Mother's Day is a great holiday, and a great time to celebrate all the mom entrepreneurs out there. A huge percentage of new businesses are being created by women, and this mega-trend has big implications for the business world…
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I’m reading your materials for a while now. Thank you for being such a nice and inspirational person!
I have couple of passions and I’m hoping to replace my current job with some kind of online business.
This way I’m hoping to be able to manage my time myself and help more people. Russian is my native language, English the second, that was holding me back a lot, I like to be very clear expressing my thoughts/ideas, and to deliver the best way possible. Ones again, thank you very much for the Mother’s Day greetings!
I loved being a mother in my day. Having 4 kids within a 5 year time frame would probably get me tarred and feathered in some circles re conversation about planetary consciousness and more. Back then I did not have a clue – in a number of things actually.
Today we mother’s and many Mr. Mom’s (hey Jeff) are birthing a new wave of consciousness by adding great value to our planet in our products and services. I remember, Jeff, a few years ago when I first heard you say that the future of business and our planet are those who add high value using the Internet as their vehicle. The effect we can have on our earth, sort of like what mother’s do when raising their children in a good way, is enormous. So to all the moms and Mr. Moms in the world, Happy Day and onward!
Sergio Felix
Hey Jeff, I totally agree with you man.
Having worked in IT for two major retailers, I think it would be too naive of us, to not adapt our marketing communications to consider these important dates like Mother’s Day (and a few others too) and get even more business.
I can only see it as a win-win situation, great message!
Anna Ajina
Hi Jeff, You are absolutely right saying that more and more women are creating their own businesses. I am one of them.
Clay Staires
I sure enjoy your videos. I have started my own using yours as a template. In fact, I use a lot of your stuff as a template. Thanks for showing the path!
Kimberly Bohannon
Jeff, you have been by far one of the biggest inspirations of my online career. To this day I revisit the products I purchased from you, follow your blog, and your teachings. I have had many breakthroughs since coming online in 2007, and I never gave up despite all the obstacles I had to overcome; not to mention the naysayers who continually told me I was living a pipe dream and would never succeed.
Well… after a devastating life changing experience that took me by complete surprise, I have managed to once again rise up to the occasion. This year has already started out to be a banner year for me and I give many thanks to you. Ironically, the people I work with also came online about the same time as me and we have all traveled a similar path together.
To date, I am surrounded by successful online marketers, content managers, paid traffic managers, social media managers, email marketers, web designers, graphic artists, copywriters, and many others like you. And the best part, we support each other dreams, passions, and goals. A HUGE shift for me since I was beaten down pretty badly for years for my desire to achieve my dream. I was once surrounded by people who gave me little, if any, positive support. GET A REAL JOB was all I ever heard, every day for many, many years.
I am proud to say that I finally have the change to work on a product launch for one of the clients my team and I work with and am excited to see it all coming together. Thanks for all you do that sparks our creativity and supports our climb to becoming successful entrepreneurs. And thank you for this Mother’s Day video!! It gave me another idea =)
Carole Maureen Friesen
Great message Jeff… it is so real coming from a stay at home Dad!
Thank you Jeff for the Mother’s Day greeting. I am a single mom. My son went off to college this year which has reignited my passion for entrepreneurship.
Peter Martini
Hi Jeff, great message! I am impressed by all the womem who start their own business!
Your vulnerability and humility bring such value and authenticity. I love that your videos are like a great, kind, supportive friend sharing good ideas. As a mother and entreprenuer business owner, I truly appreciate your reminder to recognize the immense and growing contributions women are making in business. Woth gratitude and light,
Ianthe Mauro
Svea van der Hoorn
Thanks Jeff. I like the spotlight you throw on the use of language – a topic close to my passion and heart. And I’d like to add – a special message to the moms out there today on Mother’s Day who grieve lost children – may you find comfort and consolation.
I have just sold a small business after the first year which went very badly and I have lost a lot of money. I am 59 and now trying to research a market for something genuine I can do from home. I have been watching and reading some of your material Jeff, but I just can’t put my finger on something unique that I think the market wants. I live in Tasmania, Australia. The small island under need to main island of Aus. Any input from anyone would be greatly appreciated.
i’m opening my shopping cart tomorrow thanks to you. I’ve watched àll the PLF videos at least once and have to tell you how much I appreciate your steadying presence and knowledge. I know I’m a faceless, nameless person among thousands, but wanted to let you know you’ve helped changed my life. I always thought coaches wete for losers and you were supposed to pull yourself up by your own boot straps””” but thanks for contradicting this Texas girl’s upbringing!
Jeff Walker
@Caroline: you’re welcome! 🙂
pat burkett
Thanks Jeff for your mother’s day greeting and for the acknowledgement of the growth of women business owners.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Moms and women need to be celebrated and rewarded for their entrepreneurial skills. What do you think of the gender bias in the investment community? Only 5% of women get VC funding. It makes me more determined to be one of them. I’d love to see you address this issue in a video.
Marion Buricatu
Hello Jeff,
Thank you for your video. Your book has been a huge help for me when I promoted my 1st art show in March. I just followed your guidelines AND IT WORKED!!!!
My daughter in college has been helping me with the launches and my husband has built my website. I am very proud to be an entrepreneurial mom. Thank you for your support.
I am and artist and an entrepreneur in the Philippines and new here in New Zealand and wanting to start up something similar to what I was doing back home, that would work. Thank you for your message. I truly appreciate your humility and sincerity in happily admitting that you were a “stay at home husband taking care of your kids.” Bless your soul, Jeff.