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This was a behind-the-scenes surprise – I was right in the middle of a team meeting when the first copies of my book were delivered. It was the first time I saw them, the first time my team saw them… and this is what it looked like…

Get your copy with with extra bonuses here:

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87 Replies to “The Official Unboxing: Launch (The Book)”

  1. Congratulations Jeff! I know this is a huge accomplishment for you and I’m so happy for you! Just as Brendan Burchard was an inspiration for you, so too have you been for me over the years – all beginning with PLF version 1! Thanks for all you do and sharing your gifts.

  2. Congratulations Jeff! Thanks for sharing the genuine excitement by you and your team. I am looking forward to getting mine!

  3. Thanks for this inside view. Can’t wait to read, learn and implement it. I am on board with the program and right now I’m going through module 1. See you in Scottsdale in October.

  4. Hey Jeff and team! Wonderful to see such enthusiasm. Jeff, you will NEVER be a jaded businessman. Very inspiring. Your team looks so happy, too. That’s nice. You deserve all the success you’ve had, times 10. Cheers!

  5. Good for you Jeff and your support team!

    Congratulations and thanks so much for sharing your excitement with us. I’m so looking forward to reading it!

  6. Sherry Babb


    Congratulations Jeff and I can’t wait to get my copy. Thank you for sharing your excitement with us….it’s great to have a community of support when we stretch ourselves into new arenas. Well done!!

  7. YAY! Im sooo excited for yooou 🙂 And for me too cause i’ve got a copy coming! hehehe. You asked what are we working on? Im launching my new blog before the end of the month!! Yaaayy. My goal is to have it all done by friday. Almost there 🙂 Congrats again!!

  8. Clare Dreyer


    Hey Jeff!

    I am super excited for you and your team! I can’t wait to get my copy of your book! Now that I am working at the Small Business Development Center with the University of North Florida in Jacksonville FL I am fascinated by how many of my clients are wanting to take their businesses online! I have been recommending they get your book now and chatting with them about coming to PLF Live!

    Thanks for sharing this moment with us!

    Another baby has been born!!!! This time Mary had to go through the birth process with you. 🙂



  9. Congratulations Sir and very well done.
    I published my first digital magazine on iTunes and Google this year and I know the buzz! I am really looking forward to applyig your techniques to my project. Thank you for your hard work and generosity.

  10. Congratulations Jeff!
    I can see the face of a happy new “daddy” there (they say writing a book is like having a new baby)
    Looking forward to getting mine. 🙂
    Charo X

  11. Congratulations Jeff! Thank you for sharing, in such an ongoing, authentic way, your path with your work. You really do live what you teach. Much gratitude for you for being an inspiring, real example for all of us. Can’t wait to get my copy!

  12. Whohooo! Congrats!! I remember when our first book was unboxed. Great feeling!

    Good luck with your publication! We can’t wait for our copy to arrive 🙂

  13. Congratulations, Jeff and team!! Great little video! I can’t wait to get my copy of your book!!

  14. Bryan Crawford


    Jeff….I have two launches I have put on hold until I get your book. Can’t wait!

  15. Your joy and excitement is contagious. Brendon is a special person–he inspired me to write my book and I published through his Experts Academy Press. Now you have inspired me to take the next step. Like so many who have invested in PLF, I am delighted to be on this ride with all of you. Congratulations to you and your entire team Jeff.

  16. What a great feeling–thanks for sharing this moment. BTW–Your team seems absolutely terrific–it seems like everyone loves what they do. Great job

  17. Carolyn Shadrach


    Congratulations Jeff! After all your success I love how excited you are about your 1st book launch : ) Can’t wait to get my copy!

  18. Rosana Santos Zahran


    Hi I am from Brazil, I bought Lunch Formula with Érico Rocha cause my English is not that good enough to buy it in English. Now I kind of regret, cause you are more sympathetic and appealing lol. I will buy the book.

  19. Henry Mittelman


    Jeff, you have you glow of a proud new Daddy!. Congratulations on the baby boy (blue book). Can’t wait to hold the baby in my arms.

  20. I am so excited for you Jeff. I remember what it felt like the first time I held my books. That feeling of accomplishment never goes away no matter how many books you write. Well done!

  21. Wonderful! Congratulations, Jeff, on holding tangible realization of your goals and aspiration. You have changed my life. Since attending my first Product Launch Formula last October and seeing your on-stage interview with the yoga instructor, I have been working my way towards a Fitness Membership Launch. I found a person, Peggy Champlin,, in PLF 4 forum and tomorrow we’ll review how she has transferred my existing website on over to a wordpress platform
    I look forward to this October’s Product Launch Formula 5 and the amazing energy and joy over launch of your book. WF!

