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I just finished up with my first live lesson of the Launch Masterclass. And even though you’re supposed to keep everything super short… I gave over 3 hours of content and the folks stayed on until the very end. So how did I keep it up for 3+ hours without falling asleep on my feet? And for that matter, how did I manage to keep people’s attention for 3+ hours? This is what I did… 

And you can still join the Launch Masterclass – I’ve got three more live lessons coming up. You can join right here:

Video Transcript and Relevant Links

Welcome to Lunch Central. 

I’ve had the first session of my Launch Masterclass a few days ago, on Thursday, and tomorrow is the second session. 

So if you were there, well, you probably noticed it was pretty awesome. If you weren’t there, I’ll put a link down below to get registered because it’s pretty darn cool. 

So I did basically about three hours on Thursday, and you might be thinking like, “First of all, how does he actually do three hours live?” And second of all, it’s like, “How do you keep people attending?” Because our stick-rate over three hours is absolutely amazing. 

So here’s the secret… 

And this secret works whether you’re doing live broadcasts. It works whether you’re doing a webinar. It works whether you’re leading a small group. It works whether you’re leading a three-day live event, and it all comes down to chunking. It comes down to breaking down into segments. 

So here, this diagram probably looks a little silly right here. But what I’ve done is I’ve actually broken it down. I’m going to walk you through it. 

So this is the first hour, this is the second hour, and this is the third hour. But if you’re doing a three-day event, you could break it down into a three-day event like this. If you were doing a one-day mastermind, you could break that down. And when you break it down, it gets a lot more easily digestible, and it keeps you focused. 

So what I have here is this is the way it actually went on Thursday. This is the way we’re going to do basically a similar thing tomorrow on Monday.

So I opened up, I had an opening, an opening was just, this is a minute-long and me just, or it might’ve been two minutes, it might’ve been three minutes, I can’t remember but basically, it’s very, very short, and it’s just sort of me setting the stage and giving some ground rules and giving some hints and tips. 

And then, and we actually changed camera sets, but this was this first set. And then we played a very short video, and the video was … It’s like a minute-long, but in that minute-long I moved from the one set to the next set.

What I’m getting at is right here. As I started, I only had to think about this first segment, the first chunk and what I needed to do there. Then I had a reset. It was a very short reset because this is a very short, short video. It was an intro video.

But then I did my first teaching segment here, big meaty teaching segment. So I had a complete outline for that segment, but I only had to focus on that segment.

Then we had another video segment that we played in here and that gave me a chance to reset. Okay, grab a drink of water, maybe if I need to run to the bathroom, talk to my team, just get a reset. 

Then we went into another teaching segment here and that was the first hour, so it wasn’t like I had to get up and just make stuff up for an hour. It was like I had three individual segments, and I just had to focus on what was right in front of me in that segment, and I had enough time. Actually, this was a really quick break. I mean, that was like a minute, but down here, that was several minutes, so I could truly reset there. 

Then, at the end of the first hour, I introduced a case study and then we had a case study, went about 10 minutes-ish, so again, I had a chance to reset.

Then we had two more case studies. In between each case study, I did a little transition. I did a little extra teaching there, but I had this 10 minutes to reset. Go get a drink of water, check in with my team, look at comments, check on what kind of questions are coming in. Just sit down and take a few deep breaths, clear my throat, lay down, take a nap. I didn’t take a nap, but it just goes to show you that when you break this down, it becomes much more manageable. 

If you’re doing a three-day event it becomes much more manageable when you start to break. What’s a three-day event? Typically, a three-day event each day is either going to be four 90-minute sessions, or it’s going to be five hour-long sessions.

So if you think of a three-day event, it’s really just 15 hour-long sessions, and you know the first one’s going to be an introduction, and the last one’s going to be a conclusion, and you’re probably going to have a couple of Q&A sessions. 

Well, all of a sudden you go from 15 sessions to, you take away the intro and the conclusion and you’re at 13 sessions. 

I mean you probably to have sort of an intro kind of session for each day, right? To set the tone for the day. So there’s a couple more sessions out of the way. 

Throw in two more Q&A sessions and all of a sudden you go from 15 sessions down to nine sessions, right? 

That’s when you start to break it down and everything is more manageable. 

From here, after this final case study, then I went into a Q&A and this is a longer segment because we had a lot of questions and questions, Q&A’s awesome and that’s frankly one of my sweet spots. I’ve been at this business for so long that you literally can’t ask me a question I don’t have an answer for, so we had a longer session and then we took a little break. 

This is our sort of our false ending because we had this super-secret segment and up here we had told people about the super-secret segment but sort of we went through this Q&A, went to a final close, camera went down, went down for about a minute and then I came back with the super-secret segment. If you’re around, it was really cool. If you left early, sorry about that. Tomorrow make sure to stick around for the super-secret segment, so that’s how it broke down for me.

I would have a hard time getting up and talking for three hours but this chunking, it made it super-manageable for me. 

So again, you could take this strategy, whether you’re doing a one-day mastermind, whether you’re doing a 90-minute webinar, whether you’re doing a three-day event, whatever you’re doing, you can chunk it. I mean, if you’re going out for a big hike if you’re going to run a marathon, chunk it, it works. 

And you know what else this did? Is it kept people engaged. Because typically if you’re going to do a webinar or something like that, a LiveCast or something, people after an hour, even if it’s really good, they’re gone. They’re checked out. We stuck people all the way through. Not everyone, but it was remarkable how people stuck with us. So chunk, chunk, chunk. 

If you are not on board already with this Live Launch Masterclass, you’ve just missed the first session. We’ve got three more live training sessions, plus all kinds of other goodies. I’ll put a link down below this video. Click there. It doesn’t cost anything. It’s free. You just need to opt-in, and I’ll see you in the next LiveCast.

So there you go. A little about chunking. Let’s go get ‘em this week.

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3 Replies to “The Fine Art of Chunking”

  1. Jeff… You are one of the most integrious and generous human beings that I know. Thank you as always for providing valuable and useful content.

  2. Jeff it was so inspirational I did not want to leave and then the lovely English teacher at the end you could see she was glowing with pride at the security and freedom she had given to herself her husband
    And her four children wow I wish her every success! Thank you Jeff for allowing me to watch your super strategy to success it’s all about the product and your own knowledge of that niche! Excellent you had me glued such a mastermind!!

  3. Jeff you are great man, thanks for all the work you are doing helping people create their own business.
    You are absolutely fantastic, I am you fan number one. I was at your last launch formula and I loved it.
    I will be a PLF owner this coming year 2020.
    Jesús Guízar Soto.

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