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A few years ago a friend of mine convinced me to start a new, weekly habit… and it completely transformed my business. If you want a simple plan for attracting and engaging a big tribe of followers, then this is one idea you should totally steal…

The big takeaways…

  • One “unfair” advantage you can use to attract a big, responsive tribe
  • Why it’s actually a good thing when you mess up
  • The real “secret” to selling without feeling slimy

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90 Replies to “Steal This Idea”

  1. Gerald Strever


    Thanks Jeff & Dean. Will overcome my desire to be perfect and start producing a weekly video.

    • Wow! Jeff and Dean (sounds like a music duo) This conversation came on the heels of good timing! Whatever prompted you two to roll with this subject matter was spirit driven. Thanks, mucho much!

  2. Admire both of you, Dean and Jeff! Woohoo! Always so inspirational.

    And today I really needed to hear this. Like you Jeff, I’ve been postponing doing weekly videos for years…and been kind of paralyzed by getting it all perfect and right, but Dean you are so right, just “be the best version of me”, being authentic, vulnerable and enthusiastic and it will work. Those are the people I personally admire the most too – people like the two of you – who are authentic and enthusiastic about what they do.

  3. So true Dean. Empathy plays a HUGE part in impacting lives. I’ve got tremendous programs, books and live events, but without “sales” they’ll go nowhere. Authenticity is always the best way. Thanks, guys. I’ve learned a lot by your vids Jeff.

  4. What a positive man! I don’t think i have encountered such good vibes-brilliant idea I just might even implement it-thanks guys for your generosity 🙂

  5. Thank You Jeff and Dean – I am watcching this very early Sunday morning(my reallly quiet time)

    My blog has been sitting dormant for months – my camera is stilling waiting to be activated AND know I learn that YOU Jeff are doing 30 more of these daily – so for the next 30 days I shall be here at 0.30 to absorb (and activate) all the “genius” you provide your tribe –

    – thanks Dean and Jeff for waking me UP !

  6. Bruce Duckham


    Thanks Dean and Jeff! I love both your personalities! Will do the weekly video. Great tip.
    Dean. I just need your free book offer to be available for South Africans! Jeff. , I’m sure I will be joining your coaching soon!

  7. I love the energy and authenticity! It’s a shame that “authenticity” is a buzz word – it’s like a contradiction: “authentic” and “buzz.” Anyway – thanks for sharing your passion. It’s great spending a few minutes with you both -Dean – you are awesome, I just really like you! Great info!!

  8. Martha Benson


    Hello from France – Great message – so glad to see you are good friends – Love your videos, Jeff (perfect or not!), always good content –
    Dean thank you for your book, very inspiring – Im putting all the pieces together – here’s to the rest of our lives!

  9. Beautiful guys thank you
    Luv It
    Totally know what you mean about spell checker Dean
    I’m starting my weekly videos next month so your tips are much appreciated…Be myself!
    I’m coming to Phoenix Jeff, all the way from London, I’m a former World Boxing Champion (so bring your gum shield and lets do a few rounds) 👊🏻👊🏻👊🏻 I will be launching my online biz to the world next month, its called Mental Boxing. Lets get it on!
    See you next month.

  10. Wow, what an amazing video! I absolutely love Dean’s energy, enthusiasm and transparency! I actually laughed out loud about spell check not being able to figure out what words he’s trying to spell. You can’t help but love someone who will admit something like that. It’s so refreshing to watch a video with people who can just be themselves (Dean and Jeff). Jeff, you are blessed to have friends like Dean!! Thanks for sharing him with all of us!

  11. Thank you, Dean and Jeff. Yes, being authentic is the key point of success. Another thing I just would add is to be open to suggestions and different points of view. Being a cardiologist I have to learn to listen to my patients and when they saw that the bridge was opened, communication was more effective and my authenticity was able to make more influence in their lives. Thanks for the reminder of being authentic!

