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One absolute rule when it comes to learning a new skill: 

You have to get really good… at being really bad.

This is what learning is all about. And if you’re going to succeed in anything, you’re going to have to learn a lot along the way!

Which means you’ll probably suck – at least at the beginning.

Embrace that fact now, and it will pay off for you later.

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12 Replies to “A Warning to Perfectionists”

  1. What a wonderfully great video Jeff. I loved it and it will make a difference in my life!! Thanks!

  2. Good timing, Jeff! I just launched my very first online course on Thursday. I feel like a toddler in almost everything that I do right now!

    Thank you for your support through this!

    • I wish you great success Lori!!! I also want to launch an online course and I am scared. So I feel like a baby admiring a toddler walking!

  3. Thank you so much Jeff. You just say the right words at the right time. You make me feel at ease in the uncomfortable new steps. I now have the courage to continue. Thank you so much !!!

  4. Linda Illsley


    Thank you for the message today Jeff…I needed to hear you say that

  5. Saundra Gilliard


    A wonderful shot of inspiration! Thousands of hits before competence. Thank you Jeff.

  6. So true, Jeff! I keep learning new things and it teaches me to be humble: I suck!

  7. I just emailed my first PLC 1 with a video, and I can’t believe I did it! My jacket was wrinkled and my lipstick was smudged. But you know what, I’m an artist sooo…. who cares right! Ha ha! I dropped the paralysis of perfection and it worked.
    Thank you Jeff!🙏

  8. Jeff, I haven’t actually started your course, instead, for years, I watch all your videos because each time you say something real and with passion that relates to an everyday approach to living and communicating an often abstract concept. A necessary skill for someone like me, who among other things, is a poet.
    Today your video surprised me into tears. I really needed to hear that today. Thank you. I’ll share it onwards because I know there are others who’ll need to hear you say this also.
    Lois Broom from New Zealand
    Today’s video

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