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Have you heard about the “Internet Lifestyle”… how you can live where you want and work when you want? The only problem is that, for most people, the Internet Lifestyle turns into a trap more than anything else – and that's what this video is all about…

This question came in on my Facebook page… go over there and like that page, it’s one of the best ways to interact with me (and ask me questions.)

And please leave a comment down below. This is a big question, and it ends up holding a lot of people back. I want to hear your opinion and wisdom on this…

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94 Replies to “The Deadly “Internet Lifestyle” Trap”

  1. Hehe so true Jeff.
    My radical way is also to cut internet connection on a regular basis…
    And the best one is just to travel where there is no internet at all

  2. Beautiful scenery, Jeff! My parents lived in Moab for years. Nigel and I are introverts like you, and we love nature and getting away from it all to recharge our batteries. We live in a lovely area in AZ that allows us to hike near home. But we also do inexpensive things like always have a puzzle in process upstairs, so we can just take a 15-30 min break and empty our minds; we play silly wii games; read a book. I didn’t used to be able to ‘take breaks’ if there was any work to be done, and you are right. The saw gets dull. Thanks for the reminder and the positive reinforcement.

  3. Excellent point. My wife and I walk and swim every morning and every evening – this helps incredibly!

  4. Hans Malmstrom


    Great reminder – I meditate.
    I guess you can compare it to take time (very little) off on a daily basis. I particularly notice the effects of this when I don’t do it 🙂

  5. Hi Jeff,

    I’m creating the most inspiring nature retreat high up south facing in the west koots of BC.
    A place for the masterminds to gather. Would love to see you out here to continue building a network to really help disconect, reconnect and reCHARGE!
    Contact when you are ready to really make you dollars MEANINGFUL. Awaken the Masterminds and make positive change happen fast in the “new world” with new world tribes. We need your help 🙂

  6. I couldn’t help but notice the “calmness” of the water in the frame of your video. It represents what is possible for our minds when we “unplug” for some time. The beauty of the landscape / brain can only be truly realized in the reflection when stillness occurs. I had an opportunity to see you at an event and it is evident by your presence that you practice what you preach. You have inspired me to unplug for some time to recharge. Thanks for the reminder. BEST!

  7. thank you. Your messages are great. i am an introvert too, loving to live in the mountains…
    French Alpes. Thanks for all

  8. Jeff,

    Excellent video. The point you made about being able to make up for or even get more done after taking time off to recharge is so true.

    (Next time you’ll have to take a week off sans-smartphone to truly disconnect).


    • @Brian: LOL… yup, I had my iPhone, but I was just using the camera. But we were very disconnected… I was probably 100 miles from the nearest cell tower when I shot that video. And once you get into the canyons, there’s no hope of a connection.

      And this is something I often do on those types of trips… even after we make it back to civilization, I don’t turn my phone on for a while. I make a deliberate, conscious decision about when I turn it on. In this case, I waited until we made it all the way home.

  9. Jeff, funny as I was watching the video, I was thinking that I’ve heard Dan Sullivan talk about the importance of totally disconnecting. Then, you mentioned Dan’s idea of Free Time in the video. Yep, maybe one of the biggest challenges we face, as there’s always ‘stuff to do,’ stats to look at, etc.
    I working on it by just sitting down with a book, either on the beach or by the pool and just a little re-fresh and re-charge. Really helps to keep things ‘centered’ for me.
    Great advice Jeff.
    Cheers! Scott

  10. Great video Jeff, great advice (and great place!) I do not work non stop as my son doesn’t let me so. However it is very difficult to completely disconnect. I realize I have to do it when my 2-year-old son closes my Ipad and says “Mommy, let’s go”. I should put more “desconnected time” in my agenda. I will try to doit 🙂

  11. You are speaking directly to me!

    The way I solved the problem was to first ask the right questions. “How can I create an incredible life?”

    Then plan for exciting amazing life experiences that make all the work worth while!!!

