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Early on in my business I did one thing that changed everything for me. 

It was January 2000, and I had such a “before and after” kind of experience that I’ll never forget. It was like one of those “blue pill or red pill” kind of things from the Matrix.

And from a purely monetary standpoint, it meant that I quickly tripled my best launch. (From $35k to $100k+.) 

(That’s a lot of money these days, but it was even more back in 2000!)

And you have the opportunity to experience that same “before and after.” 

That’s all in this video…

The day everything changed in my business it was in January. It was actually January of the year 2000 and there was almost like a before and an after and that was when I stepped into my first online marketing conference.

So let me tell you that might sound weird to be such a game changer for me but the reality is that for all of us who are growing in online business. There's so many great things about it. One of the greatest things is, it's just you in a computer and you can create your business – just nothing else, just you you a computer, or you your phone, go for it, boom – you're creating, you're building.

It's amazing how you can get started and how you can grow. And the worst thing about an online business is just you and a computer. And it's incredibly lonely, it's incredibly isolating, it's hard to get outside perspective. It's easy to just go into your own shell. And when I walked into that first conference all of a sudden I was around my people. I found my tribe. All of a sudden there were all these people who had common challenges, the same challenges I had, the same problems I had that we’re struggling with, the same things that we’re excited about, the same things the people in my life in my normal everyday life they couldn't relate but all of a sudden I was around people that could relate. And I was getting expert coaching from people that were further down the path than I was. So that was just an unbelievable game changer.

January 2000. I got on a plane and I flew out to Los Angeles where it was actually a 4-day conference. Unbelievable. I was blown away by the inspiration by the people I met. To realize that there were people that were further ahead, that were people that had business, that were far larger than me, that were doing bigger, better things and that there were people that that could have helped me, that I could build a network that I could find friends, that I could build these relationships with. It was just unbelievable.

I went home and I immediately put all these things into place. I did my biggest launch up to then. It was about a $100,000 launch which was, I think before that my biggest launch was about $35,000. So right there, I mean, just from the stuff I learned at that conference – big difference in the long run. And even bigger difference was, understanding that it was possible. That it was possible to grow so much bigger. That I got to see other people that were further ahead and also that I started to build my network. And to this day, I have one of the best networks in the industry. And it's because I go out to live events. And it's because of that first event I did.

So since then, it's been something I've obsessed about. I got home, I did that launch, and I immediately started looking for another Workshop or seminar that I could attend. And since then it's been a long time but I've attended dozens and dozens of conferences, workshops, seminars, and masterminds. And I've also now put on dozens, in fact, it's close if I add up all the events I've put on it’s right around a hundred events. My first event was like the first very, very first iteration of PLF Live. And that was in 2007. 

In 2010 I sort of really figured-out the formula. And since 2010 I've done my PLF Live Workshop, a 3-day live workshop every single year. What is it? 15 years now? It's been at least one year, one year where I did it twice and it's the longest running Workshop in the industry.

PLF Live, continually running, continually updated, continually improved, since 2010. There's no other conference that can claim, that period, there's nothing even close the longest running conference. And so it's all dedicated, so the premise is, you walk in the PLF Live with an idea that you want to, of a product or a service or a business that you want to launch. And in those 3 days we get your launch planned. Absolutely amazing. With that premise we have had, I've refined the process to be able to go through this building out your launch now. You're not going to shoot every video, you're not going to write every single email, but you're going to figure out your offer. An offer that people really want to get and then you're going to figure out your pre-launch and your actual open cart so that you can go home and put that plan in place and get launched. 

And some of the launches that have been created within PLF Live in those three days of PLF Live have been absolutely legendary. And of course, over the years, PLF Live changed radically. If we look now compared to 2010 it doesn't have, it's just, there's no comparison between the two. It's radically different. And yet it's always had that common theme of getting your launch done, you know. Some of the changes, I mean one of the big changes was in 2020 when we went from being in person and doing these thousand person, 1200 person events, to being virtual, and that made it so much more accessible. It made it less fun for me because I really did like that live in-person energy but it made it so much more accessible.

And so all of a sudden, you didn't have to fly across the country or fly across the world and get a hotel room and sleep in a strange bed and 

now, you could just attend from anywhere. It's been amazing. We've got one coming up in January. Just in a few weeks, this is the first time we've ever done one in January. And it was like, why not do it in January so people can get launched? So you can get launched?

So it's coming up in January and I hope you attend. I'll put a link down below this video. But here's the thing you get from live conferences whether they're virtual or in person, get out, meet some people, meet people in your industry, get inspired, learn from people that have been down the road that are a few steps ahead of you, build your connections, build your network, show up fully, commit to showing up fully.

When you go to a conference it's just, it's silly not to go there and go all in. Even if you're an introvert, and trust me I'm an introvert, and yet I've been to dozens and dozens and dozens of conferences. And they've made all the difference. I can't think of too many things that are so night and day. When I look at the people that get out and attend conferences and workshops and those that don't and the ones that get out are the ones that get ahead. So get out to those conferences. Come to PLF Live. It's an amazing experience. It is well-honed. We've been doing it for a long time, we're really good. Come out to PLF Live, have an incredible experience, get inspired, learn from people that are further ahead, build your connections, build your network, and then just, the other thing is just when you go, when you register, commit to showing up fully. 

You know it's really easy to show up and then hide in your room or turn on or turn off your camera or what. There's a lot of different ways to hide but the only way you're going to make a change in your life is if you show up fully.

So I'm Jeff Walker. There'll be a link down below to PLF Live and let's go get him this week.

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