  12. I have only just started to shoot my pre-pre launch videos last week and I finished writing my launch videos just last night so your message could not have come at a better time. I truly SUCKED at my first try with the pre-pre launch material but I am getting better and will shoot my next 3 videos on Mar 03 – 2018 with a launch date of the week after Easter.
    I am scared crapless :-), excited as heck and know that I am too far down the path of all of this to stop now. So, Jeff, I am following your rules to the letter so please wish me luck and thank you for the permission to just be myself.

    • Good for you Christine! Your post gives me an added boost. I’ve had video on my ‘to do’ list forever.

      I’ve been getting Jeff’s videos for years and love them, AND when it comes to video I think women have a distinct disadvantage that can sometimes slow or even stop them. I have been slow to commit and make video happen in my business because it can be a royal hassle getting yourself together to make it happen. Most men can just click record with no makeup, no hair styling, nothing and people will love the authenticity. If women do the same they’re not taken seriously, seen as unprofessional, or get critiqued about their appearance.

      I’m cheering for you—best of luck with your videos & your launch!

      • Melissa Pahl


        Vicki, I’ve been thinking about doing a “No Makeup Monday” video juuuuuuust to see what happens. I also am planning to flip open the laptop and just hit record when I get home from meetings where I’ve already done the expected hair and makeup. I used to have a whole fancy video set up and it just ended up slowing me down because I wanted then to script something, etc. I just figured out a place to plop my laptop in my house with reasonable light and background and I’m going to roll with it. I can add a disclaimer about the potential for dogs barking in the background. Sending you lots of luck!

        • Hi Melissa, that’s a great idea to film after you’ve already done the prep work for something else. I have had exactly the same experience you describe where so much time and effort is spent on prep work you’re exhausted for the main event! Good luck with No Makeup Monday!

      • Yes, Vicki… as a fellow female Internet Marketer… I can definitely recommend taking what Andrew has commented in. I can absolutely second that if you’ve got a great message, it’s not as likely as you think that you’re true audience cares about those superficial things. I personally prefer to do my videos with more of my normal daily hairstyle and makeup, which is much less done up than if I were going out or to a big meeting or something. Having it be a more laid back style makes it that much more likely that I’ll spontaneously record something, knowing that I don’t have to go to a ton of trouble to do so. Another thing I do is to try and wear similar clothing… non-descript… and of a similar color so that I could edit clips of different videos if I wanted and the viewer probably wouldn’t notice the change.

  13. Deborah Rezac


    Hi Dean and Jeff, wow great enthusiasm and energy. That alone leads to belief in you and your products. Thank you!! Keep up the great work. Jeff i have always admired your authenticity. ALWAYS!

  14. I’ve been watching Jeff’s videos for quite a while now but have never left any comments. All the comments are sharing exactly what I am experiencing…… energy, enthusiasm, authenticity, transparency, spontaneity. ‘from the heart’, and a passion to help. Dean and Jeff you are an inspiration and I want to be just like you in how you interact with your tribe! Believe me just commenting feels like putting myself out there.

  15. Thanks Jeff and Dean. I watched many an overnight infomercial with Dean over the years. Sleepless nights worrying about money and feeling paralyzed (by perfection). I am so glad the two of you put this video together. I frequently say “don’t let perfect be the enemy of good,” as I sit idly by watching and waiting to be perfect. Thank you again. Love your weekly videos Jeff.

  16. Wow! Thanks, Dean and Jeff… I am feeling a little overwhlemed building my CORE OFFER and getting my marketing right… before I start doing video blogs! LOL! Only so many hours in the day to do my service…. I love hearing from you both… inspiration… I model success…. I see your hearts and appreciate the value you give the world. I have the vision to inspire and equip 1,000,000 mothers/families to heal and thrive at all levels of life. I am growing in your teachings and appreciate the good cheer!

  17. Wow, I wanted to leave a comment this week to ask Jeff a question but I must have been a little shy lol! After watching this I feel compelled to ask now 🙂 Jeff, I would love to hear your advice on creating your core weekly content schedule, which incorporates video. Dean nailed it about perfectionism, thank you so much! I will listen to this video again. I really needed to hear it! Love and appreciation to both of you amazing men.

