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31 Replies to “Part 2: Lessons Learned From Our First Million Views”

  1. Hey Jeff,

    Love your videos, always some great reminders of what works, and look forward each Sunday!

    Question for you, when driving traffic to your blog, is your YouTube video exactly the same? I was always under the impression that duplications were bad for seo – it has been limiting my mindset thinking I’d have to post x2 different videos for the x2 platforms.

    Any suggestions welcome.

    I’m getting them this week, and the week after!
    Cheers Dave

    • Dave, he’s actually embedding the youtube video. It’s not duplicate content. Duplicate content means alomst completely identical webpages. And Jeff’s blog is quite different from his youtube channel page 🙂 Here is more on dupe content – – hope this helps.

  2. So much love, care, and value in your videos, every time! Thank you Jeff ) It’s exciting to be a part of your tribe.

  3. Hi, thank you !
    We follow you since some months from France and your help is really great 🙂
    We will for sure follow these new advices.
    Thank you for sharing your experience.

  4. Jeff, I love you, love you, love you. Thanks soooo much for the wealth of information and wisdom that you share. It is all so very exciting and a bit over-whelming at the same time… baby steps, baby steps, baby steps is my daily motto !

  5. Thanks for sharing your lessons learned, your style is very personable. You are still the same genuine person I meet at the 5 days in July event in 2007. I have learned so much from you! You are my on line Mentor, thank you!

  6. Dave no, you do not need to post two different videos. On Jeff’s blog the video is not only exactly the same as the YouTube video, it *is* the YouTube video. In other words the only place the video exists is on YouTube. Jeff is embedding the actual YouTube video on his blog using YouTube’s Share feature. This is perfectly normal in SEO and would not incur any type of duplication of content penalties.

    Furthermore, Jeff is smart for embedding the video on his blog and driving traffic there. From the blog it’s easier for him to get new subscribers on his email list (on YouTube itself you can only get a follower with no way to capture email address). Not to mention Google will spider any content Jeff posts on the page itself above the embedded video, providing a second traffic source to the video vs. hoping new people find it on YouTube only.

  7. Love to sit in my pyjamas on Sunday mornings, drinking coffee and listen to what you have to say each week. The thing that I love the most is that you help me believe that I can be successful because you always share just one simple tip – not too much – just the right amount for me to absorb each time. This week, learning how to very easily shoot, post and share videos is just what I needed to hear. Thanks Jeff – have a happy Sunday.

  8. I enjoy your energy and enthusiasm in your video advice, Jeff. Question: Do we need separate video channels for each audience/topic? For example, I create video advice for singles seeking love and couples creating love that lasts. Should I create a separate channel for each audience/theme? If so, is it possible to move videos from one channel to a new channel, since I currently post all videos on the same channel? Would I have to change the channel name for both channels to identify separate audiences/topics? I always trust your advice. Thanks!

  9. Love those lessons learned Jeff. I continue to learn so much from you on many levels.

    To reinforce your equipment point to others… I started out my business using high-end pro video gear and was utterly paralyzed – totally afraid of the technology and uncomfortable being on video. Taking earlier advice from you, I backed up and started shooting with my iPhone, a $20 selfie stick, and an inexpensive microphone.

    Suddenly, the videos started cranking out. That momentum allowed me the comfort to start using my high-end video gear as well – starting small and working my way up. And yes, I still love my iPhone videos for quick, spontaneous videos on the top of mountain peaks, chairlifts, etc.

    Following your lead, my daughter serves as my videographer. Although only 11, she totally gets it 🙂

    Cheers – Martin

  10. Hi Jeff. I look forward to Sundays posts. This morning I didn’t get a YouTube notification and I so enjoy your posts I went looking for your video at Thanks so much for the second half (and the first half) of Lessons Learned. You are a shining example of how to lead and build relationships.

  11. Thanks for the tips Mr. Walker. You are very fortunate to have such a great in-house videographer. Daniel rocks. I appreciate and like your strategy for youtube much more than the SEO way. Keep up the great work.

  12. Hey, Jeff
    Thanks for all the tips. I was out of sorts for awhile. We lost the youngest brother in our family of 5 brothers to cancer in January. He was becoming a known songwriter/musician in Nashville.
    I just received Part 2, but somehow missed Part 1 of “lessons learned” from your Youtube videos. I checked all of my email and couldn’t find it. Could you resend part 1?


  13. Hi Jeff!!
    Congratulations!!! I dream with that kind of success: 1 MM!!!! WOW
    Thanks for your support to all of us.

  14. Love your content: generous, homey, spot on, freely given. Did my first video last week and a disaster sound-wise. Was outside and trade winds destroyed quality and ability to understand. Was using my i-phone and lapel mike. Suggestions other than doing them all indoors.

  15. Jeff, I love your videos. I’m becoming an enthusiastic regular now. One thing I absolutely love (other than the great content) is that you’re so authentic. I’m just starting, am totally not savvy when it comes to videography, or any kind of technology. However, you make me feel that I can actually do this. I’m just finishing up a new e-book “Becoming Ageless” that will be a free download on my website, in an effort to increase my mailing list. As soon as that is finished, I intend to start doing weekly videos on anti-aging for YouTube. Your advice and simple videos have been so GREAT. You’re so honest, so sincere, and so knowledgeable.
    Thank you, thank you, thank you.

  16. Hi Jeff:

    Thanks for the advice about publishing consistently. I am new and am preparing for my first launch. My journey has more to do with avoiding a huge pain in the future…so more prevention rather than a cure. How could we work that into out PLC?


  17. Thanks Jeff, This was so helpful in grasping SEO, and food for though in designing a strategy to reach out to my community. Thanks so much, Heather

  18. Congrats Jeff, glad I took the time right now to watch. As usual your information gives me motivation to keep at it

  19. Hi Jeff, great video and tips on batching.
    I’m really enjoying your video’s.

    I’ve read recently that an email capture form performs better if
    you remove the word ‘spam’ form the disclaimer.

    Is this something you have tested? Might be something to try.

    James Hughes

  20. I’m in a job application process for an internet marketing hotshot and included a video on the landing page where I mentioned that in certain types of sales it is the 13th phone call that the sale is made and that, if needed, I would contact them at least 13 times…

    Perhaps I’ll take your advice and batch the remaining 9 points of contact in threes or fours. I think your advice would be perfect in this situation.

    Do you have any tips or advice on using video on selling one’s self in the job market?

  21. well put, and delivering more real-life proof — I mean, after 1m views should be sufficiently ‘real’ 🙂 — that it works just as you and everyone else are saying for a long time. Thank yous for sharing.

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