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What if I told you I’ve been taking a magic pill for more than twenty years…

A pill that’s perfectly safe (and legal!)… that you can take to quiet your racing mind, fight distraction, be more productive, and be more present with your loved ones?

The magic pill? Meditation.

Meditation helps improve not just the quality of your thoughts, but your relationship with them. This is especially important if you’re an entrepreneur – because you get paid for what you think into creation.

So I thought I’d share my meditation practice with you in this week’s video… as well as a simple technique anyone can follow to enjoy a calmer, more focused mind:

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17 Replies to “Why Entrepreneurs Should Meditate (+ How I Do It)”

  1. Thank you Jeff. One of the best explanations of how to meditate and baby steps are okay. I have tried it on and off for many years but did not stick to it. When I stuck to the habit of paying myself first I became wealthy. Now it’s time to get back to meditation.

    • Thanks Jeff – I tune in every week. I have meditated all my life. Pivot seems to be my Mantra as I meditate every day. Also your positive words are a dose of good medicine! kw

  2. James Walmsley


    Hi Jeff, I recently purchased your book “Launch” and have read a little over half of it in the past few weeks. This video you made on the value of meditation quickly caught my interest today because I’ve been developing a mediation process now for over a year where I spend roughly one hour each morning focusing on my thoughts, desires, beliefs, values and gratitude and a few other topics as I continuously update my personal and entrepreneurial goals & plans.

    I believe it is because of this meditation that I seem to be receiving new information almost daily that perfectly answers questions I’m having as I make progress toward creating my business.

    I think what impressed me most about this video is that of all the highly successful people I’ve ever heard of or known of, you took the time to make this video and share your thoughts on how valuable this habit is for our benefit. I thought that was a very generous thing to do.

  3. Dela Antoinette


    I’ve been thinking about carving time out of my morning to meditate recently but hadn’t gotten around to it. Thanks for the reminder Jeff! Looking forward to trying this.

  4. Thanks for the insight Jeff. We live our everyday life in such a rush we don’t pay attention to those moments we should take for ourselves. It’s hard to ease our minds as entrepreneurs but extremely necessary to dedicate, even if it’s only a few minutes of our busy day, to clear off our thoughts and improve our relationship with ourselves, as you perfectly explains it in your video. Changes (for better or worse) comes from inside out, and the environment and people around you change along with it. It’s amazing!

  5. Charis Santillie


    Great reminder with great reasoning to revisit this. Thank you 😊

  6. Judith Davis


    You didn’t tell us how you meditate. How do you enter a meditative state?

  7. “Entrepreneurs have so many thoughts” Agree! How good to know stillness in the midst of the inflow of ideas. Thank you Jeff for this great inspired talk!

  8. Poli Impelli


    Thanks for this message 😊.
    I’ve been meditating (MT) for 28 years and every word you share is totally true.
    One of the best habits we can embrace.

  9. Celia Louise


    Thanks for this excellent reminder to meditate Jeff! As part of my product launch I learned from you – I released a meditation guidebook to help those who struggle to meditate – as I did for years! I perceived it to be difficult because of how it was taught. So much easier when you learn you don’t have to meditate like a monk to have success!

  10. Thanks Jeff! I’ve meditated for years too. It’s wonderful to hear about your experience — thank you for sharing. I also appreciated that you talked about presence and I can feel your presence, in the videos. You’re calm, centered and present when you speak to us. 🙂 It’s impactful!!

  11. Jacqueline Hairston


    Please send Meditation Method Instructions ASAP.
    Jacqueline B. Hairston

  12. Thanks Jeff.

    A happy reminder; that as entrepreneurs, we are our creative thoughts.

    After a tricky few days last week, I’m back to enjoying, and acting on, this very truth.

    100% agree that meditation enhances productivity.

    I’ve been doing it daily and benefitting from its life-changing calm for over 10 years.

    Not always, though usually, first thing before sitting at the desk of a morning.

    It always makes for a more grounded, spaciously creative and thus productive day.

    It seems to be a very personal thing, the choice of method.

    My own has been iterated a good few dozen times over ten years.

    I listened to this video while doing my daily core strength exercise – a form of meditation in itself, and far easier (for me) to do while listening to something

  13. Gustaf Eriksson


    I agree completely! Meditation has helped me to – not eliminate, but live well with quite serious asthma. Basically I do not need my inhalers normally, except when I have a cold or such (which is rare nowadays). And meditation and mindfulness is a big part of that.

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