    Thanks again buddy Michael Andreula

  12. I fully agree with the meditation aspect.
    Try a Vipassana Course if you really want to get serious and master your mind!
    10 days of no speaking, books, fully unplugged.
    Re-wire your mind for happiness and equanimity 🙂

  13. Great video Jeff and I totally agree – I still work full-time and on my business part-time so it’s a stretch!!! I not only need time away from my job, but also need time away from my business. I do exercise and meditate daily which helps, but that’s just necessary maintenance – I’ll be taking a week off – in just a few weeks and now with your inspiration am going to take the time off of from both to rechardge!!! Not sure what I’ll do but because I’m so scheduled normally – not having a plan will probably be best!!

  14. Jeff, This is sooo important to be mindful of today in the mode of outreach and service impact generation! Plus – thanks so much for sharing your coaching on outlay of Focus, Buffer and Disconnected time. Left to our own devices, we can run ourselves ragged even more extreme than climbing that corporate ladder. For me, that would be a recipe for disaster. Balance is everything when you’re walking that beam! Have a great vacay under the inspiring star-studded sky.

  15. So true Jeff! The “4 hour work week” is fiction for the internet marketer. Even if we dedicate those 4 hours to work related tasks, you will find yourself thinking of business through out the day. This mental “tax” can be more lethal than most believe. In trying to attain the dream that’s been sold to us by the “easy button” salespeople, we end up painting ourselves into a corner. No matter how much monetary success we find, Lifestyle Design is the key to reaping the fruits of the energy expended.

    I am on a personal journey right now to find my roadmap to freedom. I only have this opportunity because I did spend the time building my internet business(it didn’t happen overnight). I have discovered many things about myself. One of which is my level of true happiness and how to experience more joy by working less. I appreciate you bringing this to everyone on your list. I wish more successful internet marketers would come forth and tell the truth about this.

  16. Hey Jeff – awesome scenery. We just don’t have rivers and canyons like that in the UK. But if you came over I could show you some of the beautiful English countryside. That’s where I take my time out. Even lunchtimes, I can drive for 10 minutes and stand on a Bronze Age fort looking over my town and be completely switched off. Holidays with the family became really important to me a few years ago when my first business went pop… And we have one in the south of France coming up in less than 14 days time – I can’t wait! Similarly the time out of the business at events like Exeprts Academy (where we shared a beer) are great times for me to disconnect, recharge, learn and get fired up for the next season. Thanks for the video reminder Jeff! Keep the content coming.

  17. It’s no secret that you can’t stay focused for 16 hours a day, what I used to do, and plan on doing again is actually not working from home at all. I go to the office, I work a lot, but when I do get home, that’s the end of it – no checking stats, not checking online communities, just doing something with friends or even reading a book to get a broader perspective.

    Of course, this changes a lot when I am getting ready for a trip – before a trip I work both at home and at the office, but as this burns me up real fast and I lose my creative edge, the trip comes as a breath of fresh air.

  18. Couldn’t agree more Jeff. I just started taking real breaks, completely shutting off and enjoying some real relaxation time.

    Used to have a coffee on my break but that’s not really a break… Lately I like just sitting or lying down and taking a little power nap to recharge. Always does the trick!

    Thanks for the great content 🙂

  19. Jeff- My dream is to be able to do exactly what you are doing while traveling around the country in a small motorhome. Visiting the parks, seeing the beauty, the quiet…. And I’m working diligently to get to the point where I can afford to do that. (I loved Canyonlands!)
    And I do take breaks to recharge my “batteries”. I also programmed reminders on my phone that I use to get me out of my chair, going for a walk, stretching, doing yoga, breathing and HeartMath focusing on gratitude. It works for me!
    But it will all be better from the road, and just hearing “ca-ching” while I’m driving to my next destination! (LOL)

  20. Hi Jeff, I just started my business online and I notice the importance of been disconnected. The problem is that even though we disconnect some times, our brain stays connected. We still think about our business all the time, specially when we still depend financially on that business to pay our bills.
    I know that is not your case anymore, but is there any tip on how to manage that?

    Thanks Jeff!