  22. Looking forward to reading the book and getting to work on my product launch for my MUSIC site Jeff.

    I won’t bore you with comments you’ve heard before Jeff, but just to say you help a lot of people become liberated and be able to live a great life selling on the net.

    peace and success to all.

    Mark Grove

  23. AWESOME Jeff, I ordered mine a few weeks ago! I can’t wait for it to be delivered! I am in the middle of my first EVER pre-launch!!

    Releasing on the 25th!

    Your video’s are a brilliant resource for people starting out!

    Thanks man!


  24. Another goal accomplished! Congrats! Be sure to take time to really celebrate this achievement! 🙂

  25. Great video Jeff, thanks for sharing. I am excited for the next several months as my wife and I have some plans for our businesses while going through PLF4. We’re carving out as much time as we can between work and kids! Thank you for all you do.

  26. Huge CONGRATULATIONS, Jeff !! You say Brendan inspired you… You are inspiring me!!! It lifted me to hear LAUNCH was not a quick, easy product. It was created over years of writing and rewriting. I am right now in the process of creating my first digital product; each time I have to scrap something I wonder if I’m on the right road. You’ve given me a brighter perspective to keep pushing forward. I hope to follow in your footsteps. Many Blessings to you. AND send my book out quickly! :))

  27. Sheila Lavender


    How wonderfully exciting for you Jeff – thanks for sharing the moment and congratulations!

  28. Thanks Jeff. I was excited to see your book arrival. Congratulations. I look forward to seeing how your principles help me here in South Africa. I am not launching a business but rather a charity project aimed at helping orphaned and vulnerable youth step into their future. Thanks for the inspiration.

  29. Holly Berube


    I LOVE that I just witnessed a dream come true in live time. Jeff, you always radiate such happy energy and true, genuine kindness. Seeing you with your team in this video further captured and proved that. LOVE it. Thank you so much for sharing, and I cannot wait to read your book.

  30. Jeff I have only stumbled upon you and you story within the last week or so and I am already excited for you! Congratulations.
    My big thing for the next 12 months is to get my website and podcast launched and to get my mailing list established.
    If I am only half as successful as yourself it will be a great day!
    Enjoy the moment.

  31. Richard Denzer


    Jeff and Team, congratulations. That is a big event and a big accomplishment. You and your team are doing great, and doing great for so many. Nice to be part of the community.

    Thanks for sharing!,


  32. Congratulations to you and your team from here in the UK.
    Looking forward to getting my copy Jeff, you can even sign it for me if you like lol, It really is a great feeling when you get your first physical book, best of luck.

    Kevin A Long (aka The Kindle King)
    #1 Amazon Bestselling Author and Publisher

  33. Whently Williams


    Happy to share this moment with you. Awesome. Looking forward to the book- and being a great testimonial.

    Great inspiration. I want to write one.

    Thanks. Be Blessed.

  34. Hi Jeff!!
    Congratulations. I am looking forward to seeing your book. Nice to see your authentic excitement and your teams enthusiasm for your book. All the best with its success. I look forward to seeing your process as the original creator.

  35. Congratulations Jeff and Team – you guys must be stoked! You asked what do I have in store for this year? Well, I am looking forward to reading your book because something big is going to happen in my life soon. You see, I presently live in TX and my family moved to our new home in ID last week. I had a job lined-up to replace my TX income and it fell through. I now HAVE to make something happen so we can reunite and enjoy life together once again. I have many ideas but need a little direction. That is why I asked for your book. Thanks again! I wish you many more blessings. Thanks for being real and full of life.


  36. I like your can-do, excited attitude. Very positive. Looking forward to reading your book. You were recommended by Clayton Makepeace at his April workshop on starting your business.

  37. Now the fun is just starting. I love reading books, but its better when I see the author on video showing me what he actually meant, and putting the information into a step by step structure. Adding more value and something else to sell. This brings up a great question. If you create a video version(program) of the book and it sells, do the publisher control those monies also. Things that make me say uuummmmmm….

  38. What a proud moment thank you for sharing Jeff!!! Its given me motivation to finish my book so I could feel that moment in my own life. Can’t wait to read your book!

  39. Many congrats Jeff. Really looking forward to getting my copy. I know how excited I was back in ’97 when my book was first published. And with the knowledge you’ve shared, I expect to reach a whole lot more people this time round!!!
    Thanks again.

  40. Congrats, Jeff! And congrats to your team as well! Great job! Looking forward to your launching the book my way!

  41. Congrats Jeff! I cannot wait to get my copy of your book. I am on a journey to change my life and your book has just become one of the stepping stones necessary to help me accomplish this.

  42. Jeff,
    This made me tear up. Congratulations…my heart soars in these real moments because every last one of us that are following you either are so excited for the day when our book comes out or remember the day it did.
    This kind of video brings me very close to what you offer and creates such a bond. The transparency, the vulnerability…that sells. *sniff sniff* I couldn’t be happier for you! And I just barely started following you not a month ago.

