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Today is another anniversary for me… 17 years ago today, on August 30th, 1996, I started my first Internet business.

I'll tell you what, that was the Internet dark ages – back in 1996 a domain name cost $100 a year, really basic (and unreliable) web hosting cost $50 a month, and online payments were almost like rocket science.

In any case, for my anniversary last year I published my 16 Rules of Internet Success… but this year I thought I would try to do something a little different, and let some of my clients do the talking. Here's 17 videos that were entered into my recent PLF video contest…

(I would love if you can help me out… see my note at the bottom about helping me pick out the winners among these 17 videos!)

1. Matthew King: a soldier launches from Iraq and Afghanistan

2. Barry Friedman: teaching jugglers, clowns, and magicians how to build their businesses

3. Dana Wilde: 50-year-old ex-newbie crushing it with her launches

4. Jason Spenser: from food stamps to delivering pizza to leading tribes

5. Robbie Tolk: secrets of healing

6. Greg Warburton: sports performance mental training

7. Marco Frezza: selling magic

8. Geraldine Barry: real estate investing

Of course, none of those videos represent our typical clients or typical results… nor are they meant to imply any income results, or any results whatsoever. We all know that a typical client doesn't shoot videos saying great stuff about you and post it to YouTube. I'm just trying to celebrate… and well, watching videos of people saying nice things about me and my product is a good way to celebrate! 🙂

Now I would love if you can help me out… those videos were some of the entries in my PLF Video Contest. I'm going to have three winners, and the Grand Prize winner. The overall Grand Prize winner will get a free 1-on-1 consultation with me (plus other prizes.) I would love if you could help me narrow it down to the top videos – please leave a comment below and tell me which were your three favorite videos… 🙂

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201 Replies to “17 Years of Internet Success (and Letting My Clients Speak)”

  1. Blake Fleischacker


    #4 – She really struck me and truly empowers her peer group to go for it!
    #5 – You can see the heart and hussle in him. Inspiring.
    #17 – So admirable to see someone benefiting from patience and practice. Rare among the creative crowd.

    Jeff, these are so fun to watch and motivating as a PLF owner. Bravo on the anniversary. Well-deserved and inspirational to say the least.

    Blake Fly

  2. Badria Jazairi


    #4 Jason Spencer. An amazing story and such an empowering and beautiful person.

  3. #4 Jason Spencer. The comment above by Blake Fleischecker (?) is spot on. I’ve known Jason from his work in the community, and he is both HEART and HUSTLE. His mind never stops working, and he wears an obvious love for his family on his sleeve.

    If you check out his work: – You will see he is a natural-born leader who is not afraid to deliver pizzas, while empowering the people around him to reach their own full potential. From what it sounds like, Jason Spencer is a lot like Jeff Walker.

    – Jay DePoy

  4. Gina Quintano


    Numbers 10, 1 and 4 I think these three are motivating in such different ways

  5. Kay Dresden


    Great job , #1! Way to represent the normal, hard-working folks that dream of something bigger, and are willing to work for it! Beautiful message, way to inspire!

  6. Sharon Heller


    I liked # 11 – It was cool how Scott moved between the 2 locations. Good success story.

  7. Dustin Musselman


    #4 Jason Spencer is the real deal. A man of integrity, passion, and who understands the value of one’s own life purpose and story.

  8. #4 Jason Spencer is the man. I see him online and in person constantly building people up, encouraging others, and empowering those around him.

  9. Dana #3 is a huge influence in my business and my personal life. She is definitely my first choice. Then #13 and #14. Love that you are doing this!!

  10. CHOICE # 1 – Dana Wilde (Video 3) – Great to see an ordinary person do extraordinary things and to see the enjoyment of success in her story!

    CHOICE # 2 – Barry Friedman (Video 2) – Liked his creativity and story of turning a bad situation into a new venture!

    CHOICE # 3 – Greg Bishop (Video 3) – I reckon he is going to do really well…just has a great attitude and hunger to be his best!

    Jeff…thanks for all your info…I haven’t even signed up for your program yet but loving your style and values and approach to business which is so down to earth and inspiring!

    Look forward to meeting you at a Live Event one day.

  11. Jeff,
    First, congratulations on your 17th Anniversary and thank your from all the people you have helped.

    Could you briefly outline the top factors in boosting your closer rate during a launch?

  12. Man, I love hearing everybody’s stories. My favorite was #11 because he has continued with the PLF for three years and turned it into something even bigger for his family and team.

