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This may be my simplest video ever… yet it’s one of my most important. 

It’s about failure.

And if I sound serious in this video – I am. 

Because how you approach failure can make or break your success. Fear of failure will hold you back and keep your dreams from ever getting off the ground. 

So let’s change how you think about failure… and what to do when it happens to you (because it will).

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17 Replies to “What If You Fail?”

    • Thanks Jeff. This is timely for me as I am just getting my website together and trying to figure out where I am headed. This is a great reminder of how to understand and manage what we call: ”
      failure”. Thanks so much.

  1. Thank you for video. The video came out on time. Just working on my product. I put off the launch for a long time, waiting for the product to become perfect. Thank you.

    • Very useful as there is so little support and advice when you do fail. The personal development world doesn’t address this as much as it could. So many projects fail but in the online world you only ever seem to hear about the successes and that can be very depressing when you fail. We need more “pick yourself back up after failure” videos Jeff please !

  2. Thank you so much Jeff. This was amazing and just what I needed to hear. I really appreciate your weekly videos.
    Let’s go get ’em this week!

  3. Thanks Jeff. This is timely for me as I am just getting my website together and trying to figure out where I am headed. This is a great reminder of how to understand and manage what we call: ”
    failure”. Thanks so much.

  4. Richard Eckley Eckley


    cheers Jeff great video on traits, so important the part on marketing

  5. Great content as always. The life of an entrepreneur is filled with highs and lows. All are learning experiences in my opinion. I always feel that even if I fail, what comes from it? A well learned experience that prepares me for the next venture. Learning is growing.

  6. Andrea Vahl


    I love this so much Jeff! I’m about to start something new and it’s scary! I needed to hear this message today. I appreciate all that you do!

  7. José Corá


    Hi! Jeff, I’ve been following your work for several years and it was only today looking at this video that I woke up to what was holding my life. I was very emotional, I recorded it on my computer to be able to see it several times, my fear was always of failing and I understood that I have to act to go after success, Thank you very much.José Corá city Montenegro, state Rio Grande do Sul, Country Brazil.

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