  18. Hey Jeff! Hey Dean! Awesome video, awesome message. Dean, you and I haven’t met (yet), but you inadvertently changed my life too when you encouraged Jeff to start shooting a weekly VLOG. I’ve been following Jeff’s advice, left-foot-right-foot for about 3 1/2 years now, and in that time I’ve built a massive business helping people understand how their brains are blocking them from losing weight. Using PLF, tens of thousands of people have gone through our Bright Line Eating programs, losing and keeping off over 450,000 pounds. A big part of that has been the weekly VLOGs. Thank you for your influence on me, and on the nearly 1 million people I’ve served through these videos. I just want to say a big “PLUS ONE!!!” to the idea of being true and authentic on video. I may take that to a radical extreme, way further than most people would be comfortable with, but over and over I find that it’s the videos where I lay my soul bare and really share what’s true for me on my journey that I get the BIGGEST response, the MOSST views the MOST comments and people say that the message has been the MOST helpful for them. For example, a while back I shot a video called “The Jumping Off Point.” ( ) … this one video resulted in more people reaching out to me and expressing connection and love and support, and saying that I’d helped them on their life journey, than any other video I’ve ever released. And all I did in it was speak from my heart. Dean, you are SO SO RIGHT that people just want us to be OURSELVES in these videos. Not scripted, airbrushed versions of people. Just raw and real. People are hungry for authenticity right now. Especially in a sales and marketing context. Slick doesn’t sell. So for anyone looking to shoot a weekly VLOG, Dean is 100% on point. Make the heart connection first. The rest flows from there.

    • Aha! I’ve been watching Jeff’s videos for years and Susan, I’ve also been watching yours! While watching this video I thought, “I wonder if Susan learned this from Jeff.” I guess I got my answer. Thanks guys! Dean – Great to meet you in this context. Thanks to you too!

    • Susan, I’m one of your Bright Line Eating tribe… and I actually found you the first time because you were profiled as one of Jeff’s PLF tribe success stories. When I was watching this video with Dean and Jeff and they were talking about both reciprocity and authenticity… I thought of you and how well you are able to use both of those “tactics” (it always seems so wrong to call them tactics when your selling something that helps people… but they really are so critical in great selling) so brilliantly. It’s been a joy to watch you grow your business knowing that you started using Jeff’s PLF system… as I was an early adopter of PLF and watched Jeff start and grow PLF into what it is today too!! Amazing successes all around and it’s just fantastic!!

  19. Great watching this video. Always remember Jeff we are out here and gaining from every video in some small way. Dean thank you for your enthusiasm and positive comments. Yes let’s go get them THIS week.

  20. It was interesting that before I watched today’s video I thought
    “I really enjoy watching Jeff because he’s just down so earth and natural.”
    Keep up the weekly messages.

  21. Hello from Chile! 🇨🇱
    This is so true. After learning PLF, I stole this idea from you Jeff an started 2018 with a weekly video on my website, sending email to my tribe to let them know when it is ready. I have to confess that sometimes is hard. All the setting to shoot the video: the idea, the light preparing, makeup, getting my hair done, checking sound, editing, uploading to my web… Uf! This actually takes my 6 hours average, for a 5 minutes video. I do it all by myself as I am recently starting my online business. But is so worth it! With each video, I am getting more confident, I speak and express my self better, I am seen more as an expert and I am building so much trust. People get to know me better and feel closer to me. When they sign in to my live courses, they talk me about which video they liked the most.
    And the next month I will make a new Product Launch using PLF Formula.
    Thank you so much Jeff. You have changed my life for the better. Looking forward to see you on April at PLF Live Event!

  22. Jeff – been watching your launch videos for years, but today I am commenting fir rhe first time! I would love to learn your friends name and follow him too. I am in your tribe and I WOULD LIKE TO LEARN WHAT TABLE top camera tripod you use as the vast amount on tripod just fall apart

  23. Thanks Jeff & Dean – this video really resonated with me – I will quit trying to be perfect and being worried about my accent and just start filming. Thanks so much!!

