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I just have to say…

I am so humbled by all the amazing entries in our PLF video contest.

It was really hard to choose a winner, and I wound up reaching out to my team and my followers (ie, you) for help narrowing it down.

And instead of three winners, I ended up picking four of them.

It’s so cool to see these PLF success stories. And really, everyone who entered a video in the contest is a big winner – for taking action, for building a business, and for making an impact in the world.

But we had to pick our winners, so here we go:

Tied for third is Pat Gillis. Her launch helped fill all the spots in her horse riding course (and her clients wound up traveling through a snowstorm just to attend her training):

Second place (and it was REALLY neck-and-neck for first place) is Sage Lavine. She’s a former school teacher who helps female entrepreneurs build their businesses. Her first PLF launch brought in 300 clients.

Pat, Karolina, and Sage will each receive a free ticket to my LaunchCon event, a VIP upgrade at LaunchCon, and a free upgrade to the next version of PLF.

First place is Patricia Lohan, who is living the #launchlife in beautiful Bali. She teaches Feng Shui, and with a single launch she made three times her previous yearly salary:

Patricia wins an iPad Pro, a 1-on-1 consultation with me, a free ticket to my LaunchCon event, a VIP upgrade at LaunchCon, and a free upgrade to the next version of PLF.

Thanks to everyone who submitted a video. My team and I will be in touch with the winners very soon!

And please leave a comment below and congratulate our winners!

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14 Replies to “Announcing the 2017 PLF Video Contest Winners!”

  1. Congratulations Patricia! I loved your story! And thanks so much to the PLF team and Jeff Walker….so honoured to have made the top four…joining the PLF community has been nothing short of awesome and ranks as the biggest, best thing I have ever done for my business…THANK YOU!!

  2. Allen D'Angelo M.S.


    Each story is so inspiring! Very energizing to watch these amazing and deserving people’s lives change as they are living their dreams… in a forward moving chain-reaction that will change the lives of thousands through each of them in the years ahead!

  3. Congrats Patricia! I too am a PLF owner and I went to LIVE a few years ago. I like that you said Jeff is the real deal. I felt the same way immediately. Here’s what follows that. I also feel that people who say that about him are also the real deal! I’ll be looking for your program.

    Jeff’s team ~ any chance for link to the programs of the winners?

  4. Pat, Sage, and of course Patricia – congratulations! So excited and happy to find myself here with you! Hoping to meet you all in person at LaunchCon!

    Thank you so much, Jeff – and your team! You do work that changes the world. It changed mine, for sure.

  5. Congratulations Pat, Karolina,Sage,and Patricia. All your videos were amazing and the kindness and beauty of each of you emanated behind your messages. Patricia made a great statement that hit me, ” don’t make the same mistake I did”
    I also own the PLF program and have attended PLF live. Fear has stopped me from moving forward with it though. Your stories have inspired me. Thank-you ladies. Thank-you Jeff and team.

    • Bonnie, I know exactly what you mean about the fear. Fight your way through it. All the tools are available for you in PLF and really, once you think about it, what harm can come from giving it your all? That is what I tell myself when I’m feeling a little shaky on things….LOL Go for it so we can be inspired by your success!

  6. Great stories. Real people with just a little endurance, taking from the course what you need and getting cracking. thanks for your contributions in these videos. Congrats you 4 ladies. Not surprising – Women Do Rock. Janet

  7. Four great ambassadors for PLF for sure! I imagine there are so many folks out there who are afraid to embrace a big launch, and yet taking that step is what turned these four businesses completely around. Very motivating examples of courage and smart decisions! Encourages me to plow ahead and make it happen for my book and upcoming Internet business. Congrats to all of you!

  8. Congratulations to all the winners , your stories have inspired me immensely. I’m off now to take the lovely ideas in my head and write down a concrete plan with specific actions and dates. All to build a business that lights me up because it makes a real difference in people’s lives, and that supports me financially. I can do this! Thank you for reminding me of that.

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