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I just wrapped up my big annual Launch Masterclass — and in a word, it was amazing. It’s been an unbelievable year for me, my company, and for my students and clients. And here’s the “secret”…

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38 Replies to “What’s Working Now? (My Answer Might Surprise You)”

  1. So impressed by your generosity and service. I’m all in for following your lead with my business. Very eager to put the formula to work! Also glad it’s available in stages, could be overwhelming all at once.
    Peace and blessings,

  2. Tim Prentiss


    I joined the PLF community (almost at the last moment) because of the heart and soul I felt radiating from Jeff and his team. This final message to serve is the cherry on top of the triple-scoop sundae we get from these folks.

    If we have a business that’s not making money at this moment (looking at myself) we can’t support people or causes we love and believe in. It’s like having a pitcher that’s empty – we can’t share anything with anyone else. But a pitcher filled to the brim gives us the opportunity to share what we have.

    I’m looking forward to creating an amazing business with the aid and comfort of the PLF team. Thanks, Jeff and Mary!

  3. Celeste Teixeira-Swiegelaar


    Thank you Jeff. I honour your work and philosophy. Thank you. I wasn’t in a position to take advantage of your incredible offer, didn’t have the finances. Will do it next time around and put in place some of the things you’ve taught. Thank you. God bless all those on their path.

  4. Celeste Teixeira-Swiegelaar


    I really need a way forward! Single mom with 2 children.. a special needs son… Debt over my head….

  5. Thank you for the great & valuable information you have shared. I didn’t know about you guys only 2 weeks ago – but now you have a new fan!

  6. Good information to hear from you and company, I it brings us passive income in the business we are, personal development and many achievement in life.

  7. Scott hamamoto


    What will I learn from your master class? And it’s 15 hours? I was very busy with other things that I couldn’t take your class.

  8. Well done, I am happy for you and I appreciate the encourangement. It is a message that is needed right now. Again thank you.

  9. Thank you for sharing so much last week via those excellent presentations.
    The testimonials from PLF owners were also very persuasive – seeing them not only convinced me of the applicability of PLF to what I do, but also demonstrated how important it is to collect quality testimonials!.. especially via video.

    I shall join the PLF masterclass on the next iteration – in the meantime I’ll develop the materials, marketing & email content, build a list, etc, and hopefully be in a position to actively run an effective campaign when joining the next PLF masterclass.

    Wishing everybody a restful weekend 🙂

  10. Jeff – Authenticity is key. And it seems to be in somewhat rare supply today. Looking forward to learning from you and the team. So excited to be a part of the community.


  11. I don’t yet have the funds to join the PLF programme. Next year.
    Jeff, thank you for your amazing generosity in your teaching and sharing the blueprint.
    I have already planned two launches for this year because of what you have taught.
    I know this will move me forward and I’ll have the financial resources to join next year.
    In the meantime I am working with what you have taught me.
    Already feel liberated and my creativity is flowing more because I don’t have to work out what to do. I’ll follow the process.
    Thank you, Merci, Danke and Thank you.

  12. Jeff…just incredible…the value you’ve provided in this “online” program was above inspirational. Ekosani (thank you). Your approach and teachings seem to be grounded more on Austrian economics rather than capitalism.

  13. Thanks for all your hard work! That you’re able to deliver such much value in a marathon-style event is a testament to your commitment to serve authentically. Rest and recharge so we can all reconnect later.

  14. People want hope, and genuine skills. Sometimes it is difficult to reach people and let them know what you can do for them, persistence is essential

  15. Thanks Jeff for opening my eyes to this new world, now to get the ducks in a row and I will be part of your group next year.

    Your sharing and insights are invaluable.


  16. I am encouraged by your message Jeff,
    to be totally honest this whole PLF Course is a great encouragement, it has everything I need to go forward with my launch. 🚀
    The end bit was so hilarious 😂… no no no no no CLASSIFIED! With waving 👋🏽 👋🏽 an all had me in stitches 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  17. Thank you so much, this is all new and very inspiring for me,
    Let’s do this !!!!!