  21. Hi Jeff……another great video! (and I’m jealous of the scenery again! lol). I am opting for a ‘tale of woe’ comment! My ‘day job’ is in the film industry in costumes and my business is Personal Styling & Branding. The film industry is geared to very reactive processes….urgent problems come up that must be solved in incredibly short time frames, with lots of stress. I’ve recognized that I’ve programmed myself to work in this way….high stress, constant ‘reactive’ work and very little down/recharge time as well as not taking proper time to eat, rest, look after myself. I am developing my on-line business in order to transition from that ‘world’ …. but created a situation where I could be working 24/7. Not really the result I wanted! Recently, however, I made a big change, by hiring an amazing Virtual Assistant. Actually more than just an ‘assistant’…it’s a company of Virtual Experts. The sense of relief was amazing…all of a sudden I didn’t feel so alone, I had some strategies to get problems solved, I felt supported and I found people who were experts in the areas that I am not an expert in. My tiny business is not financially capable of funding the Virtual Assistant, so that comes from my day job income…but I still feel this is one of the smartest decisions I’ve ever made. I can’t do it all, and the value of hiring someone to do something they are expertly qualified to do is huge for me. Now I can focus my efforts on specific things that only I can do…my area of expertise!

  22. I love my lifestyle! Being an extrovert, I start six days a week teaching large group fitness classes, so get a chance to interact with great people. Then, when I return home as a solopreneur, I am feeling physically and creatively ready to enjoy my computer activities. It doesn’t wear me out – it gives me an abundance of energy.

  23. In Unity… as part of our spiritual practice, we regularly go into The Silence… Sharpening Our Saw, and receiving our healing and peace there.

  24. Jeff, you went away from the internet
    to say to stay away from the internet… 😉

    You should have recorded this video
    in the stressing mess of an internet marketer
    home-based office.

    Nice video, very useful, that confirms that
    when you love your job, then you do it
    24 hours every single day, as you actually do,
    even when you have the chance to beautifully
    stay away from the thought of internet:
    your mind is there, and you like it,
    in your pursuit of happiness.

  25. Hi Jeff
    Traps from experience
    Trap #1 Money as driver for business Live as frugally as possible so that money demand does not force the business to do more than it needs to (and hence cause you to work harder than necessary) And when you have enough for yourself and family give the money away
    Trap #2 Daily rituals for self care I have had years of overdoing so I have come to realize some important lessons If one builds self care into the day it is less likely that you’ll overdo that is daily meditation, daily exercise(but not overdo – no pain ultimate gain) daily oil massage, daily biggest meal at noon
    Trap #3 And then as you say take time off to recharge but dont forget #2 and #1
    All the best Blessings Bill

  26. Jeff … nice vid. Looks like the Green River, perhaps the section between Ruby Ranch & Mineral Bottom? (Or the section down the confluence?) That’s some of the most beautiful landscape on the planet.

    I used to do quite a few river trips. Now I’m finding the best way to get solace is good day hikes along the California coast. Marin is ideal, so are the Santa Cruz mountains. Just getting out for a few hours can change the whole day.


    • @Doug: you nailed it… that’s Labyrinth on the Green River. My first time down that stretch of river, and it won’t be my last.

  27. Funny, but now it seems like a rare luxury to be completely out of cell tower range. Away from the constant drone of “emergencies” that never seem to let up.

    It is only being in such a place that can truly leave you alone with your thoughts, or better yet, lack of thoughts!

    Jeff, thank you for that timely reminder as we embark on our vacation seasons!

  28. Great points Jeff! My “better half” and I are off to Europe next month, Poland, London, Paris, Italy and then Spain. It’s a mini-vacation trip, with a ONE-WAY ticket! Back in couple months, work some, and then off to Australia, Bali and Thailand for the winter (their summer).

    Enjoy the river trip, thanks for the video, now it’s time for YOU to disconnect! LOL


  29. I love that country! The stretch from Mineral Bottom down the confluence is also amazing. There’s one place to get fresh water along the way – a cistern on river right that is almost a “miracle”. If you go, make sure you hike up to the promontory overlooking Bowknot Bend. The river doubles back on itself twice.

    Canoes are a great way to go – esp. if you have a partner you can spend hours/day in a small boat with. Another good way to go is by sea kayak. When the winds come screaming up those canyons (and they can howl!) the low profile of a sea kayak is nice. There are also a few Anasazi ruins on the lower half that are also very cool. And a big rock that is the equivalent of “Newspaper Rock” in Canyonlands Nat’l Park.

