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When I started publishing my weekly videos five years ago, I worried that I would run out of stuff to talk about. But it hasn’t happened yet. Here’s some thoughts on how to never run out of content ideas…

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23 Replies to “How To Never Run Out Of Content Ideas”

  1. Love that you are reading comments! You have to be a good reader to read all the comments and understand what your clients are saying. That’s my business, helping children to become better readers. As an adult, I found a faster way to read by watching Jim Kwik. I thought you might like to try some of his techniques to become a faster reader and if you know children that need help starting out, send them my way. Loved your ideas about sharing from the heart and being authentic. I certainly feel your passion for helping others.

  2. Love the quote, “putting yourself in new situations just drives your creativity’.”
    Thank you for this and every weekly video I’ve been listening to for months!!

  3. Jeff … We are in totally different industries (I’m a photographer, I sell art), and I’ve never (yet) spent a dime on your courses, but I have been watching your videos for years and years and there’s been so many times where your daily videos have given me just the right message to set me back on course. I can’t say thank you enough .. and someday I hope to actually go through your product launch course for reals and get deeper into your training. But either way, I really like what you do, you’re an inspiration and you make people like me into better entrepreneurs on a a daily basis. So thank you, again, sincerely!

  4. Jeff,
    You’re the guy everyone wishes was their brother, college roommate or neighbor. Your sincerity and kindness is your brand. Thank you for your faithful and vigilant inspiration!

  5. Thank you for the great suggestions on topics to publish about. My business partner and I have just begun. We have published 11 weeks in a row now (since PLF Live) and this gives me some amazing fresh ideas to talk about!

    This week I was outside by my office and shot a video based on a conversation my team and I had the day before.

    You’re right-answer the questions your audience has and you’ll never run dry. Thanks Jeff!!

  6. Jeff. Thank you for inspiring me this morning with your Kyoto experience. I grew up on Okinawa from age 4 to 19 and truly absorbed the relaxing and gracious acceptance that permeates from the Japanese/Okinawa culture. You sharing your thoughts this morning has drawn me back to those wonderful feelings and life events that Sculptured who I am now. A trip down memory lane. Bless you!!

  7. Hi Jeff
    This Anthony i’ ve follow u for sometimes now i’ ve seeing u put together a Launch for ur business which was very interesting this was a good thing i didn’t have any ideal how to do that i were just started out i were new to the online world. I appreciate it very muck i go
    back over some of the notes and check it out. I am a fan of Japan i like to go there one of these days i had a chance last year to go with
    my younger brother i gotten ill. I read a lot about the mountains their the food i get a cook on how to cook the Japanese food.
    Japan has so much to offer us but many people don’t understand the culture they should.
    I love the video’s it was very interested i . I thought the video was very inspirational which can give me some ideals of making a video
    the next travel i’ll do shortly. I love that video u shot had much love in it.
    Thanks i ‘ll watched more of them,

  8. Donald Theiss


    You are incredibly inspirational and I am learning from you even though I have not had the money to sign up for the PLF. You are making an enormous contribution. Thank You, Donald Theiss

  9. Great inspiration Jeff And i love the beautiful background

    I’m in a mission to change the way health card is practiced and offer services to patients and practitioners that use the power of nature to heal
    Sometimes I think that it’s all been said so what more can I add

    You words inspire me to get back to videos Nd articles in a weekly basis


  10. Shooting a flare from Guatemala. You are a great inspiration, I’ve read and recommended your book and so many of your weekly videos. I’ve gotten materials from you as bonuses from Eben Pagan or Frank Kern, and I couldn’t have been more inspired and educated by learning from your example, content and sense of community -as well as the abundance mindset that you all share. Go get’em this week!!

  11. Jeff,
    PLFer here, and one tip I have for folks who want to consistently create is this: the more ideas you have that you act on, the more ideas will come. You don’t have to use every piece of content you create, but I’ve found that, like you mention in the video, when inspiration strikes: make something! Write down your ideas, make a quick video or audio, capture that thought. You can decide later how to use it, but you will find taking action on that inspiration, brings more inspiration! I carry a small Olympus recorder with me and make recordings all the time, it keeps the spigot open.
    Best things,

  12. Donald theiss


    You inspire me Jeff and I am grateful for who you are and for your insights and advice.

    I am at the beginning and want to set up a website to do videos. Do I do this my self or is there a website company you recommend?

  13. Glad that you are enjoying your time in Japan. The scene in your video is definitely restful

  14. Thanks for the great video at the beach and I hope you had a marvellous time in Japan. Have not been following you for a while too busy with my own development.

  15. Hi Jeff,
    Are practicing any kind of meditation or relaxation work up there . I guess it’s early morning but You sound much better (voice) and it’s nice earring !
    Thanks Jeff !

  16. Donna Marie Hockley


    Hi Jeff, was wondering when you are recording with a smart phone outside; (i have an adroid) do you use an external mike attached to your cell phone, or do you use a lapel mike. Want to start publishing but want the sound to be clear, while being out in nature.

  17. Hi Jeff,
    Thanks for reminding me about stepping in front of my audience despite the fear of not knowing what to say:) as the ideas will come 🙂 Thank you!!!

  18. Hirfa Yee Sing


    Thanks for sharing your ideas, now new and different possibilities are opening up to me. Thanks Jeff.

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