When you’re just starting out in the world of online business, it’s easy to feel like you need all the credentials – degrees, certifications, or years of experience under your belt – to succeed. But the truth is, you can win in business without being an expert.
One of the most powerful tools that can help you do this is positioning. It’s not about faking expertise but about strategically placing yourself in the market, building credibility, and attracting the right people who believe in your ability to deliver value.
What is Positioning and Why Does It Matter?
Positioning is how you’re seen in the market – your brand and your reputation. It's the first impression people get when they hear your name or come across your content. Positioning is one of the most critical aspects of running a successful business, especially if you’re teaching, coaching, or consulting.
You might be offering:
- One-on-one coaching sessions
- Group coaching
- Membership sites
- Online courses
- Masterminds
No matter what it is, if your positioning is strong, you’ll find that:
- Attracting prospects becomes easier
- You can command higher prices
- People are more likely to trust and follow your advice
- It becomes easier for your prospects to achieve the results they’re after
From Stay-at-Home Dad to Industry Leader
When I started out, I was a stay-at-home dad. I had been out of the workforce for years, taking care of my kids. I hadn’t made any money in over six years, and I had zero formal credentials in the field I wanted to break into – online stock market advice. I wasn’t a stockbroker. I wasn’t a registered investment advisor. I didn’t have fancy initials after my name.
But I had expertise. I had spent years studying the market and understanding its intricacies.
The only problem? Nobody knew who I was. I was completely unknown in the industry. That’s where positioning came into play.
Through strategic positioning, I went from being completely invisible to one of the most recognized experts in my field.
How I Built My Positioning From Scratch
I didn’t start with a massive following or a huge business. In fact, I started with a tiny newsletter. But that newsletter grew, and soon I had over 80,000 subscribers.
How? Through consistent, strategic positioning.
And you can do this, too. It doesn’t matter where you’re starting from, positioning is attainable for anyone.
Today, with social media and the vast number of platforms available, it’s even easier to build your authority and positioning than when I started. The opportunities to show up and establish yourself are everywhere.
Every Action Builds or Destroys Your Positioning
Here’s a simple truth: everything you do in your business either builds your positioning or degrades it.
– Every email you send
– Every post you share
– Every video you create
– Every conversation you have
They all contribute to how you’re seen in the market. Are you showing up as someone who delivers value? Are you consistent? Or are you making moves that might damage the credibility you’ve worked so hard to build?
Top leaders in any market understand this concept deeply. They know that positioning isn’t just something you set and forget, but something you build and maintain over time – through deliberate action.
When I Suspended My Disbelief
Back in 1996, I came across an ad for an online business program. Back then, online business was barely a thing. Almost no one was making money online, and the idea of it seemed almost outlandish. I had nothing, but I was desperate for a change.
I read that ad over and over. The idea of publishing and selling information online made so much sense to me. But before I could pull the trigger and invest in the program, I had to suspend my disbelief.
I had to suspend my disbelief that this online thing could work, and I had to suspend my disbelief in myself – that I could be the person to make it happen. I wrote the check, sent it in, and that program put me in the game.
Fast forward to today – I’ve sold over $100 million worth of products, and more importantly, my students have done over $1 billion in sales.
One Decision Can Change Everything
Looking back, the decision to step onto what I now call the Success Train was the best decision I ever made. It didn’t just change my life, it changed the lives of my students and the countless people they’ve helped.
That one decision to take a chance – to position myself as a player in the market – has rippled out in ways I couldn’t have imagined.
And it all started with the belief that I didn’t need to be an “expert” with fancy credentials, I just needed to get started.
You Can Do It, Too
I’ve been where you are – unsure if I could make it and filled with doubt, but knowing deep down that there had to be more. If you’ve ever felt the same, this is your chance to take that first step. One decision can change everything, just like it did for me. All it takes is a growth mindset to pull that trigger.
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