    If you do the lower stretch, you can get picked up by jet boat at Spanish Camp and also see the Colorado. If you do that, take a couple extra days and hike up to see the Dollhouse area. It’s a short hike from Spanish Camp. I didn’t, but people who did said it was awesome.

    Anyway … these vids from red rock country are awesome! It’s getting me inspired to do another trip down there.

    • @Doug: Labyrinth was awesome – and logistics are really easy. Loved it.

      I’ve done the stretch from Mineral Bottom down through Cataract Canyon (paddled my kayak), and I’ve also done the Colorado side down through Cataract Canyon (rowed my raft on that one). I’ve done most all of the major runs in the desert southwest (including Grand Canyon – I’ve rowed it five times and paddled it once), and most of the big runs in Idaho. My only experience in a sea kayak is a week in the Glacier Bay backcounry.

  30. I practice presence throughout the day, but also take the 10 min breaks that Gene Schwarz, the famous copy writer, recommended we take hourly to connect even more fully. I know that Eben Pagan does the same thing and even adds naps.

    The easiest way to start these 10 min breaks is to simply sit comfortably in a chair and “be,” observing but not judging any thoughts that arise. This practice alone has been proven to lower blood pressure, which will improve your cardiovascular status as your heart is pushing against a lower pressure and does not have to work as hard. Also, great ideas will likely come to you when you slow your mind down, which is the lifeblood of the entrepreneur. In a constantly running mind, there is no space for invention and creativity.

    • @David: exactly… it’s the time we take to recharge that fuels our creativity. And as entrepreneurs, it’s our creativity that pays the bills.

  31. Thanks for that.Yes I agree with all you said.Was forced to take time off by circumstances but discovered it was worth it.I just chilled with friends and family and yes what a great time of unwinding. This is really necessary even for a newbie like me. Thanks

  32. Jeff, I think your are on the right track. We all need some time for ourselves and with loved ones. I sharpen the saw daily with meditation, yoga and walking. The program I am in encourages daily reading and listening to self-development material. I still find myself working to many hours so will work on more vacations and getting away from he internet.
    Thanks for the insight.

  33. Jeff-
    FREE TIME….Yippeeee I take time daily to exercise & cook & connect to friends & family …however, I am guilty as charged of being constantly connected online because I really do love what I do & it brings me so much joy.
    Great Video thanks for posting.
    YOU are truly an inspiration and I am so glad I had the chance to chat with you at Brendon Bruchard’s Experts Academy.

  34. As a filmmaker I am disconnected more often than my clients like me to be. I can’t even use a mobile phone when I’m filming as the signal would get into my audio. Now this is not the type of disconnecting you are talking about. As a rule with very few exceptions I don’t use a mobile phone. However you video reminded me that I really need a break. The only thing is how do I tell the bank?

  35. Doug Greene


    Wow … you DO get around. You qualify as a bona fide “river rat”. 🙂

    Cataract Canyon … that must be an awesome run. It’ll be cool to see some more of your “walk and talks” (a term I heard for these hold these impromptu hold-the-camera-and-start-talking videos).

    It’s such a different experience to see you speaking from these places vs. on the stage.

  36. Arturo Monge


    Yes, sometimes it is very hard to take a break, specially when running your own business, and it really makes a difference. Everything from your creativity to your optimism can be severely affected if you don’t take the time to “sharpen your saw”.

    The biggest issue is convincing yourself that you really need to take the time off and disconnect, when you are behind in your work, there are million things that need to be done and a million bills to be paid, :). And unless you make a conscious decision and a conscious effort to force yourself to disconnect, it’ll be months and months or even years, before you realize that you have been under-performing and probably making many bad decisions due to a bad “saw”.

    I’m guilty of not disconnecting enough, but I understand the value of it. Just last week took 3 full days to go to a beautiful beach here in Costa Rica with some great friends, and even though I had signal in my phone, I didn’t use it once. It just felt great and I felt great afterwards!

