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Wouldn’t it be awesome if all your worries disappear when you hit that next big milestone? (That’s what I was hoping would happen!) Well, it turns out that life isn’t perfect even after you “make it”. Here’s what I’m dealing with this week…

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63 Replies to “The Tile Saw Dilemma”

  1. Hi Jeff I know how you feel as I am creating can online eco academy and I have staff in my face so often which all create the eco projects around my house . I barely can work on anything with 10 people at my house. Stay in gratitude helps a lot and I learned to do other stuff like learning from the online workshops that I purchased . I can manage watch videos and learn and pop out every 20 min to check up on the team

    • Yep, as most of my career was in building sites as their architect, this is something someone should have told you; that the energy of a construction site can only serve those who are IN it. All others who are not taking an active part of it, will just get out of their minds and practically get crazy. Yes. Pass the message to everyone. Rent a room somewhere else till they finish or ask them to be back when you’re not there, close the double glazed windows if you have any or use your earplugs.

  2. when i see jeff walker on my inbox i stop dead in my tracks.i listen closely. your the real deal jeff. thanks for all your encouraging words and WOW can,t wait for your upcoming podcast.
    newbie friendly larry wolters

  3. I found that no matter what goals you have or you’re about to acheive, you need to continue setting new goals sometimes even before the fulfilment of your current ones.

    You’re doing the right thing man, just keep it going. I’m looking forward to your Podcasts 🙂

  4. Noise and tile saws 🙂 Put a big smile on my face. Good luck with your podcasting.

  5. Podcast, that will be great, looking forward to it. Great outlook on life as well, there will always be challenges but hopefully, some will be much smaller than others and there will be a little space between them. Like you, I have moved to my choice spot to live, It happens to be along the ocean in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico which brings a whole new set of challenges almost daily. We face the challenges and move forward. Thanks for sharing this video.

  6. Podcast will be fantastic! Go for it. However, I have a coach counsel for you Jeff: Don’t ever say that you will always have problems. Problems are only in the mind. Choose to have challenges instead. Praise and be thankful of your challenges because they will uncover greater methods and better solutions. And remember: A good thing is good until you improve it!

    • Love it
      Feel the same
      My saying is No Problems Only Solutions
      That how I run my business and household
      Problem are just a challenge to improve one’s skills, talents and ambitions
      Of course as long as you want it to be that way

  7. It’s funny. Shortly after you started talking about your irritation with the tile saws, I thought to myself: “First-world problem” … and then you call it that later on in the video.

    The lesson I was thinking when watching this wasn’t that we would always have problems to solve, but that with every project we take on, there is a messy, inconvenient part that happens before we can reap the rewards at the end. We should never avoid projects because of the messy, inconvenient parts, because if we avoided even starting, we could never experience the rewards that come from finishing. Instead, we should embrace the challenges (the tile-saws in your case), because without the challenges, the rewards are never as great.

    Awesome news about the podcast. Looking forward to learning more when you’ve found the time/place to record it. I’m four years into my own podcasting journey — and just starting out being serious about video!

    Thanks for being a long-distance mentor every week!

    • Sherry Phelan


      Great wisdom, Cam! Two great quotes in there: “With every project we take on, there is a messy, inconvenient part that happens before we can reap the rewards at the end.” “Without the challenges, the rewards are never as great.”

  8. So true!

    six months ago I was working a dead end job that I hated. Now I am a full time internet marketer doing my own launch and being paid to do product launches for sever other people as well.

    I have better problems but still have problems.

    The trick? Choose choose to have better problems.

  9. I am allergic to noise, I think, so I feel your pain! One reason I work from home, and I am an extrovert, is that silence is like oxygen. Looking forward to seeing how a podcast works, thinking to do one in Spanish. Best!

  10. Jeff,
    Great message this week and glad to learn that you’re starting a Podcast! I’m looking forward to it.

  11. Thanks Jeff, yes for baby steps to understand new details, tackle problems along the way and when some parts of the big picture in progress become easy, create challenges to keep the exploration of new possibilities fresh. Looking forward to learning from your style of podcasts.

  12. Michael Brownlee


    Podcast? Terrific! Looking forward to details, and learning from your model!

  13. Suzanne Bracker


    I might have substituted a different material so it would not have been necessary to cut tile on the spot and suffer the noise pollution.

