There are two main types of buyers out there… one who says, “Shut up and take my money” and the other one who needs a little (or a lot) more convincing.
My friend Dean Graziosi and I made a quick video talking about how to talk to each types of buyer in a way that gets them to say YES before your cart closes. Take a look:
And here’s the link I mentioned in the video, so you can check out KBB.
If you decide to join KBB using my link, I’ve got five incredible bonuses for you:
BONUS #1: Breaking Down my Million-Dollar Launch Strategy – my Interview with Tony Robbins
I mentioned above how my Product Launch Formula came about because I didn’t feel comfortable selling. And because of that, I stumbled across this method of giving a ton of up-front value in a way that naturally leads to the sale.
A while back, Tony actually interviewed me for his “New Money Masters” series. And in this interview, you’ll learn about the 10 keys to a successful launch. I’ll also share 5 ways you can set your next launch up to be an absolute game-changer for you and your business.
BONUS #2: My “Instant Guru Formula” Video Training
One of the keys to a successful business is having “expert positioning.” This puts you in the fast lane to success in your online business…
Expert positioning is so powerful that I decided to teach you my step-by-step plan for getting it. I call this process the “Instant Guru Formula.” The course teaches you exactly how to become a recognized expert in your market or field.
Nothing helps make landing clients easier (while allowing you to charge premium prices) like being seen as an expert…
In this training, I'll show you how to get expert status in your niche or market (I was able to do it over and over again – in FOUR different markets).
BONUS #3: My 15-Point Checklist for Running World-Class Live Events
I’ve been hosting live events since 2007. My team and I have done more than 60 events – and I like to think we get better with each one. They’ve ranged from 10-person masterminds up to 1,000 person workshops.
We’ve learned an incredible number of lessons on what to do (and what not to do – we’ve already made all the mistakes!) in order to create amazing (and effective) events.
This is the checklist that distills all the learnings of 13 years of events.
You get one laser-focused checklist that you can use to plan your own world-class live events. And I know it works… because this is the same checklist my own team uses to put on all our events.
BONUS #4: Secrets of Leverage and Scale Mini Course
This mini-course shows you how to grow and scale your business without working yourself into the ground.
You’ll re-write the relationship between your time and income, and you’ll learn how to build a business that will continually grow your impact and income WITHOUT working more hours.
BONUS #5: One Free Ticket to PLF Live 2020
This is a three-day, in-person workshop led personally by me. I’ll walk you through creating your first (or your next) big launch.
If you’ve been watching Dean and Tony do their incredible KBB launch… well I’m the person who created that process. And I’m the person they come to when they have questions about their launch. (Dean has basically had a hotline to me for the last three months as he planned out this launch.)
At the PLF Live workshop I’ll break down the launch process (PLF = Product Launch Formula, my trademarked process that I’ve been teaching since 2005)… and walk you through creating your own launch.
It’s happening April 24-26, 2020 in Orlando, FL. Right now, tickets are going for $1,000 each… but your ticket is free when you join KBB through my link (apart from a small $100 materials fee).
You get ALL of these extra bonuses when you join KBB through my link below:
CLICK HERE for all the details on KBB
As terrific as Dean, Tony and you (Jeff) may be, I’ve got a very limited budget to spend on programs like these. I’d need to have addressed, specifically in a FAQ or in some other way, how do you make a program like this work if you’re just starting out and have no list? Last year I signed up for another $2000 program that said there’s no problem if you haven’t got a list and the program turned out to be a dud. So even if it’s Tony and Dean, I take nothing on faith when it comes to this question. None of this “you’ll find out once you’re in the program.”
Also I sent a question to KBB support. Jenna said she makes no money from her miscarriage counseling. Then how DOES she make any money? My question got no reply.
Not that Dean, Tony or you need me or folks like me to sign up. You’ve got plenty of others to make the launch a success. Just thought I’d offer some feedback FWIW.
Larrywinfield Pelley
Hi my name is: larrywinfield
I can attest to how Laurais feels…I have had the same sort of experience several times during my 12 years trying to get a business going on the internet. (I’m not a stupid person) I have had and run 3 successful non internet businesses over the years…I have known about Jeff Walker and his PLF methods…on July 16, 2014 I received my book from Jeff…Product Launch Formula…read/studied it 3 times over…great information…I’m still impressed with Jeff and the way he deals with people. If I did make the purchase with Dean and Tony…It would definitely be through Jeff’s link… which would give me the widest advantage one could have…to implement Jeff’s knowledge along with: Tony and Dean’s expertise…also: Russell Brunson’s Clickfunnel.. funnel making program…then, as I see it…I would have the best of the best knowledge compiled in one place…with me as the recipient. Then I would be able to laugh all the way; to the bank…:)