  24. Thank you for the reminder and encouragement to be authentic in marketing and to put yourself out there because people won’t know about you and your service/product unless you take the leap and the massive actions to share it daily, weekly… I will create a new habit! Thank you!

  25. Having a little trouble with confidence — and fearful that what I have to sell (my own products– books (4) , physical products (2) — ($20-$25 price point) are too $little dollar$ value that it will take thousands of sales to get a little return. Been pushing this rock uphill since 2014. Had a few major set backs. But I feel closer to getting all the rocks in place and the heaviest lifting is mostly behind me… but Time is running out; the hour glass is nearly out of sand. The stakes are so very high. Failure is not an option. It’s getting harder to breathe and impossible to sleep. And I am scared.

  26. I am glad I clicked this one because this is one message I needed to hear. I am terrified to do video and yet I know I am going to need to get over this because …. I want to teach art and sell my Plein air fine art paintings with video! Thanks for this inspiration! My daughter who is a entertainer musician actress and dancer does weekly videos but she is so comfortable in front of the camera and people and is gorgeous. I am a 55 year old woman artist, mother of 3… and although I am not shy teaching or demonstrating my art I am scared I’m going to stumble and stutter and look bad on camera. I’d I do a weekly video I guess I’ll get over it . I don’t think I’ll have a problem being myself and intuitive – that I do well

  27. Thanks! You are truly authentic. I will be sharing my travel as an artist in this way. I have been blogging, sending newsletters, on social media, etc., but have been afraid to video. I am committed to at least showing where I am painting en plein air by video. I live in one of the most beautiful states in the USA (New Mexico) and most people still believe it is in Mexico. LOL. “Places Seldom Seen” is my theme. It’s time to show them. Blessings

  28. I always feel like you’re talking to me Jeff! haha. I really needed to see this today because I was at a loss as to how to connect with my tiny mailing list. I will start this habit this week. I always enjoy your videos Jeff because it is so genuine and I appreciate that.

    Thank you Jeff and Dean!

  29. question:
    I am a wood sculptor-carver, and I want to create a video training series on a specialty style of carving i sort of created. Obviously, since a small percentage of the population is interested in wood carving, and most are retirees, it seems like a lot of work for a tiny audience.

    They get most of what they want to know for free anyway off YouTube.

    It’s all second-nature for me anyway, and I have created some videos in the past, but have not sold any video course made by myself.
    I wonder is this is actually worth pursuing?

  30. I used to make really slick high end videos for a travel company and actually began in early 2000 BEFORE youtube and all of that. I knew this was where it was going and encouraged the company to make it available on their site. I recently went to a entrepreneur conference and people asked me how they should produce videos and I basically said, use your phone, get decent lighting and solid audio but MOST important, DELIVER GREAT CONTENT! Technique means nothing without quality content, The same is true in music, film, books, etc.
    Fail forward people. Dont let technology and “technique” be another lame excuse to procrastinate about moving your mission forward. The truth is, if you’re doing that, what you’re more concerned with is your image and ego than you are the message and value to your people. Thanks, Jeff. Go get em!!!

  31. Lauren Sheil


    I’ve tried video before and gave up because I felt like it was too amateur. You’ve inspired me to try again…

    • @Darlene: for the most part, I don’t like how I look on video.

      The big question is whether I let that discomfort win when stacked against the positive impact I want to make in the world.

    • No one likes the way they look on video Darlene. Myself included.

      But like Jeff said, your options are: A. Don’t shoot videos because you don’t like how you look…and have a lot less impact. B. Get over it and have major impact.

      I’ve done roughly 200 videos in the past 2 1/2 years and didn’t love any of them. But they are changing lives, so I get over it 🙂

  32. Thank you Jeff and Dean! I love your Sunday vlogs Jeff and I “stole” your idea of weekly vlogs starting in January 2017. This was one of the things that helped me more than quadruple my reach in 1 year within the autism world (which went from 8K to 37K in one year). Thanks for showing me the way Jeff!

  33. I appreciate both you guys and what you share and sell.

    I’ve learned a ton and continue to do so.

    Your Sunday video shares are awesome and I watch them consistently. Does each one resonate with me? No. But many do.

