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OK, this one is a bit different… this is an impromptu video I shot at my new Secret Headquarters (you can see the “under construction” videos here and here).

Well, it's finally done… and here's a quick video I shot at the housewarming party with a big part of my extended family (aka my Platinum Mastermind group).

So what do you think about family and business? And my new HQ? Leave a comment below and join the conversation…

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63 Replies to “Inside my new Secret Headquarters (with my extended family)”

  1. Jeff – New blogger here, about half way through your Launch book. You look very happy. Congrats on the new diggs.

    Could you share what type camera was used for the video?

    • Your new space is FABULOUS – just the place for inspiring people globally to upgrade their lives with more economic security and also with a better quality of life which comes with your example of helping others achieve their dreams. World Peace will come when people understand that countries grow and prosper when people love one another and help one another and fighting one another is a thing of the past. Our beautiful planet has room for everyone to have a satisfying life and if they follow your example of being a hero for peaceful economic progress they can do just that.

    • Joan Haynes


      Hi Jeff,
      Your secret place is awesome….I love the layout. Also, I have your latest book which I am devouring & loving it. But you need to know that I cannot access any of your sites like & the others in your book….can you get on top of this please. In advance, thank you for everything.


  2. Love the new secret headquarters, Jeff. Everything looks so shiny and that view is killer! I can imagine that would be an awesome bachelor pad too if you swapped the conference table for some beds and put a pool table downstairs! Very cool, congrats.

    By the way, the smooth motion of the camera is amazing. I just tried to shoot some video on my DSLR for the first time and the camera shake really blows.

  3. Jeff, all the way from Paris under the biggest full moon ( very close to the earth this time) i warch your really super energy video. You look very good, extremely happy.
    Me too half way through your terriffic book. I m an actress, launchîng soon my channel on you tube Tam Tam Box on wich i will show people ( filming them, which means I m gonna film you too :))
    realising their dreams to coming true. I will also bring to the French all the amazing stuff from all over the world on meditation selfhelp and all the tools from all you specialists 🙂 to help people here to start believing that another a new world of a million possibilities is on the way.
    Thank you for all you share and give and have an awesome party!
    Kind greetings from Paris!

  4. Looks like everyone is having a great time…
    Happy go lucky…and have a good time …

  5. Jeff,

    Stoked for you man. It’s so easy to get tied up in the doing of life that we forget to have joy and enjoy the fruits if the labor. More important, I personally relate to having an environment that spurs and ignites creativity. The new HQ has achieved that. Excited for what’s to come for you. Keep moving forward!

  6. Hi Jeff. It is amazing when passion and business are together . And with great results ! Congrats .

  7. Congratulations on your success..working my way through your book……..just hope I can at least get started
    Again congrats and successful future

  8. Jeff, did you take your adorable pills again this morning?

    Seriously love your new space. Proud to say I was in your very first mastermind group — but this place beats our telephone group by a freakin’ mile!

    Congratulations on the space and congratulations again on the mega-success of your book. You changed the course of my business and so many others.

  9. Jeff,

    Congratulations on the new place. I know what it is to wait on construction. I am a PLF4 owner, a reader of your book and soon to see you at PLF4 Live! I also met you at Brendon’s EA in April. I have done my first launch and can see I have a very long way to go as the results have not been so hot. But I am counting on leaning what not to do as well as what to do and drive on from here. Thanks for all you do! Peace, Dave

  10. Jeff, May your house always be warm and full of such great energy. 🙂 Makes me wish I was still in Pagosa and could have gotten to know you and these great people when I was living close by. The Launch book is helping with how I look at promoting myself and my mindful leadership coaching and training, and I am very grateful for all your knowledge and insight. The best thing I have chosen to do is end “hope marketing.” Huge lightbulb moment when I read that! Best regards!

  11. Jeff, the new Secret Headquarters is lovely, but I was really taken with how engaged everyone was in their conversations. The noise level wasn’t too loud, but the intensity and joy were very palpable! Thank you for helping people get their expression out into the world. I look forward to doing more of that myself, with help from your book and videos!

