do you go from nothing – when all you have is a desperate need to wrestle back control over your life – to building a thriving business that gives you the freedom to live on your own terms?

That’s what this video is about.

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5 Replies to “How I Built This Business (and What It Means For You)”

  1. ‘Just in case learning’ v ‘just in time learning’. This is a real game-changer. I’m certainly ‘guilty’ of ‘just in case’ learning, and need to practice much more ‘just in time learning’ to really move things forward. Thank you @Jeff for highlighting this difference so succinctly.

  2. Nicola Hackett


    Thank you Jeff. My son used Launch to craft his first offer, and it’s been promising but slow going. Your video How I Built This Business is very encouraging for us in this moment.

  3. I appreciate hearing you talk about ‘from learning to doing’ – I truly was feeling that I must be the only one, because I was being so judgmental of myself. Thank you for your transparency, Jeff; I truly appreciate it.

  4. Jeff, this is exactly why I just invested in PLF. I am fully confident, based on it’s proven track record, if I do the work (and I’m not afraid of work) I’ll be successful. Thank you for over delivering. I know at this stage in your life you don’t need to do this, but you do anyway. That says a lot about your character. Brad

  5. Thank you for sharing your story. I have been a learner, though knew I should be a doer. Even a tiny step is okay. You gave me the courage to go out and make an offer, be tested in the market. I will today.

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