Here’s the framework I’m using to create my business plan for the year…
Big Takeaways:
- The 3 critical areas to look at in your business that will give you a clear big picture
- Which questions to ask yourself in order to find your strengths and growth opportunities
Marte Klouman
Thanks! Ref. internal, qualitative: your tribe is happy, grateful and continuosly learning and growing. 😊🙏🏼 😄 Happy new year! And enjoy your next, calm week with the family!
Jeff Walker
@Marte: Thank you… and Happy New Year! And… I was just showing the book you gave me to Mary this morning. 🙂
Eugene Caselli
Happy New Years Jeff
I hope your plan works for you as you say in the video
Eugene Caselli
Stu McLaren
Thanks for this Jeff. It’s always great to hear about how others plan and one area I don’t think I spend enough time on is the qualitative side… especially as it relates to the team.
This was a “duh” moment for me as soon as you said it. So thank you for that!
Doug Curtiss
Happy New Year, Jeff! Thanks for this framework. (next video let your dog join you).
Michael Husson
Thank you Jeff! Have an outstanding New Year! All of this is great and a big take away is the team…what are they thinking? Where are they at? So huge to get inside that mindset of theirs. Very similar to knowing our Avatar.
Again… great New Year to you, yours and to all here!! MikeHusson
Joyce Jagger
Thank you Jeff! This was a huge! I have my plan done, but now I need to go back and work on some other areas of my business that you talk about in this video! Planning is always huge for me and I love that quote by “Eisenhower!” Thank you again for this enlightening!
Ken Calhoun
Thanks for sharing great tips, Jeff. I like your framework re qualitative / quantitative, internal/external clarity for planning projects & priorities. All the best for a great 2018 ahead!
umair ahmed
james kelly
Great stuff Jeff. Be safe and enjoy the moments.
Martin Cole
Thanks Jeff. That’s a very useful framework. It gives you the basis to put a purpose around your plans. This is really important in the complex environments we operate in these days. Goals are useful in some areas, but where there are many variables, we can easily lose sight of specific goals. Purpose can be the guiding light that keeps us heading in the right direction.
Happy new year to you and all of your community.
Ibrahim Atalla
All the best for you Jeff.
It was a great year for me, to follow your impressive teachings was a highlight.
The essence of my take aways of your video reminds me of the quote of Albert Einstein:
“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.”
It is better to tweak hope into plan, I know Plflers are somehow allergic to hope for tomorrow….
As for today I am living the beautiful moment and just uncorked the bottle of Champagne , cheers to all …….
Deb Boulanger
Happy New Year to you Jeff! Happy to be a new member of the PLF tribe! So much learning to digest from my seed launch this week, I look forward to teasing out the qualitative and quantitative stories in this learning and applying them to next year. Thanks for this…
Britney Alston
Thanks, Jeff! Have an outstanding New Year!
I hope your plan works for you
Jeff, look forward to hearing how your plan unfolds! Tuning into how other people on your team are viewing things is such a valuable aid for targeting and re-targeting your plans. Things always unfold and take corrective turns. Keeping tuned to the growth curves and having fun with them is key to happiness. Happy New Year 2018!!