  12. Hey Jeff!
    Big Congrats on the new digs and the successes of your most recent adventures! I have your book, and plan to be with you next time!

  13. Love It Love It.. Partnering With You Is Simply Magic.. Our Idea Is To Build A Log Cabin For Pam Hendrickson and You With Family’s To Visit Our Ski Fields and Mountains The Good Life Bay Of Plenty Group New Zealand Derek C Howie I Shower You With Blessings Take Care out.

  14. Hi Jeff, thanks to share with us this glorious and happy moment of celebration!! What a beautiful place, beautiful sky and warm people!! thanks for all. i feel inspired!!! thanks for your generosity.

  15. Hi Jeff, your happiness radiates through the video and seeing the secret hq motivates me even more to get clear on my mission and prepare for launch! That said just picked up your book and can’t wait to get into it 🙂

    God bless.

  16. Hey Jeff, looks beautiful! About to do my own launch, been at it a while but with your book I believe I’ve got it down! Have a blast with your adorable pad and I’m certain I’ll be at the mastermind text time! Looks like such great fun!

    Kindest Regards,


  17. Jeff
    Your secret HQ is beautiful – the decks are lovely and the attention to detail amazing (leaves falling down the stair risers!!). Thank you for sharing the secret of your success right before our eyes – making your clients part of your family! Celebrating successes and occassions with family are such fun. The vibe of the party reaches out of the video and really grabs me. To have such a tribe around me would be wonderful. May you have many more celebrations.
    Wishing you light laughter and love

  18. Hi Jeff, The warmth of the party, the joy and pleasure you feel at being able to create such a heart-centered gathering in such a beautifully elegant and natural space…all of it comes through in your video. I am struck by how “real,” easy-going and welcoming everyone seems. Thank you for letting us have a peek at the success you are enjoying. Hope to see you in September and at the live event.

  19. Beautiful space. I love the leaves on the stairs & all the open space. The wood is beautiful . I hope this will always be a special place for you

  20. Wow Jeff, that HQ says it all, wonderful warm atmosphere and busy looking people even though they are relaxing! You must be very proud and feel blessed to have achieved so much – all I can say it you must have a lot of websites

  21. Marianne (France)


    Hello Jeff !
    Love the place and its intimate and warm lights… An inspirational place I guess 😉 I even recognize 1 person (french of course)… Thanks for sharing…

  22. Congrats Jeff, I know you are one of the few genuine guys in the market. In January this year I paid for a coaching program for the amount of $27,000 with one of the gurus claiming to be the best in the world and what I got for 6 months was totally rubbish and wen I stumbled my way into the launch my direction and life just changed instantly. the whole world just opened up and I have since cancelled my coaching program with this coach I mentioned earlier because I found an oasis the desert of lost hope for which I have been looking for all these lean years.
    Thanks a million Jeff, and I want to be your protégé.

    Brian Chivumo, cmc
    Founder & President
    Global Coaching Academy

  23. Jeff, thank you for sharing the importance of family in business. I am at the start of a business launch that was created specifically for family and with family as the core component. Finished your book and just registered for PLF and looking forward to learning more from you. Congrats on all your successes and the successes of those who place their trust in you.

  24. Hi Jeff
    I just wanted to say, what an amazing video, HQ, and so many happy people, including yourself. When in business we sometimes forget how privileged we are to have great people around us and especially our family – business or personal.
    I’m halfway through your book, which is getting me thinking about how I can position by new products – still yet to be decided.
    Keep up the great work and fabulous videos.

  25. Nice idea Jeff. It gives everyone a good sense of who you are by seeing who is around you. Well done . David

  26. Hi Jeff; loved the video and even more so, the overwhelming positive energy in your Secret HQ space! Congrats on Launch as well – I’m reading it for a second time today as I have the outline for my product now complete and want to re-read the fine details. YOU ROCK!!

  27. Appreciate this post – as a stimulus for my business vision board. Also – been reading your book, as has my VA – together we’re launching new products and services in the fall … with accompanying experiences in early 2015. Enjoy your new HQ – let the learning-for-action flourish.