    I’ll be doing the same thing here with my audience. Right now I do weekly Facebook Live sessions which are very fun and great for me and my audience. We all learn real time.


    Final point. I appreciate that you both say just get your content out there. Forget perfecting it. I used to worry about it. Now I’m super comfortable with being in front of the camera as I know what I share is way more valuable to people listening than me worrying about my fear and insecurities.

    Due to just getting it done, my book and courses have helped thousands of people globally. An amazing feeling and I’m just getting started.

    One question to you both:

    How do you keep your audience engaged to complete courses they’ve bought from you?

    I really want people to watch all the way through.

    I know this is a huge issue. Admittedly I haven’t completed any courses I’ve bought. I start. Get enough new information from the first few videos and then I can’t wait to implement. So I do. I don’t want to watch longer. I need some type of reminder maybe in 6 months maybe saying yo. Watch again.


  34. Thanks Dean and Jeff, really appreciated this video. Especially the part about being your authentic self.. and not trying to doit “right”… getting comfortable with yourself is a really big deal when it comes to finding your tribe.
    One thing I always do is waffle on and struggle to stay on track to make my point – but love that its the enthusiasm that counts as well. Thanks again.

  35. Thanks for the vid! I’d love to learn more how to automize emails with my videos to share with my audience so i do t have to rely on social media. I’ve heard of Mail chimp but don’t know if it’s worth it to invest just yet… are there ways to get subscriptions from tribe through email? If so, is there a way to pre-set what videos will be sent out to customers vs. free content sent to tribe like what you do? Thanks for any guidance!

  36. Luciana Johnson


    So touching message. Thank you for talking directly to my heart. I’ve been trying to get it rolling for so long but always found something to hold me back. I will do it anyways, with all struggle and limitations. That’s all we get better right?! Thank you for such an uplifting message!

  37. Oh my Jeff and Dean – You do make it hard to stay sitting on the side lines. I wasn’t looking for perfection – just needed to learn the mechanics of doing a video but I think I’m getting closer to that end of it. Still get distracted watching the screen instead of the camera – Need some tips on how you get your focus on who your speaking to instead of yourself on the screen. Your inspiration is making me try a bit harder Maybe??? one day??? soon??? I’ll get there???
    Thanks for being you. That’s the real motivation to get out there and try.

    • Hi @Nana Pennypockets: You’re the first crossover I’ve met here coming from @Yaro Starak’s Blog Mastermind and Laptop Lifestyle Academy. @Jeff Walker and his “lifetime” online business experience plus his (video) words of wisdom drawn from that experience is a treasure trove resource of material. Happy to see you here! 🙂 /psb

  38. Thanks for this. I recently started using video consistently and love it! I share in my Summit Mastermind group, LI, website blog and repurpose in bi-weekly email marketing note. Authenticity is key!

  39. Jeff & Dean: Your video spoke to me today! I understand now that by being my authentic self and enthusiastic, I can sell anything! Thanks for giving me permission to get out there, be my best self and build my tribe, one client at a time. You guys are the best, thanks much!

  40. You guys sere speaking to ME today, I make my first one tomorrow. I can hardly believe this! My angels must be working overtime! Much Love and Good Wishes to you both.

  41. Jocelyn Chouinard


    I love both of you gentlemen, so it was a real treat to see both of you on a video together! Both of you are incredibly sincere, enthusiastic, full of amazingly helpful ideas and concepts that you share so generously with those of us who are fortunate enough to have found you in this overloaded on line world!
    Thanks so much!

  42. Ana Achadinha


    Jeff, Dean, you guys make me smile big time. I’m desperate! My bank has just informed me that my debit orders have been dishonoured. A recruitment employee called me last week and advised me to find employment through the private route (as in small business) and not through a recruitment company as my age and my skills counts against me. You guys have just given me hope, thank you.

  43. Fantastic video, short, to the point and very authentic; makes you feel like you know you! Great stuff and very inspiring.

  44. Åsa Johnsson


    Thank you for all the videos. I have no requests at the time. I maybe have eventually, but for now…just thank you.

