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What if it was 15x easier to make the sale? What if you could increase the price you’re selling at by 500%? Here’s how…

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40 Replies to “Where The Money’s Hidden”

  1. Hi Jeff,
    great summary of the “more value, more money” evolution. It is what separates the real pro from the pack.

    Best from Germany

    • Donald Theiss


      You are the most effective teacher online. I always learn from you videos and I am learning very slowly, gradually because I don’t have the money to invest in your product. I’m retired and have a very small income that I depend on for basic survival but at some point I will see the way into my own business and when that happens and I can actually study with you, I will. In the interim, I am grateful so thank you for all that you give.

      Donald Theiss

  2. Thanks Jeff, good idea to have a second sale. Whiles looking at your video, from SA, i got this great idea for a second sale……and will implement once research is complete.
    Lets see if it works

  3. Moji Solar- Percy


    Thank you this is so helpful. I have been in the business for over twenty years, feeling burnt out Truth is as true as it gets .

  4. This is great- though got me thinking. My customers are teachers. The back end product was going to be a monthly subscription for much less. Would this work?

    Also- do you offer Launch Club to PLF clients only? Or is it open to all?

    • It’s open to anyone who attends PLF and Lauch Club and it’s been so worth it for me.

      • Oops sorry a bit of clarification. Jeff holds 2 events PLF live and LaunchCon Live. You can attend LaunchCon Live even without buying PLF and it’s awesome. That is where I have seen Launchclub offered. PLF live is usually for PLF owners and we can bring a guest

  5. Fantastic analysis of the numbers important in business Jeff! It really is a game changer to think of the back end when considering cost per lead for acquiring a lead in the first place! Thank you 🙂

  6. Thanks, Jeff! This video helps clarify my offers, which I’ve been struggling with lately. And BTW, I have to take this opportunity to finally express my feelings about my recent attendance at PLF Live. PLF Live is the ultimate resonance chamber for what you so eloquently describe as the Launch Echo! It also provides a solid platform from which one can launch with confidence – from knowing who YOU are, Jeff – that you truly are the real, heart-centered guy that you seem to be on video.
    That you “walk the talk” in every aspect of your life.
    That you have earned the respect of so many successful players in your industry and you collaborate so harmoniously with them to really make a huge impact on the world.
    You have created a feeling within me that says “ I have to be a part of this!” This is the reality I want to live in. To say thank you is not enough. I have to get on board, launch my service and make it successful to adequately honor what you have created and provided for me. Please know I am out there, working to become another of your incredible success stories – and feel honored to be a part of your amazing impact on the world.
    Bob Carpenter
    “The Legacy Guy”

  7. Russell Van Brocklen


    Thanks for a great video. Can you send me some more information about your product launch club? I am dyslexic and I generally need a lot more support. I found a solution to dyslexia that I present a major academic conferences and I’m about to publish my first peer review journal article. I have been developing my process for the past 20 years and I can literally train parents to teach their dyslexic child to increase their reading and writing level to the 9 grade, college bound level. I charge $4,000 for this course, which can last anywhere from months to a few years. My competition can do this, but the cost can easily go as high as a few hundred thousand dollars. I’m working on the second courses, which I now teach one on one, which is how to write an original, university level research paper. Thanks for the great information, Russell.

  8. Great, great point of view how to make people more confident after their first buy, cause they trust on value you give them. Price dosn’t matter to take the next level, so they pay without counting

  9. This could not be MORE true! I’ve finally created a 2nd offer and reached out to my past clients with hit. Was the easiest $20k I’ve ever made! Thanks for this tip Jeff.

  10. thanks Jeff for the wisdom ! numbers do not lie… and Jeff is a trustworthy entrepeneur !
    it makes a lot of sense that the second sale is a deeper engagement…

  11. I can attest to that. Most of my small group for first time buyers, bought a second and more expensive artwork at my online gallery. Still having big challenges though increasing the number of first time buyers.

  12. Totally agree with looking after your first time clients. I always try to establish a long term relationship with existing clients.

  13. Thanks for the fact-based reassurance. Those email listees can seem shrouded in fog at times. (Anybody out there?) But the long view is key. And the numbers! I’m a geek that way, too. I wish in schools they’d link the dreaded Math to the coveted Money, to get kids riveted. Also, could it be that the equations or scaling or compounding you’re addressing today are components of the wretched Algebra?

    And you can count me in as a future client, one just waiting for an ideal algorithm of time and place juxtaposed with mood and money.

  14. Great content, thank you!

    I did giggle at you saying you’re a “closet numbers guy” cause if folks watch your work, they know it’s part of you and not a secret!

  15. Morning Jeff,

    I have just finished reading LAUNCH – super. I am already offering books videos and courses about riding horses with confidence, focused on the riders mindset (and more importantly the mindset of their fellow riders!) but it’s all a bit clunky and uncoordinated. On the plus side I am the only coach in the UK offering the advice I do and it is really helping people – I have great testimonials and emails and am amazed how riders can take some simple ideas and run with it. Fair play to them. It’s working. It’s also a direct parallel to business advice – families are the greatest dream killers, transfer the skills and confidence to learn those skills from other areas of your life etc etc

    My question is this – how, if I use your formula, would that work? to something that is half-established anyway (I must stress that my philosophy is totally established and I’m the leader in my particular blue ocean – and it helps a significant proportion of my audience when they finally see me – and the audience is huge – but the methodology of how to “get it out there” is half working)

    Cheers for your time – and your videos!

  16. Thanks Jeff for that video! And thanks for the rule of thumb, it really helps make it clearer for my business.

    Have a blessed day!

  17. Henri Cousineau


    Hi, I’ve been using The Launch technique for a long time (i’m a real estate broker) and it works GREAT. Now I’m starting something new. I will be running for member of parliament of Canada (that’s the US equivalent of member of congress) for the PPC and I wonder if anyone on this list has used Jeff’s techniques for politics. I don’t have a big list to mail to because I’m starting out.. I can’t use Google adwords because Google doesn’t allow Canadian political adwords; I guess I’m stuck with Facebook. I would appreciate your ideas. Thanks, Henri
    PS I have a small list of about 85 people who already said they’re interested in the ideas of the party

  18. Love the advice about creating a deeper connection via the second sale. Understandably the first sale is crucial and maybe more difficult than others but after that relationship has been established its golden.

  19. “They’re looking for mastery, speed, convenience or a closer connection” love this! And I love Launch Club – thanks jeff!

  20. Tommy Aiken


    Great information Jeff – it really gets me thinking long-term about my business. I have just started listening to you and I’m really enjoying your stuff.

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