  18. Grateful and seriously inspired from this week, I prioritized showing up for every minute. Thank you for delivering such senior, applicable teachings — and community. ✨🙏🏻🧘🏼‍♀️⚡️

  19. Hi Jeff, I think you and your team have pulled off another great achievement with this wonderful masterclass. I got a lot of valuable information and understanding from the whole event. You are a very good example to model after going forward. Take that rest and enjoy the moment you have with your wife and loved ones, you definitely deserve the rest. 👍🏾

  20. Congratulations on pulling off yet another great masterclass Jeff, & Team Walker, 🥳you guys are going from strength to strength and I plan on coming along with y’all on this journey. 🎉🥳🎊🚀

    I am encouraged by your messages Jeff,
    this whole PLF Course is a great encouragement, it has everything I need to go forward with my business and launches. 🚀 The end bit was so hilarious 😂… no no no no no no no CLASSIFIED! With waving 👋🏽 👋🏽 an all had me in stitches 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  21. SO INSPIRING Jeff. You are totally right online is open for business and this year has been my best year with one on one clients so far. And I’m ready to grow more. I purchased from you because of your full transparency during your launch. You teach by example and I feel honoured to be part of the community.

  22. You’re a winner

    I opened your email this morning. I’m about to jump into meetings beginning in 10 minutes, running through 2pm. I’ll definitely listen to your video later today. Your P.S. stopped me. Whatever comes from the heart reaches the heart. You’re a winner! Thank you.

    Your message:
    P.S. Today I’m taking a moment to be grateful — for my life, my health, my family, my business… and for you. Thank you for being here with me. It’s been a crazy ride and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. 🙂

  23. Thank you so much Jeff .. These days have given me sooo much… I feel new hope, inspiration and trust to go in with my Online business and use what I have learned during this Masterclass…



    Thanks Jeff. I am so grateful to be in your world and in this amazing community that you have created. Have a great Sunday and look forward to starting the PLF and to the transformation journey ahead and to impact others.

  25. Jeff, you really are authentic and it comes across massively in all of your videos! I have learned so much over the last week. Unfortunately I was just not in a position to sign up this year, believe me I wish I could. But I made a promise to myself that by this time next year I will be in a position to do it and I’ll be following you over the next year. Watch me, I’ll be the first person to sign up when that cart opens up again!!

  26. You obviously read all MY comments.
    YES – I bought Jeff Walker and PLF Team and PLF’s authenticity and genuineness…
    that’s all there is to it.
    And that was my perception 2 years ago from the first words Jeff uttered… and the authenticity has just grown and grown – you can tell from the people Jeff attracts.
    Such a warm feeling in my heart about this as I know it’s so right,
    Well done to you all for offering this opportunity to me and all the other people like me, Sara Romsey, UK

  27. Jeff, you are extremely kind, truthful, accommodating. You deserve to be mightily blessed. Your and your team worked extremely hard to ensure everything worked with clockwork precision. Thank you so much.
    You gave value each and every day. You inspire us to greatness. You caution us that perseverance and stick-to-it work wonders and keep motivated by initial small victories. It is the process, learning with each attempt at launching to reach mastery. The many case studies shown were encouragement that everything is possible and proven that the system works.

  28. Tom Middlemiss


    Thank you for all your information and the way you presented it to all. You are dedicated in what you do and inspire those who look towards the future.

  29. Alvin W Weiss


    Jeff and Team Walker,

    Thanks for being a voice of hope and encouragement in a noisy world full of fear.

    People of hope need to live out loud. Right now more than ever.

    Thank you for leading from the front by example.

  30. Mariagabriela


    You have no idea how mucho you’ve helped me. I am a Venezuelan living in Venezuela. My husband and I are trying to make it from here to support our three kids. So thanks for gving us strategies, practical knowledge, enthusiasm, love and hope. This time I don’t have the money but I am studying everything. I started with Luis Carlos and now you, the crator of all this, have given me so much more.
    We are starting with our first seed launch in October and we are growing our email list for this so we can have the money and enter the program.
    We already open our preelaunch-launch group!
    Knoe this: I am going to meet you one day Jeff and I will become one case of study. Remember these names Mariagabriela Gracia and Darwin Silva.
    ¡Mil gracias Jeff!
    Mucho amor y bendiciones para ti y tú familia desde Venezuela.

  31. Carmel Mckenzie


    Carmel Mckenzie
    Jeff and the team I am very grateful for all the wonderful data you give and for free.
    It is great that you are an established mentor who gives us results. To learn and progress forward.
    Thanks for your teaching. Thanks for your time and effort.

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