  28. It’s a nice house and nice terrace, a bit noisy but really nice 🙂
    I can see your family is international, I saw some frenchy in this video 😉

  29. ken ca|houn


    Great view, thanks for sharing it, and the live-community social proof good marketing; you’ve inspired me to create my own video blog. Thanks for sharing your ideas; I’m celebrating one of my most successful launches ever, just wrapped up; now I’m off to Bellagio-Las Vegas to party soon. Thanks for your rockstar tips; much appreciated. Nice deck/view 🙂 PLF rocks. High-quality content that’s relevant, done w/correct launch process, is a win-win foreveryone. There’s no better feeling than a winning product launch, that helps customers.

  30. What a gorgeous, gorgeous facility. Loved it through and through. Even the scenery outside was just amazing.

    Congratulations Jeff.

    What I wouldn’t give to take my family into that kind of future!

  31. Martin Howey


    This is SO exciting, Jeff… absolutely amazing. You have made such tremendous progress in your business and the way you are helping others in theirs. The successes you have helped create, the lifestyles you have changed, and your commitment to constantly improving, raising the bar, and setting new standards not only provides tremendous value to others, but coupled with your humility, likeability, and sincerity makes you a magnet for the best of the best to want to associate with.

    Congratulations to you and your family and your “FAMILY”… you’re all inspirations and it’s an extreme pleasure to know you and have been mentored by you!

  32. Great energy, beautiful space, the love shined right through this video. Love the impromptu introductions-too cute. Your personal and extended family are extremely lucky, thanks for the great show of leadership.

  33. Yay Jeff! What a thrill it was to be there to celebrate with you! It is a beautiful and special HQ indeed and I look forward to more visits.

    Wishing you much joy and success!


  34. Makes me smile to see you shine like this Jeff. This is a perfect example of what I just read in your Book about Business Launch. Its about the people and the relationships you have with those people. This is a great way , a different way, a better way in MHO to show your success… better than a fancy red car! People! Its about the People. and the connections. an ever extending Family.

    I hope to entice you to allow me to work my Skype magic in creating Mastermind Skype Room! (wink). See You On Skype! juliewolf Skype coach. Skype me.

  35. The Rockies are always a great location to have a world headquarters. I love the lifestyle, the beauty, and the sense of business that comes from both Colorado and Utah. The mountains provide an atmosphere of abundance. Looks great and a great location – congrats!


  36. Love the river rock fireplace and the leaf detail on the stair risers! — Jeff , how in the world can I stay focused and off the stupid computer games? I do okay for a [short] while, and then get drawn back into them. It’s horrible. I don’t have an office; I work off the dining table for now. I *think* to myself what I need to do, but I don’t PUSH myself. Yes, I need this “job,” I NEED and want to open my business: there is no income right now! HELP! I want to be able to come meet you someday. And I want to be proud of me, and for you, Chalene, Brendon, et al to be proud that I succeeded (thanks to your help). I have your book, but…..

  37. GeneAnn Schaefer


    Wow! What a gorgeous place! I love the leaves on the stair risers…
    Though it took forever to receive the book (FYI – it made me wary about your validity), I just finished reading your book for my boss…and condensing it for him….so I went through it twice. You’ve got my creative juices running. I’ve been involved in a couple of entrepreneur endeavors that have never worked out for me but your book has me thinking I might try again.. I know my employer will use your strategies!
    By the way – hello from Michigan!

  38. Abraham Contreras



    Although we have not met yet, I love you already. I am an entrepreneur claiming my independence day every day. Sometimes I work all day and things don’t go as planned then I watch your videos and they are just so transparent, honest, inspiring and up lifting. I realize I am not the only crazy one out there. You really made my day today. You gave me that extra faith push I needed to keep on keeping on until my independence day arrives. I hope our paths cross soon.

    Thank you so much and may even more abundance go your way.


  39. Jeff – love the layout and design of your new secret HQ. Expansive views are exactly my cup of tea – they lift me up and give me that inspiration I look for in my work too. My new pad has just that too! Congrats on making this place happen. I look forward to seeing it.

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