  13. I’ve been watching videos for a while now – inspirational.


    #2 – Knife juggler – just looks like he’s having so much fun while creating a better life for his clients.

    #16 – Italian on the beach. Nice holiday earning $1,700Euro while building sand castles with the kids.

  14. 3. Dana Wilde – She is so positive and inspirational, not to mention she is personable and feels like “one of us!”

  15. My favorites were:#2, #7 and #17. #5 was close. Thought these were the best produced and presented videos. They all expressed appropriate respect and gratitude without getting too mushy 🙂

  16. #3-Dana Wilde. She has been such an inspiration to me!! I know she has changed my life and so many others by training our brain! You are amazing Dana!

  17. #1 is my pick. Being able to launch in a combat environment is nothing to take for granite and takes a lot of drive and passion…

  18. #1 with Matt King. The fact that he was able to successfully leverage the PLF program will deployed is amazing. What an inspiring story and a great example of why none of us should make excuses.

  19. #3, Dana Wilde, all the way!! She is extremely positive/motivational and dedicated, and definitely has what it takes to push you to your utmost success, both in business and personally.

  20. Congrats on your anniversary!
    My #1 choice is Dana Wilde video #3 Love Dana for being so down to earth & giving. She is a hugh Inspiration in my life.

  21. #3 Dana Wilde is #1 with me. She not only talks the talk, she definitely walks the walk and exemplifies and models everything that she teaches us. I am proud to have her as a mentor and coach!

  22. Congratulations on being one of the true pioneers and innovators of utilizing the internet to transform lives Jeff. I heard somewhere it was you and Al Gore who started it all 🙂
    Your leadership and contributions will never be forgotten! Chris (and Pam)

  23. #3 Dana Wilde is my pick. She’s your winner! I believe I was a part of her 2011 launch. I was struggling in my business and personal life. I couldn’t grasp anything due to suffering with PTSD. I checked out the product presentation and made my purchase. Dana’s presentation made me feel like “I CAN”. And “I HAVE”. Dana is an amazing and giving woman. She is a great teacher, mentor, coach, amd student. She leads by example. Thank you Jeff for the opportunity to let you know Dana has made a huge impact on my life. Go Dana!!

  24. OMG!!!! #3 Dana Wilde is AWESOME!!! She motivates people in a way you don’t even realize you are being motivated, that’s what I’m talking about!! I would vote for her for president if she were running!!! That girl ROCKS!! I hope she wins cuz she deserves all the praise and recognition humanly available!!! WOOP!!! WOOP!!! <3

  25. Marcelyn Benson


    Dana Wilde asked us to put a shout out for her to win a contest, so here it is!!

  26. Congrats, Jeff, on 17 years, and for all you do teaching and training others on how to be successful on the Internet!

    #11 Scott: Real Person, Real Problem, Real Solution!

    #14 Sky: Perky, Fun, Imperfect! Shows how to just do it, with your own personality, flaws and all (ie, “Jeff”, not “John”), and succeed!

    #17 Greg: Thorough – Thoroughly Successful!

  27. #1 is my favorite (although there’s a LOT of great entries). Good work, soldier!

  28. #3 Dana Wilde – I have been an avid learner of Dana’s for 2 years now. Her story is inspiring and her motivation is contagious! I believe that what she teaches and the products she uses are advantageous for all of us. If she is promoting Jeff, then I trust that she believes in his formula and his product. The lives that she touches is a gift in itself. She deserves to win on that alone! xoxo EdieAnne

  29. #3 Dana Wilde! She is such an inspiration. Love her success story–very real and relatable. Her products are life-changing. She is so down to earth and genuine that when she recommends a product, you know it’s something of value.

  30. Jim Troglen


    #11 is my #1 –

    Then #7 then # 6 and then #10

    All were sincere and inspiring.
    Several were very unique.

  31. I’m liking #11, I have been in business managent several times and there is nothing worse than being the leader in a downturn (uhg, I remember after 9/11), especially when you don’t want let anybody go. I can see most of these folks talk about how the PLF has helped them individually, but it sounds like the impact has much further reaches than just benefitting/helping one person…Sign me up!