  37. Jeff: I have been following you for several years now and I continue to be impressed with how you have your life balanced. For the first several years, I was lost. While I still am not making the millions I would like, I have started to make some income. The reason for my success is because I have learned to walk away when I hit a wall, whether it is a creative wall or a frustration with one of my internet projects. You suggestion to “step away” is right on. Since I started taking a hike when needed, I find more success, more fulfillment, and more happiness. Don’t ever stop preaching to the masses. We need to hear it.

  38. I have been upgrading my website and improving my product before re-launching it so it is only me to do it all and I agree, it is very tiring. Being online and not checking my analytics stats, my sales, etc., is not easy, but I try really hard to refrain from doing it. Great content as always, Jeff!

  39. I don’t agree 100 % with what you’re saying here, Jeff.

    I don’t think that the Internet Lifestyle is to blame. I think it’s the Instant Gratification that’s the biggest culprit.

    Checking stats, email, Twitter, Facebook etc. has the big pay off that you get instant gratification and that makes you want to do it over and over.

    What I do agree with is taking time off and to do stuff that is not related to your business. It’s amazing how energized and inspired you get when you give yourself an opportunity to truly take your mind off of things. Not that you only should do that on vacations – Do it every now and then during every day ie coffee breaks to “sharpen your saw”.

    • @Bjarke: we might disagree on what exact terminology we use, and what the root cause is behind it… but I have a feeling that we’re in pretty close alignment here.

      I agree that there is increasingly a culture of Instant Gratification, and that can cause a lot of harm. I think the “Internet Lifestyle” and our connected lives put us square in the middle of the instant gratification world. And that world is certainly not all negative – if I burn my finger, then being able to instantly find out how to treat it is enormously valuable. But working in an environment where we’re constantly subject to endless distractions is a real challenge. Especially when we get to a difficult spot in our work, and it’s so easy to click away from that work and go check Facebook, Twitter, or Skype.

  40. I couldn’t agree more with you Jeff. My coach told me the same last week, and I chose to go to the beach every day and just write on my computer (without internet connection!) and it worked wonders! I got so creative and prolific on my writing. I’m planning to use this tactic more often 🙂

  41. Hi Jeff, Thank you for this message! It came at the perfect time, since I have been working almost non-stop for the past few months and have had a sneaking suspicion that I’ve been burning the wick at both ends and not “sharpening the saw,” as you say. Thanks for encouraging all of us to prioritize periodic disconnection!

  42. Hi Jeff,
    Interesting commentary on ‘the internet lifestyle’ – I guess that whole lifestyle thing can get you wrapped up in it, just as being the boss of any business… even when you do what you love, it’s good to have a break. I still find sitting down with a pad and paper a great way to get productive/creative – and yes, the pc is OFF! All the best to you, Mark

  43. Ann Lambert


    I totally agree Jeff!! I have always believed that you MUST get away from work and go have fun. When people ask me “How can you take so many vacations?” I reply, “has anyone ever “given” you a vacation? No… you have to TAKE a vacation.” It lifts your spirits and recharges your creative battery. No excuses, just take time and GO! By the way, I’ve been in the Canyonlands and love doing exactly what you are doing. It gives Mother Nature a chance to take care of us.

  44. To detach for a few hours during the week, I create new healthy Gluten free recipes and cook dinner. For a long weekend I schedule regular trips to the wine country with my fiance’ to drink vino and rejuvinate myself. I also live near the ocean and like driving along the coastline during the week to remember how blessed I am doing what I love which is to educate & inspire others to eat healthy and live their best life! Cheers.

  45. Jeff
    Best way to disconnect is single track mountain biking. I find it is much like meditating since I have to focus on just what is in front of me each second. I find I am completely refreshed after a ride

  46. Awesome Jeff. In addition to checking email twice a day, only getting on my facebook business page (not personal profile to just mess around), I got rid of texting on my phone. It has been the BEST DECISION EVER. There is nothing that can’t wait 24 hours until I can return an email, and it its truly urgent people call, now I don’t have the phone tweeting at me all day, it is glorious. Those are my additions.

