I had this week’s video, shot, edited and ready to send to you, but then I noticed something that made me change my mind and shoot a different video.
I looked at the calendar on my phone and realized…
It was EXACTLY 25 years (to the day!) since I first started my journey into online business.
On August 30, 1996 I wrote my very first email newsletter about the stock market and nervously hit “send”.
Back then, I didn’t have much going for me. I was a stay-at-home dad, and I had been for years. That first newsletter went out to everyone I knew who had an email address – that was 17 people.
But here I am 25 years later… and it’s crazy to be able to say this, but I’ve now helped millions of folks all over the world. My students have made more than a billion dollars in sales from businesses they love.
25 years ago, I couldn’t have imagined any of this. I was just hoping to somehow make $10,000 per year to help support my family.
Well… I hit that goal. And a few others along the way.
And the good news is, you can use the same approach I have for the past 9,137 days to create your own dream life.
Here’s what I mean…
Jack Turk
Jeff, you had passion, guts, and a heart to share what mattered to you…
And you changed the world.
Pretty cool, dude.
9,137 thank yous.
Monte Stewart
Congrats on the milestone, Jeff. I’m trying to remember… just one small step at a time.
The problem for me has been keeping those small steps going in the same direction. I’ve allowed myself to go down one path and before completing it get a glimpse of another path that I thought looked better.
I’m determined now to just follow the steps from the Launch Club Milestones and get it done.
Thanks for this video, your inspiration and your guidance.
sigyta hart
congratulations and happy anniversary Jeff…..what extraordinary tracks in the sand that you are making
Congratulations Jeff,
We’ve not met – yet! – however you’ve impacted me deeply, even from all the way Down Here Down Under.
I’m at pre pre pre launch stage of my first ever book, the manuscript of which has been getting rave reviews from those that I’ve given it to.
I can now SEE what needs to happen when and just know, through YOU, that what I’ve got, the research I’ve done, the need im going to meet IS going to work. I can’t see how much just yet, but I suspect it’s probably more than I can ‘see’ thus far.
Baby steps indeed.
Thank you thank you thank you.
Kind regards from allllllll the way Down Here Down Under
😊 🇦🇺😊🇦🇺😊
Ron Hogue
“I consider it my job to have a bigger vision for your future than even you have because I know what’s possible.”
I’m finally beginning to see a portion of what you see, Jeff. Thank you so much for the encouragement.
Cynthia Okonkwo
Happy 25th Anniversary Jeff…and thank you for being so authentic, wise, generous with your knowledge, and inspirational. You continue to put out positive energy into the Universe. That’s why you are enjoying the karma that is returning to you. Every time I feel like giving up, your words and your personal story motivate me to keep at it until I turn the corner to my dream lifestyle and impact in my niche. Bless you.
Patricia Casello-Maddox
Happy anniversary, Jeff. As I begin my journey, your words are encouraging and your story inspirational. I look forward to my and my customers’ transformations.
Congratulations Jeff! You are an inspiration and full with great energy and passion to help people. On to many more years of success!
Happy anniversary Jeff . Thank you for 25 years of sharing your knowledge with us.
Thomas Green
Well done Jeff but how do we straight as I was hoping for good things when I came in hear but nothing as yet are you going to contact us all after your anniversary I hope so mate thanks
Becca Williams
Jeff, I am a true blue fan and a PLFer for about 2 years now. My work is in emotional recovery so I’m fascinated by emotions and how people learn to surf them.
Your realness touches me as you describe that you “had nothing going on” back in the day. “No one would have bet on me.” “No one foresaw anything of significance in my life.”
In light of that, I’m curious how you viewed yourself back then? How was your self-esteem and being valued as a stay at home dad? Did you dance with fear and self-doubt? And, if so, is there advice that you can offer about how you surfed those waves of uncertainty?
BTW, everything you say is coming true for me. Baby steps (and patience!). Thank you so much.
Congratulations and thank you Jeff for contributing, sharing and encouraging us to see more in ourselves and what is truly possible. 🙂
Hope, positivity, encouragement, authenticity, abundance and results.
That’s what this 9137 step-plan generated for me.
Happy 25th anniversary Jeff!
Thank you for being you!!
So happy you started this adventure and share the great success of your launching business! Keep going and helping us all move forward and reach some new levels of servicing the world! Enjoy that happy time!
Lisa Cavender
Congratulations Jeff!
This post inspired me to write about my journey. I moved to the Caribbean 25 years ago in August 1996 and started a business from scratch. Now many years later I am proud to be a part of your community and reinvent myself again after a divorce. Thanks for the inspiration.
Laura Browne
Jeff, you are amazing! Thank you so much for your life-changing launch information and for your inspiration! Happy 25th Anniversary!