  32. I love #3 – Dana Wilde’s story about taking doing 10 TIMES that amount of her previous business the first time she tried Product Launch. I have watched Dana’s marketing techniques with awe. Now the secret’s out – Dana didn’t make it all up, she learned from the best! 🙂

  33. I thought that #9 was great! Great story regarding real-life application and how it worked. A real “WINNER”!!

  34. #2 Barry Friedman
    Barry masters whatever he puts his mind too. That testimonial was a bit of mastery too. As the beneficiary of the investment I made in Barry’s course, which not only promised things, but gave me the ability to deliver through my work, Barry wins hands down. Thanks Jeff Walker and thanks Barry. Your collaboration launched my success into the stratosphere… (Literally, I’ve been on a lot more airplanes.) I’d love to see what the two of you come up with next!

  35. #9 Geraldine Barry: real estate investing
    I’d want to learn from her…she’s very personable and inspirational.

  36. Keena Bailey


    I enjoyed #9 Geraldine Barry’s story. She makes real estate investing sound approachable, and with her guidance, I think I can give it a try.

  37. #4. I support Jason Spencer from!! Love his ideas, philosophy, and his idea of creating tribes: SO IMPORTANT and relevant in the blogosphere these days! Way to go Jason!

  38. Congrats on your anniversary Jeff!! Your longevity speaks to the quality of your program. Lastly, I vote for Dana- she rocks! Wishing you continued success and prosperity… Julie

  39. Everyone had such wonderful and inspiring things to say!! But to select three:
    1. Barry Friedman
    2. Dana Wilde
    3. Charles Water
    P.S. I am almost at the food stamp level myself:) …not very funny, but I WILL make it! Does anyone have a PLF I can borrow, or could lend me and I will return it after I get launched? (Or I will pass it on to the next person who needs it). I have created/written a multimedia kit for kids called COOL CATS Super Leadership 4 Kids (TM) with 30 multimedia products. It’s completed — now I need to get it out with PLF! Thank you all!

  40. Johanna Michalewsky


    #3 Dana Wilde. She is a great motivator, and takes the time to help you along!

  41. I liked #4 by Jason Spencer. His story really drew me in from the beginning. It’s nice to see someone who had seemingly hit rock bottom and yet stayed focused and has begun to build a future for him self and his family once again. I watched the other videos but I found sincerity and heart in his message. Great story.

  42. Its biased. The first people will get more votes. Most people won’t watch all 17.

  43. #2 — Barry F…I’m slightly biased as Barry is one of my favorite entrepreneurs and someone I’ve learned a helluva lot from (and I came into his orbit only because he grabbed my attention with a great product launch).

  44. #1 is tipping my scales…. Matthew, i wish i could have heard more of your story, but no matter what, youve inspired me today….

  45. #2 Barry Friedman

    Barry’s story sounds both interesting and inspiring. I can associate loosing the ability to juggle and be so completely scared that my lifeline is gone.

    As a professional juggler myself I have been taken under Barry’s wing and taught how to sell my act for what it is worth.

    But aside from all business related information Barry has shown me ways to be a better human being and how to leave a positive mark on this life.

    He deserves such great things and I know he would not only benefit the most from this grand prize but also use it to help others benefit from it as well. And when it comes down to it people helping people really is powerful stuff.

  46. I really liked #2, Barry Friedman. As a man struggling to regain the ability to raise my right arm after breaking my humerus at the shoulder joint it felt like Barry was speaking directly to me. His inspirational words and story speak to all of us striving to improve ourselves in a competitive world. I want to hear more – and do more, now.

  47. Barry Friedman is the real deal. He has done amazing things with Jeff’s product. He even suckered me into buying PLF. Unfortunately I haven’t really done anything with it yet, but I am continually amazed at how well Barry has done for himself and his family utilizing the tools Jeff taught him.

  48. Stuart Baeriswyl


    Great presentation Ger, way to go!!

    (btw; ..she’s the real deal)

  49. Hubert Van Dijk


    Barry Friedman is an exceptional talented motivational man, love his video.

  50. I watched them and #2 Barry’s spoke to me because it is almost exactly what I am doing myself with one of my Launches.
    I also liked #3 and think they are in the top two for me.

  51. Jim Bullock


    Loved #11. Love the story and love the way he shot the video. Very well done!

  52. Dr. Josh Ben


    #9 Geraldine Barry
    What a great story Geraldine. Coming from another country 25 years ago and making something of yourself in one of the most affluent places in the world. Congrats on your success. You inspire people to be truly amazing.

  53. #3 – Dana Wilde is the one for me… I’ll leave the second and third positions to the rest of you to decide.

  54. #9 is awesome!! Geraldine comes across as a very captivating speaker – I was hanging on to every word that she said. Very likable and inspiring!