  47. Actually this is a timely reminder. I do do everything. I am a one man business. And even though most of my days are not stressful, I have a pretty good life, I hardly ever take days off. Like properly off – as you say, disconnected. I will now. Thanks for the nudge Jeff. 🙂

  48. Let things flow! If we force everything, all the time, we create this negative energy balance that is tough to break free from. I run and hike trails that see very limited usage. Lose track of time and just be in the moment.

  49. Hi Jeff. Thanks for the great reminder. I’m just starting out (from scratch) and find my mind racing and jumbled with ‘what to do’, ‘when to do’, ‘what should I be doing’ thoughts and self talk! I’m trying to take myself in hand and always have a clear weekly plan while also taking time out each day to recharge, slow down & ‘smell the roses’. Many years ago I enjoyed a book called ‘Care of the Soul’ by Thomas Moore. It’s about the little things each day that allow us to ‘come back to ourself’. Recommend it if you can still get it. Thanks for your starting from Scrath program. I’m finding it very useful, well structured, a great resource to guide me and inspire me. Best regards Jonathan.

  50. Mark Chapman


    LOL – You are doing the exact thing you are telling us not to do. Working on your online business, even when you are getting away from it all!

    I hope you find a way to disconnect 😉

    • @Mark: you caught that, eh? 😉

      I figure if I take six minutes out of a week to turn on my camera and shoot an unscripted unrehearsed one-shot video, then I’m still willing to put that week in the “win” column.

  51. Hi:

    I rest on Sunday; I only do things I want to do even required things like cleaning I take my time.

    When I want to recharge I travel or visit someone in fact I am do for a recharge which I will be taking soon.

    I disconnect by listening to music.

  52. Hannah Rose


    Hope you really enjoy that get-away. It looks like peaceful place. Good reminder that there are other things in life besides work. I can’t see myself changing into someone who never takes free time…I value it too much. I like who I am when I’m rested and have a new perspective on things. But you never know. I may need to be reminded of this formy own good (Got room for all of us in your backpack?)

  53. Hi Jeff, i come back to you. When youn decide to disconnect for a little while, you have so many friends and studentsaround you. This is fabulous! This fantastic list of friends built during years and that you don’t forget when you take a rest , but invite to share this moment with you. You are deeply friendly, this a great lesson. Thank you once more Jeff for such a gift.

  54. Hey Jeff,

    That background looks awesome. I’m finding I get a little slice of that clarity and disconnect by taking a short beach run and swim just as the sun rises each morning. The magic of the water and the sun rising over the sea just clears my head and helps me get my business head straight.

  55. Mary Compton


    Jeff, you have expressed my sentiments regarding being constantly connected. In fact, I do not carry a cell phone with me, except when I leave town (so that I can make phone calls, if needed while I am away from my office). I know that I can return phone calls and e-mail, when I return to my office. I prefer to be disconnected from these modern communication methods, and communicate with others when I am back in my office (on my own schedule). I do not text messages, and do not use Twitter. But I do communicate with friends and others all over the country in a number of organizations in which I am a leader. I have worked with/for the poor for almost 50 years and have founded a number of organizations, recruited thousands of people from 25 states for just one of my projects (to build houses for people whose homes were condemned and bulldozed by the City) and raised all the money to build hundreds of houses. I find that I am more creative and get more done by being disconnected except when I want to be connected.

  56. I’d guess I am in the “not disconnected for years” camp.


    This has been playing on my mind for some time now and in the next couple of months I fly out to Asia for a six month break with some work along the way.

    I have already planned at least 1 week away from all devices, if I can manage the disconnect I might try 2 weeks.

    The phone wont be a problem as I have always hated the bloody thing and regularly turn it off for days on end. It’s the stat checking, site monitoring, email, email, email and that’s just the bits before the morning coffee has been made that are hard to switch off.

    Time for a change… Yeap, time for a change.

    I shall let you know how it goes.

  57. Work Hard and Play Harder I say! Great video Jeff and thanks for keeping it real…Your insight is awesome. As busy as I can get, I always make sure to take breaks and take some time to unplug and just get away…Living in the Northwest there’s a ton of outdoor activities to do and so I like to get away and go on hikes in the mountains, fishing trips, or simple day trips on the weekend with my girlfriend. Definitely helps a lot to recharge. Speaking of which I need to unplug and head for bed…Thanks again man and hope you and your wife enjoyed an awesome trip. Looked like an awesome vacation.

