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Here’s what happens when you get done filming 21 videos in a single day… and then realize you still have to make a blog video. There’s a LOT happening in this one, but you get to see behind the scenes of what’s coming up, plus one of my favorite ways to stay inspired when the pressure’s on.

Here’s the link I mentioned in the video. Check it out:

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17 Replies to “Shooting 22 Videos in a Day…”

  1. Hi Jeff,
    Did Product Launch quite a while back and loved it but never used it. Listening to you just now inspires me to revisit it to tie in with the website I’m about to launch. At 73 and oh, so un-technically abled it’s slow going but then I don’t give up easy, so perhaps Product Launch may yet have its day!

    • Zee! You can do it! Dust off the course and take it one day at a time! We always get a second chance!

  2. Everything you say and do, Jeff is a world class. I’ve been following you since the very start of my my business around 4 years ago. And back in the time I was also following many other internet marketers. At the end of the day you stayed in my mind and in my every day learning because you’re a kind and honest person that shares really valuable lessons. And all I’ve learned now helps me get my people believe internet business is a possible thing and help them change their lives.
    Thank you so much. I’m looking forward to visiting your live events very soon. Greetings from Bulgaria 🙂

  3. Thomas Bell


    Great Video Jeff! Seeing you standing strong after all these years does my heart good. It’s been a hell of a ride since lal the way back to the “Pre-Underground” days huh?… 🙂

  4. Hi Jeff, I appreciate you gave us little behind the scenes and telling more about you and what drives you. It’s definitely inspiring. Could you also tell us more about your core beliefs that enable you to live this lifestyle? It could be another great video :-).

  5. Hi Jeff,
    Thanks for posting this. It is such an important topic. I’ve been self-employed for 20years, but I only just learned the importance of taking time to recharge – even (especially!) when I’m really busy. At Tribe Live this year, James Wedmore said “When you value your time more than you value your money, you’ll find that you have plenty of both”. I’ve started prioritising doing things that “light me up” and the effect has been mega. Instead of detracting from my work, it massively improves my productivity. And the thing that recharges me fastest is playing guitar. (I live in England, so getting out can be very damp!)
    Cheers from the UK!

  6. I filmed 5 classes in one day for launching my Set Free course and that was exhausting enough! I cannot imagine doing 22, yikes. How does your team get them all edited well in less than a month?

    I also pull from the same inspiration of people telling me of the incredible changes they’ve experienced in their lives. Without it, I would’ve quit by now for sire. Congrats on your new course and I trust you’ll be just as successful with this one.

  7. You hit the nail..sometimes I feel I cannot keep up with those that have an abundant amount of high energy that looks as though it feeds the machine. I decided I’ll do me and keep serving others. My excitement comes from looking into the eyes of someone that says, “I am pain free!” That is what drives me. The rest? Is learning about structuring my biz and following a model that works! I’ve been circling, And the plethora of insights you offer in your calm presence makes it seem possible to achieve!

  8. Am I the only person here who is getting tired listening to Jeff Walker talk about how great it he is and how amazing his lifestyle is and how wonderful people think he is. I like PLF, I’ve used to and made good money. Jeff, just some unrequested advice … if you haven’t completely exhausted topics that are helpful to blog viewers, go back to giving us stuff that we can use to build our businesses.

  9. Well, I did two whole videos the day before yesterday (3 and 4 of my Historical Novelist’s Guide to… series) and I thought I was pretty hot! But 22 – wow! I’m still trying to think how to make the Product Launch Formula work for historical fiction… I think that could make a big difference.

  10. I love this in a gondola. I often feel like I need a script so I am trying to get used to speaking on video more off the cuff. It looks and sounds so much better anyway! But as an academe, being polished is ingrained. I need to undo that inner critic. I have been working on getting rid of academic speak and being more real, authentic, reachable. It’s been a work in progress but I feel like I am moving forward. Bless you for your work in this world.

  11. Jeff, I don’t think you will ever get to know the full extent of your impact. I remember speaking at 2-day online marketing event in Spain a few months ago… I was one of 15 speakers. And as it happened, YOU were one of the main themes of conversation on that stage — in Spanish! For the record, PLF is not translated into Spanish, and yet you were the most referenced teacher there.
    So go ahead and add them to your gratitude list… I know they would want you to.
    By the way, thank you for helping me fulfill my mission. I can’t thank you enough <3
    P.S. Hope this helps with your next 22 videos 🙂

  12. I appreciate that you admit there are days you feel down (and go to the source of your Evernote file to help bring up your spirits again). It reminds me that even the greats have low moments or days – and that’s okay. I know we all have them, but it’s a good reminder to create a source to be able to lift yourself back up again, whatever that may be. Thanks for posting this!

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