  55. My vote goes for #1 Matthew King – Great Job! Yes, he definately puts everything he is into his business! Again, he has done an awesome job!

  56. There are some good stories here and nice self-cinematography amongst the group. After more than twenty years of professional sales management and entrepreneurship, I have observed that the true DNA of leadership and organizational success isn’t just a line item of one’s gross revenue; the real identifier is how one makes those around them a success too!

    #9 stands out not only as a successful implementer of PLF, but also as a person who is taking her PLF success and pollinating other entrepreneurs in her investment organization. Bravo #9!

  57. Wow….#1, you have such a down-to-earth, compelling story. I have no excuses now.

  58. I liked numerous videos–I garnered much from all of them. But I have to say that I especially benefited most from Barry Friedman–#2.

  59. Shout out to Dana Wilde and Train Your Brain! :):):) I’ve transformed my life and its progressing into the life of my dreams! 🙂 I’m a love, money, and success magnet! 🙂

  60. Barry Friedman


    #2 Barry Friedman

    Same name, different profession. I have more hair, but he’s more successful. We dating the same girl once–different times. It’s a long story. Anyways, she liked him more. See what I’m getting at here? This is the guy; this is the video.

  61. Barry Friedman


    #2 Again

    P.S. And when I say different profession, he’s a juggler; I do stand-up. Our respective crafts occupy the same stage, but it’s a different world. He has real talent. I have a kick-ass Auschwitz joke.


  62. My vote is for #3 – Dana Wilde and Train your Brain. Her program has helped me with my Business and Personal life 🙂 So Glad I invested in her program.

  63. Matthew King


    Can I vote on my own video? I will… #1.

    On that note, Barry, your video rocks… Dana, your an inspiration to all… Jason, well said… Great videos for everyone, and the biggest hurdle of all, really putting yourself out there and having the courage to make a video and get have it be seen by the world….

  64. Barry is brilliant, open, honest and kind in giving back his gifts to the world.
    I highly recommend and trust his work ethic and mission

    It’s alway eye opening when Barry is in The room or call

  65. Congratulations Jeff on your 17 years of continued success! Great idea having these inspirational success stories. Everyone’s testimonials were incredible. Here are the ranking of the best videos:

    #1 Matthew King is my first choice. Thank you for your service Matt.
    #4 Jason Spenser.
    #11 Scott Ferguson

  66. I am so torn. What do you figure I know two of these guys and they both have amazing stories and super success ahead of them.

    Can I split my vote between #2 Barry and #4 Jason?

  67. Pick #1 – Video #3 Dana Wilde – She proves that you do not have to be a long-time expert to achieve amazing results! She also proves that where there is a will, there is a way! If you have an inspiring message to share with the world, you will find a way to share it! The sales figures don’t lie and that really clinched it for me! So many testimonials talk in general about how programs helped them, but when I hear numbers like that, I am convinced and impressed! I am in the same industries as Dana, and I have a huge heart for helping others, so her story especially inspired me!

    Pick #2 – Video #4 Jeff Spenser – I love his rags to riches story showing that it doesn’t matter how dire your circumstances are, you can use this program to turn your life around! There are so many people who need a way out!

    Pick #3 – Video #5 Robbie Tolk – He shows the power of the program even if you implement part of it. He also inspired me because I am also a Natural Health & Weight Loss Coach/Consultant, so I can see multiple ways to use the program with all of my expertise and ventures.

    I loved all the videos and particularly liked that you could launch from anywhere, even a war zone, with any level of experience, in any niche and achieve success! I also love that you can create a business helping others with what learn in this program like Greg Bishop/#17 did. That gave me some great ideas, since I’m already helping my clients to become online superstars.

    Congratulations on all your years of success! I wish you many more!!!

    Michelle Sanchez
    Dream Biz Success Coach/Pinning Power Profits/It Works Body Makeover

  68. I loved #9 with Geraldine Barry! She was so genuine and down to earth, as well as professional and articulate. I felt she came from a very real place. Pick her!!!

  69. Number 3 Dana Wilde is a great inspirational person! She has helped me tremendously that has helped me build this business!

    The other choice is #4 it is a motivational from rags to riches story .

  70. This is a fantastic wall of testimony. You’re making a big mark on the world, Jeff. Those of us that have used your strategies so play bigger are your clients. However, the ripple becomes much more interesting when they move outward and encompass even bigger circles of people who don’t know your name.