  45. Thanks Jeff and Dean!
    Great encouragement to just be the best version of me I can be, and SHARE what I have enthusiastically.
    The way you could help me more in these videos Jeff is to keep sharing moments like these, when you’re together with other rock-star entrepreneurs, and just ask them a few simple questions like you did here. Your recent video about the “Gurus In A Gondola Getting Lunch” was incredibly inspiring to me. Hearing all of you share your fears, and what motivated you to overcome them and help people grow left me saying, “YEAH! I can do that too!”
    I’m looking forward to meeting you at PLF Live this year and soaking up (and sharing) all I can! So stoked I get to come. 😀

    Ok that’s it. I’m announcing here and now that I’m going to post a video OF SOME KIND every Friday. I keep getting hung up on perfectionism and that I need to highly edit & produce my videos. But the truth is RIGHT NOW I DONT HAVE TIME for high production. The last video I posted (3 months ago) was one of the worst production value videos I’ve done in a long time. But that video EXPLODED and has caused my subscriber count to more than double in that short time. One video! If you don’t see a video from me every Friday, come give me a hard time! 🙂

  46. I love the message, thank you! I have a technical question, so I take a video in my studio.. then what? Do I edit it in iMovie and then get it on my website.. or on facebook.. or on YouTube.. or Vimeo?

  47. So I’ve got the authenticity and vulnerability thing down and I’m trusting you that it’s the best way to go. Now I need to take it to video. I’m on it and thanks for the encouragement!!

  48. You’re both so great!!! Had the blessing of Dean coming to share his wisdom with us at a Brendon Burchard mastermind event and what you see on video is what you get in person too. Super inspiring!!! Love this great reminder to just be us on video and the best we can be. So easy to compare ourselves to others and avoid putting ourselves out there.

  49. Love your posts each week, Jeff. I learn so much from you. This is another great one! You always grab me to watch your video. You really know how to be compelling. That’s the number one thing about your videos. You really know what will hook me. Just by osmosis I’m leaning how to do this better and better!!

  50. Love, love, love this! Thank you so much! I got over my fear of doing videos at my corporate position at a direct sales company. I found what Dean is saying to be absolutely true for me. I was most comfortable with minimal preparation, just talking about what I loved about the product. The feedback from our field of Consultants was always good. They got excited because I was. I recently left that position and am building my platform. This video is a great reminder that I just need to re-set and do it again for the new audience I am building.

  51. Thank you both so much. I’ve learned so much from both of you and in this video you pushed me towards something I’ve been thinking about for a while now. Getting involved with Stategic Coach. Funny I know as this was about using video for my tribe. But you guys are my mentors and I hope one day also friends. And thru Joe Polish I’ve been getting closer to Dan’s tribe and seeing you guys so involved as well I know it’s where my people are at. Love you both. Thank you from a small town Aussie boy living in Russia

  52. Wow!! Getting past being “perfect” is the best advice!! My OCD slows me down so much. Thank you for “making it ok” to just do it! Like others who have commented, I will be jumping in with both feet and *finally* getting a workshop series ready for the public. Thank you again!

  53. Great stuff. I see my competitors in the aviation market make these fancy videos, but there’s no hero’s journey in there. I keep thinking that to compete I also need high-end video production, but your video today has me geared to change direction and be more in line with both of your styles. Thank you Dean and Jeff! I needed to hear this.
    Chris L.

  54. Dean, you said your son had a championship baseball game this weekend and yet you chose work over being there for him. It’s not like an ordinary baseball game; championships require a long hard path and the celebration of that is made significant by the people who support you in that celebration…. either seeing you win or supporting you if you lose.

    I remember missing a fourth of July parade for my cousin because I was editing a column and I can’t even remember what the column was about… but I’ll never forget the disappointed look on her face.
    Just putting this out there for you to think about. Song “Cat’s in the Cradle” comes to mind.

  55. Hi Jeff, I am new to your tribe, and would like to say thank you so much for keeping these pass post available for us to view. I have been nervous about using video. But now see that it is a way for me to move forward as well as not needing to be anything but myself.

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