  14. It ´s always something new; and i like it!

    I started podcasting in March and it gave me an idea so there is an “unplanned” book coming out end of September. By now i take the drive in life creating. At some Point probably podcasting in english too.

    Best from Germany

  15. Jeff: Interesting video, nice firepit you’ve got going there. Looking forward to your podcast on iTunes – can you give us a hint as to who your first guest is/will be? Thanks, and keep a pair of earplugs handy – another way to solve that noise problem!

  16. I hear your frustration, Jeff! This noisy project is the antithesis to the end-purpose of it, the beauty and peace you enjoy, and it’s interfering with progress in other areas!

    Still, I like your “turnaround thinking”: staying focused on the beautiful outcome, remembering that it’s your choice, first-world gratitude. Also, finding the hotel workaround in the meantime and turning the frustration into a great learning point. Lots of goodness here!

    True! The next level of success brings the next level of challenges! (but also the resources to deal with them!)

  17. I always thought the Secret Headquarters was your house! Learn something new everyday … 😃
    Can’t wait for the podcast! Very exciting!!!
    Oh, and the landscaping project looks gorgeous…I am sure it will be well worth those weeks of time saws!!!

  18. Love the idea of a podcast! Looking forward to it….

    As for the noise thing – I get it. I have to get out early in the morning before there might be sirens or car alarms going off. And really early if I want to beat the air traffic….. But your audience adores you and will watch and listen no matter what the background noise might be.

  19. I love the fact that you’ll be starting a Podcast and so happy your weekly videos will continue too!

  20. On a more shallow note, I hope you show us the finished landscaping project – it is beautiful!

  21. Erik Forrester


    Thanks for the advice. We are about to begin a kitchen remodel and I will be the only one home!
    I coach people on the joy of change, so I will need to practice what I coach right?
    Podcast sounds great – can listen with noise cancelling phones while they are working….
    All best – show us pix when complete please!

  22. Jeff,
    Thrilled for the podcast! And thank you for the weekly vlogs. As for landscaping, my pop would say “temporary inconvenience for permanent improvement”. Lol, keep smiling. Thankfully the view requires no reconstruction!
    With appreciation-

  23. I heard you a couple days ago on Joe and Dan’s 10X podcast. I was thinking, “I wish Jeff had a podcast”.

    Maybe I’m better at this manifesting thing then I give myself credit for 🙂

    Be well, my friend.

  24. No Pain, No Gain. You will have a gorgeous remodeled home and landscaping. Congrats! And I’m excited about the podcast. Will be easier to download and listen to when I don’t have internet connection. So – I LOVE it!

  25. Looking forward to the podcast – you are going to crush it!!!

    I’ve fallen into the trap of “everything will be perfect when” too … I might even be in it right now 😆

    I’m getting ready to launch a music career course for up-and-coming bands and musicians, and it feels like when I hit 6-figures by the end of this year, everything will be smooth sailing from there.

    But there will always be challenges. I just need to keep moving forward and remember my vision. Thanks for the video, Jeff.

  26. Jeff,
    You are so transparent! I love your posts! Will miss seeing videos if you stick to podcasting. Many blessings and encouragement to see beyond the noise.


  27. Can’t wait for your podcast! So glad you’re doing that… I’m sure it will be awesome

    Jeff, if I knew you well enough, I’d give you a hard time about going to a coffee shop and putting in your earbuds to play white noise. My white noise app has a ‘coffee shop” option… I play it when can’t go to a coffee shop.

    BTW, it looks like the tile saw noise will be worth it in the long run… love the craftsmanship on the flagstone! Hope you share some video when it’s finished.

  28. Hi Jeff. Cannot help but try to answer you. Sorry for my mistakes in English. I am Russian living in Canada. I am your long-time admirer and there is no video which I would miss.
    The life lesson you gave us is inspiring as always, you are a great motivator. Every time I complete one of my online projects (I am a dating expert for women 40+) I say “Thank God, it’s over. What’s the next?” I feel a little bit tired and very satisfied. But what is the next?
    When I begin new plans of a launch it looks exactly like your half-done landscaping. Disorder, some random ideas, strange people appearing in my life, search for fresh sources, – chaos! Only there is no noise of a tile saw. ))) I would like to hide myself in a hotel room, but who would work at the new product?
    This is the challenge I see each time when I am a winner on the previous training or couching program.
    The solution? You are right, one should never stop. Be creative and go on! Otherwise one will slowly drift backwards. And this is not the idea of progress for a real entrepreneur, isn’t it?
    Cannot wait to listen to your podcast!