    These videos are all from people who are doing something difficult and challenging, rewarding and inspiring. Instead of one winner, what do you say we all just gather in a hotel this fall in Scottsdale and go deeper into the game? Oh – that’s already on tap!

    Videos… Drumroll…….

    #2 (I’m a sucker for knife juggling!)
    #7 (Sucker for Magic)
    #13 (Sucker for helping artists)

  71. I just wanted to give a big shout out to the other contestants. You’re all so impressive! Let’s make a point to network when this is all over. Maybe we need a PLF support group! Jeff, thanks for the opportunity to participate. It’s been really good fun! 🙂

  72. P.S. And another shout out to anyone who participated in voting on these videos. I know the support I’ve received has really touched me and I’m sure all of the other participants feel the same say. Very cool!

    And Jeff … what Barry said … Wow are you making an impact on the world! Oh yeah! Ripples!

  73. Brent Thomas


    Number 11. WOW. Okay, so we all hear about people using PLF to improve their business, but SAVE IT? This is truly amazing.

    I was curious to know what this guy did with the other business so I searched the logo on the background in his studio. Inner Circle Sessions. He went from PLF saving his business to teaching folks how to sell their business…and it isn’t just him..there are investment bankers and accomplished business folks on there (I watched the funnel content :))

  74. String Nikolic


    #1 for me. Inspiring to see PLF working for a guy posted overseas working in the military!

  75. Lisa Bonney Berry


    #2 made me think that I need to connect my husband with Jeff Walker to learn how to promote his Wilderness Skills teaching business better!

  76. Number 2 is amazing, the BEST!!! Barry Friedman is a master at effective and simple communication of great ideas!

  77. David Dykstra


    Dana Wilde #3 gets me going by listening to her “Train Your Brain.” Helps me shut out all the negative noise.

  78. Video #2

    The course showbizblueprint has taken my career and life to the next level. During the last years my juggling show ( has brought me to over 40 different countries. I have been invited to lunch by the Royal family of my home country of the Netherlands, performed in Las Vegas and made it into the Guinness Book of World Record thanks to Barry Friedman’s course (Video no. 2).

  79. #3 – Dana Wilde has changed my business and my life! And she’s so accessible!

  80. So many to choose from, but i had a connection with #1, matthew king… Real story, real dude, and fights for our country while hes at it.

  81. Sharon Hoffman-Spector


    Dana Wilde has influenced me in my business. She has helped me tremendously in improving my business. I love her enthusiasm. She ROCKS!

  82. Barry Friedman (video #2) Rocks – here is a man that gives and gives and gives. This video only hints at one of the ways he does that.

  83. I love Dana Wilde. She is very encouraging to me. Her true story in 3-year development
    is amazing. If she can make it, I can make it too. A brilliant star for those who want to start up their business in their mid-life! She demonstrates that where there is a will, there is a way!

    Sebastian Michaels is pictorial. Everything he said can be understood clearly on videos.
    I like his venturesome spirit to try product of other company and his own product. He is creative and versatile. An inspiring example to me!

    Scott Ferguson is an uplifting example turning broke to abundance. He is hard working
    and developing his business to a new level. His presentation is genuine moving from
    his office to his new video. A great hope to the entreprenur!

  84. I LOVE Dana Wilde training and materials. She has been a huge part of my successful Team and Sponsoring… I want to give her a BIG Thumbs Up!!
    My vote is for Dana!!

  85. Linda Camden


    I echo what many have said: Dana Wilde is AWESOME! Her training has helped me tremendously not only in my business but in my personal life. So whatever influence YOU had on her is definitely being paid forward by her helping me and thousands of others.

    So THANK YOU, Jeff Walker for contributing to her which contributed to me!

    Blessings on your anniversary!

  86. Nancy Miller


    #3 Dana Wilde is my choice! What a great coach and trainer! She gives so much value in her products and is such a positive influence. Dana loves to help people succeed. Happy anniversary!

  87. Hi Jeff,
    I love your choice to celebrate your 17th year in business.
    These are my three favorites to win your contest:

    – Mathew King ( the soldier )

    – Marco Frezza ( the magician )

    – Marco Scabia ( the Italian )

    I think this is a fair choice, because I don´t know them personally, and therefore, did not asked me to vote for them.

    Can´t wait for the results!!!