  58. Great message Jeff! Happy Anniversary, by the way. My wife and I just celebrated our anniversary (10th) this week, too. We took a trip to Tuscany (Florence, Pisa, Siena, Chianti, San Gimignano). While the environment of these cities is not as tranquil as your river vacation, it was still recharging. Keeping the smart phone off and disconnecting from the norm for a few days really does help me sharpen my brain, and being in a new, totally different environment – whether peaceful or chaotic like Florence – allows me to soak up energy from the people and things around me. Totally shut off and switch gears.

    On a more regular basis, I take walks, hikes and ride my bike in my local area, where it is really beautiful. Again allows me to disconnect – even just for an hour – from task-based thinking and either A) activate my Creative Intelligence or B) silence my mind in more of a meditative-like state to freshen my perspective when returning to my desk.

    Also, interacting with our dogs helps bring me to a peaceful state, into the present moment… While it sounds super elementary, they truly are a gift.

    I have also for the past several months made a commitment to myself to study every day to continue learning, growing and recharging. I believe it’s true what Jim Rohn said, “You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with”. I’ve discovered a sure-fire way to “spend time with 5 great people every week” is to plug in and make that daily commitment to “be with them” through their teachings. You are in this category, btw! Thanks for that.

    Lastly, I’d like to say that reading Eckhart Tolle’s “The Power Of Now” has had a big impact on my ability to live in the present moment, turn off the ego, and really “see” and enjoy life on a daily basis. Disconnecting from agendas even for a few moments at times throughout the day serves as a mini-boost to reignite the creative flame.

  59. Hey!

    Isn’t it marvellous that our greatest asset (i.e. ourselves), is that one we take for granted… all the time.

    I must confess, I am making a big effort in this area this year.

    Thanks for the reminder Jeff!



  60. But… what if all I can think about is how to sharpen the saw most of the time (taking free time, walks, biking, music etc) instead of actually cutting the trees with it?

  61. It’s always great to see your name in my inbox, Jeff. I know there’s encouragement and good content waiting behind the link. Thanks 🙂

  62. yasmina cera


    Hey Jeff!
    Firstly, I hope you are very connected with the beautiful surrounding /background from this video.
    secondly, I have to agree with every word you said. I will remark that there is time for everything, and your definition of free time is equally important as working full time.
    Perhaps my job/career is not lucrative enough to afford vacations, Yet, I do retrieve within myself to relax my body, mind, and soul through reading what I really care about, Painting, drawing/ sketching my mood out, eating with joy my healthy food, and more importantly taking the whole satisfaction onto my daily activities.

  63. Hey Jeff,
    Every 60 days my wife and I get away! It took a long time to learn how but now I believe we are close to mastering it! Kayaking through the Allegany Mountains to the beaches on the East coast are just a few things we love to do. This Fall Hawaii!
    Thanks for all that you do!
    Tim Town

  64. Okay. I am out of the chair, hiking shoes going on, a 3/4 hr hike up our Lion’s Ridge. Fresh air, dirt, trees, sky. Doesn’t take much either. Don’t need to go to Timbuktu to get a break. Sometimes its just outside the front door. See ya later!

  65. Hi, Jeff, you’ve sent an important thought of the benefits of re-sharpening one’s brain that gets dull with daily multiple tasks of an internet business- man or women.

    What I hear in such a message is that we overwork certain areas of our brain with daily multitasking, so shutting it down for an entire weekend, or a week or two, will not only refresh, sharpen, or focus your brain, but importantly save you from a burnout and anxiety, and your health and psyche burnout.

    The longer and the more intensively we use our brain, the more it craves to be put into a complete sleeping-and-repair-mode time in a natural environment conducive to brain healing and health that is desirably free from the electromagnetic micro-wave fields of cell and cordless phones, transmission towers, computers, and other brain-damaging technology.