  43. Congratulations Jeff because I know it must have taken incredible work, planning and effort in the background to make your dream a reality.

  44. Jeff I don’t really follow blogs, but for some reason I keep coming back to yours, the simplicity, realness of content, and sense of sharing for my benefit is truly captivating and worth my time. Sometimes I find it hard to open up like you have done. What is it that has helped you be able to open up and share some of the more private almost vulnerable events of creating this book and your business?

  45. It was truely fun watching this share! My book is ordered…
    Congrats Jeff!
    I did a launch last year and it was truely successful. Still fulfilling the the responses.
    This launch ends march 2015. It’s about time to send out the mid results.
    So cool…keep up the great work!

  46. Congratulations to you, Jeff, and your whole team. Looks like it “takes a village” to bring a book to life! You inspire me to get going on my own, and I appreciate your sharing that discussions started as long ago as 2009 – so the rest of us can take heart that it DOES takes time and effort to create something worthwhile.

    Looking forward to the arrival of my copy!

  47. Jeff,
    Very happy for you! I know this feeling-unboxed my foundation’s book last week! It is like being in the delivery room! I’m writing a training course for each chapter. My son, the videographer, will then add clips through out the program of me coaching and training.

    Can’t wait to begin reading your book…have been following along with your progress for awhile, so I have a lot of your information. And I am a huge fan of Brendan Burchard!
    You guys inspire me!

  48. Jeff,

    I must confess, I’m new to the online marketing world and it wasn’t until I read Jeff Goin’s blog today that I learned about you.

    Your story, your message, your book has come along at the PERFECT time! I recently left my day job for my dream job and launched my company Vizual Living.

    I have zero experience in the online marketing world and have stayed away from this space but after learning about you, I’m ready to dive and add online marketing to my business plan.

    I will be one of your success stories and a case study as I’m making a documentary of the launch of my business.

    All the best to you and I look forward to meeting you down the road.

    David Makela
    CEO Vizual Living

  49. Congratulations! I’m looking forward to that new book smell! I have a web site in development – – and I expect that I will be using your shared knowledge to successfully launch IPDb – the internet podcast database – later this year. Thank you and many blessings to you.

  50. Hi Jeff, I finally got my copy of LAUNCH in Kindle! Still waiting for the Paper Back version 🙂
    but I couldn’t wait ! Starting reading…

  51. ken ca|houn


    Congrats, Jeff! Great book, too – I bought it on amazon day 1 and I’m already using one of your tips in Ch. 6 Prelaunch to help boost conversions for a new launch I’m doing as we speak. It’s quite an accomplishment, what you’ve achieved; thanks as always for your smart ideas and PLF process; the book is amazing.


  52. Thank you Jeff for your short video on labeling it is so easy and suttle to do that to myself yet so crippling.I am excitedly awaiting the arrival of your book ,I just have to tell you that your short little video was beautiful and heart felt I could see and feel your true spirit of giving and sharing it moved me to tears and I feel I know you a little bit better I hope we share the stage someday.

  53. Congratulations Jeff! Just got my copy of “Launch” a few days ago – thank you! I wish I would have done an “unboxing” video when my book “Skinny Jeans Lifestyle” arrived – what a great way to document a great accomplishment. It’s so funny I also used a photocopied version of my book cover over Brendon Burchard’s book “The Millionaire Messenger” – symbolically perfect! Looking forward to reading Launch!

  54. My copy of Launch arrived Saturday! Woohoo! Love the feel of the cover, but more importantly I’m ready to dive in and read it. Congratulations on your launch of Launch.

  55. Hi Jeff,
    Congratulations, very happy for you, like the way you are so down to earth.
    Looking forward to getting my copy.

  56. Hey Jeff, Congratulations to you! I share in your excitement of publishing your “Launch book” I also just published my first book” Hidden in the Valley” Finished is truly a beautiful word-yet really it is more like starting. Here is to both of us getting our work into a million hands and more this year! Happy book launching! Barbara j Moore

  57. I was stuck in the Denver airport Friday night and saw a guy reading your book. I’ve done some research and now I’m here. I’m picking the book up tomorrow to check out the system. I own an online business that sells office furntiture to companies and individuals. I hope to gain some tips that can help me grow the business.

  58. Hi Jeff,
    I’m writing to you from the UK, my booked arrived a couple of days ago and I’m LOVING it!! Thank you so much for sharing your process so openly.
    I’m about to launch my personal development audio programme called, ‘The SMILE System’ (have a few final tweaks to make) and plan on following your PLF and incredible advice all the way.
    Jeff, you are such an inspiration and I can’t wait to get back in touch with you in few months with my Launch success story. Thanks again, Ronit 🙂

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