  29. Love this video, Jeff! And I so get it. When I lived in Manhattan, the jack hammers used to make me nuts!!! And great message….the grass may look greener when you get to the other side of the fence, but then there’s usually some other obstacle or whatever…
    Can’t wait for the podcast!!!
    And I hope to see the finished project!!!

    • Jill Stewart


      Thanks for your frankness and accurate
      description of living and working in the
      throes of construction. My sympathies.
      Glad it’s so beautiful there and that coffee
      shops work! Happy podcasting😊👍🏼🌷

  30. I’m not certain about the stuff being mentioned here. But I want to let you know that I have a good slightly used tile saw for sale. I’d make you a very good price on it.
    Respond if you’re interested.

  31. Beatrix Willius


    Don’t do 2 construction jobs at the same time. I’d go insane, too. Before there is a nice garden the gods have set the sweat or the construction.

  32. Forget the saw, Jeff. You nail it every time by yourself! Thanks for your good advice and best wishes for your podcasts – Phyllis

  33. Lol Sorry Jeff I wish I had such amazing problems, in such an amazing place, like where you live and work. Suck it up buddy. You will soon have a paradise in your back yard.

  34. Challenges! OMGosh this is so true. My move to Colorado has been delayed a bit and man, how I know about feeling grumpy but seriously how blessed am I????
    Pushing forward past this challenge and ONTO the next!

  35. Hi Jeff and Jeff’s tribe,

    This and the series of videos that follow is much needed! Thank you! I am curious of your thoughts around ostracism/”haters” in the workplace/your business and if/how you have managed such exclusionary practices.

    With respect

  36. There’s always a next challenge! There is one certainty in life, there will always be change. I love brainstorming…always more than one way to solve a challenge. That’s why creativity is so important no matter what job, small business, side hustle or career you are in! Love your videos and the wisdom you share! Great to hear you are launching a podcast!

  37. Mathew Peachment


    Thanks for sharing Jeff! It’s always great to hear that challenges and problems can be overcome by changing how you think about it.

  38. We are living in a parallel world Jeff! Tile saws last week. As I write this (about to do a FB live) a cement truck pulls up in front of my house to pour my neighbor’s pool). LOL! It’s wonderful to live in a historic village, but houses are on top of each other and their gut renovation has been going on since January!! Entrepreneurs we are flexible and nimble… it goes with the terrotory.

    I’ve learned to tune out the background and yes cut my videos when the crew goes to lunch or in the evenings… will postpone my FB live until the crew goes home. Gotta love Spring in the Hamptons.

  39. 🙂 You’re only one successful launch away from your next set of problems that will lead you to your next successful launch and another new set of problems… It’s a good “problem” to have. But it’s constant growth, striving for milestones, mindset shifts, lifestyle alterations, and new efforts required.

    It is a blessed placed to be.

  40. Hi Jeff, yep it’s a first world problem, and it still makes a really good point…

    Can we see it when the building’s finished please!


  41. I thank God every day.i m not rich at all,but i am not like people in Africa that does not have food for the day.They have risk of dying because lack of food(It is really sad beyond words). Im really lucky that I has been born in Norway.Shalom

  42. Reminds me of a recent ad campaign by the National Lottery in the UK: Shows situations like someone struggling to park his huge yacht, with the slogan “Nicer problems to have”.

    (Not that I’m suggesting anyone should do the lottery – ever noticed that most entrepreneurs don’t? I think it’s because they’re PLANNING to be successful not HOPING to be successful).

    Looks like a great project Jeff – (love the “behind the scenes” type videos). It’ll be worth all the hassle when it’s done.

    • You are right Quenton Fyfe that is what came to my mind as well..CHeers mate have done a great project…Thanks for sharing your work…best of luck …

  43. I maybe shouldn’t post this as people always accuse me of being negative when I state what to me is so obvious.
    Bit I’m gonna anyway! 🙂
    This is a problem of impatience, not construction!
    You might want to resist scheduling construction projects at the same time in the future. Sure, it takes longer to get both locations remodeled, but refraining from doing so prevents this problem from occurring.

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