  66. Every other Thursday my girlfriend and business partner take a day off to go sightseeing locally. Living in Los Angeles, we either head up to Santa Barbara for the day or head out to some of the small beach communities such as Laguna Beach or Venice Beach. It’s great to just get some fresh air and get away from the connectedness to the internet. Our weekends are usually quite busy with performances (I’m a magician and keynote speaker), so it’s nice to disconnect before beginning a busy performance schedule.

    Lou Serrano

  67. Great location… great scenery and great advice. So important to be present in the moment especially when in you’re in your free time. Thank you as I enjoyed a nice hike with my family in the rockies with no cell phone!

  68. I take a minimum of 2 hours a day off, where I go outside, leave the cell phone (actually the iphone) and just walk and enjoy the scenery or the dog rolling in whatever dogs roll in. I also spend an hour each morning doing meditation, yoga, tai chi, chi gong or a combination of all of the above.

    Although I agree with the idea of getting away, I also don’t really like to travel that much unless the travel is for long periods of time in one place (like a few months).

  69. Jeff, this is very important message. So true: we start internet businesses to have more freedom and flexibility but then come to a point of slavering because we get hooked. My practice is to unplug every Saturday or Sunday.

    This month I’m going to Russia and I will definitely take more time away from my business.

  70. Pierre-Paul


    Wow Jeff,

    That canoe trip is right up my alley! Scenery is outstanding and I just love the simplicity of it and carrying the bare minimum. I once canoed down the Yukon River 275 miles alone all the way to Dawson City where the gold rush took place in the Klondike creek. You should check out canoing and kayaking spots in Canada if you haven’t already.

    It was great spending a whole day with you last week after Brendon’s event. Thanks again for your generosity and for just being Jeff…


  71. I can disconnect by taking a big car and go for a roadtrip of a few days where I search for nothing but quiet, beautiful and rural area. During this trip I then like to get back in touch with my base, me, nature, climate, random people I meet. Sometimes I also sleep in the car if it’s big enough to put a mattress in it and not in winter time. I also like to visit churches even though I’m not a catholic. I just like the buildings and spiritual environment, as well as abbeys (I live in Belgium where we have quite a few of those). Again, I’m not religious but I respect religious people and as a spiritual man who believes in his own personal power I also get strenght from environments meant for catholic purposes.

  72. Great point, Jeff. We DO need time away from our businesses to recharge and regain the proper perspective on life. One of my favorite ways to relax is to put our wooden canoe on some pristine lake and take in the beauty of nature!
    Thanks for the great video!

  73. 5PM – everyday with my 11-year old son – Mountain Unicycling! And a whole bunch of other fun variations. Great reminder, Jeff. Looks nice out there.

  74. Wilmer Gellert


    My New Years Resolution is to actually lose 15-20lbs and I want to run a 5k this year!

  75. Love this. I’ve only started working on creating my successful business and I see how it is so addictive to be online all the time.
    Thank you Jeff

  76. Always enjoy your videos and sound advice Jeff. That’s why I hate the term multi-tasking because at one point, if you’re handling a lot, the point is how well are you doing each and everything? I much prefer to what has to be done during the course of day, have work time, down time and Ron time. I have found it useful not to keep rushing to do things, especially when I write. I do the first and second drafts, let it sit or a day or so, re-read it freshly and then do my re-writes adding what I passed or didn’t consider in the first draft.

  77. Mary De Alvia


    Hey Jeff, I saw you present at Experts Academy just a few weeks ago and after seeing this video, I realized really don’t know how to ‘switch off’

    The Experts Academy just happened to be placed at the beginning of what was supposed to be my 3 week holiday (3 weeks in the year) and instead of ‘sharpening the saw’ I ended up dodging lists, creating programs with deadlines and NOT really relaxing, even on my cruise around the Bahamas (we got to Nassau and it was the first time in week I could check my emails…100+ of them)

    What are some baby steps I can take NOW to enjoy next years tour a whooole lot more?

  78. Maria From Club Wellness


    I think you might have noticed that I am catching up with your videos.
    So sad I am on line for long periods of time worried about how I am going to take off. I do try to stay away from the internet on Sundays but sometimes I feel the need to keep learning and creating.
    This is how I see it : Your brain needs a rest and your body needs some activity.

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