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I usually host a few events a year for my coaching students, and I really love it. I have such a great time being with my community. So when the pandemic hit, I was seriously bummed to have to cancel and move on to Plan B…

But after putting on a couple of these workshops as “virtual events” – well there’s a lot to like about these events!  

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24 Replies to “An Awesome “Plan B””

  1. Elaine Danforth


    Great to hear how well things are looking for the virual PLF live. Very inspiring. I got a lot our of your recent Launch Masterclass (Pivot Edition).

  2. Really looking forward to the Virtual PLF Live….. i think it will be a game changer!

  3. Phyllis McCrory Rowan


    Jeff – Thank-you for using your intuition, experience and concern for your clients to arrange PLF ONLINE this year!. I am sure you wil create an awesome and unforgettable event that inspires us all. I am so excited to be able to attend PLF this year from the north of Ireland. It will change a lot of lives. Mine too! Joyful wishes – Phyllis McCrory Rowan (An Ruarch)

  4. Laura Reilly


    Jeff, I’m so excited to come to PLF Live. I know it will be amazing! And I can’t wait to meet some of the attendees. Innovation is inspiring!

  5. Thanks for the uplifting video Jeff! Got into a bit of a getting-nowhere rut during the lockdown. Plenty ideas but they are struggling to become actions. Your optimism has made me take some practical steps and I’m now re-reaging you blogs and looking forward to using the virtual world.

  6. Looking forward to attending PLF Live. I particularly appreciate the online format because otherwise I would not have been able to attend this year. Sometimes there are silver linings during pandemics. This is definitely one of them for me.

  7. Hi Jeff, I was so excited to see your getting ready to do a PLF Live stream. I’m a 72 year old guitar teacher/marketer (taught guitar over 40+ years) and have been selling online for about 5 years now. I have a course I would like to launch for beginner guitar players. I have the course pretty much done, but would love to learn how to launch it by taking your course.. However, I don’t have a camera and I would have to use my mic on my computer which is not very good. Any suggestions?
    I would love to be able to join you. Look forward to hearing from you.

  8. Louis Di Bianco


    Jeff, I have been following you for years. I jumped on board with PLF & PLF Live a month ago when you did your pivot training. What has drawn me to your work and continues to hold my interest and trust is the feeling of authenticity I get when you speak. I see and feel a person, not a huckster.
    I’m in for the ride. I look forward to learning and growing from what you offer and use it to create products/offerings/gifts that I can contribute to those who want them and see their value.

    Thanks for showing up on my radar.

  9. Hi Jeff,
    I am so excited and overwhelmed at the same time. I have learn so much from you in these last three weeks.
    I am so looking forward to the virtual PLF live streaming event. This whole experience is so new for me and I am loving the journey.

    Thank you, God bless you🙏🏽

  10. Daniel Watson


    Jeff, as usual, I love the way you share information. As a Coach I use your style to help my clients see how to do video. I myself get a lot of wisdom from you. Can’t wait for more. Thanks for sharing Jeff. I send it to everyone I know. 👍

  11. I am on board for both your new PLF Pivot 2020 and your PLF LIVE! I have been working on my course launch as an evergreen webinar….received lots of positive feedback but no one bought. I also tried facebook ads and sold a few of my ebooks, it paid for my ads, but no profit made. So this is my year of getting on board, and getting the path to do a launch with you Jeff! I have blocked off my whole weekend to attend the PLF LIVE! I am making headway with the course, but still in module 1, nearing the end of it. My free private FaceBook group really took off this winter. In January I only had 50 members there and now have over 2K. Awesome group and very engaging! Now I want to launch my paid membership site, where my followers can have access to my courses on a deep dive level. I even decided to niche my niche down further to only beginners or those who have always desired to do calligraphy and teach them, and walk them through their whole journey of learning calligraphy. I was very fortunate to get some template funnels from Russell on another live call for membership sites. I have also joined Stu McLaren on creating a membership site. I feel I have all the pieces of the puzzle with the best in the online marketing industry and ready to make a difference to many all over the world. Ready to rock ‘n roll!!!

  12. Hi Jeff,

    I can’t wait until Friday!

    P. S. Your pivot launch was, I think, the best you’ve done yet.

  13. Yeah Jeff!! Can’t wait for Friday! Daaaaa daa da da da daaaa daaaaa!!!!! LLLLLLLLLAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUNNNNNNNCCCCCHHH!


  14. Looking forward to it – hope to do more breakout rooms, as we love the intimacy and chance to make new friends!

    Lisa and Chris
    Been There, Got Out

  15. I am super excited to attend PLF Live virtually. Looking forward to it! I appreciate that you continually add value to our business lives.

  16. The word I picked in January to represent 2020 was “resilience”. I never in my wildest dreams thought it would be tested so strongly. Thanks for the inspiration Jeff!

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