  88. #3: Dana Wilde my first choice – Dana is a gorgeous mentor who I am heading off from Australia to Dallas Texas in the good ole USA to meet next week (YEEHA! So excited!!) everyone should have the opportunity to meet, connect with & learn from their mentor and you are hers so I wish her every opportunity because of the amazing inspiration she is to so many of us & I want that to be shared with as many as possible! If she continues to get inspired by her mentors then she’ll continue to inspire us! Congrats to you as well Jeff!!!

  89. Hi Jeff, I really like your strategy and down to earth style of presenting. I’ve been bombarded by many biz coaches and it can be overwelming to filter through. You make it comfortable and inspirational. I look forward to your videos and expertise.

  90. #9 Geraldine, you rock! Thanks for sharing so much valuable information about real estate to the community. I am glad you are using the internet and email marketing to help spread the word. Nice job. You are amazing. Cathy

  91. Karynne Williams


    #2 Barry Friedman is doing very well, and he has a tough sell, I think that says it all.

  92. Heather McKay


    #3 I have learned soooo much from Dana Wilde! Her teaching methods feel natural and very down to earth and I have recommended her to all my friends. She has proven to me that it really does all start with our mindset, no matter what challenge we face!

  93. My vote goes to #3 Dana Wilde She’s a great teacher,trainer, fun, and makes everything easy to understand and fun

  94. Phyllis Billmeyer


    #3 Dana Wilde She has inspired me and has helped me inspire my family & my clients-truly.

  95. All are such inspirational videos and it was hard to pick only three but here goes….my top three are #2 – Barry Friedman, #3 – Dana Wilde, and #17 – Greg Bishop. Thank you for sharing all seventeen videos and congratulations on your 17th anniversary! 🙂

  96. Alexander Great


    Dana Wilde was very uplifting, but for my money Video #2 was the BEST! Barry was so positive and cut right to the point withsuch laser precision. Home Run 4 him!

  97. Jeff:
    Congratulations on 17 years of success.

    I believe all these people are winners, they implemented your PLF and they took inspired action.
    They all deserved to be applauded. Edith Howell

  98. Allyson Goldsby


    My Vote #9… Geraldine is smart, confident and clearly knows what she’s talking about with a strong passion for helping others become successful in their Real Estate investments…

  99. #9 – Geraldine Barry: Very inspiring story and motivational. She makes real estate investing very learnable. I want to learn from her.

  100. Jade Campbell


    No 2 Barry – an inspiration
    No 3 Dana – irrepressable enthusiasm
    No 10 Scott – determination and grit to find a way out for him and his staff.

  101. #9 Geraldine Barry: Being in Real Estate for 9 years, the investment side has always been something I’ve wanted to learn more of. It would be great to get more information from her through the avenues of social and online media. Pick her! 😉

  102. Pingback: Eight Winning Product Launches « Product Launch Formula

  103. Anna Maria Valenzuela


    I vote for #9…Geraldine is a high caliber professional. Her messages will always be sincere, Motivational, and most importantly, educational.

  104. Wow – these were great. I loved the last one the best.. Because Greg said two things that are key. 1) study the product more than once and 2) get paid to learn. Because he was relaxed about the outcome – he had seemingly effortless success. This is something I forget! We can sometimes put so much pressure on ourselves we forget it’s suppose to be fun.

  105. Anita Hamremoen


    Congrats on you anniversary! Great to see these and very motivational. Marco Frezza (how great was that to visit a 8 year old in Europe!! and to get the best x-mas gift ever), Dana Wilde and Jason Spencer are on my top list 🙂 But they were all great. many thanks.

  106. Hi Jeff…

    I love your carisma and, of course, I love your formula.
    I have just one question, which, to me, is really vital for my life… I whish you reply to me in a video or even in this post.
    Have you ever thought about how to leave the business to run alone?
    I mean, with this formula, I have to work for ever. Yes, If I love what I do It wouldn’t be a problem, right. The thing is that I love what I do but I don’t want to work by necesity or compulserily or sistematicaly.
    I thought about introducing somebody into the blogs and then leave that person to write the posts and earn the money… but at the end people are going to see my anticipation and they are going to see me and not who they know… and then they won’t buy…
    Do you have any solution about this…?
    Thanks a million!!!

  107. Hi Jeff

    All of the videos are really good and it’s hard to pick a stand out! Congratulations to all 17. My top 3 would be:
    #1 Jeff
    #3 Dana
    #17 Greg
    Greg would edge out the others, just because of the story he tells of of going out and getting others involved.

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